Penis Burning revisited - Part 2


In the last section we discussed the planning of a penis burning session and now we move onto the part where the punishment is applied. It was nice to hear some positive comments from both men and women. I think its great how so many women are open to trying penis burning but we should also be proud of the men who support them. It is not easy for men to talk about penis burning so it is good to see men doing so.

One thing I would like to go over first is to say yes. Yes even if a man is fully restrained and his having his penis burned he is responsible for the woman’s safety and he is to blame if it is compromised. This is for the following reasons.

1, It is the man’s fault punishment is needed. He did something wrong not the woman. So he is the reason for the session. A woman has the right to burn a penis safely even if the crime is small or the man innocent. Also if you’re a man and don’t think a woman does not have the right to be safe when punishing you then you defiantly deserve to have your penis burned.

2, We want women to feel safe applying penis burning to encourage them to do it more. Also women have a right to feel safe and to be safe.

3, This causes the man to take a more supportive role in the planning of his punishment. Even if it is just so he is not subjected to the harsh penalties. The man and woman will work together is a very positive way to plan and execute the session. This creates a more positive environment for both parties. Doing it this way also makes things much easier for the woman and often results in longer sessions that benefit her more. 

4, Even as the man feels the flame against his penis he is encouraged to be alert and look out for any potential dangers. Also he will be more willing to discuss a new technique with a woman and help make it as safe as possible for her.

5, Even if the man does all the can and a woman is injured then there is a fair system in place for him to pay for that. In these cases a woman is asked to be harsh to the man but also fair.

In a situation where the woman does not discuss anything with the man, just restrains him and is hurt during the burn then this is still his fault. He should have made her feel safe talking to and discussing her plans. She should have felt safe talking to him about various techniques but the man obviously failed in that. So the man needs to accept responsibility for his failure and try to do better. The man also needs to accept punishment for this.

So in our hypothetical situation the man agreed to pay for all candles and bandages ect. The woman then lead the conversation and the pair agreed the man would be tied face up on the ground. His penis would have some string tied around the base of the glad (or tip) and that would be attached to the ceiling so his penis was pulled up vertically. This would make his penis very accessible to her.

He would then feel 15 burns with the candle starting on the shaft then moving up to the glad. They agreed the glad would be focused on as that will cause him the most pain. He agreed to buy a few candles and for her safety asked that she only let them get half way down so her fingers were not burned. Next she had a tablespoon she would pour olive oil into and heat over a candle before pouring over his penis. He asked she wear plastic gloves during this for safety and they bent the spoon so there was a grove at one point so the oil could be poured more accurately. The initial plan was for him to take 5 of these.

They also agreed any bad behaviour would result in more burns being added. The rules were he was allowed to cry and scream but could not talk unless spoken too and no begging or objecting from him. Also at the end she could chose to extend the punishment if she did not feel satisfied. He then requested that if she was hurt that he be punished in whichever way caused her the most pleasure.

They then go to a quiet room to carry out the punishment and the man asks that they just go through the plan before he is tied. This is because he wants her to be safe due to the extreme penalties he could face.

He lays down naked, face up with his legs apart. She says she will move around him so she can target different parts of his penis. He is then tied down in position with a cushion under his head so he can watch. He then screams as the flame touches him and the punishment is given.

In the next part we’ll go over technique and general advice to help women get the most out of these sessions.


  1. As a male, I accept that the reason my penis and balls are so sensitive is NOT to give me pleasure, that is an unfortunate side effect. The reason they are so sensitive is so that women can use them to punish and control us. It's to correct the general imbalance of physical strength. Whether it's kicking me in the balls, rupturing a testicle, or burning the tip of my penis with hot wax, the real purpose is clear. It is for this reason that no matter what I have done wrong , I accept that my genitals will be the target of their anger and I will be compliant and caring in ensuring that she is safe at all times, and fully enjoying the torture that my junk so deserves. I will obediently endure whatever length and severity she sees fit, and in fact, once done, I think a a gift for her would be appropriate as compensation for the time she had to waste making me a better male. I take comfort in knowing that my balls and penis will be available for any woman who needs to correct me, or just blow off some steam by abusing them for their pleasure. /

  2. Another very well written and interesting article Lucy, you have the ability to communicate and educate both men and women on often difficult topics but topics that need addressing to further keep us up to date on male punishment.
    I have a question Lucy, when the woman is securing his penis with the string does the penis need to be in an erect position so that it is better secured by the string? If the male has a limp penis would the string still work as well as if he were hard? If Lucy or any women have any knowledge please share. I’m looking forward to the next part and all future articles Lucy!!

    1. It would definatly be easier with the penis erect but the errection would fade as soon as the pain became high. The tip of the penis forms a natural bell shape and strain can be tied around the base of that. The string should be tight so the penis does not fall out and so many applications of the flame can be applied. But if the penis does fall out you can always tie it again and resume the punishment.

    2. Thanks Lucy, i see what you’re saying and it makes sense. As a man I admit it’s kinda scary how much you know about punishing the penis and testicles. It’s nice that you share this knowledge with all of us.
      You answered my question so thanks again. My thought was an erection could never be maintained by a man having his penis burned. I figured it’d quickly go limp and fall out of the string. Also, the rule of no speaking unless spoken to is one of the hardest for men to follow not out of disrespect for the woman but the pain can at times cause a word or few to slip out. That’s why for men it’s probably better to be gagged to prevent additional punishment for the man.

  3. Thank you for writing about this. Attacking testicles seems to be gaining general approval, but the penis has been getting it way too easy.

    1. I'm going to show my girlfriend this. When she and I met, she was super into the idea of testicle punishment, but she'd never done it. (Our college was still instituting their program.) After the first time we had sex, I guess it unlocked a testicle fetish in her, so she started being strongly opposed to testicle punishment. Maybe a focus on penis burning can help get her back into fighting the good fight.

  4. Burning is enjoyable, but we prefer skewering my scrotum and cock with needles. I experience more pain from the needles, and we only do burning if she wants me to have long lasting pain.


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