The testicle twist
testicle twist.
I have come across several women’s self-defence articles and videos all
over the internet. I see these as a great source of information for women who
want to defend themselves from an attack. I firmly believe everyone has the
right to defend themselves and women wanting defend themselves from rape is no
Many of these articles mention a move called the “Testicle Twist”
essentially in involves the woman grabbing them man’s testicles and squeezing
them. Given a man on average has more muscle mass and is larger than a woman.
Also how a man looking to rape a woman would try to pick a woman who he knew (Or
at least thought he knew) he could over power. Given this a woman would need to
use any advantage she could to save herself. The only advantage may be the
weakness of a man’s testicles so this is an obvious point to attack.
So several different sources, quite rightly have pointed out that if
possible gripping then squeezing the testicles is not just a good way to get
out of an attack but might be the only way a woman could hope too. These
sources are right to say that squeezing the testicles causes a man incredible
pain and if squeezed to the point one rupture then a man would be defiantly be
unable to pose any threat to his victim.
While this may be a difficult thing to talk about knowledge of it may be
the only way a woman’s life could be spared one day. So it’s very important
information but I see several sources that do not go into detail about the way
to do it, the risks or just seem uncertain about it. So I have written this to
explain how to do or perform the testicle twist effectively.
English is not my first language so please understand if my choice of
words is not perfect. Also this text comes with no warranties, guaranties and
should not be taken as accurate medical knowledge. Like anything posted on the
internet, you should not trust it completely. I’m not a doctor, I cannot also
guaranty the information is 100% accurate as many of it comes from unvetted
I have made this guide from my own knowledge, online accounts,
information I have been given in person, a one to one interview as well as some
historical accounts. If you disagree with this subject matter then please do
not read this.
Right to
defend one’s self.
I believe everyone has the right to defend themselves from an attack. No
one should be forced to not do something that could have saved them to protect
a criminal, in my opinion. Also I think we should accept that a person may be
forced to do things they normally wouldn’t want to do to save their own lives.
I feel the blame should go on the criminal who forced a person to act and not
an innocent person who just wanted to escape.
Many American’s have no problem with a person shooting an intruder dead
who posed a risk to them or their family. If that’s ok then a woman squeezing a
man’s testicles to escape a rape should be ok. So I feel any negativity to
woman attacking a man’s testicles with the only goal of escaping is wrong. A
woman should not be ashamed or feel bad about learning to properly do a
testicle twist should she need to defend herself one day.
I feel it would be better for a woman to know how to perform a testicle
twist to cause a rupture and never use that knowledge than to need that
knowledge and not have it when her life is in danger.
Risks to
the man
One thing many sources mentioning the testicle twist do not talk about
is the dangers. There are many cases of men dying instantly or shortly after a
testicle has been squeezed to the point it has ruptured. If you do it to a man
you may kill him, I’m not sure of the exact statistics but there is a chance he
could die.
Again my people are ok with a killer being shot which has more chance of
killing him so really rupturing a testicle would be safer. But ultimately if a
man has decided to rape a woman he deserves all he gets. He forced that on a
woman so he should deal with the consequences.
I mention this because I feel you should know the risks of what you are
doing. I hope this would make a woman only cause a rupture if she needed to do
it. But if a woman feels she needs to in a rape situation then I feel she
If a woman successfully escapes a rape she should seek out help as fast
as possible. Be it calling the police (remember only stop at a pay phone if you
are sure you are not being chased or if it is in a crowded area) or approaching
a member of the public. If you have ruptured a man’s testicle then it is
unlikely he has moved so advise the police of this so he can get medical help.
Have a
good reason
I am writing this so a woman’s life may be spared in a life or death
situation not so you can hurt a man who called you names. Only do anything like
this if it is your only hope not because you are mad at someone.
You wouldn’t shoot a person because they were rude so this should be the
same. But I feel in a rape situation then a woman must do all she can to get
free and that includes squeezing the testicles. I also feel that if a woman has
the right to intentionally cause testicle rupture if she feels it will help her
Can you
twist, is it right for the situation?
It may not always be possible to grab the testicles to properly squeeze
them. In this case there is no point trying something that will fail so use
another technique. For instance if a man coming at you is wearing tight jeans
then it would probably be very hard to locate the testicles and grip them
correctly. Kicking or kneeing the testicles would probably be the best action
this this case.
Although many sources promote kicking kneeing I have found is often
better as it is quicker. Many men can see a kick happening and avoid it but
kneeing is much quicker. When kneeing the testicles try to strike them with the
hard part of your knee to cause them the most damage. Also trapping the
testicles between your knee and his body is the best way to damage them so try
to push up into his as much as you can. Don’t just pull your knee straight back
really try to trap his testicles and compress them. Hopefully this causes the
man to fall and you can run away.
Just because a man is wearing tight jeans does not mean you can’t grab
the testicles but it is harder. You will find it harder to locate them and
apply enough pressure so he is unable to strike you back. It is still possible
to squeeze the testicle and rupture them but it is harder.
I recommend learning a range of defence techniques but this text is
focusing on the squeezing technique.
The grip
The best way to grip the testicles to cause the most damage to them is
to pull them away from the body. To do this you can wrap you thumb and fore finger
around the top of them. If you do this you will create a ring around the top of
the testicles which forces them to the bottom of the scrotum. This obviously
assumes he is wearing lose clothing or is naked.
Testicles have evolved to be slippery, this is so they slip to a side
when struck as a way to protect them. You will need to stop this by forcing
them to the bottom of the scrotum and locking your thumb to your forefinger
tightly. Once trapped they will be still so you can damage them.
If you do this you should feel the testicles in your hand and the skin
should be tight over them. In this position pressure can be applied to cause
pain. In this position it does not take much pressure to cause pain and the
testicles are very vulnerable.
For whatever reason, the size of the man’s testicles or the woman’s hands
she may not be able to grab both testicles. In this case do not worry only one
is needed for squeezing. Even if both testicles are gripped and the woman has
chosen to cause a rupture then only one testicle will rupture (Unless she
continues after the first one ruptures). Squeezing only one testicle is enough
to cause pain to make the man pass out so if you can only grip one then that is
If you are unable to grip the testicles in this way try to grip one
testicle any way you can.
Once you have a grip on the testicles it is vitally important to begin
to squeeze immediately and that you squeeze hard. As soon as a man realises you
have his balls given he was trying to rape you it is fair to assume he will hit
you. He will try to hurt you so if you have his balls in your right hand
immediately use your left arm to block incoming blows.
Also as it is unlikely you will have practiced this you will not know
exactly how much pressure to apply. All you can do is squeeze as hard as you
can. Hesitating will give him more time to hit you so you can’t hesitate.
Squeeze straight away and squeeze hard.
The procedure maybe called the testicle twist but the most important
thing is locking the testicles and putting pressure on them fast. Many sources
have said to pull down and twist the testicles but I do not think you should
focus on this. A man will quickly close his legs so you might not be able to
pull them down much and the pain you need to cause is the pain from pressure on
the testicles. Testicle pain greatly affects a man like no other pain. The
testicles are filled with nerve ending and the nerves in the middle of the
testicle link up to the abdomen. Squeezing the testicle hard does not just
cause pain it also affect a man’s ability to move. He will probably move his
hands between his legs as they are squeezed and not be able to stop his legs
from giving way.
Within a few seconds of squeezing he will fall down (assuming he is
standing) so prepare for that. It will probably be easier if you push him onto
his back so squeezing is easier for you. He will probably scream loudly and may
beg for you to stop. Sadly if you let go he may continue the attack and you
would have given up your only chance to escape. Unless you are sure his
promises to let you go are real then you should continue the squeezing. Also as
you squeeze him you should try to keep your body away from his arms so it is
harder for him to strike you. If he was lying down for instance move your body
to his legs, this may not be possible but it is good if you can.
As you squeeze his testicles you will feel they dent inwards. It will be
like pushing your thumb into a tennis ball. You will be able to push into it
but it will push back on your thumb and as soon as you stop pushing into the tennis
ball it will return to normal shape.
Accounts vary on this but once high pressure squeezing has started then
the man often passes out. This can happen within a few seconds or can take
nearly a minute. This all depends on the man’s testicles and the woman’s grip.
But most of the time the man will pass out before his testicles rupture.
As you squeeze the testicles the man will probably ask you to stop. He
may assure you he will not harm you and let you go. Normally in self-defence at
this point you would let the person go but a man having the testicles squeezed
will say anything to make it stop.
Sadly there is a good chance that as soon as you let go he will hurt or
kill you. Even if you lessened the grip he could exploit that to take a swing
at you. Once he has freed his testicles he will not offer them back to you upon
request. You will have given up your only advantage so unfortunately his pleas
may have to be ignored until he passes out or you are sure a testicle has
ruptured. Only let go or lessen your grip if you are sure you can escape.
If he
passes out
If he passes out then you may be able to see an exit and run for it. You
could be a thousand feet away already calling the police when he wakes up. Then
when he wakes he will not be able to run or even walk far. In many cases where
a man has had his testicles squeezed until he passes out the police have found
him in that spot in extreme pain half an hour later. So even knowing the police
are coming he has not been able to move.
I would never encourage causing more damage than was needed in the
process of self-defence so in many cases letting go when he passes out is
enough. But there are cases where it is not.
If you find yourself in a locked room, house or apartment then you may
need a key to get out. If he awakes he may be able to come after you while you
struggle with a lock. Most men would not but he may have taken drugs. There are
many documented cases of people ignoring serious injury while on meth for
instance. Basically you do not know that man’s capabilities so assume the
You may need him to tell you where a key is or how to get out so you
can’t just simply let him come round again. But at this point he is down, he is
not an immediate threat so assess the situation. While this may sound cruel,
you did not ask for this did you? So you may need to now resume squeezing the
testicles until one ruptures for your own safety. You won’t get a second chance
if he wakes up and if running after you because he is on meth so if in doubt a
woman should consider rupturing a testicle.
Note 1, Some men have remained conscious as there testicles have been
squeezed until they rupture. If that is the case then you did not ask for the
situation so don’t feel bad. Keep squeezing until you are confident one as
successfully ruptured before letting go. As the testicle gets close to rupture
and as it ruptures he will not be able to move so rupture can be still done
safely. So don’t let the fact he is still conscious put you off causing a
rupture if you think it would be best for you. But once rupture has occurred
you should leave him and escape.
Note 2, If a long amount of time has passed and he has not passed out
and his testicles have not ruptured then you may well have still done some
serious damage. Even if you have caused bruising or bleeding inside his
testicles then he will probably not be able to run. So if a lot of time has
passed and you feel your hands tiring then just let go and run. You’ll probably
be ok.
Sometimes within a short time after squeezing starts the testicles
rupture or sometimes it take a few minutes of constant pressure to successfully
rupture one. One question I hear women asking is “How do I know I have ruptured
a testicle”. Well like I said before imagine the feeling of pushing your thumb
into a tennis ball. It pushes back and what happens when the outer wall of the
testicle tears open is that hardness disappears. If you were squeezing a
testicle then you would feel it pushing back as you squeeze it then when it
ruptured you would feel the strength of the testicle fade away. You would then
be able to keep pushing into the testicle. You can actually force the insides
of the testicle to be pushed out as you push into the testicle. It is a
definite change and you will feel it.
You will not hear a popping sound or any sound as the testicle fails.
The testicle will just give way and you will be able to push deep into it. The
testicles don’t break in half what happens is the outer wall rips open and you
push the insides of the testicle out.
If he has passed out and you feel that causing a testicle to rupture is
needed for your safety then you should try to focus pressure on the middle of a
testicle. You can just try one testicle if it feel easier of if he is
unconscious you can try to move the testicles to make rupturing one easier. You
can even try wrapping one hand over the other to get more force on the
testicle. It may take some time to successfully rupture a testicle but almost any
woman should have the strength.
When you first grab him you just have to grab and squeeze but once you
are sure he is unconscious then it is much safer for you. You should only
change your grip when he is unconscious and safe to do so. You could even rest
your hands for a few seconds before administering a rupture if you feel it is
Some women who have been in these situations just say to keep squeezing,
it can take a while but keep going until you feel the shape change so you know
it has ruptured. One woman said she pushed her thumb into a testicle until she
felt her fingers with her thumb through his testicle and at that point she knew
it was successfully ruptures so she could stop.
Opinions vary on how much you should push into a testicle once it has
ruptured. While it may sound cruel some women have said to keep pushing until
you have flattened it. That way you are sure it is ruptured properly. This does
sound safer so should be considered. Even if the man is conscious he will
probably unable to resist you at this point so continuing to push into the
testicle should be safe for you to do.
Some have said that you should push your thumb up and down the testicle
once it has ruptured. This would cause more damage and pain to the man but I do
not think that it is needed. I feel you should only do what is required and not
even try to flatten out a testicle.
Once one testicle is ruptured then there is no extra benefit to be
gained rupturing the last testicle. I cannot support causing more damage than
is needed but some women have repeated the rupture process on the second
testicle before leaving the man.
If you are near him when he regains consciousness first make sure there
are no weapons near or on him. Also after a rupture he will not be able to
stand let alone hurt you. He will also have a life threatening injury so will
need the emergency services. You should only be near him if you can’t escape
and that should be your priority. Remember that just because you have taken
care of him does not mean he does not have friends nearby. Get him to tell you
how to leave and advise the police of his injuries.
Practicing grabbing the testicles can be hard as many men would be
unwilling. If you have a male partner then he may agree to let you practice the
grip but don’t squeeze him. Or two golf balls in a sock would be a cheap
The play along technique. The play along technique involved the woman
playing along so he lets his guard down and so she can wait for a good moment
to strike. Some question this but if you have called for help and he is still
forcing you then it is rape. You playing along, even if some say it is not
honest is nothing compared to the crime of rape. This maybe a good way to wait
until the testicles are in a good position to grab.
Always assume the worst. Always check if he has a weapon, if he has a
gun then he can still kill you even after testicle squeezing.
Never stay around him longer than you need. Even if you think you have
over powered him and successfully ruptured a testicle then he may have friends
that are coming back. And always make contact with the police or members of the
public as soon as you can.
This text focused on one part of self-defence. Look into classes or
other methods.
I hope this was useful and I respect your feedback. If anyone would like
to make a video of this then I that would be ok as it gets the word out and I
am not a good artist so I did not draw illustrations which would be useful. So
if anyone wants to make some the let me know. Feel free to let me know if you
wish to add anything.
A difficult subject to talk about but thank you. Very informative. If some one were to make a video then that would be good too.
ReplyDeleteVery insightful article. Any man who tries to rape a women deserves to have both of his testicles crushed until they rupture in his scrotum.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this article it does explain the "testicle twist" in good detail. It is a difficult subject to talk about but you did very well with this one. You should defiantly do more and every woman should read this. You mentioned not negotiating with the man. Do you think a woman should ever let go as she is squeezing?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing this. This is very informative and more women should read it. I was wondering about how you take about the testicle giving way when it ruptures. How much do you think a woman should push into the testicle after that? Can she stop straight away or does she have to keep pushing to make sure he can no longer hurt her. I was thinking of a situation where a woman was locked in a room with a man and might need to be near him for a while. Thank you again.
ReplyDeleteHi. Thank you for writing this. It would make a great youtube blog. I'm a small woman and I was wondering what exact hand grip would be best. I am worried smaller women like me might struggle so how could we increase our chances of causing a testicle to rupture? Thank You
ReplyDeleteGet a hand gripper, and start exercising.
DeleteThank you very much for this guide and taking the time to answer questions people have posted. This is an amazing source of information.
ReplyDeleteI just want to share my experience with other women, and reassure you that this method works in a real life situation.
ReplyDeleteDuring my first year at university a man dragged me into some bushes and tried to rape me. He was very strong and held me down with one hand around my neck, ripping off my knickers with the other hand. He undid his trousers, but as he struggled to pull them down I saw my chance and grabbed for his testicles. He saw what I was trying to do and jerked away, but I managed to get a grip on one ball and squeezed it as if my life depended on it, which it may well have done. Expecting him to punch me, I shielded my face with my free hand, but the punches never came. He actually seemed to be paralysed by the pain, able to do no more than paw at my hand and make a pitiful whimpering noise. As I kept squeezing, yanking and twisting his ball, hell fell sideways off of me and tried to curl up. I maintained my grip until I had got to my feet and ran off towards the dormitories. I hammered on the first door and three big guys appeared. When I explained what had happened they asked me to show them where I was attacked while someone called campus security. Incredibly, although several minutes had gone by, the man was still there on the ground, literally writhing in obvious agony!
I never was told what damage I had caused him, but I know he went to prison for a long time.
The thing is, I had taken a self defence course at high school, and nothing I had been taught would have helped me in this situation; it just happened too quickly for me to react. I only knew to do what I did because I grew up with two brothers!
I just cannot understand why they don't teach this to all girls at school. If all girls of age 11 or 12 were taught how to do this all over the world, it would surely practically put an end to rape and sexual assault.
^You^ are an an amazingly brave, strong and inspirational lady. I absolutely applaud and commend you!!!