An interesting punishment method

I was sent an email by someone who told me about this form of testicle torture/punishment. It was about a method allegedly used in Turkish prisons. Turkish prisons are known for their harsh punishments and tortures featuring the testicles have been reported throughout the middle east. Not sure how accurate it is but I wanted to share it for your thoughts.

Firstly a male sentenced to the punishment is placed in a isolation cell. They are given plenty of water but little food for the 24 hours leading up to the punishment to limit vomiting during the sentence.

When the guards are ready to begin the male is taken to a separate room with a black hood over his head so he cant see the guards or see what is about to happen. This apparently makes it easier for the guards applying the punishment as well.

The male is then tied up by his ankles with his legs wide apart, fully naked. He then hangs upside down from the ceiling and has his hands tied to the floor. The result is the man is tied with his legs apart and his body is tight so he cant move. His testicles are exposed so they can be punished.

Next a person applies the punishment using a guard baton. This is because there are so many of them it means the injuries from the punishment cant be traced to a specific guard and as a short wooden baton is very effective for this. The person who applies the punishment is apparently a nurse who can be a woman as well as a man. This makes sense as other men many be more reluctant to punish another mans testicles also a woman would be less likely to hold back.

The torturer stands in front of the male victim with full view of the mans gentiles. The testicles fall at each side of the mans shaft resting against the body.  Next the torturer uses the baton to aim at a testicle then strikes it. The male cant see when a strike is coming so remains still until he feels the pain and thrashes about for a minute or two. This helps the torturer to cause higher pain by being able to get good shots on each ball.

Also as the testicles are resting against the victims body when hit the testicle will press against the body and be squeezed. This allows the testicle to absorb more force from each impact to help increase pain and damage.

Each hit causes the male extreme pain and the torturer watches the man and only strikes once the pain from the first hit has faded so the torture is prolonged and a good level of pain is maintained by the victim. The hope is that the punishment will last around two hours it total but it can last longer. The torturer will try to balance the force of the impact and time between hits to both prolong the punishment while making sure the victim is in enough pain.

If the male passes out then the torture is paused until he comes around so he feels as much pain as possible. Sometimes he is even lowerd onto the floor until he regains full consciousness before being pulled back up again. The punishment is then continued.

The punishment typically lasts until the scrotum fills with blood caused by bleeding from a ruptured testicle. The goal of the punishment is to rupture at least one of the victims testicles and destroy it. 

The male is then given medical attention once the punishment is finished. Sometimes the punishment is repeated later if he still has a working testicles left.

The punishment is used as it is very effective at controlling the male population. The pain is high and rupture is a good deterrent. Also as the punishment involves rupturing a testicle many of the men who take the punishment and leave jail are not willing to talk about it.

What are you thoughts people?


  1. I find this (as a security officer and paramedic) to be ghastly. Barbarism as a deterrent? Against what, pray tell? Torture has been employed for centuries, to oppress dissenters and deter criminal actors. When, has it ever proved successful?

    However, as someone who was brutally violated as a teen by three men, I can appreciate the feeling behind this. In the case of recidivist sexual predators (who have had due process), I should not have a problem with this kind of thing. However, the torture aspect is obscene. Do emasculation quickly and be done with it!

  2. Hi I'm a woman as well. If I may ask, what are your thoughts on rupture as punishment? I know you don't agree with torture but if a man made an unwanted sexual advance toward you would use the testicle twist on him? And not, why?

    1. Hello there,

      It's nice to correspond with another woman. Generally, I do not believe in testicular rupture as punishment. When, I worked as a paramedic, I saw a goodly number of testicle injuries. Many were serious, but correctable. A few were not. As a security professional, I inflicted a couple of catastrophic injuries. All of these situations were horrific re; the suffering involved. Also, the lives of those injured were ruined or at least, altered forever. So, I could not in good conscience support (state sanctioned) testicular destruction.

      The preceding said; I happen to posses a 'fascination-with-castration'. That is, I happen to enjoy stories in; cine, prose, and telly which, feature the castration of rapists and wife-beaters by women. Or women, gelding such miscreants in retribution for physical abuse / sexual assaults.

      However, in real life I am very close to supporting (court-sanctioned) orchidectomies for serial batterers and rapists. It would need to be voluntary. That is, the convicted individual would be given the choice; decades in prison or snip, snip. Naturally, the procedure would be performed in a humane manner. That is, in a hospital under anesthetic. Also, there would need to be the proper follow up. Such as psychiatric care, along with legal / medical monitoring.

      "But if a man made unwanted sexual advance toward you would you use the testicle twist on him? Hmmm, I had this happen to me a lot when, younger. The answer to your question is; it depends on the circumstance / situation.

      I would not "Do the testicle twist on him?" if, a man did not touch me. In fact, I have never struck anyone for being verbally crude or vulgar. In the past, men have patted (or rubbed) my bum. Some have groped a breast. Always, I issue a caution. Something along the lines of " I am not in the mood for a game of grab ass" or something, akin to that.

      As to the "And not, why?" a blow to (or pressure on) the testicles can produce excruciating pain. Also, it can be fatal. A severe enough trauma the testes, can send a male into cardiogenic or neurogenic shock. The former can trigger cardiac arrest and the latter, stroke.

      However, I must needs be honest. A couple of men in clubs / pubs, have put their hands under my mini dress or skirt. When this occurred, I slammed my knee into their nuts.. hard! In both cases, with more force than I meant to. It is never wise, to grope a woman on her second glass of wine and who, practises Kajukenbo / Krav Maga!


    2. Hi I'm a man and I have just read this and the comments. I think we do have a serious issue with there being a rape culture, sexual predators and misogyny in general. So many women are being inspired by these types of punishment and see a solution in them.

      As a man I would be terrified about being punished by the method described and if I were a man of bad character I would certainly re think my ways if I knew that might happen to me. Which I kind of admit is why they do this and I can see why some women would like to see more of these punishments.

      I was reading another article where women discussed the idea of a restrained man were to have the testicles flattened in a crushing device one at a time to cause pain. The idea would be the testicle would be crushed for a few minutes to cause pain but not burst it and then the testicles would be swapped every 5 minutes. A man would feel this for around an hour as a punishment for something small or would feel it weekly for the duration of a jail sentence. I think this might be a bit more acceptable to everyone.

      Just wanted to add something. Thanks everyone

    3. Im a 26 year old woman from Florida just so you know.

      I do think rape culture and misogyny are big issues that need to be solved. I agree torture is normally barbaric but I see slowly rupturing the testicles as more of a fair punishment. The punishment talked about is for extreme cases and would be a good deterrent. I do think in some cases it is ok to cause a man pain for an hour then rupture and flatten a testicle as a punishment. It is painful and extreme but for rape it is deserved.

    4. Hello there,

      In America, Britain, and Canada, I do not think that, there is so much the existence of "Rape culture and misogyny" as, there is the 'cult of celebrity' and the nature of corruption. Societies have permitted (until fairly recently) popular; athletes, entertainers, politicians, social activists etc., to conceal or have minimal consequences, for amoral (and often illegal) behaviour. If the ordinary citizen in the countries I mentioned, committed the same misdeeds he (or she) would likely feel the full measure of the law and or societal censure. This happens with institutions as well. Organizations such as the; Catholic church, (Islamic entities that practise a peculiar form of Sharia law), news outlets, and universities have covered up horrendous conduct by their members.

      Yes, I suspect ANY male "Would be terrified about being punished by the method described". You probably are not "A man of bad character". This is the salient point. Persons "Of bad character" do not care abut the punishment for their actions, if they are found out. That is, if they think about them at all. So, this idea that women engaging in torturous acts of emasculation of men who, physically harm women will somehow, stop more men from doing this is fantasy.

      Some years ago (in America), the Bush administration created something they called 'enhanced interrogation'. Specific in this was 'waterboarding'. Many people in the world called this torture and rightly so. I will take a chance and posit, this includes you. However, the American administration offered all manner of explanations and assurances that, this was not the case. Firstly, they mentioned it was only done "For extreme cases". Secondly, they pointed out it was only ever done to three people. Thirdly, they pointed out the individuals were not physically or psychologically harmed. Fourthly, they mentioned having both physicians and psychiatrists on hand, to make certain the individuals were alright. These were all rationalizations to obfuscate the obvious.

      IMHO, the same applies to your rationalization of "But I see slowly rupturing the testicles as more of a fair punishment.". You are talking about the notion of engaging in an act of sadism, for the sake of vengeance and dressing it up as some kind of 'just' punishment. The notion that, this kind of severe 'punishment' would act as a deterrent is ridiculous. Or at the very least, wishful thinking. If the death penalty does not deter homicide, this kind of 'punishment' will not deter rapists. Besides, I have already addressed why, in a previous paragraph.

      Hey, I am not condemning you. In my first posting, I made my feelings on this quite clear.


  3. Hi just another woman adding a comment.

    I dont feel rupturing the testicles of a rapist is "engaging in an act of sadism' and I dont think many of the women supporting such punishments are supporting them for that reason. I think it is more a desire to have them suitably punished.

    When woman talk about a man say being tied to a table so his testicles can be placed in a machine that slowly presses and releases the testicles to cause him pain. Then eventually the machine ruptures and flattens the testicles they are talking about a proposed method of punishment that they think is needed. You mentioned kneeing men hard in the balls that could also cause rupture so these punishments are just that but in a controlled way and pain would be apart of it. Maybe we have to agree to disagree.

    1. Hello there,

      You altered the statement I was responding to when, you quoted my comment. I was responding to "But I see slowly rupturing the testicles as more of a fair punishment.". IMHO, to do this 'slowly' is to drag the entire process out. The idea being to cause as much agony as possible, for as long as possible. If you (and others) choose to call this "Suitably punished." alright.

      However, this bespeaks of sadism to me. One is choosing to commit a lengthy act of barbarity, to quote punish the degrading (and dehumanizing) barbaric act of sexual violation. If we go this route, what separates us from those that commit acts of heinousness? Indeed, where does it lead us? You seem to be (essentially) advocating an 'eye for an eye'. There have been a number of disturbing cases of electronic 'peeping toms', in the past few years. (hidden cameras) Would you advocate slowly blinding those responsible? Sometime last year, an elderly woman was defrauded out her life savings. A group of individuals (men and women) presented themselves as representatives of a (bogus) military charity when, telephoning her. The name of the fictious group was very similar to a legitimate organization. So, her bank honored the payment request from the group. Naturally, they drained her account completely. The woman finding out she was destitute took her own life. Would you slowly cut out the tongues of those responsible?

      I understand the feeling of wanting to lash out and cause tremendous pain to those who, have caused horrible pain to yourself or others. Believe me, I DO! When a woman (or youngster) is violated sexually, the effects last a lifetime. I KNOW of what, I speak. IHMO, justice is court-sanctioned orchidectomy. Specifically, for recidivist predators.

      The consequences of surgical castration effect the individual for a lifetime. The male body is highly dependent on testosterone. Absent the hormone, the body loses bone density. Eventually osteoporosis sets in. Similarly, the body loses muscle mass. Eventually, the muscles of the body atrophy. Ultimately, both these conditions produce life-threatening complications. Also, the castrate will experience 'hot' flashes and lose most of their body hair. The penis shrinks to something resembling the size of an acorn. Clinical depression sets in as well. This makes sense, as there now exists a chemical imbalance in the brain. Untreated, this can lead to suicide.

      Naturally, the individual is sterile and (almost always) sexually dysfunctional. Emotionally, this is devastating. Also, there tends to be a loss of identity. Ninety percent of our personality is tied to gender identification. It effects how we; talk, walk, dress, sit, and eat. The castrate is likely to spend the rest of his miserable existence alone. After all, what young woman wants to marry a guy who, can not give her children? How many women (of any age) want to be with a lad who, can not give them sex? So, castration done in a humane manner (ie., a hospital) can be a horrible 'punishment'. Also, it allows one to retain one's humanity. As opposed to doing what you (and others) have offered up and risk turning into what, you clearly despise.


    2. I completely agree. When I was violated everything you describe I have and will always go through. The reality of it is I would never want anyone to have to experience being alone the separation of self and society the depression the I'm balance and the coping mechanisms you have just for survival.
      I want to live a happy life a life worth living .I love a lot never been loved but I think that I am not the judge or jury. I cannot justify causing anyone pain or doing something leading to a less quality of life. Everyone pays the fiddler if they want to dance sometimes trying to balance your own karma is the worst thing you could do. I would not want to be that girl who can hurt those who hurt me.

      On the flip side I would be more than willing to offer myself as a sacrifice to endure pain if my Dom believed I needed it or made him satisfied. .
      I know this is not talking about relationships but since live gas never been in my life I associate position ain with affection. I would rather you beat me then give up on me and walk away....

  4. Hello again,

    Oh, I forgot to address the last sentence, in your second para. Yes, I have kneed guys in the testes. You are absolutely correct. "Kneeing men hard in the balls that could also cause rupture". However, this was (and is) not my intent. Also, as I mentioned in my posting, it is not my 'go-to' action. In my defence, I mentioned (in my posting) imbibing a bit of the grape. Also, employing more force than I intended to. I will be the first one to admit, it is possible to give into one's darkest impulses given due provocation. Indeed, to bring this full circle, so to speak... my initial comment was not a complete denunciation of the barbaric Turkish prison act. Rather, simply the torturous aspect of it. If a woman who has been violated by a repeat offender (I have never heard of a one time rapist!), is going to wield a baton on his precious 'eggs', let them be smashed in short order and have done with it. I am not endorsing such action, but I CAN understand it. It just bothers me that, turning the action into a torture (as the initial poster clearly pointed out), is making a woman into a similar type of creature. One enured to human pain and suffering. This is a necessary defect in order to molest or rape, someone. BTW, you did not mention 'what', you would have done to women who, abuse or molest young boys.

    As you say :"Maybe we have to agree to disagree."? In any event, I respect you and your opinion. Indeed, I hope you continue to share your opinions, as you see fit.


  5. Hi gelder.

    If you've been reading the comments, I'm the man who had both testicles ruptured when a woman used the twist on me during sex without warning.
    As I promised in my original comments there was a very slow follow up where thr same woman ruptured and flattened my last testicle. I am a eunuch. She feels as though this is for the best and I agree.
    As a man who has had both of my testicles popped and removed on separate occasions, I can say that I fully support women castrating men who they feel have wronged them.
    If me and many other men who have one or both testicles to the testicle twist or other methods agree to this then how come you don't?

    I'd love to hear your answer and id also like to hear what you think of my situation specifically.

    1. Hi.

      I agree with you. Rupture does have a place and if you are ok with it as a man then it should be accepted. Destroying the testicles has been used as punishment successfully for most of human history so why not now?

    2. Hi. Thanks for replying. Are you a man or a woman?

      Either way I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on my comment!
      Do you think rupture or even castration is a fair punishment for unwanted sexual comments or sexism?

    3. Hi,

      I'm a 24 year old woman and think that rupture is in some cases an acceptable form of punishment.

      A few years ago while at college I was at a party that was dying down at about 2am. We heard a man cry out in pain from upstairs so we went to investigate. It turns out he was with a woman who he had been making out with and she claimed he was being too aggressive so she took action. She began to use the testicle twist on him causing him to cry out. They were behind a locked door but she was doing the right thing. She had a good grip and maintained pressure on his testicles. She didnt let go untl she felt one pop and then she squeezed it flattening it out mostly. She made sure the testicle was destroyed before stopping. This took about 5 minutes.

      After that everyone agreed that he was in the wrong and what she did was ok. Loads of people knew about this but the girl who did it was not hated at all. So i think if everyone there can accept she ruptured a ball then its ok.

  6. That is so great to hear. That woman sounds very brave and smart like the one who used the twist on me. Have you ever used the twist on someone or wanted to?
    And what do you think about what happened to me?

    1. For anything but forced rape these punishment's seem to be a bunch to much. I am a male and was in a mutual petting situation, when the girl started to use the OK hand position to squeeze my testicles. She could not get her hand around my whole sack so she opted to only surround my right testicle. This longer than needed move brought the motion to my attention and I suspected what she was trying to do. I put my thumbs over her eyes. I then told her if I felt her start to squeeze or twist I would push my thumbs into her eyes. Even a fast squeeze might cause adrenalin to flow and would cause me to react more than I wanted to, which would cause me to push harder. Causing my thumbs to penetrate her orbitals of her face and drive into her brain killing her immediately. This works I used it in Viet nom, be it different reasons......So for anonymous; use this for security, or else put your thumbs under her bottom jaw about 1 1/2" back from the front and be prepared to push up. This can cause the nerve to be severed causing so much pain she would pass out and also stop blood flow to her brain causing bad things to happen in about 4 seconds.

  7. I have kicked men in the balls a few times but not used the twist. I would like to use it on a man one day but I would only want to cause rupture is there was a good reason. I think slowly rupturing the testicles is a good punishment and has a place. I think many men can see it has a fair use and should be made a painful and slow process.

    As for you. So you were punished once by having a testicle ruptured and flattened then you felt the same punishment later on with your last testicle? What did you do to warrent these two punishments and how were the ruptures performed?

    1. I was having sex with a girl and she wanted to take away consent but was afraid I wouldn't stop so she ruptured both of my testicles. She popped the first one then my last one right after.

      But when I was taken to the hospital they managed to save one of my balls so me and her decided to do a follow up where she would slowly pop and flatten my last ball after a couple hours if torturing it. It may seem extreme but me and her like the outcome and now that she has castrated me we have a better relationship for it. Obviously we aren't dating anymore but we are good friends.
      I hope that covers it :)

      As for you, I'm glad you have punished guys by kicking their testicles and wish to cause rupture. Its very important and a good thing for women to be comfortable with the idea of testicle torture.

    2. Wow. I can understand why she would do that to you during sex. That is quite common now and seems to work very well. Did she use the flattening technique on your testicles as well?

      May I ask why she destroyed your second testicle later? Did you struggle too much when she first used the twist of did you do something else?

      Also can I ask how was your last testicle tortured?

    3. She didn't use the flattening the first time which is how one of my testicles was able to be saved.
      But the second time when I only had ine ball she did.

      She destroyed the second one a couple of months later because the only people who knew that she caused me to lose a ball was me, her and her friends so she decided to do a follow-up to destroy the last one so people wouldn't get suspicious.

      My last testicle was tortured by her putting needles in it and kicking it hard every other day for a couple of weeks before she castrated me.

      I'm glad that as a woman you don't object to my castration by the hands of that woman.
      You seem fairly well educated on testicle rupture.

    4. You seem ok with what was done to you. Do you still agree with it now?

      I suppose if she wanted both in the beginning it was good of you to cooperate with her destroying your last testicle.

      I wouldn't say I was well educated on testicle rupture. I would love to try it. I really do. it sounds like a lot of fun but I will have to wait for a chance. Any advice for me on how to do it? Once I grab the balls any thing I should do. I would like to slow the proccedure down to cause pain but I want to make sure i destroy the ball as well.

  8. I do still agree with what was done to me.
    In glad that the woman got the result she wanted in the first place. When ahe heard that one of my testicles was saved she was pretty upset about it.

    As for the advice: id say either just find a guy with lose pants grab a ball and squeeze as hard as you can until you feel a pop. Once the ball splits open it will stop resisting and you can push into it, making the insides ooze out.

    Or you could use the play along method and the seduce the man then use the twist on him when he's naked.
    I know a lot of women who have used both methods and they work almost every single time.

    After that the decisions are up to you. You can do it to guilty men or innocent ones, you can just rupture the balls or you can flatten them to ensure he loses the testicle and you can rupture one ball or both.

    1. Thank you for the advice. I have to go now but would love to chat later

  9. "you might consider this may not be his debut, at this kind of thing. I have never heard of a one-time rapist. Also, you might consider the next woman down the line". Then, I stomp the plums into mush or the walnuts into splinters!"

    In your comments you DO say that you support women castrating rapists.
    You just don't agree with doing it for smaller things, correct?
    So how come you see it as so bad when women here say they support rupturing a testicle of a man that assaulted them?

  10. Hi,

    Im a woman and I have had to deal with men like these before so I fully support the idea of pressure being slowly applied to the testicles to hurt them then rupture them as a punishment. I think it is very effective and I want more of it. Some might not but I do.

    I also like the punishment described in the article.

  11. I'm a male and I have been punished by having my testicles squeezed for prolonged time and also another times by kicking the testicles. Both methods were harsh and painful for me but I think it is up to the woman to use the method she likes the best. Kicking is less intimate where as squeezing requires the woman to touch the testicles which she may not want to do.

    Both have a place.

    1. Hi Im a woman and I was interested in your comment. You say you have had your testicles punished by kicking and by squeezing. Would you mind sharing some detail about what you did wrong and how painful the punishments were? Also what damage was done i take it your testicles were not ruptured?

      Lastly what do you think of rupture being used given your a man?

    2. Yes that is right. when my testicles were kicked I was going to pick up a woman I know to drive her to a place and I was late. She insisted I be punished and asked me to take off all my clothes and stand with my legs apart. She wore hard heels and then kicked me in the testicles as hard as she could. I lost count of how many kicks I took but it was about 30. The pain was extreme but I had to stay still or she would add more kicks. It was a fair punishment and left my testicles very sore and swollen.

      The second time I was accused of being rude by another woman who ordered me to remove my pants and lay down with my legs apart and genitals exposed. She performed the testicle twist and squeezed hard. The pain was high and at the end I could feel tearing inside the testicles but she did not rupture them. I took around 20 min of squeezing and it took over a week to recover.

      Rupture.. That does scare me and I hope it never happens to me but I do agree it should be used for more serious crimes if a woman chooses. But it would be up to the woman to decide. Then I would have to let her do it to me.

    3. It sounds like you were lucky enough to be around women who were not afraid to punish you correctly. Not every punishment requires rupture and it sounds like you were dealt to fairly.

      As you were having your testicles squeezed if you felt tearing pain then your balls were probably close to rupturing. I have ruptured testicles in the past and I admit I enjoy doing it. I like there to be a reason but it does not need to be much for me.

      Would you be scared of me knowing I had caused testicle rupture in the past?

    4. Thank you for replying.

      I have been lucky and I feel the punishments were fair. During the squeezing the woman mentioned that she pushed her thumb into the middle of my testicles. This cause deeper pain and caused the tearing pain. I understand this technique is used to cause internal damage to a mans testicles or if used hard can initiate a rupture. She did this at several points so i think she wanted to cause internal damage.

      I would be a bit scared to know you but I still would like the chance. I would not refuse to talk to a woman if she had called the police on a thief so why should I refuse to know a woman who has used rupture when she felt it was needed.

      I would accept that if I met you you would be more likely to use testicle rupture on me as a punishment if you felt I acted wrongly. Even if the offense was minor you could do that to me. It would be wrong of me to ask to to change your standards or avoid picking rupture. Its a lot to think about and the idea of you holding my balls wanting to destroy one i scary but I would do this right thing if needed.

    5. You seem like a nice guy and its good the possibility of rupture does not put you off knowing a woman. You are right about pushing in a thumb being used to start a rupture. I used that to cause a rupture the last time I was punishing a man. It made popping his ball much easier. Then I just squeezed it flat. I do love a good pop!

    6. It sounds like you really enjoy rupture. Could you tell me about what happens as a testicle is ruptured? How it feels and how the male reacts?

      How many testicles have you ruptured?

    7. I have rupture 4 testicles in my life in involving 3 men. So one of them was a castration.

      I like to use rupture as a punishment it is very painful and effective and act as a good deterrent. As you apply pressure to a testicle the man loses his ability to move so if he is unrestrained this is a good thing. The male will be cause pain by the squeezing of the testicles which is extreme for him. He will not be able to not move his hands to his groin but they usually just cover mine, When they are close the male will usually make little noise and breath through a clenched jaw. He may shake or let out a long but quiet groan from his pain. His mucles will tense randomly as pain fills him.

      You then feel the testicle fail and he might let out a quick high pitched scream as he feel rupture but then usually cant scream. He then shakes as the testicle is flattened out. A common movement is for the male to thrash his legs banging his heels on the ground. Kind of like someone throwing a tantrum. I find it takes me about 10 minutes to flatten the ball out.

      Then you can let him go or move onto his other testicle.

    8. Thats very interesting. I like how casual you are about rupture and more women should feel this way. your description is very accurate as well.

      if you dont mind me asking, what did each man that you punished with rupture do to deserve it? and what happened during each scenerio? id like to hear the stories of each rupture. its always interesting to me.

    9. Hi thank you for your acceptance. I feel rupture is a good punishment and a legitimate procedure so it is good to have support. I think too many women are scared to use it.

      Each time was a little different. The guy I castrated was walking me home one night and put a hand where he shouldnt have. I put my hands down his pants which he did not resist and grabbed his testicles. I used the twist on him and one by one I popped his balls and kept squeezig until they were flat. There was very little left in my hands when I stopped squeezing. It felt good as they popped i do enjoy rupture. He was upset a first but later kind of agreed it was needed. We dont talk now but I think I was right.

      The other two men were cases where they were sexist and rude. I explained my skills and how I punish men. I told them what they did wrong and then told them I wanted to rupture one of their testicles. One man took some persuading but the other agreed stright away. Both were sorry. In both times we made plans for going to the hospital and arranged a good time to do it. I let them chose which testicle I took.

      I tied them down for punishment first. I used pressure to torture the testicles and after about an hour I ruptured them. Both men were in agreement they deserved the punishment. I think it helped them.

      are you a male? what are your thoughts? was I fair?

    10. I think what you did was completely fair!
      Especially to that guy who touched you.
      Men get away with sexual abuse too much and I'm glad more women are taking action.

      Also im a girl. Im fairly new to this whole testicle rupture thing though. Ive been doing a lot of reading on it after doing it to my cousin and it was very fun! Id love to do it much more.

    11. Its an amazing thing to do to a man and yes it is very fun. We need more girls doing this. Some men will accept it so if you find one accuse them of something and sentence them to rupture. Then take it slow

      I too want to do more. But tell about your cousin? what happened there?

    12. Ill make sure to put that accusing tip to good use.

      What happened with my cousin is basically hes a creep and has he a crush on me since we were kids.
      Thankfully he never acted on it but one night we were hanging out from behind he grabbed my butt and pulling my head back and starting kissing my neck.

      I panicked so I grabbed my by the crotch since we was only wearing boxers, and starting squeezing as hard as I could. I was in fight or flight mode so I kept going even after he stopped touching me and fell to the ground.
      I continued my grip on his testicles until one of them collapsed completely in my hands. And lets just say I call that pervert one-nut now.

    13. Also do you have any friends who've ruptured balls? And if so, any stories?

  12. Thats a cool story about your cousin and I hope you get to pop more balls and maybe take it slow with them.

    I dont have any friends who enjoy or have caused rupture which is sad. I just keep it to myself and cause rupture whenever I get the chance. I also use testicle kicking on men as a punishment which is pretty good. I am actually trying to arrange a kicking session with a guy now for a small offense. I havent yet but I would like to cause a rupture through kicking. I suppose I'll have to tie him up and do it.

    1. Just reading this as a man and it is pretty scary hearing you talk about this type of punishment. The thought of it happening to me is terrifying. But I think it is needed is some cases.

    2. Hi I'm a man to and reading all this is quite hard. you girls need to understand that this is a very hard topic for a man.

      I was wondering if some of you women can advise. If a woman grabbed my balls to rupture them by surprise then there would be nothing I can do but what if she just asked me. what if i offfended a woman and she just asked if she could rupture a testicles. what do i do how to i act??????

      How would my testicle be ruptured? do we go someplace? can i ask her to think twice and discuss my punishment of should I just let her do it? how do other men cope with the pain?

      it sounds hard to take a rupture so so advice on what to do would help incase it ever happens to me.

    3. Im glad you commented I ahve been reading this blog for a while and it scares me too. I am a 25 year old man from FL.

      I recently had a woman squeeze my testicles for about 15 minutes. She asked so I agreed.

      The pain was extreme, it was like my testicles were exploding constantly. There were sharp pains in the middle of each testicle and breathing was hard from the pain. It was blinding pain and I struggled to stay still. It felt like hell but it was only 15 minutes yet a rupture would take at least an hour and the pain would be higher to cause more damage. then there is the pain of the rupture and having the testicle drained. The internals of the testicle dont just fall out they have to be torn from the testicle wall first which the man feels. The pain of a slow rupture would be many times what i felt and would be simple horror.

      I would like to say that as a man I am not against the use of testicle rupture as a punishment. I accept it and if anything I would like to support it being used. I just feel that men need to be educated on it and thought needs to go into how it is done.

      I mean how does the conversation even start? If a woman wanted to rupture one of my testicles I would want her to know she could talk to me and I would support her decision and work with her. But then again if I had not really done anything wrong I would want to be able to politely discuss maybe not popping one of my balls. But the final decision would be hers and I would respect that. most importanlty i want her to feel safe as she tells me of her plans to rupture one or both testicles then for her to feels safe and confident as she does it to me.

      What do the women here think?

    4. Hi. I'm the girl who popped one of my cousins balls.

      And im glad that the last man to comment is completely ok with rupture.

      To answer a few questions, yes it is becoming more and more common for a woman to want to pop a testicle for offending her and you should act nice about it and take it well.
      You should just lay back and let her do it.
      She will start by squeezing your testicle(s) until it/they rupture. Then if she wants you to definitely lose the ball she will continue to squeeze until it is flat. This could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. It may seem bad but it is perfectly acceptable for woman to cause a man to lose one or both testicles for touching her inappropriately or even just disrespecting her and you just have to accept that.

      For all 3 of the men who commented most recently: how would you react if we were friends and you hit on me/ made a move on me, and I thought it was inappropriate so I told you a wanted to rupture both of your testicles?

    5. Hi.

      Im the man who commetned directly above you. Thank you for responding about this. It is a hard conversation and one we should be more clear on. can I ask? would you not tie a man down. I would want to cooperate with the punishment but the pain would be so high I think I would need holding down. This would also help to allow the punsihment to last longer.

      It is a scary thought but if I offended you and you wanted me to follow the steps you put then I know that would be a fair expectation. I would accept your decision and accept it is your right to do that to me. Loosing both testicles and feeling them rupture then be slowly flattened would be such high pain but it is your right to request it. I would try my best to suffer the punishment well.

      I have read about testicle flattening and it sounds so painful to feel the woman pressing into the testicle at different points to work all the contents out of the testicle. I understand it is like a constant rubbing motion. In some cases the woman can spend an hour flattening out the testicle untill there is just the testicle wall left and it is about half a cm thick. I hear it is a matter of pride to get the testicle totally flat.

      Can I ask when you do castrate do you use and tools or other methods or do you just squeeze the testicles? Just wondering. thank you

    6. thanks for responding! the two times ive done it i just grabbed and squeezed until i felt something pop and then continued gripping as hard as i could until they were practically flat. it only took about 10 minutes both times. but in your case if it happened i would want it to last a very long time. the second man i used the twist on was innocent. i did it last night at a 4th of july party because i wanted to practice. he was the friend of a friend of mine and i took him where no one else was around, slipped my hand down his pants and started squeezing as hard as i could. i popped both of his balls but i let him keep one but only flattening the bigger of his two balls so the other could be saved.

      what are your thoughts on all of this?
      and if you knew me and i popped your balls if you had done nothing wrong would you still talk to me?

    7. Hi,

      It sounds like you are very experienced in this. Which is a good thing. I know I sound hesitant but I do support rupture as a method of punishment and would like to work with people like you to promote it and encourage it.

      May I ask how the two men took their punishment? The first one sounds like you surprised him and you did it quite quickly but professionally by flattening the testicles. Was he screaming or struggling as he felt the pain? Or was he able to cooperate and work with you or did the pain stop him moving ?

      With the second man did he know he was walking away with you to be punished in that way? Then how did he take it? How long did you make it last for him? I think it was very kind of you to only cause a small rupture in one testicle so it could be saved. That way you still caused a rupture but did not deprive him of the testicle. I hope he thanked you for that. I wouldn't have even thought to ask that of you if I were about to have my testicles punished by you. But if he knew you were just wanting to practice and cooperated with you then I suppose he deserves that mercy. Women do need to practice these things so it is a reasonable thing to ask of them. I hope he was good about it all.

      I assume when you were taking about making my punishment last a long time you would like to experience performing a very slow castration and flattening of both testicles? Obviously I would cooperate and what was done to my testicles would be up to you I just wondered. May I ask would my castration be for a crime or for practice?

      Also once finished I would still talk to you. You would have just performed a fair procedure on me so i still would.

    8. Hi. You seem very kind and very receptive to rupture.

      The first one who was my cousin did not take it very well. He struggled a lot but did not scream mostly because he couldn't because of the pain. after he lost one of his balls he mostly stopped speaking to me but he still stares at my butt and breasts when I'm around him so I'm thinking about popping the other one.
      Second guy took it better even though he felt both balls rupture.
      That night he went to the hospital and had an emergency tecticle removal and the smaller one was saved. This morning we talking and he doesn't quite understand why I did it but he is okay with it. Also the second man did not know that I was taking him somewhere to be punished. But he took it quite well and it lasted about 25 minutes.

      Thank you for the kind words also. He did thank me for letting him keep a ball. But I told him if he ever disrespects me I'll flatten his last nut and torture his penis while I'm at it.

      Yes I would I want to castrate you as slowly as possible if we met. I wouldn't do it for no reason because you seem very nice but I would look for any excuse I could to do it to you.
      I hope you understand.
      And I'm glad even if I castrated you would still talk to me. I already know a man who I told I wanted to castrate and he said he would be ok with it.
      It would be cool having two eunuch friends.

      A few more questions:
      If I did this to you would you mind if I brought all of my female friends to watch?
      Do you think I should castrate my cousin?
      And what are your thoughts on penectomy as punishment?
      And if you knew me, would you be ok with me doing to you?

    9. Have i offended you with the penectomy questions? if so somewhat understand. these things are tough for men.

    10. Hi Thank you for your reply and explaining the two events. I think you did very well with the second guy. I think it was nice you left him with a ball and 25 minutes was probably a fair amount of time for him to feel pain. Also if you were outside you might not have wanted to take too long to do the job.

      I accept that my castration would be done as slowly as possible and the tools used, methods of torture ect. are up to you. I take it you would not just rupture but would flatten both testicles as well?

      1, You can invite your friends to watch the castration if you like. I know women like watching rupture take place.
      2, he probably deserves it but it is your decision.
      3, destruction of the penis is a fair punishment and has been used throughout history. I think the method where the tip is placed over a candle asnd slowly cooked will be painful but could be used.
      4, If I knew you then if I did something wrong I would expect to be punished. I would probably be castrated relatively soon or if you wanted to destroy my penis that would be put to you. I understand a common method is to slowly burn the penis tip then move the flame down the shaft. This would be painful but your choice.

      You have not offended me in any way sorry for late reply

    11. Just another question if may, do you ever do lesser punishments. I know you will castrate me slowly but do you every do lesser punishments? I had my testicles squeezed until they were close to bursting once as a punishment and I have taken testicle kicking. do you ever do things like that?

    12. First off, no I don't do smaller punishments. To me everything in punishable with the loss of at least one ball. If a man even stares at me I will most likely pop and flatten his testicles.

      And yes if I did punish you I eould flatten both unless you were very well behaved, then I might only flatten one.
      Also I think the next time I see cousin I'm going to destroy his last ball. I don't think he deserves to have it.

    13. Im a 19 year old woman from the UK and I think its amazing that you actually pop mens balls for small crimes. I bet all the men you know are down at least one ball. Do you find it hard to make male friends or have men near you because of this?

      I bet popping a testicle is very fun but how do you pop one without destroy it? Is there a way to cause a rupture without destroying the ball?

    14. hi. im the woman the comment above yours.
      and thank you the compliment!

      yes, i do enjoy popping balls for small crimes. its very empowering since men are always rude and/or disrespectful to women and always get away with it, its about time that women and even girls start taking away guys' manhood for abusing us. one of the two men that i popped both balls of but let him one, i did just because was acting condescending calling me "hot stuff" and yes a lot of men in my life do fear me.
      if you read my comment you would know that i popped one of cousins balls. well, earlier today i castrated him. plus i used the twist of a third and fourth guy. i very slowly ruptured and flattened both balls on one and only flattened one of the other but ruptured both.

      to answer your questions, i dont find it hard to make male friends because i only tell my female friends that i do it. that way the men never know that i may castrate them.
      and yes there is a way to pop a ball without it needing to be removed.
      ive used this technique on 2 men now and its very effective. its very fun to almost castrate a man but leave him one. that way he will feel both of his balls rupture but he still keeps one so you can have leverage and something to threaten him with in the future.
      all you have to do to do this is rupture the testicle and only squeeze a little bit after rupture is initiated. so basically, pop the testicle but dont flatten it. but even then the ball might not be saved. i hope this helps!

      have you ever popped a mans testicles? if so do you do it for small stuff? and if not would you want to?

    15. Hi, Im the 19 year old woman. Thank you for the info you sound amazing. I have not caused a rupture yet but I would love to do it for any reason. It sounds like a lot of fun so I would love to do it for my enjoyment. I hope I get to do it soon.

    16. Thanks for the reply! Do you have any other thoughts on what I said?

  13. Hi I'm the guy you were talking too. I understand you choose not to do lesser punishments. The severity of the punishment is up to you and I can see why I would face rupture soon after meeting you if rupture was the punishment for the smallest offence. I suppose using rupture for any crime makes thing easier when it comes to discussing punishment with a man you just tell him you use rupture for any crime then he has no reason to object. His only option is to lay back and take it so to speak.

    It is very nice of you to offer the potential of you applying a small rupture to one of my testicles and not flattening it so I might be able to keep it. But I understand if you chose to flatten both.

    1. im glad that you understand.
      many men dont get that rupturing the balls is an acceptable form of punishment for men.
      im glad you are ok with all of the testicle rupture i have done in a short amount of time. and i still plan on doing more. im currently planning on castrating that friend of mine i told you about who said he would accept it. he will be the 5th guy that i rupture the testicles of and im hoping to also make him my first slow castration. and yes as far as i see weather they attempt to rape a woman, commit a small crime, or are completely innocent, when it come to testicle torture the loss of at least of testicle the minimum

      i am also happy that you are greatful that i may only cause a small rupture in one of your balls so you keep one if i ever punished you. more men should be thankful that they get to keep even one ball.

      also in response to the 19 year old girl: if you rupture a testicle i would love for you to update us and let us the story.

    2. Im the 19 year old. Yes I will update you if I ever do it. I'm a bit nervous but really want to do it for pleasure so i hope to one day. Its great hearing you people talk on here

    3. Honestly there is no reason to ne nervous.
      Plenty of men are okay with having the twist used on them so you may be able to just tell a man, especially if you know him, and he may just comply.
      But if that doesn't work you can also get you and a man alone together and grab his balls and start squeezing as hard as you can and he will be defenseless.
      I would suggest taking my advice and popping at least one testicle tonight, to get past the nervousness.

    4. Hi I'm the girl that has caused a lot of ruptures. If the 19 year old girl is here id love to hear if you've popped some balls yet!

    5. I have read most of the blogs and forum on this subject and was quite impressed. Not knowing of the offenses that men do, if I didn't read this. I would have never know that I am really guilty of all of the accusations that all these men were accused of and got their justified punishment. I am just as guilty and of so much more. I deserve the maximum punishment. In closing there should be a place to go which is legally and voluntarily, where you can confess your crimes of disrespect to women and handed your sentenced then be taken to another area where a women or two can deliver your due punishment. Women would be respected and men would behave themselves and treat all women as they would want their own family female members to be treated. I would be the first to be judged and take my due punishment to the max.

  14. Would the people here like to see an updated poll so we can see what people's stance is on punishment and rupture?

  15. There is one here

  16. Hi. I'm a male and I have a few questions to ask.

    Recently I did something wrong to a woman and she told me that she wants to punish me. I felt guilty so I agreed. I already know about testicle torture and I have many female friends who have used it, but I felt like I should do some research to find out what I deserve and I found thiz place.

    me and a female friend were hanging out and drinking a couple of days ago and I grabbed her and started groping her. She kneed me as hard as she could in the balls and got away. I felt bad about what I had done but she came to me and said I deserved a much larger punishment.

    So to pose the question:

    What do I deserve? What should the severity of my punishment be and how should it be done?

    1. For what you did you should be castrated very slowly. Maybe you should be kicked in the balls over and over until they have both ruptured and are flat.

    2. Thanks for the input. Ill bring it up to her. Id hate to lose both balls but if that's what she wants I'll have to lay back and take my punishment.
      If anyone has any other advice or a different point of view that would be great.
      I'd especially appreciate it if Lucy herself commented.

    3. After readign what you did you should be kicked in the testicles until they both rupture.

    4. Speaking as a woman I think you should be tied up with your legs apart so you can have your testicles kicked. They shhould be kicked hard and the woman kicking you should rupture both testicles. Once ruptured they should be squeezed flat.

    5. I don't know about this. Do all of you really think I should be castrated? Would losing one ball be enough?

    6. No both sound be kicked until they rupture you should be fully castrated. Both testicles should be flattened as well. This should be done slowly to you as you scream.

    7. I think they should be left intact but taken to the limit with massive damage.
      Keeping the so they can be tortured again when required.

  17. Hey 17 year old guy here, im sorry but I cant tell if this is a joke or not, or just a weird fetish website? My friend sent this as a link to me over discord and im actually confused because you all seem serious???

    If this is real I do want to have a discussion about why people thing this way ( in a polite and non toxic way, I hope )

  18. The idea of popping testicles as a punishment is to me crazy and inhuman. I am a middle aged woman, and I think testicles are a legitimate target when self defense is warranted, and maybe even for a lesson, and I think the most effective way of incapacitating a man outside of knocking him unconscious is with your hands on them.
    I have applied pressure to men’s nuts more than once with my hands and found it to be a very effective method. Once when my husband was pressuring me for sex, I reached back and gave my husband a quick but firm and hard squeeze. Nothing else needed to be said and that was it for him for the night. He later confided that his nuts hurt on and off for a couple of weeks.
    It is not necessary though to completely destroy a mans nuts to incapacitate him. When I was college age I was being accosted by several men’s who thought they were having fun. They ignored my pleas to stop, they had they hands all over tickling me and laughing, thinking I suppose I should just take it.
    We were all wearing bathing suits around a pool, so I final just reached between the legs of two of them who were standing right next to me, got a hold of their nuts as best I could through their suits, and squeezed hard and then pulled down hard, and they both cried out and collapsed, holding their nuts.
    The other two back up and stood there speechless with their mouths hanging open, at which point I told them that I warned them to stop and I gather my things and left, with girlfriend Sally following. The two guys remained on the ground at least until I had left. There was some hard feelings over what I did, and I quickly stopped hanging around with most of that group.
    I have found though that if I can get close wrestling with a man, I can basically always, at least in my limited experience, get my hand around his nuts. I have wrestled a few times with my then boyfriend, and he out weighted my by maybe 40 pounds, I am 5’ and 125 pounds, but I was always able to get a hand on his nut sack, even when he knew that was my goal. If we got our arms on each other, it was just really difficult for him to stop me.
    I have wrestled with my husband occasionally over the years, and I’ve found the same thing, if I get in close, his nuts are mine! Though I’ve had to work to get my hands on them. He has told me after wrestling that he had to spend most of the time on the defensive and trying to protect his nuts. He has told me, which I think is true, the only way he could beat me in a fight would be to knock me out. If we got to wrestling I would grab his balls. I’ve found it’s best to use one arm and my body if possible to try to hold him somewhat still and grab with my other hand.
    Just so I’m clear, I never hurt his balls! Once I grab them and hold them for a second, he’ll stop almost immediately. It’s probably worth noting I’m a strong girl. I can curl a 30 pound dumbbell in each arm and I can deadlift 210 pounds. I also have worked in a factory for years so while my hands are small, they are very strong. My husband has told me though he doesn’t find me particularly quick when we wrestle, which is maybe why he is able to avoid me for a while.
    I really think though most any woman, if a man has exposed his testicles and is looking to rape you, can manage to get a hold of them and destroy them if necessary to save herself.

  19. I honestly feel if a woman thinks it's warranted to destroy my balls, that's something we should accept and move on with our lives. It's as simple as that.

  20. "controlling the male population" WTF, is it to kill or to castrate? or both?

  21. I was a captive in the mid east, and this describes the torture pretty well. About the only thing that varied, after the torture session, they would leave me in a cell for a couple hours. They would then take me to the guard room, tie my wrists and ankles over a saddle, and the men would take turns fucking me. It must have always been a guard change, as I would be fucked by over thirty men every day. I smelled terrible due to all of their semen that had run out of my ass, and down my legs. They didn't care, they just wanted to fuck a Yankee.

  22. As a 28 year old female, I fully support having a female punish males genitals when possible. Having 2 brothers, I can attest that even moderate compression of the testicles is very effective at controlling their impulses. I have read much and have learned that the testicles are extremely durable and can take much pressure before any long term damage occurs. I think its critical that at female apply the correction to the genitals to send a strong message to the male.

    I do think that the penis should not be ignored as it is root of most of the their evils. Blistering the penis with a prodlinged spanking with a hair brush or better yet a whip will leave a brand in their mind that females can and will render your penis useless for transgressions. I would also support use of electrical shocks applied to the genitals. There is no possibility of damage and the pain can be controlled by the female for as long as she wishes.

    For problem males. cauterization of the penis should be encouraged. It will leave the penis too sore to manipulate and the cauterization can be re-applied every couple of weeks.

  23. For problem males. cauterization of the penis should be encouraged. It will leave the penis too sore to manipulate and the cauterization can be re-applied every couple of weeks.

    Please let me know how this procedure is done and what type of equipment or liquid I need to accomplish this form of punishment. This is something I need to add to my regiment.

  24. Tommy. I don't understand where you are going with your comment. It has nothing relevant with the topic matter. We are discussing rupture and castration

  25. To the women that have been commenting here that want the chance to practice this. What if you found a guy that was willing to allow you to do this to them and yet was innocent?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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