Holding back on kicking


There was a subject I wanted to discuss before the second part on kicking etiquette and that is men requesting a woman hold back on kicking. This is where a man is to have his testicle kicked as part of a routine punishment for something minor. He is prepared for the punishment and asked that the woman not be too hash on him or that efforts be made to prevent the risk of rupture.

To many this may seem innocent enough. In this case a man is tied with his legs apart and to receive 50 kicks to his balls for making a small mistake at work. The error was small so the man hopes his testicles will be intact at the end of the session so he asked for some mercy.

While it is true that we don’t want a man to face rupture for every routine punishment, mainly because there will very quickly be no men with any balls left. There also does need to be a risk of rupture as part of the punishment.

For instance lets say for the 50 kick punishment stated earlier 1 in 12 men suffer a rupture. This will mean any man being prepared to face this punishment will know there is that risk. The fear of that will act as a deterrent to others and make the punishment something to fear. So its actually good to have sessions like this as routine punishment where rupture is a real possibility.

Also in this situation if rupture doesn’t happen then there is an even greater risk of other injuries that are beneficial. Along with bruising and swelling there could be tears to the internal flesh leading to internal bleeding within the testicle. This type of injury is very painful and can have lasting consequences for the man so are not to be overlooked.

Also when a man is kicked in the balls the kicks should be painful and the woman should be trying to cause damage. But by holding back this is not done which will make the punishment much less effective. So the punishment will be less painful and there will be less fear around it. Another thing is this will decrease the pleasure for a woman which is not fair on her.

Another issue is women often get cash bonuses in large companies when they successfully rupture a testicle. This is to help promote fair, effective punishment and reward women who deliver that. So as you can see a man asking a woman to hold back on her kicks is not innocent but actually a problem.

So in these cases it should be explained to the man why his request is wrong and he needs to face a consequence for it. There are two ways to do this. The number of kicks can be increased, 20% is often an amount used or the man can have his penis subjected to burning. In some cases both can be applied.

Increasing the number of kicks is easy but for the burning a candle flame should be moved so it is touching the skin of the penis and once touching moved slowly. The contact should last for about 5 seconds each time. You can start with the shaft then pull back the forskin and target the tip of the penis as well. As the flame is used the man will learn from his mistake and this will deter others in future. In this way the burning can be quite beneficial to the man receiving it.


  1. Thanks and good article Lucy. This has been very true a few times when I was having my balls kicked. A time comes to mind when my ex girlfriend and I had been drinking at a party and wound up getting in some dumb argument. I definitely said a few things I would not so later regret. When we got home I apologized to her but she just told me take my pants and boxers off, I figured this was gonna happen since she was pissed at me and still feeling the effects of the night’s “festivities” as was I. When I got in the “proper male stance” as she called it to be kicked she started with warmups like always but they were so much tougher than usual. After warmups my testicles were already feeling the effects of her anger and without thinking I asked her not to kick to hard cause I was scared she may do some damage to them. As soon as I said it I regretted it and needless to say my testicles paid dearly for asking her such a stupid question as she put it. They were extremely swollen afterwards then she wanted to step on them but thankfully crushed and stomped the head of my dick instead.

    Looking forward to part 2 of Kicking Etiquette. Let me know if you need some help from a MAN to get it done. Haha

  2. Very good article, Lucy! It's good that you bring up internal damage as it's possible even intact balls may have sustained permanent damage.

    I believe both increasing the number of kicks and penis burning are both good methods in a situation like this. Increasing the number of kicks sends the right message about any requests for easier punishment resulting in more damage to the testicles. The threat of rupture is an important part of punishment, especially with harsher punishments as any increase places the testicles in even greater risk. Penis burning is a great way to cause pain to a man and potentially leave a permanent reminder for him if the penis ends up partially or totally ruined as a result.

    1. HI Val. Happy you liked the story. Its good you agree and both an increase in kicks as well as penis burning would work. You have mentioned penis burning a few times. Have you experienced any resistence to using it? Not just from the man but from other people at work. I have even heard some women dont like the practice despite it clearly working well.

    2. You’re welcome Lucy. I’ve had a good amount of experience in kicking sessions. If it matters I can tell you as a man I have never had a woman mention penis burning so obviously I have zero experience with that and I’m glad. Thankfully, the women who have punished my penis were more into full weight standing/crushing my long shlong.

    3. Hi Lucy. I'm happy to say I haven't seen much resistance to penis burning. The women I've talked with all seem interested in the idea and even the men's feelings seem mostly positive, although understandably mixed. I'm pleased to say my penis burning session with my male subject went well and without problems. Using a candle, I burned his penis, focusing on its head. I was able to burn all of it evenly and clearly hurt him a lot. Overall I think he took the pain well and importantly he never questioned my decision to burn his penis which I think is a sign that the new discipline policies have really worked on him.

      It was also time for his third evaluation this week. He was a very good boy this evaluation period and only had to face 45 kicks. However there was a request placed by one of his coworkers for testicle rupture which meant he still needed to lose a ball. I gave him his 45 kicks, then inspected his testicles and continued kicking them until they were heavily swollen. I then squeezed his balls in my hands until it felt like they were ready to pop. I started kicking them again and his left testicle ruptured after only a few kicks.

      I was glad to be able to cause him so much pain and happy he now has only one ball. I'm also pleased that I will now be able to report that the new policies have led to the rupture of a testicle in the next meeting on the topic.

    4. Thanks for the update Val. In my opinion I think the road to the man’s left testicle finally being ruptured began in his 2nd evaluation where you stated that it had really been huge and swollen. I’m not surprised it broke your kicks.

      Did the man know ahead of time about the request? Or did he think he was done after the 45 kicks? Is he still your male test subject now that he only has one testicle? Will he receive a 4th evaluation or do you receive a new male for the process to continue?

      I would bet when word gets out at your work that you already ruptured a testicle early in the male discipline policy trial period that the men will be quite nervous and well behaved.

      Not to mention how sore the head of his penis must have been after your penis burning punishment. Then to receive all those hard kicks had to be hell for the man especially with the head of his penis being so sore and sensitive. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or comments Val or anyone else who has a thought.

    5. I let him know about the request after he had received the 45 kicks. It was clear he wasn't happy about losing a testicle but made the right decision to not object in any way. His evaluations will continue as normal. Just because he's one balled now doesn't mean he's exempt from any punishments. I think this sends the right message to other men.

      Hopefully starting next week three new males will be placed under my supervision. This means that they will be subject to work performance evaluations every two weeks and any other relevant punishments.

    6. So he's down a ball and probably has some damage from the burning session. But it sounds like he has taken it well which is good. Now you have 3 more. That will be fun. Will you be starting with penis burning stright away with them or introducing it later on. Also how will you decide the severity of the burning session if youre using it?

    7. Val, that is really good news to hear that you will be having 3 new male employees working under your direct supervision. The pressure to perform their job and achieve your expected goals will be felt by those men I’m sure. I’m assuming that this must also mean the company likes the results you’ve been able to achieve early in the discipline policy trial period.
      Val, can I ask how are the 3 male employees chosen? Is it random? Or maybe they’ve had work issues in the past?

      I think these male testicle kicking punishments can possibly have not only a physical impact on the man and his balls but I think that psychologically these punishments have an impact on all or most male employees. Knowing the threat of a hard testicle kicking or even a full weight crush or penis burning could happen may possibly improve most male employees.
      Val, have you seen anything like this yet being as though you are in the top male discipline position or is it too early to tell? The results short term and long are fascinating.

      Thank you Val and please continue to train these males with your hard kicks. You seem like a stern but fair leader. I’m also glad that man will still receive his evaluations. It’s on him to not receive a lot of kicks.
      Anyone else have experience with male discipline policies at work? Thanks guys!!

    8. I was thinking of using penis burning on a case by case basis. So if a man is being difficult about his punishment or if I think it would be beneficial for other reasons. As for severity I feel that penis burning is a fairly serious punishment and should result in permanent damage for the man. This doesn't have to mean the destruction of the entire member, but I feel like ruining the head is usually appropriate.

    9. In response to the man above, the results have been promising so far and it will be interesting to see how the three new men respond to the new policies. They were selected for various reasons by me and some of the managers. The guy who I've been working with losing a ball has created a lot of buzz in the office and I believe it will have a positive effect on the work performance and behavior of other men.

    10. Thank you Val for your response it’s appreciated. As a man I can attest to the pressure that will be felt by those 3 new males who will be under your supervision. I really hope the men have some kind of experience with their testicles being kicked. If they haven’t their testicles will struggle to handle your kicks. I will be hoping they take your evaluations and punishments like men and not be a bother to you Val.
      I can imagine the office is wild with talk of the man losing his ball to your male discipline. I would think the women are loving the new policies you are working on. Those 3 males probably aren’t as excited to hear of the death of the man’s ball. I’m happy you will be getting the chance to do much more testicle kicking in the coming days and weeks Val. Thank you again for sharing your experiences, it is gonna be very interesting to see how things go for the men. Take care.

  3. As I have said in a previous thread, males should never have the option of requesting light kicks or any other kind of consideration when a Female deems that a ball kicking is warranted (when isn't it warranted, I guess?). It is their sole discretion as to how much pain and punishment the male receives. This should be established at the earliest age possible. That is not to say a Female cannot exhibit mercy. That is theirs to give... after all, there need to be some testicles left around to propagate the species. But a constant state of pain is what will keep the males in their place. - Loganfive.


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