Penis Burning.


Penis Burning.


I have been asked by a few people to cover the often difficult subject of penis burning. This is a practice that I feel is misunderstood and often gets a bad reputation when in fact it is a valuable tool to use in male discipline.


To clarify - Penis burning refers to the ethical practice of applying heat to a mans exposed penis to cause him pain. This is done to the man to punish, warn or educate the man in a fair and reasonable way. This is usually done with a lit candle or lit cigarette but can also be done with hot water depending on which method the woman feels safe and comfortable using.


Reasons for Penis burning being adopted.


Although men are told to cooperate with testicle punishments and to be reasonable during punishment discussion this is often not the case. Men can beg for a sentence to be lessened or stopped entirely or try to evade punishment. This is obviously very annoying for a woman trying to make a man pay a fair price for a crime.


During lesser punishments men are often trained to just cooperate but that changes when the stakes are higher. When confronted with the possibility of having to feel testicular rupture for instance, a lot of men try to get out of it. They try to claim that rupture is excessive or too cruel, they sometimes even a difficult when it comes to being restrained. There is a whole list of bad behaviors but as a man in this case may already be facing the slowest possible destruction of his testicles there needs to be another consequence for him to fear.


Without a consequence men can challenge women and not cooperate as they should. This can add stress to applying punishments and even put some women off using rupture at all. So this is why penis burning is often adopted.


How Penis burning helps.


In cases where a man’s behavior is not constructive, for instance, a man is tied up so he can have his testicles kicked with the intention of causing a rupture but before the punishment can start he is begging excessively. In this case he need to learn to be more respectful and penis burning can be used to help with that.


Penis burning presents the woman with a fair and ethical way to correct the man’s behavior. Heat, especially from a flame touching the penis causes the man intense pain and bursts of this pain can help to teach him the error of his ways. This helps the man to improve himself in a way that is constructive and beneficial.


The flame can be touched to the man’s penis then the man is told he is to take a series of burns to help educate him. If he begs or objects then more burns will be added so he needs to be fully accepting. This way the man learns to be respectful. The woman can stress that as he feels pain he should think about his actions and learn from the experience.


The man can then take a series of burns to his penis and will offer no objection but will probably scream from the pain. The woman can select a number of burns and the duration of each burn depending on the situation. She can discuss it with him and he will be supportive, if not more burns are added as obviously more are needed to correct his behavior.


Between burns the pair are encouraged to talk so the woman can see the progress of the man’s repentance and so the man can show he is learning. By showing he is learning the man is showing how productive penis burning is as a practice. More burns can be discussed and the man can show his improvement by supporting the idea.


Also penis burning is designed to be fair to both parties so both man and woman can request more burns if they feel it will help. This helps to show the almost kind way penis burning is used and how a man can really improve from the pain. Also if a woman doesn’t like using a flame hot water can be used if she feels more comfortable as her feelings are honored too.


The pain of burning is extreme for the man but it is an excellent learning tool. So much so that women often increase the duration of burning sessions to help the man learn more from the session. Also if the man has shown good progress the woman can increase the session and make him feel more burning as a reward for good progress knowing that more pain will help him.


Women are also encouraged to have fun with penis burning and try burning the man on different parts of his penis to get different results. Some women do find it very enjoyable and any good man will be happy of a woman’s enjoyment. So in these cases the man would want the session extended.



I hope this has shown that rather than being cruel or excessive penis burning is a much needed tool that is designed to help and improve a bad situation. The hope is men learn from it and are better afterwards. Men do need a deterrent so they act professionally during punishment sessions and penis burning provides one.







  1. Speaking as a 30 year old man I can see why penis burning is needed. Men are not always as cooperative as they should be so I get it. I see it more as a deterrent to encourage men to behave and I defiantly am scared of it.

    I've never had it done and hope I never do but I do accept it has a place and I'm surprised people are against it. Surely its just men who know it will happen to them making noise?

  2. Thank you for covering this important and interesting topic. It is one I had hoped you'd cover as the penis is also a sensitive part of the male anatomy and can be used to cause the male great pain.

    I was also interested to read about it as I had an experience with it some time ago. My experience involved using a candle but it would be interesting to hear about other methods as well.

    Not too long ago I decided my boyfriend needed to have his penis tortured. I used a candle to burn it, starting with the head, then going down the shaft once and finishing by burning his head some more. My purpose wasn't to completely destroy his penis, but the flame did end up ruining his head. That part no longer has any sexual feeling because the burns were quite severe, but the good news is he can still get erect and pleasure me. As we found out burning the penis is a very effective punishment for the male and can cause permanent damage as well. I would definitely recommend women take it into consideration when punishing a man.

    1. Thank you for your input Val. It is an interesting topic for sure and its very useful if done correctly.

    2. What made you decide to burn your boyfriend's penis?
      It seems like a terrible thing to endure, but if a woman has decided, I will have to accept it. Still, I hope it never happens to me.

  3. Great article! I would love to read further information on the topic regarding the length of usage of the flame for each part of the penis and what we are to expect at each stage and and best positions to keep the guy and the penis tied for it .

  4. While I think this may be a favorite fantasy for some women, I don't think anyone has ever done it.

    1. Do you seriously think that? Don't you know anyone who has experienced it? In high school or at work?

  5. A well done article on a difficult subject. Its a shame there are many who are against it. even some women are.

  6. I am thinking of forcing a heated liquid into the urethra of my BF, but not so hot he can't pee afterward. What are good ideas?

  7. What kind of burning things are good to insert into the penis? I am thinking that heated oil, or things like pepper sauce would work. What is best for the effect?

    1. i like to try heated oil or something like that on a guy. burning from the inside sounds funny. is there any of you guys who felt that?

    2. Kim.. I have had hot wax put up my urethra. It was not so hot to burn though. After it cooled, it came out in one piece.

    3. why did you get it? as a punishment?

    4. It was due the curiosity and punishment of my former gf. She had me hold open the opening in my penis and she then used a candle to drip wax into it. She also heated wax in a bowl and used a syringe to force it into the urethra. She held the base of the urethra closed with her thumb, then used the syringe to fill up the urethra. It burned, but fortunately she did not heat the wax much past it melting point.
      It was hot and hurt, but she got the result she wanted. She enjoyed making me struggle with it and remember the reason. The wax was a hard type and came out afterward completely.
      I should explain, I would have been in a medical emergency if the wax was heated very high or a soft wax was used that would not come out completely.

    5. nice. very nice. i still think candle wax is not suitable. liquid that you heat is better. that's not going to solidify. and because of the heat more painful.

  8. How often can a penis resist hard cockbending, without loosing it's original shape?

    1. i expect bending will not cause any damage.

    2. I would never want my penis burned but I have had mine tortured in a different way. I’ve had times where I was extremely stiff and the females would have me sit on a hardwood floor with my back against the wall and legs spread and they would step full weight on my rock hard shaft and on the head to the point the head of my shaft was a dark red with purple bruising all over it. I’ve experienced the female stepping on it in socks and hard shoes. Extremely painful to have to endure. Any other women who have tried this or have an opinion?


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