Equity Part 2


In the last part we talked about equity in punishment and how punishments should be fair to women as well as men. The issue was that much of the focus when deciding the severity of a man’s punishment is put on him.  The level of pain he will feel during the punishment and is the pain enough to teach him a lesson. Also the level of damage is also seen from his point of view. There are many cases where decision makers consider his opinion regarding the level of pain and his opinion regarding rupture.


This means he gets to talk about how he will be effected by the loss of a testicle and his fear of the extreme pain. Men in this position also give their views on PRT and usually aim for shorter sessions of it. Men also try to avoid rupture if they can so if they are allowed an opinion on their punishment they will try to talk their way out of it being used. This means that the procedure is unfortunately done less.


Sadly this leaves out the woman who’s feelings are valid and should be respected. While a punishment may be enough for the man or one he thinks is fair the woman might not. A woman has the right to have her feelings listened to. Also a womans level of satisfaction regarding a punishment and her level or pleasure or enjoyment matter as well.


This leads to women who are not satisfied and less use of testicular rupture when punishing men. This means the man does not experience the breaking of the testicle wall and the pain that comes with that. Then the man also does not feel PRT so he will not fully learn from the punishment and it will be less of a deterrent to others in the local area.


So why is Rupture so important to punishment Equity?


When a woman mentions rupture she is raising the idea that the man feel a perfectly acceptable and very effective form of punishment. Rupture has been proven to cause very high levels of pain and very positively effect a man that needs to suffer a consequence for his actions. By damaging his manhood the man is having the cause of so much bad behavior directly targeted. This combined with the pain works very well to have an effect on the man. Rupture also works very well in a range of cases so its not just for bigger crimes but it work well for minor ones too.


Studies have also shown that punishments where the man experiences rupture are more likely to be considered fair by the women involved as well as more satisfying as well. Women also can be sure that the man has been properly punished and don’t have to worry that not enough was done. PRT can also be done to increase the quality of the punishment and allow a man to feel pain for longer. Given the more intense pain a man feels as he experiences PRT it also helps to improve the fairness and satisfaction of women involved. Then the duration of PRT can be adjusted to increase the effect and improve the end result.


For many women PRT is when a man is really paying for his crime and it’s the part of the punishment where they derive their satisfaction. So this is why longer sessions of PRT are encouraged to help improve the experience for the women involved.


So given the effects of rupture and PRT its no wonder that


So How do we use rupture and PRT to improve equity?


When a woman is reporting a man its important that along with the report she is able to freely discuss her feelings regarding the consequence the man is to face. This may be only a small consequence or it may not but this is important information. A woman needs to know she can raise the idea of testicle rupture being used on a man even for a minor offense and it be respected. Rupture should be a thing that can be freely discussed and debated. The woman who first mentions it should be thanked for doing so and in no way made to feel bad for doing so.


PRT is also something that a woman should be able to freely discuss and be able to have a session length she likes. PRT refers to a whole range of tortures that can be performed on a testicle post rupture that have different effects. She should be free to discuss these and select ones she likes.


Another step that needs to happen is the man should not have any say at all in his punishment. The focus should be on delivering a result the woman thinks is fair and equitable.

women are draw to it and want it used more. It just makes good sense.


  1. Thanks for another blog post Lucy! I noticed one of your sentences got split so I wanted to point it out and join it together in case someone got confused. I did for a moment

    -So given the effects of rupture and PRT its no wonder that......women are draw[n] to it and want it used more. It just makes good sense.-

    I also wanted to express my agreement with you and provide my perspective:
    1. Women should have unilateral and complete authority on all matters relating to the punishment of men, including the type of punishment imposed and the length and severity of the punishment.
    2. Men should have absolutely zero influence or say in the decision making process on how they should be punished. The only reason to ask for a man's opinion on the fairness of a proposed punishment, particularly a severe punishment of rupture/PRT is as a test of his character to be used as a factor in the punishment considered. For instance, if a man expresses any doubt or disagreement on whether and how he should be punished, this is an indication of his bad character and lack of remorse for his crime. Such a man should be punished more harshly. However, if the man agrees and cooperates fully with his punishment, this should not be considered as a reason to lessen his punishment at all. This should only be considered evidence of the fairness of the woman and the punishment selected. Men should always express gratitude and support for the woman punishing him and should encourage her to be guided by her sense of fairness and happiness.
    3. Matters of fairness and justice in a punishment can only be objectively decided by a woman because a man's opinion is inherently biased. A man's opinion on the level of pain he is experiencing should be considered but women should be skeptical and should assume the pain is over exaggerated as men will try anything to escape a fair and equitable punishment. Men will selfishly try to minimize their pain and avoid damage, especially permanent damage to their testicles, so women should always be confident in their own judgment on what is fair and and equitable with respect to the punishment.
    4. Rupture and PRT should be freely debated but only by women. Men should never doubt or discourage the use of rupture and PRT as a punishment method. Men should always encourage a woman to consider rupture and PRT as a punishment method and fully support whatever decision she makes.
    5. A fair and equitable punishment occurs when a woman is fully satisfied by the outcome of the punishment and the condition of the man. The amount of pain or damage a man feels is inconsequential alone as a man's experience, feelings, and opinions do not matter.
    6. An equitable punishment should not only consider the feelings and well being of the woman who was wronged/negatively affected, it should also further the safety and well being of women as a whole. This means that a woman can and should consider the deterrence factor in punishing even small crimes as it will better deter men in general and therefore benefit women as a whole. Rupture and PRT offer the greatest form of deterrence to men.

    Please feel free to agree/disagree with me and share your thoughts.

    1. I agree with this list, especially with point number 2. This is what I've thought for a long time and you put it into words, Amy.

    2. Glad to hear that you agree!

    3. Even though I am a man I fully support all 6 points and I really hope that many more women read this blog and come to learn about and support PRT. The world needs more women like you Lucy, Amy, and Val and I appreciate you educating us all and holding us men accountable! Thanks for all the great blog posts and comments.

      This is minor but I think points 1-2 should be combined as they both speak to the same point. This is definitely the most important point on the list.

    4. If you dont mind hearing from a man Amy I would like to add that one point you raise that I agree with is men cant be trusted to be objective when a punishment is being decided. They will think of themselves and try to have the punishment reduced as much as they can. That means a man cant give fair input into a discussion around the potential use of rupture. A man will always try to save the his balls instead of agreeing with the woman and respecting her decision. I try to be a supportive feminist but even I admit that if I were in a discussion where rupture was brought up I dont think I could be trusted to say the right thing.

      Also you are very correct about rupture being a good deterent. Any time its used I am super carful to be well behaved and it sends a clear message that a certain thing is not ok. Again I hope you dont mind a man commenting.

    5. Its good to hear from a man here and its good you are being so honest.

    6. Amy those are some very good points. I love the way you think. It nice to hear from a woman not afraid to talk about rupture and all its benefits

    7. You wrote it well amy. we make the rules, and that’s it.

  2. This is a good article and it got me thinking about something that happened a few months ago. I had invited the woman living next door to join me in punishing my boyfriend for something she reported him to me for (it's a long story). It was only a minor offense but I sentenced him to 60 kicks to the testicles and we took turns kicking him with heels. To make sure we weren't too easy on them, we tied up his balls beforehand. After the punishment we were both pleased with the swelling and the damage as we inspected them.

    But now having read this article it got me thinking: should I have asked my neighbor if she wanted to have one of his testicles ruptured?

    She didn't bring it up, but maybe she would have liked my boyfriend to have a ball popped for his offense.

    1. Thanks for sharing this punishment Val. For those of us that remember the "it takes a village to raise a child" aphorism, I think it similarly takes a community to properly raise and hold men accountable. For this reason, I think its commendable and beneficial that you have such a great relationship with your female neighbors that they would report your boyfriend's transgressions to you and you both would participate in his punishment.

      It is always a great choice to tightly bind testicles up before you punish them because it makes the punishment so much more painful and damaging, such that you can simultaneously reduce your efforts and maximize the results. I imagine this made the minor 60 kick punishment feel more like 200 kicks and therefore still gave you both a satisfying level of swelling and damage. Always better to work smarter than harder!

      Hindsight is always 20/20 but I think you should've asked your neighbor if she felt that rupturing one or both of his testicles would have been fair. Personally, I would have brought up the subject when you both sentences your boyfriend to the 60 kicks so your neighbor could have enough time to think it over. This would also give your boyfriend some notice and would test his remorse and character. Then after all of the kicks were delivered you both could assess the swelling and damage by inspecting his testicles, like you already had, and your neighbor could then recommend rupture or additional kicks/punishment based on the outcome and how she felt. You could then provide your thoughts/recommendations and if you disagreed you could both debate it and decide.

      I am curious, Val, if you and your neighbor disagreed on rupture how would you resolve the disagreement or would you just defer to her decision since she was the victim of your boyfriend's crime/behavior?

    2. Val you are right about binding the testicles in a kicking session. I hurt my ankle once so I used binding as a way to basically cause the same level of damage and injury as normal but with softer kicks. As the balls have nowhere to go when hit they absorb far more of the impact and the energy travels deeper in the testicle. This helps to promote internal bleeding which causes the man sharp shooting pains. It also makes rupture much easier too then after rupture the testicle stay still so more kicks break it apart as well.

      Its also nice reading your comments about ballbusting and promoting the use of rupture as a punishment.

    3. Thanks for sharing your feedback and experiences Lucy. It is wonderful hearing from you but I am very sorry to hear that you injured your ankle once during a kicking session. Hopefully it was just some minor discomfort and you punished the man severely for injuring you like that. Over the years I have had my balls kicked hundreds if not thousands of times by dozens of women. I always recommend they wear good sturdy shoes before kicking me so they don't hurt their feet in any way. A woman should never experience any pain or discomfort while punishing a man but unfortunately this happens more than men realize, especially for those women who kick barefoot. I fully respect a woman's decision to kick barefoot if she desires but the risk of pain and injury is much higher, especially for her toes and instep. I have shown many women how to pull their toes back and kick with the ball of their feet, which is a much better kicking technique for women who kick balls barefoot. This helps avoid jamming/injuring their toes and instep and it is much more painful for the man they are kicking as the underside/ball of a woman's foot is much harder and durable. I hope that by sharing this it will avoid more women getting injured or hurt during kicking sessions. I have always tried to do my part in encouraging and helping women to feel more comfortable in using harsh ballbusting punishments on men and to improve their effectiveness in torturing balls. It's great having women educating other women on these matters as it may be better received than when it comes from a man. Thanks for all that you do Lucy!

    4. Thank you Lucy. Binding the testicles really does make a difference. I could tell the pain my boyfriend felt was intense as we kicked him and he had to fight just to stay standing. Like you said his testicles had nowhere to move so they took all the force and quickly grew more and more swollen to become even easier targets. I don't need to tell you his balls were sore and swollen for days.

    5. If I injured my feet while kicking a man in the balls I would be very pissed off and would slowly rupture and flatten out at least one of his balls. I would extend that process out for many hours and make the experience as painful as possible for the man. Out of the kindness of my heart and a very convincing apology from the man I might spare his last baby maker but I would make it suffer through a slow and excruciating punishment, just short of rupture. It would be a massively swollen and aching ball of agony that would never function fully ever again and it along with its dead twin brother would serve as a reminder to never hurt me ever again.

    6. I do like the way you think but to be honest I actually hurt my ankle on a night out. But if any woman was hurt during testicle punishment its only fair the man suffer for that.

  3. Thank you Amy. We do have a great little system in place: me and my boyfriend live in an apartment building, and some of the women living here have offered to let me know when they notice my boyfriend doing anything wrong so I can properly punish him. When I described how I punish his testicles they seemed very open to the idea and were interested in helping me. The woman living right next door to us was especially interested. She is older than us and is single so I think she's pleased to be able to participate in ballbusting through us. I've punished my boyfriend twice on her behalf and the third time I invited her over which she gladly did.

    I think you're right about bringing up rupture, Amy. I'll have to bring the topic up with our neighbor the next time I see her. I would of course agree to whatever she thought was necessary, even if it meant my boyfriend losing a testicle or two. If a woman says a man deserves rupture, then that is his fair and decided punishment. Just because he's my boyfriend I don't think his balls are more important than just discipline.

    1. No problem, Val. It's great to hear that you have a great relationship and arrangement with your neighbors at your apartment complex. Since you have punished your boyfriend at least 3 times on behalf of your next door neighbor it seems like she is really vigilant in monitoring and reporting to you on your boyfriend's behavior to ensure that he is held accountable for his actions.

      We need more women working together in society, especially to hold men accountable for their actions. Punishments are also more fun with a friend to assist plus it divides up the amount of work involved, which is very helpful for more involved and longer/harsher punishments.

      I would never advise prioritizing your boyfriend's testicles over ensuring he is properly disciplined but I see your point in deferring to another woman that feels he deserves to have one or both of his testicles ruptured.

  4. Decent post but excellent comments that I support and enjoyed reading. It is always more fun to fuck up some balls with a friend than to solo a pair if you ask me. We should all look out for one another and report a man's bad behavior to his wife/girlfriend and tag team his balls together. ;)

  5. Hi. I want to know more about sterilizing my boy friend using special needles. Where could I buy them and does anyone have experience they can share?

    1. you can buy medical needles that work very well at piercing the testicles. just make sure they are long enough. To improve the mans pain and the damage they cause him internally you can scrape the edges of the needles to create sharp jags on the sides. this way when you push them in you can turn them so the sharp bit catch on the tubes inside his testicle. They will then rip and cut them adding to the internal trauma and increasing pain.

      The needles should also be pushed in slowly, not quickly like you see in videos. Push them slow and turn them as they go. You can usually fit quite a few in there depending on how much you want to damage him.

    2. That's very exciting to hear that you are interested in sterilizing your boyfriend with needles. Hopefully I can help you out with some advice and resources so you can cause him as much pain as possible while destroying his balls. There is already some good advice above with the previous commenter that I support but here are some sites to purchase some needles from:

      1. https://medfetuk.com/25g-orange/
      2. https://www.medical-and-lab-supplies.com/medical-supplies/syringes-and-needles/needles-only/27g-33g-hypodermic/nipro-sterile-hypodermic-needles-box-of-100.html

      The first 2 sites should have sufficient options for gauge sizes and lengths up to 1.5 inches, however the 3rd site has a 21 gauge option for 2 inch needles. The biggest issue is finding long enough needles, especially if you want to skewer both his balls with a single needle. Here is a site but this and many other sites won't let you purchase hypodermic needles of this length without being an approved buyer (medical, research, education credential/authorization):https://www.meritpharm.com/product/hypoermic-needle-22g-x-100mm-100-box-22g-x-70mm-pre-22100-tsk22101/

      1. Hypodermic needles are measured by gauge (g) and length (usually mm/inches).
      2.The larger the gauge the thinner the needle. Length usually caps at 1.5-2inches and anything longer is rarer and harder to find
      3. I recommend 1.0-1.5 inch needle length to skewer a single ball and 4inch needles to skewer both balls together.
      4. I recommend 22-27 gauge needles. Use the larger gauge to maximize the number of needles used and extend out the punishment.
      5. Always sterilize the needles to avoid infection.
      6. Always push each needle in slowly and turn and adjust them to cause more pain.
      7. Make sure to properly restrain the man before beginning and once restrained explain to him what you are planning to do and show him the needles.

      I hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.

  6. Love your blog Lucy and I love the comments! Speaking for myself I love kicking and torturing a pair of balls just for the fun of it and I don't think women should need any more justification to do it than that. All men deserve it and should fully cooperate with it or face way more pain and damage. This keeps men on their best behavior and is just so much fun and empowering.

    1. Chanel, are you looking for a pair of nuts to crack? I can take quite the kicking!!

  7. Thanks Chanel, I am looking forward to using your advice. You sound very knowledgeable. You have to tell me about your experience doing this! Does anyone else have experience ?

    1. I have a number of ballbusting experiences I could share. For background, I have been a martial arts instructor for several years and I regularly teach women's self defense in a number of local gyms, women centers, colleges, and high schools. I kick and torture my boyfriend's balls on a regular basis and always have a fun time in the process. Over the last 4 months or so I have done just about every cruel thing I could do to his balls. About two months ago I began using him (mostly his balls, hehe) as an instructional dummy for my women's self defense classes. Naturally I forbid him from wearing a cup during any of the demonstrations and heavily emphasized attacks to the balls in my classes. Unfortunately, these classes would not allow any nudity so he had to wear pants. To enhance my fun and his pain, I had him wear special underwear that secured his dick away from his balls and I bound his balls together tightly so they couldn't roll away when the women kicked, punched, stomped, elbowed, and kneed him in the balls. It was very fun for me and for my students. The real fun though is when my students sign up for private advanced "self defense instructional classes" that I host after hours at my house. This is where I teach women how to really fuck up a man's balls and cause immense pain and damage. I empower them to take control of men and hold them accountable for their bad behavior. In these advanced sessions, I have showed women many ballbusting techniques, including skewering balls with needles.

      My boyfriend has had the honor of helping dozens of women not only learn how to defend themselves but also feel empowered enough to assert themselves and control men. We need more men willing to sacrifice their balls for the greater good so I encourage men to be more supportive of women.

  8. Dear Blog Readers
    Would repeated shocks with electricity sterilize the balls? My boyfriend has to endure lots of kicking sessions, but I am interested in seeing if short bursts of electricity to his balls, over time, will sterilize him. I have heard of electricity being used on mens testicles before and I am interested

    1. You pose an intriguing question that I would like to know the answer to as well. I hypothesize that higher and more frequent voltage electrical shocks to the the testicles will lead to male sterility.

      I did some brief research and interestingly there have been a number of studies on this subject, unfortunately not the type of studies I would have liked to have seen. Studies have shown that high voltages of electricity can interfere with the sperm's structure and destroy some function. In general, studies have shown that high voltage shocks can destroy organ tissue and lead to organ failure so it would make sense that high voltage electrical shocks to the testicles would lead to male sterility. What is ironically interesting is that there is also research testing something called "electrical stimulation therapy" on the testicles that aims to increase male fertility and there is some evidence to support that smaller levels of of electricity applied to the testicles regularly over months actually increases sperm motility (enhances fertility).

      I highly recommend that you carry out this experiment or at least incorporate electrical shocks to your boyfriend's testicles in addition to all of the testicle kicking sessions.The combination of both electrical shocks and regular testicle kicking should only increase the chance of sterility. Speaking from experience, I love shocking testicles and seeing the reactions. I am told it is a uniquely painful sensation so it should only compliment all of the testicle kicking you do. Mixing up punishments is more fun as well.

      Given the possible increase in fertility from lower voltage testicle shocks, I would highly recommend that make sure to apply higher voltage testicle shocks that are very painful to your boyfriend. I would also extend the duration of the shocks to increase the damage and pain.

      I hope this helps and would love to hear your experience or experiment results if you actually conduct the research.

    2. Hi Amy,

      I was once questioning a man and used electric shocks to the testicles to help with the questioning. I was told that if you just apply the contacts to the scrotum then the current just goes around the outside of the testicle as it will find the path of least resistance. But in this case we wanted him to feel high pain and we also wanted the procedure to be destructive for his testicles.

      So we had these contacts that were like large thumb tacks. They had the round top like thumb tack do that was connected to the wires and the needle part. The needle part was about 15mm long and all but the point was layered in plastic to insulate it. the needles were pushed into the top and bottom of a testicle so the current would travel right through the core of it. This was done to both testicles then we started with low current and slowly increased.

      The pain was very intense for him and he begged us to stop but he could not answer so he felt ever increasing current. He screamed as each shock was applied and we increased the duration and the power. His testicles were shocked one at a time starting at 5 seconds then going to 15 second shocks. Current does burn if high enough and we burned the inside of both his testicles. The damage was very high as was his pain. I wanted to do a good job and really make his suffer as well as permeantly damage his balls.

      We made him suffer for over an hour and after that his testicles were swollen and felt soft. They were not destroyed but apparently his sperm count dropped by 70- 80% from the session.

    3. Thanks for sharing this delightful interrogation technique/account! I wish I could direct my response to someone more specific than an anonymous poster but I do appreciate you sharing your experience.

      Thanks for sharing an important point about current flowing across the path of least resistance. I highly recommend that women follow your lead and make sure to not apply the electrical probes to different sides of the scrotum as that would not produce the level of pain or damage necessary to properly punish a man.

      You definitely made an excellent choice in pushing the needle probes into the top and bottom of each testicle to focus the electrical circuit within each testicle. Having the circuit going lengthwise through each testicle is better than across the width of each testicle as it would result in more electrical current traveling throughout the mass of each testicle. Great choice to increase the shock duration from 5 to 15 second intervals. The 15 second shock duration must have been especially painful and fun to watch.

      Another good approach would be to pierce each testicle with a needle lengthwise and then attach each electrical probe to both ends of the exposed needle. Your approach may be more effective at distributing the electrical current more evenly throughout the testicle as the metal in the needle would probably conduct the electrical current in the path of the needle itself. However, this approach would probably concentrate the current so it would be more damaging in the area where the testicle was impaled. There are always pros and cons so this would be something to think about.

      One potential factor to consider would be that the electrical current could damage the nerve endings in a man's testicles so that might dramatically lessen the pain of testicle kicking and other forms of testicle punishment down the road. I'm not sure if you are the same commenter that was looking to sterilize your boyfriend with electrical shocks but if it were me I would want to maintain the guy's testicular nerve sensitivity so future punishments would still be as painful as possible. If you just want to sterilize a guy and don't care about leaving his testicles intact for future punishments I would probably just rupture and flatten them out and be done with it.

      Out of curiosity, who is the "we" you were referring to in your comment? How did you learn that his sperm count was reduced from that punishment? Any idea if that was temporary or permanent?

  9. What amazing replies! I will definitely incorporate these ideas into future sessions. I love causing pain to his testicles so this sounds ideal!
    It's also important to know that electricity might not go through the testicle completely unless I do it the right way. To the second anonymous.. Can you describe how to make the contacts you spoke of? Or how I could buy them?
    Please share more about voltages and types of batteries or transformers to use. I will be anxious to share my results.

  10. Its terrifying to see how passionate and knowledgeable women are about testicle torture. These punishments are very well thought out and seem extremely painful. My balls hurt just thinking about this. I try very hard to never upset women and the more I read here the more careful I feel I need to be. I thought my girlfriend was overly harsh in punishing me but now I realize how lucky I am. She really loves to bust my balls but I don't think she would like to inflict this kind of torture on me. I hope to never have to experience these kind of punishments but at the same time I love seeing women happy and want to do my part in making women feel safe and happy.

    1. it is good your girlfriend bust your balls, but I think you need a better punishment when you don’t be good enough for her or act not well. so you have to inform her of what you read in this blog.

  11. I have a very good friend for more then 15 years. We don’t have a romantic or love relationship, just very good friends. She had kicked my testicals as a punishment a few times. But not that often because I respect her and she sees no reason to hurt me.
    She sometimes send me some photos when she bought some new clothing. And asks me what I think of it. I answer her and she is happy I give my honest opinion.
    Last summer she send me a photo and I loved her outfit. I told her and she asked if she was hot in it. I said she was. A week or so later something strange happend. She asked if i did jerk of on that photo. I didn’t. And she asked why not. Didn’t I look hot in it, she asks me. Then she start laughing. She was joking.
    But that night i looked at the photo in my phone and wanted to jerk off. I didn’t do it, but its hard not to do.
    I really wanna jerk off on her photo in bed.
    So my question. Is this a reason for asking her to prevent me to jerk off on her photo by a long and painful punishment. And what do you suggest? Rupture and PRT is not necessary I think, right? Because she can’t punish me anymore after that.

    1. i think you should discuss it with her. what punishment you are going to receive is not your choice, but hers.

    2. I think you are right. And I haven't done anything yet. So I'll go talk to her. Thank you, Kim.

    3. you are welcome. keep me posted.

    4. Kim, I messaged her to schedule a date for a weekend together. We do that often, but now I'm going to tell her what happened. She will let me know this afternoon which weekends she is free.


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