Getting the most out of testicle kicking.

Getting the most out of testicle kicking.


Testicle kicking is probably the most common form of testicle punishment. It’s easy to do and allows both the man and the woman to remain separate. This means a woman can preserve her personal space and not be too close to the man. So from a safe distance can woman can inflict pain to the testicles which makes things easier for the woman.


The separation also makes it a very good work place punishment. It helps keep things professional between the two parties and more formal than other methods. So kicking is usually what is done in the work place.


It’s also easy to scale from a quick session where the male experiences light pain and swelling. All the way to harder sessions where testicle rupture is experienced. Which means it can be used in a range of cases and get the desired result. So its easy to see why it is so common.


It is also the most common way women use to administer testicular rupture on a man. Especially if hard shoes a worn as a testicle is struck the outer wall stretches and the internals are compressed. This promotes internal damage to the testicles causing tearing of the flesh within the ball. This allows a woman to easily cause internal bleeding and intense pain for the man. Kicking also weakens the testicle wall making it easy for a woman to achieve rupture


Given the popularity of testicular rupture and how often its used testicle kicking is an important skill. So I wanted to write this to help women get the most from kicking sessions.


Not too hard


One thing women often do during a kicking session is kick as hard as they can and try to maximize damage. This is a good plan of you only have a limited number of kicks or a time limit. As it means you are more likely to cause a rupture before the session is over. Rupture is obviously desired because the additional pain increases the quality of the punishment and is a good way to help a male learn from a mistake.


So rupture can help improve the male and be a benefit to him as well as giving satisfaction to the woman. Although men don’t often see it at the time rupture is often used to help him and knowing it will please the woman should be reason enough for a man to want it. Also rupture is rarely used out of anger but instead its used because it is a highly effective punishment and a great way to help a male learn from a mistake. As a male feels the pain of rupture it is hoped he will use the pain to help him regret his decisions and improve himself. This is why we promote rupture and why women are helping by doing it.


So by maximizing damage you increase the odds of a rupture in a session where there is only a set number of kicks. This means a better chance off all the benefits rupture brings for both parties so it’s a good thing women are trying to cause more of these.


But a better approach can be to set the end of the session with an amount of damage not a set number of kicks. Or not have any limits at all and stop when it feels right. This allows the woman to take her time and prolong the mans suffering while increasing her own enjoyment.


The no limit approach


Forcing a woman to select a number of kicks at the beginning is controlling and can limit her from enjoying the session fully. Instead the man should be restrained for a no limit or open ended session. This means a woman can stop when she is ready.


In cases like this there is no rush so you can work on prolonging the mans pain and relax as you know there is no pressure on you to land every kick perfectly. So what you can do is kick softer. Make sure each kick hurts him but don’t worry about making them super hard. This way rather than a rupture at say 40 kicks he will fell one at the 120 kick mark.


You can start off with hard kicks to cause some internal damage and swelling then ease off. Then lower the force as the testicles swell up, bruise and become more damaged. When a testicle is close to rupture a very light kick to them will cause more pain than a full force kick when they are fresh. So by using light kicks this pain can be prolonged.


Then when a testicle ruptures to a hard kick a large tear opens up and much of the internals are forced out. But with light kicks a small tear forms which is enlarged with each kick and the process takes much longer. So rather than a few minutes to kick a testicle flat it can easily take 30 minutes so the male benefits from more of the best pain.  


Then as the woman sees the man feeling the pain of rupture for longer se will get more satisfaction and pleasure from the session. Its very important to think of the womans feelings as well as they do matter. Its not all about the male, its actually very important that both parties are cared for.


So by doing it this way you still achieve the rupture you desire as a woman but get to prolong the experience to increase your pleasure and help the male learn more. So its better for both people.


Let me know your thoughts.


  1. Can testicle kicking be used as birthcontrol, without losing the balls?

    1. You would have to have repeated sessions where the testicles were kicked until close to rupture. A better way of sterilizing would be several sessions where barbed needles were pushed into the testicles. Over the sessions you would make sure every part of the testicle took a needle so they would end up being filled with scar tissue. it would be painful and effective.

    2. I think we will kick the balls. I'm curious to see the cum change.

    3. This is something to consider in a relationship as well. I punish my boyfriend regularly and while I would have to get his sperm count measured to be sure, I have no doubt caused some permanent damage to his testicles over the several months we've been together. While I am proud of the damage I've caused, it's something that could affect our relationship in the future. If I choose to want to have children with him but his testicles are no longer functional then he has failed me and needs to face castration as punishment. On the other hand if I choose to not have children with him I could purposefully make his balls sterile while keeping them intact for torture purposes. Barbed needles would be wonderful for this and a great way to permanently disable them. In any case I'm going to keep punishing my boyfriend fairly and properly even if it means ruining his testicles. I don't think his balls are more important than justice.

    4. Val, I hope you don't mind me sharing but you remind me of my wife. My wife and I have been married for 3 years and I love and respect her very much. I have always wanted to have children but unfortunately for me my wife has been adamantly against having children so naturally we haven't had any children. I fully respect that having children is a woman's choice but I have selfishly tried to persuade her on many occasions to consider children anyway. This has always resulted in very long and painful ballbusting punishments. Not only is she very strict she also really enjoys torturing my balls so I have received many harsh ballbusting punishments/tortures over the years. My balls are always in a bruised and swollen state because I seldom get any recovery time with all of the punishments I receive. Although I have never had my sperm count measured I imagine that my balls have been permanently damaged since I have been hospitalized with testicular injuries several times and my wife is a relentless and proud ballbuster. She brags about rupturing two other men's balls in the past and takes great pride in her ballbusting ability and all of the testicular damage that she has caused. She repeatedly reminds me that she owns my balls and that having a functional pair of balls is a privilege that I must continually earn. She has often told me that she would happily destroy them if they were no longer useful to her.

      This past November, she surprised me by saying that she would have a child with me if I could get her pregnant by February 1st but if I was unable to do so then she would destroy my balls. I was so excited at first but I am getting pretty nervous now and fear that I can't get her pregnant due to the all of the damage my balls have sustained. I did not think that she would increase the duration of my punishments during this short window to get her pregnant, which is not helping my chances for sure. My wife is counting down the days on a calendar and often reminds me how much time is left with every punishment session.

      I have never had barbed needles stuck into my balls but I think my sperm count has been significantly reduced anyway so I think Lucy is correct that repeated trauma is sufficient enough to disable balls.

      Do you think my sperm count would recover enough if I had a week or two of recovery time Lucy?

  2. Can testicle kicking be used as birthcontrol, without losing the balls?

  3. Crushing methods that leave the testicle intact.
    I have heard that a testicle can be compressed from the ends inward, forcing it to expand in a different way than usual pressure does from pressing them in the middle. I can see from the diagram that this would pull apart the membranes inside. I am very interested if any women here have tried it and what actually happens. Also, just how could I do it? Is there a type of technique or implement used?
    I want my boyfriend to still have balls, but want to know the insides have been totally shredded by me.

    1. This is possible. I'm a man and I have had this done to me. A tool was used it was like tongs or plyers in that it was held in the hand and could be opened and closed. On each end was a small cup that fit over the end of my testicle. this ment the tool held my testicle by both ends. As pressure was applied the pain was very intesnse. The torture is designed to cause internal injury. I felt tearing and the swelling was very bad. My testicle survived but the pain was extreme and there was a lot of internal damage.

    2. Our goal is that the testicles continue to produce juices but without sperm. She is a real princess and in charge of the testicles and doesn't want to lose them.

  4. Kicking is probably my favorite form of punishment. It's so simple and satisfying to make a man suffer with a simple swing of my leg. Plus kicking is so versatile in its application. By varying footwear (barefoot, hard heels, pointy heels) and the amount and hardness of the kicks (from simple pain all the way to rupture) the man can be made to feel different levels of pain and damage.

    I typically like to set a number of kicks as a punishment, but you've really opened my eyes to more free-form ballbusting. I can see how not having a set number of kicks encourages experimentation, trying out different angles etc, rather than try to go for the perfect kick each time. I will give setting a level of damage instead of a number of kicks a try. Thank you so much, Lucy!

    1. HI kicking janet, I hope you dont mind me replying because I'm male. As a man I think kicking works well because you dont have to handle to testicles. You can just stand there and use you foot inside a shoe to cause pain. For men standing there and watching the leg swing forward is very scary. It does work as a punishment and if desired by the women the pain can be very extreme.

      I find knowing the number of kicks does help me to understand what I am facing. Like its it a light punishment or a serious one. Then if the number is limited it prevents mean women from inflicting rupture for little things.

    2. Personally I don't mind handling the testicles, especially when they get real big and swollen. Regarding punishment, as far as I'm concerned the only thing males need to worry about is staying still. What happens to the balls is only for women to decide and men have no say in the matter. Even if it means losing both over something minor.

    3. I understand your point I do and I understand men need to be punished. I just think rupture should only be done in more serious cases. I think its a bit unfair how many women casually sentance men to rupture. Even without the aspect of losing a testicle the pain is so extreme. Its not just bad but its tearing pain in your most sensitive place. The pain is so extreme men taking it scream histerically and lose there minds. Then with modern techniques the torture can be dragged out over two hours. That is 2 hours of the most extreme pain you;ve ever felt with no rest. I support womens rights but I think men deserve some say. Sorry I dont mean to disrespect you just sharing a feeling. I'm glad we live in a world of testicle punishment but think we need some changes.

    4. I'm sorry you feel that way, but there's nothing wrong with women rupturing testicles. There's nothing unfair about it all. Women have the right to punish men and she may decide to rupture one or both balls and that's just something guys have to deal with. Any argument from a male should be met with additional punishment to his manhood. In fact just to make a point about men knowing their place, the next guy I punish I'm going to neuter whether his crime calls for castration or not.

    5. Hi kicking janet. I understand your point and please know I do support rupture and it being used intentionally. i also support the use or PRT and know that it needs to be done slowly. I do think those things are a good thing and men should take them but dont you think there is some room for discussion. A womans decision is final but cant we work together a bit more?

    6. I’m a woman who has destroyed many balls. I saw this thread a while back and your comment made me angry, as it did Kicking Janet. I fully agree with Kicking Janet. And to prove how wrongheaded your view is, I decided to just POP a guy’s balls for NO REASON and with no discussion. Last week, I went out with my steel toed boots and when I found the right guy and setting, I walked up and did a one kick wonder. One kick and SQUICK, both of his pathetic balls turned to mush. ONE KICK. No discussion. No reason. No time for conversation about it. That’s how it’s done. It’s the right of all females.

    7. I saw your comment when I came back to check the forum. I feel really bad that my opinion lead to a man losing a testicle. At least you didn't make him suffer too long but still its not fair that he should suffer for what I said. While we dont agree 100% I would like to continue talking but if my words are to have a consequence then its wrong that someone other than me should feel it. Is there any way I could make it up to you or put this right? I feel bad and I hope that man is ok. I'm sorry.

    8. @Kicking Janet, I am a man and I agree with you that every argument from a male cost him additional punishment. And I also think that women can choose the way they punish men. So, I understand that you will punish the next man by castrating him, just to make a point. And frankly, I hope this man committed a very minor offense. That makes your point stronger.

    9. and if it was you, r. do you still agree with her castrate you for a minor offense?

    10. Good question Kim. I would hate it if that happened, but I can only accept it. Especially because by neutering me, Janet's point has been made extra well. But I will cry for my lost.

  5. I have heard of using barbed needles to do damage to a males testicles. How is the experience for the woman? Does it give a woman a sense of satisfaction? How does she control the male while she does this?

  6. I cannot stop my BF from sex once he starts. Is it OK to use this technique to stop him after i say no?

    1. Yes, any unwanted advance should be met with a hard knee to his balls. It's the only thing we understand

    2. what is your story willie? what was the reason you had to receive a couple of knees?

    3. Hi Kim, I am a male who takes pride in having a strong pair of balls. Most women are just to confident they can drop any man with their kicks. WRONG!! It’s you cocky women that I enjoy being kicked by to take you down a peg. Testicles represent male power and strength!! You ladies are just mad you weren’t lucky enough to be born with a’s a man’s world and you ladies are just living in it..HaHa!! Sometimes it’s gotta be said..


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