More on PRT part 6


In the last post we talked about pushing a finger into the rupture and how to apply pain in that method. So now I want to cover the process of flattening a testicle which can be done alongside inserting something into the rupture or done by its self. 


Given some of the objections I just want to cover some of the morality around this type of punishment first. The use of testicular rupture has been around since before recorded history and is accepted in many cultures. It’s certainly is very painful for the criminal and has permanent loss as well but it is a tool women can use. It’s a well-documented procedure and one that is widely accepted. It nothing to be ashamed of wanting to do at all. In fact it is something to be proud of.


We covered earlier stages of PRT before now we move on to the later parts. This is when the testicle really loses its shape and starts to flatten out. Now before we move on I want to cover feedback women give after having used PRT on a man. Statistically very few (less than 2%) regret doing it or believe the punishment was too harsh. But by far the biggest regret and this is especially high among women who have performed less than 5 ruptures is the session ending too soon.


When evaluating the punishment a few days later the one thing women would most like to change is to increase the time the man was experiencing PRT. There are a few reasons for this and the main one is that they were worried the man might not have felt enough pain to learn his lesson. This is especially the case when PRT (not including torture before rupture) lasts less than an hour. PRT is a very versatile punishment that can cause a male criminal constant pain for several hours. This is how the punishment is designed and what makes it so effective and popular. So if a session only last say 65 minutes then when a woman compares that to 120 minute and 180 minute sessions she may regret not having prolonged the session.


It is perfectly natural for women to feel this way because a woman wants the male to be punished fairly and in a way that will deter future crimes. When she hears how other men felt sessions lasting twice as long she will feel bad. It’s not about being cruel to the male it’s about making sure he is punished correctly and she has not let down those around her. Because lighter sentences can encourage reoffending even if the male has lost a testicle. Or other men might hope they will be given a quicker session of PRT for the crimes they committed.


So it’s important for a woman to know this before starting PRT and why I made a point of saying she should time the session. Also a woman should know its always far better to over punish than under punish. If you under punish then the man might reoffend and other me will be less deterred from committing crime. But if you over punish then the male just spends a bit longer learning his lesson. So its far better to choose a longer PRT session than to risk it being too short. Even if there is slight doubt then the woman should increase the session. If you are unsure if 90 minutes is enough or would 120 be better then go with 120. I’ve cover deciding the length of a PRT session more in another article.


Another reason women bring PRT sessions to an early end when less experienced is because of the way the man acts. During PRT the male will scream, cry and show signs of high pain. But this is normal and how PRT is supposed to be. The hope is that a male experiencing PRT will feel extreme pain throughout the duration of the punishment so you should not feel bad for him when this happens. So don’t let his suffering bother you, take a break if you need too as we discussed.


Later session techniques


Later on in the session the testicle will have deflated and will start to lose its shape. This is often compared to a partially inflated football. What has happened here is that as the torture as progressed the internals have been torn away and forced out of the rupture. Also the membranes dividing up the inside of the testicle have stated to tear as well.


Twisting - One good technique to start using when the testicle is maybe only about half full is twisting. Simply grip one end on the testicle and hold it still while gripping the other end and applying a twisting force. Doing this allows you to pull on little tears which have formed inside the testicle which is very painful for the male. Slowly twist the ball then slow down as you feel resistance and he shows signs of high pain. Moving very slightly back and forward will let you play with the tear and slowly add to it. This causes a very sharp pain for the male deep within the testicle. When the man feels this sharp pain try to hold it for several minutes at a time for good effect. The longer you hold this the better.


Twisting is a good way to get the male to scream and get him begging you to stop. This shows how good it is to use on him. Also try not to put any pushing force onto the testicle so no extra tubes are forced out. This will help prolong his punishment.


Bending - Another thing that can be done is bending the testicle. If you place your index and forefinger on one side of the testicle then your thumb on the other and push in with your thumb you can bend the testicle in a way that’s not possible when it is fuller. This can widen the rupture depending on where you push and stretch the internal membranes that divide the testicle internally causing them to slowly tear.


Bending can be destructive so always do it very slowly and ease off as the male shows signs of high pain. Deforming the testicle has a strange feeling for a man and helps him visualize the destruction of the ball. This often makes him cry during lulls in the pain but when pressure is applied he should scream loudly. Swapping hands is a good idea as you will want to hold him in a place where the pressure is high enough to cause massive pain for several minutes at a time.


Linear compression - As the testicle deflates it doesn’t just empty like a burst water bladder the tubes that are nearest the rupture are torn away and leave the ball first. This means you will usually have an empty spot in the middle of the testicle and tubes still left at the two ends. This can leave the middle of the testicle hollow. This can be taken advantage of by pushing the two ends of the testicle together.


Doing this will force the testicle wall in the middle to bulge out. If the rupture is here this will open the rupture up and put lots of pressure on the surrounding tissue. The man will feel the main tear in his testicle wall stretch and this can even enlarge the tear. This torture targets the outer wall of the testicle and causes pain there. While not as painful as the internal tortures it focuses on the wall which is often underutilized during PRT sessions.


We will cover more in the next part.






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  3. Wow! As always I am impressed with the many creative ways to inflict pain on a pair of balls. What really spoke to me personally was bending a ruptured testicle. You could deform his ball and he could really see just how much his ball is being ruined. Great article!

  4. To the female posters above, especially Sarah.
    If you are interested in a practice session of PRT and want to make a clear instruction video for women, I am interested in cooperating with you. As a male, I think this would help women to have this knowledge and feel confident that they would know exactly what to expect as they do it. I think the world would be a better place for that.

  5. Lucy, what about decapitating him? Do you think that is excessive?

    1. hi, Sorry but we cant discuss death here. Plus I am about healthy punishment without risking the mans life.

    2. You have a truly unique view of what qualifies as 'healthy'...

  6. Hi Lucy,
    As a feminist, I believe that after we have flattened both his testicles to mush, the crowning punishment should be penectomy. If he’s lost his balls, he doesn’t need his cock. Don’t you agree? A quick slice with a sharp knife (or slowly sawing through it works too), and he will have a good reminder not to touch a woman again - that is if he doesn’t bleed out and die after we leave him there to sort himself out!

    Cheers, Tricia

    1. Removal of the penis is a good idea and one that can be done. We have discussed penis burning on here a few times which is fairly popular.

  7. Are you going to explain your favourite decapitation techniques to be used after he is sexually mutilated Lucy? We can hardly wait!

  8. About Lucy's comment above... Thank you for separating yourself from those who advocate murder. People of that sort should not be near your blog

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  9. The longer I read the blog the more I’m getting to know how important it is to punish a Man fairly for his behaviours. That’s why I wanted to ask what is the fair punishment for calling names on my ex-friend. She won’t longer answer my messages so she won’t be able to punish me and I feel guilty about what I did so that’s why I’m asking what should be done to me?. I’m 20 years old and I want to have kids in the future so please don’t make the punishment to cruel.

  10. U am serious- I want to help..
    If you are interested in a practice session of PRT and want to make a clear instruction video for women, I am interested in cooperating with you. As a male, I think this would help women to have this knowledge and feel confident that they would know exactly what to expect as they do it. I think the world would be a better place for that.

  11. Sorry for typo.. I AM Serious

    1. Get therapy for god’s sake….

    2. Are there any good videos demonstrating rupture or PRT?

    3. I am willing to do this so women will have a guide. So far no contact with women saying they want this.

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  13. I offended only once in my entire life. I wanted to flirt her, but it didn't go well... I don't thin I need this type of torture to not offend again. I'm not going to try anything with women again. What do you say?

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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