More detail on PRT Part 5

In the last part we talked about starting to push into the criminals testicle to begin dismantling the testicle. After doing this for some time and feeling many little tears form the tubes will start to leave the testicle through the rupture.


The testicle does have a membrane around it that helps it slide around inside the scrotum so until this is broken the tubes will just form a bump at the point of rupture. Pinching and pushing in this point should help to break the membrane which will allow the tubes to leak out of the testicle and float freely.


Also at this point the man has been in pain for a long time so his responses may become less intense as he tires. He is still feeling the same amount of pain but this should be taken into account when gauging his pain response. During the punishment it is hoped that the male will learn from his mistakes and reflect on his crime but if he doesn’t do that then that’s up to him. Different men respond to punishment differently so each time will be different.


One thing that can be done is you can push you finger or a pointed object into the rupture. Depending on the size of the testicle you can often push into the rupture and enter the testicle. This is a difficult procedure and often takes a long time to do but if very satisfying for the woman. Then as the male is feeling his testicle being entered it can have a very good physiological effect on the man. Given how sex crimes often involve a woman having something inserted into her the man feeling something going inside his testicle is a fitting form of justice. So this can be done any time you believe the criminals motivation may have been sexual in nature such as staring at a woman.


Penetrating this testicle is also used as a learning experience for this reason and is a good technique to cause high pain and teach the male a lesson. Through feeling his testicle being penetrated it is hoped the male will see the error of his ways. The practice is also feared by men for its effectiveness but is an excellent teaching tool.  


To do this it’s a good idea to have been torturing the testicle for a while. You want it to be at the point where maybe 20% of the internals of the testicle have left the rupture so there is some empty space in there. You then need to hold the testicle still with one hand then make sure you have plenty of loose skin near the rupture. This is so as you push in there is spare skin available. Then with your finger push down into the rupture very slowly. You may have to make a few attempts but even this will be very painful for the man so he will still be benefitting from this. So don’t be concerned if you need to spend a while doing this.


Then eventually your finger will sink inside and as it does you may need to allow more skin to come round as you work your way beeper. Once inside even the slightest movement will cause very intense pain for the man but it will also cause damage at a quicker rate. So do be careful as your goal should be to prolong his suffering. Try to turn your finger and allow it to sink inwards. You can go all the way to the other side and feel the other testicle wall if you do this long enough.


As you are touching the internals of the testicle the pain will be extreme and only small movement will get very good results. You can then push up and down the testicle and slowly tear the internal walls of the testicle and rip away more of the tubes. Over time you can hollow out the testicle leaving very little inside and a near empty testicle. You can then rub against the testicle wall to cause additional pain if required.


As the testicle becomes nearly empty you can probably fit another finger into the rupture. If you can then you can move them in opposite directions and enlarge the rupture by tearing the testicle wall. This can help add to the man’s pain and can be done when all the tubes have been removed. If you rest the testicle on a hard surface you can also push down and crush parts of the testicle wall with the tip of your finger. As the nerves continue to work even as the testicle is dismantled the male will still benefit from this and feel yet more pain.


After a time you should make sure the testicle is empty then you can bring an end to the punishment. You can be happy that you have punished a criminal in a fair and constructive way.




  1. Such a great description. What should the woman then do with the male - leave him to fend for himself, call an ambulance, or?

    1. It depends, I think it would be irresponsible for a woman to leave a man at a remote location for instance. This is something that can be discussed prior to the punishment. Hopefully the man is being reasonable so arrangements can be made. I'll cover this more in the next bit.

  2. Those instructions were really great, they will certaintly help in various situation.
    Although it would be awesome if one of the upcoming articles focused on less destructive balls abuse methods We could use on those close to us. So they could learn their lesson the most painful way possible but without rupture.

  3. Well, the guy would be in extreme pain and likely shock, bleeding, and infection would obviously be a major risk. Since he was physically restrained, likely unable to render assistance to himself, and given his condition in need of urgent medical assistance, it does prompt the question what would happen next...

  4. Should the woman just leave him there to die of shock or blood loss then?

  5. When is the next segment coming Lucy?

  6. I thought this was a good blog post and I imagine other people agree. I am looking forward to more. We miss you Lucy!

  7. Great detail that is terrifying to imagine but completely justified and necessary, especially for men accused of sex crimes. The irony of penetrating a testicle slowly in these cases is well taken. Please don't disappear on us. I can't wait to read your next post.

  8. I was castrated very slowly by a woman who spent hours torturing my testicles after they had popped and I was so grateful for the punishment


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