More detail on PRT Part 1


In this article I want to continue talking about post rupture torture and go into a bit more detail about the different methods. PRT is a very effective and popular way to punish and man that is used for a range of crimes. Its rise in popularity is no surprise because of now good it is at causing a man pain and how long it can be made to last.


While women are leading the way PRT is being more widely accepted by both genders so there are more chances to use it. Men are being put under more and more pressure to accept PRT and to accept longer sessions of it. PRT is also expected to happen to a man sentenced to rupture in most cases and the testicle to be fully flattened out.


Also with more sex crimes coming to light with the “me too” movement more effort is being put into making sure men are not just punished but punished fully. It now more important that men are punished fairly and PRT is the perfect tool to help with that. If done well a session of PRT can make a man regret his mistake and please any female accuser leading to a fair outcome for both parties.


It’s very powerful but it is also by far the most challenging and difficult to master series of techniques. PRT is the name given to any type of testicle torture that is performed once the testicle wall has torn or ruptured so it’s not just one thing. It is a range of tortures that work in different ways and while it is difficult to learn once mastered a woman can keep a man in the most extreme pain for hours.


The anatomy of testicles


So to start with we need to look at the internals of a testicle as that is what we are targeting when we apply PRT. You can basically see that there are tubes that go into the back that we avoid as these contain blood vessels and nerves. We want these to remain fully working throughout the torture.


Then the testicle is a series of lobules filled with tubes that are separated into sections. Then the nerves come in at the back and spread out like tree branches throughout the testicle. Then you have the tunica albuginea or testicle wall which is what we tear open during rupture to expose the tubes inside.  



The goal of PRT is to as slowly and painfully as possible force out all of the tubes leaving behind just the testicle wall. This is basically what a man is sentenced to have done to his testicle or testicles when he is sentenced to PRT. But this needs to be done in stages and different techniques work best at different stages. This is all done to make sure the male suffers intense pain for as long as possible to make punishment more effective on him.


One thing to note at this point is because of the way the nerves come in at the back and spread out then some go round the testicles wall. This means that as you rupture a testicle then start to force out the tubes the testicle nerves remain fully functional. Even after nearly all the tubes are out the testicle still sends the male messages of pain. So even after hours of torture and when the testicle is flat the man can still fully feel everything you are doing. It’s important to know this so every care is given even in the late stages of PRT to make sure the man feels as much pain as possible.


The way the nerves work is one of the best parts about a testicle and allows PRT to be so very effective.


The Goal of PRT


PRT is used on a male as a form of punishment. It is hoped that a man experiencing PRT will use the time to learn from his mistake and the pain will assist with that. A woman administering PRT can help but trying to cause his pain level to be as high as possible and to prolong the duration of the torture. This will lead to a more effective session of punishment that will benefit the male more and serve as a better deterrent to other males.


But a man tied up about to feel PRT is there to be punished, they have done wrong and must suffer fair consequence. He will suffer, scream, shout and cry but that is part of the punishment. It’s important the woman seeing him as a criminal and is not afraid to punish him fully.



The start of PRT


Once you have confirmed that the testicle wall has torn or ruptured then PRT can begin. It’s important to know that his testicle will already have internal injury from the torture up until this point. So there will be internal bleeding and swelling of the testicle.


One of the first things a woman needs to realize is that the all the strength of the testicle comes from the outer all. So now that has been compromised the testicle is far more delicate. Meaning the testicle has to be handled delicately. One way women practice this is holding a grape that has been burst open and carefully turning it in the hands and pushing into it at different points.


The testicle is now weaker but it is also far more sensitive to any kind of touch. Men who have taken PRT describe how just the testicle being touched after rupture cased high pain. So a woman just needs to change her tactic at this point. One of the biggest mistakes made at this point is to push in to hard and accelerate the destruction of the testicle which reduces the time a man can be made to feel PRT.


To start with the woman would probably want to grip the testicle with both hands using her forefinger and thumb. This should allow her to have a good grip then one hand can be taken away to apply pressure and the other one left to hold it. Then she should start by using one finger to apply pressure very lightly. First away from the rupture and just apply pressure lightly then slowly increase it until the male shows pain. This should be done a few times as it shows the woman how hard she needs to push to cause pain.


At the start but also throughout PRT the woman should pay attention to the man’s suffering. She may find that she touches an area and he screams but shows less pain if touched elsewhere on the testicle. This can help her to find the best spots to focus on for maximum effect. If you find a spot that causes a really good pain response don’t be afraid to spend a lot of time there or keep coming back to it.


The best spots are usually the area around the rupture but not the rupture itself as this will cause too much damage early on. Unless you are able to lightly run a finger nail over it then this can have a good result. Then the top and bottom of the testicle and the area on the opposite side of the rupture are good spots too.


Normally a rupture is in a straight line so the ends of the tear are a good place to focus on. Usually only light tapping is needed for good screams. But explore the whole testicle and keep note of places where the pain caused is highest.

Early PRT


Many women after doing PRT for the first time are surprised by how soft the testicle it. So it’s important to start easy with the pressure than build up. Another surprise is how little pressure is needed to cause pain. So at the beginning a good plan is to find some sensitive spots and push a fingertip in for a minute at a time then release for 10 seconds then push in again. Just push deep enough to get him to scream or bite down and scream through his nose. The male should feel localised pain at the point and also throughout the testicle. As you push the internals of the testicle they themselves push on other parts allowing pain to be felt throughout.


Or the woman can tap around the rupture with a finger every 5-10 seconds moving round it.  Hopefully the male is screaming and in a lot of pain as this is done to him. Each tap should cause the male to feel a sharp burst of pain that is more intense near the rupture. The burst will fade but can linger for 20-30 seconds in some cases. Just watch to see how he processes the pain the adjust so he is constantly in pain for maximum effect.


Another technique is to pull the scrotum over the testicle tight as this applies pressure all over the testicle. From this the male will feel a constant crushing pain that is far worse than pre-rupture crushing. This can be done for several minutes at a time and combines with tapping to cause extra pain. This must be done lightly and while watching the point of rupture. If you see the bulge where the testicle ruptured growing then ease off as you are forcing the internals out.


With care the testicle can be pretty much undamaged after 30 minutes. Sometimes this stage lasts over an hour depending on the situation and the strength of the testicle. Professional sessions can last far longer and depend on the amount of pain the male needs to feel.


After a while other techniques can be added to mix things up. At this point the male will have suffered a huge amount and will probably be begging for the pain to stop. This should be ignored as PRT is designed to be this painful. Him begging is actually a good sign and shows you are doing well.


I’ll cover more in the next part.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to explain an important and interesting topic in detail! When you really want to take your time on a guy's testicles this is very useful.

    I found the part about men's anatomy very interesting. It really is like they were designed to have their testicles tortured! I also like the various ideas for PRT. Like the idea of pulling the scrotum skin tight over his ruptured testicle, which I probably wouldn't have come up with myself. Such a simple way to apply pressure to his nut from all sides and make it hurt. Maybe tying it up could have the same effect?

    Love the guide!

    1. Thank you its great that you like it and I hope it was useful. I want to share all the methods I know with women so they can use them to get the best results from a rupture. I also want men to know what to expect as well. I'll cover more in the next bit.

    2. Is there a way to apply pressure to the testicles from all sides so we can get a lot more pressure before they rupture?

    3. A testicle could be gripped in one and and the finger wrapped round it to do that. Or ball crusher work pretty good but they only apply pressure from 2 sides.

    4. It would be good for someone to design a device that would apply even pressure to the entire testicle maybe a hydraulic device.

      This should allow for a lot harder crush than a press with more pain. If a pump was used it could be set to cycle on and off at different pressures.

    5. I do like the idea but I'm not engineer. The idea of a testicle being placed in the device and locked in place then the pump being turned on sound fun. The man could then feel varying levels of pressure and there for pain during the session.

      But when it take time to rupture the testicle the internals would have to go somewhere.

    6. The problem with trying to apply pressure all over a testicle is that it is mostly water and other things can't compress well. It would be like putting a water balloon into an ocean depth, nothing would compress. So, it is important for the pressure to find a place to expand the testicle or push things inside. Just pressure alone, equal over the whole testicle might not do much.

    7. Lucy, are you reachable by email? I have some questions and comments I would like to share that are not public.

  2. Thanks so much Lucy for all your great blog posts. Your blog is very informative and helpful in making the world a better place. These punishments are terrifying so I try to to be on my best behaviour at all times.

  3. That's a scary, but also fascinating read for a guy - thank you, Lucy!
    One question: the duration of that first PRT stage is mainly limited by the durability of the injured testicle, right? Or does the effect of the "softer" techniques wear off at some point, so that the women should shift to the tougher stuff in order to maintain a sufficient level of pain?

    1. Each testicle ruptures differently so a lot of it is down to luck. The goal is to try to keep the man in a high degree of pain for as long as possible. But as the torture goes on it will get more and more damaged so the woman will need to move on to more destructive techniques. All a woman can do is her best to make sure the punishment is done to the best of her ability and the man feels as much pain as possible.


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