So what should be done to an innocent man?


So what should be done to an innocent man?


Let’s say there is a situation where three men are in a messanger group and have shared some very slightly sexist messages. This is discovered by a woman who works in the same company as the men and reports them to HR. The woman tells the HR dept that the three men are in the group but also names a fourth man as well and recommends he be punished as well.


The HR dept has a woman that handles male discipline and she confronts the three men. All three men confess to being in the group but say they haven’t even met the fourth man and it’s just them three. Then when asked the woman who reported them says she just has a feeling the fourth man is involved but isn’t sure.


The woman from HR now has a situation where the fourth man is probably innocent so will have to be dealt with correctly. But first she sentences the three men to a long kicking session as the messages were really not that bad and thinks that’s fair. The men are grateful and are punished one at a time. They are kicked until their testicles are close to rupture but none of them feel a ball pop.

Then as for the innocent man she knows the punishment must be much harsher but she also wants to be fair to him. She informs her boss that she is about to punish a potentially innocent man so her work will need to be looked over. While talking to her she explains how she plans to use a testicle press to slowly press his testicles then focus on one until it ruptures. Then after rupture she wants to fully flatten the testicle as slowly as she can. She says she would like PRT to last for at least 90 minutes and really wants to use the opportunity to set a new personal record.  


She also explains how she will use penis burning to correct any bad behavior at the first sign of it. She tells her boss she will not first warn him of this as it would not be fair. If he is warned he would be sure to watch how he acted so he didn’t receive burning. At the end her boss is happy the punishment is fair and that she is not going easy on him. So she then calls him into the punishment room.


He comes in and she explains what he is accused of and not surprisingly he has no idea about this messenger group and genuinely looks innocent. She then tells him how is has been found guilty because even if there is only a 10% chance of guilt he must be punished. He accepts this but is then told because he is probably innocent the punishment must be much harder. She informs him of her plan to slowly torture both testicles then rupture one of them, then after rupture she will flatten out the organ as slowly as she can.


The man does what many men do and tries to get out of it by questioning the fairness ect. So this means he is now told penis burning will be applied before he is punished. Upon hearing that he becomes more cooperative.


The male is tied and she lights a candle and holds the flame to his penis in several places causing him to scream instantly. Between burns she talks to him and he agrees he deserves rupture and burning as well. She knows that the pain of burning makes men more cooperative and is needed in most cases where an innocent man is punished, plus by doing it to him it helps to make it look like he was not going easy on him. As predicted a few burns help him to behave better to the point he agrees he should feel the heat longer. She spreads the heat out so there shouldn’t be too much permanent damage but it still hurts him.


Next she starts the torture of his testicles and works both of them until they are close to rupture. She then causes a small rupture in one of them then starts PRT. She slowly manipulates the testicle pushing in enough to hurt him but not to damage the ball too much. By carefully applying pressure she manages to make the flattening last a little over 2 hours which is longer than planned and a time she is pleased with.


Afterwards her boss can see she was not easy on him and that he was fairly punished.  




  1. Nice article and a good example of how to punish an innocent man. With the relatively light offense and the guilty men having their balls kicked close to rupture, the loss of a nut for the fourth man seems appropriate. I also appreciate that you included penis burning in this example as that is something that many people including myself would certainly like to learn more about.

    1. I too like that penis burning was included. Its a very powerful tool and it works very well on a man. I also would love to hear more about it and would love to try it out one day.

  2. Thank you for the article. I'm a man and its really scary to read this but I can accept why it is the way it is. It must be really hard being the man this happens to and taking the pain and the loss. I also can see why a few women here want to know about penis burning too. The threat of a candle being put to y dick would make me behave very quickly.

  3. To Anonymous, February 1 above. I am interested in being used by a woman to experiment with that, rupture and PRT. Only with the right person. If interested, lease contact me about it at


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