Basic guide to PRT


Following on from the last article I now want to go into some detail about PRT. Let’s assume a woman has tied a man to a table face up with his legs apart and after an hour of testicle torture she is squeezing a testicle and feels it rupture.


She feels the testicle weaken as the outer wall tears open so she eases off so the rupture won’t be too big. The man with renewed energy screams and struggles from the increased pain. The first step would be to find the rupture so she moved the testicle around and finds a bulge where the testicle wall has torn. This bulge feels very soft to the touch and even the slightest pressure causes the male great pain. She then takes a breath and is ready to start PRT.


General tips


PRT is supposed to be very painful for the man as well as prolonged. Even if his crime is very minor the session should still be at least 30 minutes. An hour or more is recommended so by aiming for an hour you are giving the male a medium punishment. It’s important to remember he is a criminal and deserves what you are about to do.


So a good bit of advice for a woman is to advance slowly and take your time. The goal should be to make the torture last as long as possible so the male benefits from more pain and so he learns more from this. The biggest mistake women make is to rush or destroy the testicle too quickly. A good idea is to have a timer set so you can see the passage of time. As the man screams and with the excitement of the torture time can be difficult to judge so having a timer on a cell phone handy is a good way to make sure you are not moving too fast.


Another reason to move slowly is this. Let’s say a man has committed a very small crime and after 45 minutes of PRT the woman feels he has suffered enough. She can always quickly finish off the testicle and end the session there. But if after 45 minutes the testicle is destroyed and she wants to continue then she can’t. This is why women are always encouraged to move slowly.


PRT warm ups/low damage PRT


To start with there are a few techniques called warm ups or low damage tortures that cause little damage but still cause pain. The use of these is a great way to prolong a session and if done correctly are very painful. As the goal of a PRT session is to prolong the pain so the man experiencing punishment feels full benefit from it this is important.


A good man will be probably sad this is going to be done to him and scared but he should be accepting. Remember most men support these types of punishment so you are not acting against his will. You should both want this.


Firstly just touching the ball will cause pain, especially the point where the testicle ruptures. You can tap with your finger or lightly press into this point to hurt him or move a finger round this area is a circular motion. Just push in hard enough to get a pain response. This can be done like a massaging technique for several minutes at a time as the male suffers.


You can also flick the testicle this will send a shock wave through the ball and aggravate the rupture giving the male a sudden, sharp burst of pain. Flicking the top of bottom of the testicle will prevent it sustaining damage so torture can be prolonged. These two techniques can be combined for good effect.


Destructive PRT


The most painful techniques are also the most damaging. The goal is to flatten out the testicle by forcing out all of the tubes inside so only the testicle wall remains this will leave the testicle flattened out or screwed up like a candy wrapper depending on how the emptied it.


As you compress the testicle there are chambers within it that are separated by membranes so each ones of these will have to be torn to allow the tubes behind it to be drained. At this stage it is good to plan how you will progress then follow a plan. You want to basically cause enough damage to inflict pain on the male but while causing as little damage as you can.


You can basically push into the testicle with a finger or just apply pressure to the testicle. The important thing is to move very slowly and when applying pressure as soon as you feel movement ease off. This is so the male feels the contents of his testicle being torn free is very small steps. The smallest tear is enough to cause massive pain so take your time. You can push in at different points and over time you will feel the internals leaking out of the rupture.


During PRT a woman should just take her time and monitor the pain response of the man. Pressure should be enough so he screams and thrashes about. You want him to learn from his mistake and suffer well. He is a criminal so he should be made to pay.


Over time you will push deeper and deeper until you can feel the two sides of testicle wall rubbing together. This means you have emptied that part of the testicle. When you can do this all over the testicle then you have flattened it and this part is complete.


There are other methods which I will go into in other articles but this is a good starter’s guide to performing PRT. PRT can be very intense for both parties but it is an excellent punishment and one we want to promote. Another thing for women to try to do is enjoy themselves. Try not to worry and have fun while administering PRT. Smile as he screams.

Thank you for reading and share your feelings in the comments


  1. Always a pleasure to get some advices from the boss !!

  2. Yes but it should not all be left up to her, We should all be experimenting and developing new techniques.

  3. Has anyone actually done this?

  4. Yes it gets excellent results and is very satisfying are you thinking of tying it? There are several people on here that can guide you through your 1st rupture with PRT.

    1. I know men dont always behave well but this sounds very extreme. The pain a man would feel as this was done would be unbearable. Even a few minutes would be more than I could take let alone over an hour of PRT. Its easy to sentence a man to this when you dont have to feel the pain and he does. I am a supporter of fair punishment and I agree that in some cases a man needs to accept rupture as a punishment but PRT and for only small crimes I think is a bit too much.

  5. Hello. To the anonymous above who spoke of getting excellent results. Yes, I would appreciate any help possible. The man in who needs this lives downstairs in my appt complex. He is constantly looking at my 10 yr old girl inappropriately and bothering her. When confronted he only gave excuses and said I was the problem. It's obvious the man needs his testicles crushed before he does anything worse.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Sorry but you cant talk about any kink of activity with a child or the blog will get shut down. Children have no place on this blog or in discussions here.

    3. Thank you keep it up

  6. I have been on the receiving end of this type of punishment. What method would you attempt to use?

    1. You deserve it for having such a small weenie

  7. Are you willing to loose a testicle or both, What is your past experiences, is this just a fantasy and are you prepared to travel?

  8. I prefer to keep an open record.

  9. Ok my name is Amelia what questions do you have?

  10. Flicking and testicle massage on a ruptured ball really spoke to me as great ways to cause a male intense physical pain in addition to the mental anguish of losing a ball. It really is a great guide for taking full advantage of a ruptured ball!

    1. Thank you. I really wanted to help women achieve a really good result from a rupture.

  11. I finally did it!!! I brought this (and the other( blog to my sister's attention this mornning. (techniccally yesterday, last day of the 2021) it took about an hour to read through and discuss it with me. She asked me how I felt, about how I felt about being a male and about women. I assured her that I loved her and that all women were far above me. She asked if I truly believed everything in these blogs, I swore I not only am but have been for years.
    She decided I would sacrafice a testicle. I was so proud! I got naked immediately and she inspected everything. My right testicle was bigger, she thought that would be the bigger loss so it was chosen. I thanked her for that as well of course, it was very thoughtful of her.
    She arranged enough food for herself and then it took literally all day long!
    All by hand, slaps punches tons of squeezing. Skin on skin and she made me watch every instant!
    And by all day, I mean my right testicle finally gave way exactly at midnight!!! I congratulated her for getting the time so perfect and she congratulated me for taking it all with a ton of PRT! We only stopped for the hospital two hours after and I was in pure agony the entire time but they sewed me up (without drugs) and tolld me I would actually heal up over time. My birthday is in two months, she'll be repeating the proccess and rupturing my left testicle. It'll redamage my right as well but her birthday isn't for five months so she'll get to repeat the whole thing to my right again! I'll be so happy to give my right to her yet again I love her so much.

    Oh, and btw, our mother's birthday is in september and my sister's said we would be going to visit her next week.

    If they both survive this whole year my sister said she wants next year's ball drop to have both testicles rupture right at midnight! I so hope they do so she can have the satisfaction

    1. How is your right testicle feeling now do you think it will fully recover?

    2. You should ask her to massage it while it is recovering and report back to us about how painful it is.

    3. I don't know about a full recovery, long term that isn't likely anyways since in two months it'lll be taking damage and three months after that it'll rupture again. And again in septembre. And yet again when the ball drops in time square again. Though I do hope it will recover fully each time so my sister and mother may get the full satisfaction of giving me ruptures.
      I'm no longer to wear any clothes in my sister's house, and since I live with her that means I'm working (not that I've been able to do much of anything today anyways, but when I do go back to work after my job starts up again (They close down from the 23rd of december to the 14 of january)) or I'm naked. It's been very difficult for me, my testicles are not supported so they jostle and that hurts a lot, I've screamed several times today she's very pleased about that.
      They're both still swolen, she's got quite a target she's slapped a few times. She doesn't want to massage me, but slapping causes tons of pain I cry on the floor for minutes before I can do anything else again! We're both surprised my stitches haven't popped, but that might mean I'll be recovered by her birthday.

    4. I'm kinda curious about the other blog you've just mention.

    5. Are there any ladies in the greater London area willing coach me through a rupture.

      My husband showed me this blog a few days back and has suggested I employ this method to punish him for a recent transgression.

      As we have no plans of having children I have agreed to go ahead with a rupture as a punishment for his misconduct.

      I have no prior experience in this and feel it would wise to be shown the best practices by a versed lady.

      We are both in our mid 40s and fit and healthy living North of London.

    6. I don't live anywhere near you but would be happy to offer advice. Its great that he has shown you this blog and is supportive of rupture as a punishment. I think its important you plan it out and think about how you want to do it. You can kick them until one ruptures or use tools to torture them. I personally like tools as they allow you to more accurately control his pain and when a testicle will rupture.

      Its also important to tie him down firmly so he cant move as he is punished as this will make it much easier for you. Then think about post rupture torture and how you will destroy the testicle. Do you want to feel it flattened out in your hands or do you want to just flatten it in a vice? Lots to think about. Then there is the issue of medical treatment after the punishment.

    7. Rob is trying to talk me into performing the rupture myself if we cannot find anyone to help but
      I'm not sure how I will react when his pain gets very intense. For this reason I'm thinking of having a test run to see if i am up to it.

      Rob is being exceedingly helpful and has come up with a very good way to secure his body to a table, The whole setup looks very robust and I think we will test it out tonight. I might even try something with my hands.

      We have ruled out kicking as we only want to rupture 1 testicle so we will look at purchasing tools to crush the testicle or damage it in some other way.. Any advice on the best tools and how to use them will be appreciated.

    8. The way you have described is a great one for rupturing a testicle. Tying him down firmly will be essential as the pain will be extreme for him. He will scream and trash about with all his strength so keep that in mind.

      As for tools acrylic ball crushers that can be purchased online are a good way to isolate a testicle and apply pressure to it. The pressure can be controlled and simply increased slowly until the testicle wall rips open and rupture starts. Additional turns will then drain the testicle of its internals and flatten it. But it might be good for you to use a few methods on the testicle to mix things up a bit. It also depends on how much pain you wish him to feel. DO you want to draw it out or for it to be a quick rupture?

  12. I find these very effective easy to use requiring little effort to get maximum results.


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