Response to Question

David wanted to reply to a question. Interesting read.

I wanted to respond to the first comment on my post. A few people made some fair comments that I would like to addess but im stuck for time so will get to the other ones when I can.

The first one is

I read your letter like you wanted but I’m not sure how genuine you are. I have had a run in with a mans rights group and they were not as you described. I’m a 25 year old woman who works at a gym and we were wanting to start using testicle punishments on staff and customers. We were worried about male behaviour and wanted to act before any serious cases happened. We proposed a room where a man could be taken and tied to a pillar with his legs apart. His balls could then be kicked the decided amount. The male would be tied to the pillar and would remain still as rupture was applied. We wanted to make sure it was easy for women to cause rupture and encourage it. We also wanted to encourage women to report men for any bad behaviour. I interviewed a few male customers who supported the idea, even supported how we were promoting the use of testicle rupture. Most men said they knew men make mistakes and knew it was right they were made to pay for them. A few didn’t and one contacted a male rights group who were very rude. They emailed us sayin we were being cruel and how rupture should only be used in extreme cases. They also said how we needed to prove a mans guilt and not just take a womans word before applying any punishment. They actually said they were concerned women could lie and have men they don’t like suffer testicle rupture. They told us there could be legal action taken so we stopped the plan. We want to do the right thing but this group were very demanding. If women are scared of being called liars then they will not come forward. This is wrong.

David, what do you think about this? Are you different from this as they claim to be the same as you?

I think working in a gym you are right to worry about male behaviour and did the right thing by wanting to take steps to prevent that issue. Your idea to set up a punishment room with restraints is a perfect solution to the problem and had I been there I would have supported this very strongly. Men need the threat of punishment so its on their mind. This helps them to think more about their behaviour and the room would do that. The room would also mean punishments can be applied out of the way so the public doesn’t need to see them there could be young people in the gym or those scared of seeing a man caused pain. But having the room people would know these things were happening.

Restraining the man would make applying punishment easier so punishments can be longer and more painful. The man can also feel full force kicking and take kicks that would normally make him drop to the floor. Instead of dropping he would remain still and feel the high level of pain. The other benefit would be sessions that cause higher levels of testicle damage. The effect would be to make punishments more satisfying for the woman and more effective for the man.

I would also support this setup because kicking is an easy thing to do for a woman and does not require her to get too close to the man if she doesn’t want to. Kicking is a good way to deliver pain and damage to a mans testicles.

Testicle rupture is very important, the punishment is very effective and works as a good deterrent. It is also recommended as the punishment for many offenses especially those of a sexual nature so you are right to promote its use. Men need to know it can be done to them so they will think about their actions and women need to be able to do it to fairly and correctly punish a man.

This setup would make causing rupture easy for a woman. With the man tied up she could kick until she sees a clear rupture has formed and continue if required. The man will remain still and the testicles accessible as rupture is caused and even long after. Kicks can continue and the man can feel pain long after the first testicle has ruptured. Both could even be ruptured quite easily if the woman desires. Your proposed room would allow a man to undergo a highly effective punishment that would be very painful. Sessions could last hours and his pain could be kept high so he would have plenty of time to learn from the mistake and the man learns the most in the parts of the punishment after rupture has started.

This is why feminists are correctly encouraging testicle kicking continues after the point of rupture a setup like this would allow this very well. Even if the ruptured testicle is to be saved kicking should still continue or if not dozens of addition kick will need to be given to the man.  Some people forget in a good kicking session rupture is not the end of the punishment it just another point in the session. Rupture could even be the half way mark in a good session and continuing kicking after rupture should be done. I want to work with feminists to promote longer more effective sessions of punishment by making a man continue to take kicks after rupture.  

The setup would allow for post rupture torture as well which is another thing to promote. The PRT could just be more kicking or full flattening. A man would be held perfectly still while he feels the slow destruction of a testicle. This usually takes at least an hour and can easily last longer. PRT is important because it is very satisfying for the woman and simply feeling the pain of rupture is not enough for a man in many cases. In any cases where the testicle is being destroyed PRT should be considered.

This room would make it easy for a woman to apply PRT and help the man be still so he can take it. So again I think you had a great idea and this room should be made. This is why any good man you asked wanted to see this room become a reality. I and men like me would have supported your ideas and wanted this too. As a man talking about PRT can be hard but we do support it and often want it as much as women do.

One thing trolls do is try to make you think you are forcing men to accept this but that is not true. I am a man and I, like any good feminist would support this. We also support the use of rupture and in many cases when a man is sentenced to rupture he agrees it is fair.

So I do not feel I am like these trolls at all. It was disgusting of them to accuse women of lying. Women need to know they can come forward without proof as proof is hard to get and make a complaint. This complaint needs to be respected and the man punished. Any good man who was innocent would rather women be safe and punish him based on a accusation that let a potential dangerous man go. Accusing a woman of lying is worse than rupture shaming and should result in severe punishment.

You are also not wrong to promote this room. You have a right to punish men and promote rupture. You would be wrong not to as rupture is a womans right. Trolls lie and try to make you think men are against this but most men support rupture and post rupture torture. I hope this room does become a reality.


  1. Thank you for replying to my question. It sounds like you have a very constructive point of view. Maybe you are different from the others. It was nice of you to talk freely about how the room would accommodate sessions involving testicle rupture. You understand the importance of keeping the man tied still so rupture can be done easily. Then more women will start doing it. I personally think it is important we cater for rupture as it is a good punishment. And I have done it a few times now and found it to be really fun. You also mentioned post rupture torture. I don’t think I ever heard of a guy talk about that in the way you did. Talking about a man being tied up taking hours of pain like that. It’s a very powerful punishment and its nice you support it. Are there many men who support it? I thought most didn’t?

  2. I think support of rupture among men is more common than you think. But its like life in prison for murder. We can all agree a murderer needs to go to prison for life but if we had committed we would try to avoid the sentence even if we had agreed it was fair ealier in life. So i think most men do understand rupture is needed and support it. They can see the benefits on society and want to make the world better so support it. Then when it comes to them taking it they get scared but most still cooperate fully. I talk about rupture a lot and one thing MRG should do is other advice to men sentenced to rupture and advice them to take it. Also PRT is actually recommened in most cases where a testicle is ruptured. this helps to cause more pain and make the punishment more effective.

  3. Thank you for answering my questions. You seem like a good guy. May I ask have you ever worked or been in a place with a room like this? Have you taken testicle punishment yourself? If so what did you do? how harsh was the punishment, did you think it was fair?

    1. Sorry for late response. I have been in a few different rooms like this to have my testicles kicked and worked in places where they were used. My current job has a room well suited to the task. It is in a isolated part of the building so hard kicking can be given and the man can shout out from the pain and the man is very tightly secured and unable to move as he takes punishment. I have had many sessions of testicle kicking and accepted its the womans right and in some cases I have been kicked so a woman can practice. The sessions vary in intensity but are often harsh. In the past I have had a testicle ruptured but it popped with 3 kicks to go so it was saved and is ok now.


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