The legal System around Male punishment

Another article from my namesless friend. Sorry guys I have just been super busy to write anything. Lucky I have guys like this.

The legal System around Male punishment

I wanted to write about the process that is adopted in most places to judge a man’s guilt and sentence him. There and have been some worries from men that seem to stem from them not understanding the system. Also some women that are new might benefit from this. Ultimately both men and women want to or at least should want to work together to ensure a speedy, fair and effect trial. The followed by fair punishment.

The process starts with an accusation of wrong doing. Women are encouraged to monitor mens behaviour and report even very small micro aggressions or poorly chosen words in some cases. If you are a man and a woman is watching you in this way then she is just making sure you are behaving and you should welcome this.

SO let’s say the accuser feels I have done wrong. She then reports that to the punisher who carefully listens and understands the incident. The idea is the two will discuss the situation to decide if it’s a crime that needs action. Or the woman can decide guilt alone. The threshold for a crime can vary but generally it is this

1,Did the man’s actions harm anyone?
2,Could they have harmed anyone even if they didn’t?
3,If not and this behaviour is not addressed could it lead to behaviour that ultimately does cause harm?

There is also a policy of “better safe than sorry” so if there is doubt women are encouraged to treat it as a crime. A good general rule is if the woman believes there is even a 10% the man is guilty then it is better to be safe and find him guilty. This helps to ensure a high rate of punishment so it is very unlikely a man will escape justice.

The past system was to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt which lead to many men being let off. The new way has proven to be far more effective. This is measured by how a higher percent of men are found guilty. Remember the new system was designed to help women while accepting some false convictions against men. So in that way it works perfectly.

So let’s use some examples.

I say something sexist. That hits rules 1 as it causes harm.
I am sent a sexist meme by email. Upon opening it I go tell a woman I have been sent the email so I can be judged. You could argue that didn’t harm anyone but it has the potential to so it hits rule 2.
I show creepy behaviour. You could say that no one was harmed and no one could have been harmed but if no checked the creepy behaviour could get worse to the point it does so it hits rule 3.

If it is decided there was no crime then it can be dropped there but if it does pass the threshold then the next step is to discuss how I should be punished. The women decide what was the nature of my crime and how serious it was. Then they come up with a punishment that fits the crime.

Before I go on I would like to talk about warning men. This is when a man does sometime quite innocent but you want to warn that if he does it again there will be a problem or tell him he was close to committing a crime. Men respond well to pain so a warning followed by pain to the testicles can help a man remember so he behaves. Giving a man pain in these situations makes it official that he has been warmed and ads some formality to it.

For instance, I start work at a new company and park in a free, unmarked spot near the door. After a few hours a woman approaches me and tells me that she likes to use that space and asks me not to part there again. I agree not to park there but she asks if I would be ok if she took me to a side room and spent a few minutes kicking my testicles to help make it official. I agree, even though I cant really say no and we go somewhere private and she performs the kicks.

Afterwards we both chat about why I was kicked and the issue is resolved so we can get along. I should then thank her and the issue is over. One thing women are often surprised by is that most men understand they can make mistakes and welcome this. Even if it is just so that they can be warned of something that would lead to severe punishment.

Deciding a punishment
Deciding the punishment is often a difficult part as a man I have not had to do this part. We use kicking in examples a lot as the default punishment method but there are many options available. I know of a few women who carry around a testicle crushing device for example. You are also free to pick the severity as there is no limit and now restrictions on male punishment.

There are two factors to take into account when decided punishment. If the man is present during this process he needs to respect these as well.

1, The punishment must be enough for the crime. The punishment can’t be to light or it will not be effective.

2, The victim must feel satisfied by the punishment. Many men are unaware of this part which is why they don’t understand when the woman wants to give him a very harsh punishment for a small crime. Not only does this rule end up with men facing rupture more men are sentenced to post rupture torture from this rule than the first one. But it is an important rule and must be respected.

3, It is always better to over punish than under punish

A good idea might be to talk to some other women for inspiration or see how other punished men guilty of similar crimes. You can talk to the man and discuss what punishment should be given but you would have to trust the man to be fair and reasonable. Not all men are which is why many women prefer to have the trial without the man and simply inform him of the result and that he is to be punished. This method works quite well because without the man the facts of his crime can be analysed and as in this example two women can decide on a fair punishment without interruptions from the man. Once decided the man is approached and the women would state their desire to punish him. The man is then restrained with his legs apart and he is given a “trial summery” this way the man can hear how is was found guilty and understand his crime. The punishment can then be given.

Or you could involve the man in the discussion but he needs to behave. One idea is to restrain the man with his legs parted so punishment can start regardless of his objections and the vulnerability will help make him behave. If the man is present in his trial to decide guilt or his punishment hearing then he should be tied up so punishment can start straight away.

Ways to handle punishments when testicle rupture is needed.

Testicle rupture as a punishment is perfectly acceptable and it is a woman’s right to use it if she desires. There is no limit on when it can be used and it has been proven to be highly effective as a method of punishment. Its effectiveness has caused it to be very popular and widely praised. The level of pain the man experiences is very high making it perfect for many situations. Testicle rupture is strongly recommended in cases where the accusation is sexual, stalker like or very creapy. It is a part of life.

Either tying the man up for the trial or having a trial in his absence are the recommended way to deal with crimes requiring testicle rupture or castration. Many men still have trouble in accepting the use of testicle rupture and the use of post rupture torture so this helps make things easier.

But sadly many men still try to avoid the punishment or question it usage. There is a lot of misinformation telling men it is not fair or unethical as a punishment. These sources are usually proven wrong very quickly and most objection comes from men not wanting to pay for their crimes. Some men are just scared of the punishment and talk out of fear but this is still a problem so restraining the man first makes performing the rupture much easier. So it is more ethical to do it this way and helps the man accept his fate.  

Many men who object especially verbally to receiving rupture are just scared of the pain and losing a testicle. They are not bad people but are scared of the extreme pain especially if testicle flattening or other post rupture torture is to be used as well. The man fears it because it is going to be effective at punishing him. Maybe bare this in mind and this is why restraining the man before telling him is a good idea.

In saying all that a man should be cooperative and most are. The use of rupture is supported by men as well as women.


I hope this helps and if a basic structure is followed then at the end both man and woman can agree the punishment was handled correctly then the man can be punished. One thing that is clear is that men need to be more open to the idea of rupture, not just in general but also when it being considered for them.

Please feel free to add feedback


  1. A great article but i think it does show how men need to be more accepting of testicle rupture. some just say they support it to sound good but when the time comes they try get out of it. not many will accept rupture and not object if a woman choses to do it to them.

  2. How do you feel about popping a kid’s balls? Does anyone have any experience with this?

    1. I also wonder how the size of balls has an effect on how easy they are to rupture, pop, and flatten. Some guys have one little ball and one normal sized ball so of they were kicked very hard would the bigger ball be more likely to be trapped and popped by the kick?

    2. Interesting thought. I would think that a larger testicle would not be able to escape blows so would take more damage and be easier to rupture. Being larger it would also take longer to flatten out.

    3. I have some experience with popping the testicles of young boys. I'm a kindergarten teacher and have done it about 10 times so far. Every year I get 1 or 2 boys that are very bad students so I decide to use testicle rupture on them to shape their behavior and focus.

    4. Hi, I'm a man whose been punished that way and that sounds very interesting. Do you usually leave the boys with a testicle or completely castrate them? I could see both being very effective in making a boy focus. If they only have one ball left they will feel extremely vulnerable and not want to lose the remaining one but castrating them would take away their boyish energy and make them more well behaved and all around better like a girl.

    5. To the teacher. Its interesting what you are saying. Do you also do this to adult men? If a child is behaving badly then it is probably the fault of the father. Would you invite him in to be given the same form of punishment. I would think the father should be blamed first even as he is an adult and not parented correctly. I think most men would accepr this was right and agree to it as long as you were comfortable carrying out the rupture.

    6. This woman has made a few videos about using rupture for defence.

      in this video she talks about the texture of testicles and mentions her sons balls. I remembers it after the teachers post. Does this really happen to kids? I dont know what to say but I do like the idea of punishing the father with rupture instead. Assuming you enjoy rupture wouldnt an adults be for fun for you and you could take it slow if you wanted

    7. For you that have done ruptures, have you done any by stepping on a testicle with your barefoot to flatten them into mush? When/if I do find a girl to rupture one of my testicles that's how I want it to be done and then have it felt with her hand after. I would have to go to the hospital afterwards or course and I worry that just remembering what happened might be problematic because it would cause an erection and that might damage any stitching done but maybe not. I don't know much about these things.

    8. So all of you are men, huh? I'm a woman and I find really interesting that you all don't mind the thought of women popping balls. In fact that one guy wants it!!!!
      I think testicular rupture is awesome and have used it a few times.
      There was this one boy in my college who is very rude and sexist and I popped his right nut from kicking. He had to have it removed and me and my friends spent the rest of college calling him one-nut and sometimes punching or slapping his remaining ball.

    9. I think there are alot of men here but I'm female 22 years old. I have kicked a few guys in the balls but I havent ruptured a testicle yet. I would like to do a rupture one day it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm just building up the courage and waiting to find a guy to do it on.

      I was thinking of next time I'm alone with a man in the office I'll tell him unless he lets me tie him down and squeeze his testicles I'll say he raped me. I recond he'll rather take the squeezing. I'll then squeeze to rupture one to feel what its like. Then when I let him go ill say if he reports me I'll say I grabbed him in self defense as he tried to rape me.

    10. Im male and I think the main reason I read these type of pages is to understand what women are thinking. I am really scared of ballbusting and just taking kicks is very painful. When a woman is given free access to your testicles and takes big swings with her legs she can put alot of force on your balls. Even 10 kicks which is a very small punishment will cause internal bruising and actual damage. Its very hard to stand there as she kicks you like this. Woman train to be accurate and land as much force on your balls as they can. A woman trained like this will cause internal bleeding quite easily.

      I do accept I have deserved this but I do want to learn how to avoid these punishments. Especiall rupture

    11. I really do what a rupture, with the bare feet stepping on it slowly applying more pressure over a long amount of time. Any of the women that are here ever done this to a guy? I would be willing to let a girl if she ever asked to.

  3. I'm a male, I'm hypnotized by those articles. I'm scared to lose my balls, and quite proud to still have both of them. I've only been kicked in the balls, and it's very painful.
    You really called him "one-nut" all the year? I bet that boy felt very ashamed?


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