
Popping balls.

Meaning of the word

The term “popping balls” or a testicle being “popped” is being used more and more. I saw someone commented about this and I wanted to write a short paper to clarify. When we talk about a testicle being popped we are talking about a testicle being made to rupture. So that means the testicle is to be damaged until a tear forms in the outer testicle wall so the internal structure can be forced out. Once a tear has formed we could say the testicle has been popped the same way we could say it has been ruptured.

As with rupture normally a man needs to have his testicle properly ruptured so the woman would make sure the rupture was a good size and not just a small one of a few millimetres. Doing this helps to make sure the man experiences the full pain of rupture and makes sure the testicle is correctly damaged. Doing this is very important as tearing the outer wall is how the pain of rupture is caused so it needs to be done correctly.  This this also the case when popping a testicle.

When you pop a balloon you break the outer rubber so air, or the contents can leak out. This is where the term for popping a testicle probably comes from. So for a testicle to have been popped the tear in the outer wall would have to be of a good size maybe 15-20 millimetres so that if pressure was applied a woman could easily start the force the internals of the testicle out. This is what is meant by the term “popping”

Usage of the word

The word is mainly used by women as a slang term or a more casual word for rupture. More and more women are using rupture and it has been very successful. Rupture is actively promoted as it is a very effective punishment method. Women are being encouraged to try it on men just to see if they enjoy it. Men also know they must cooperate of face harsher  penalties so they are just letting women do this to them.

As the use of testicle rupture has been promoted and normalised this more casual word for it developed. It seems to be used by women who are accustomed to rupture being part of life more than by women in places where it is rare.

The word is also used more playfully by women who enjoy causing rupture and do it for their own pleasure.

It is often used to replace the word rupture in discussions as women share advice on testicle popping or help train others to do it.

Similar word “Properly Popped”

There is also the idea or a testicle being “properly popped” or “fully popped” These word are used to help emphasis how when rupture first starts in a testicle it is often very small so the woman needs to make sure that she does not stop at the first signs of rupture or the man will not feel the full pain of the punishment. For instance there are women who use kicking to cause ruptures and they are telling other women when a man is sentenced to rupture and she sees a rupture has started not to treat that as the end of the punishment. Instead they should see it as the point where the kicks slowdown in regularity and start to get softer.  Softer kicks will allow the tear in the testicle to widen by a couple of millimetres with each kick so he can feel a more complete and prolonged rupture.

Full popping basically means the same thing as popping. If a women wanted to pop one of my testicles then she would do the same as if she was told to fully pop it. The difference is the emphasis is on making sure that the rupture is done properly or fully.

Rupture or popping basically mean the same thing so either word can be used. I still think when discussing a punishment or talking seriously using the word rupture is better especially of talking to a man but either is good.

Maybe comment if you know any other words for rupture.


  1. Hi I'm a 19 year old woman.
    I recently starting working at my new job and during the first day the men and women were sat down at a meeting by our female boss and she told us about rupture. She played a 30 minute video about work place sexual harassment and sexual assault and in the video there is a 10 minute segment about how to use testicle punishments and how to rupture in case a man is doing something to a woman he shouldn't. And even in the video the woman uses the term "popping" so it is clear that it is a VERY common practice/phrase here.
    At the end of our video our boss told the men in the room (all 14 of them) to tell her how many balls they have. 2 still have both, 9 only have one nut, and 3 are complete eunuchs.
    She then told one of the men with one ball to step up to the front of the room and take off his pants and underwear. Once he did, she grabbed his testicle and squeezed it as hard she could for 5 minutes straight! Once she was done his ball was all swollen and he was allowed to back to his seat.
    I just thought I would share this story the show other women out there how normal it is in some places.

    1. Im the man who rote the paper.

      It sounds like a very progressive work place and it is good that such things are talked about. This way if a man was ever out of line you would feel more comforatble bring it up with him and using rupture if it was deserved. The man who know how to position himself and you could pop a ball. This level of promotion is what it needs.

      So it sounds like the word popping is used a fair bit.

  2. Imagine a class full of female students, some of them popping their bubblegum while listening to the teacher with a stick, explaining this knowlege to the girls and knacking with a pointer at the pictures of the balls ( whole , half-ruptured, ruptured , real and illustrated ) on the board. And there's a sqealing man, as a specimen, gagged, firmly bounded to the chair with his balls hanging between his legs. No one is concerned about his sqealings, all women listen to the teacher. Imagine what these girls will do when it comes to the demonstration with lots of desiring to do students )

    1. hi I'm the woman above. Yeah that would be kind of awesome lol.
      a lot of authority figures here have the power to bust and pop testicles. even school teachers.

  3. Hey to the man who wrote the article. I'm very proud of you for all of the knowledge you have spread about rupture and punishments in general AND taking a rupture because the women here wanted it and so you'd understand it more for your writing. You're a very good man and I hope you aren't castrated.
    I've popped many mens balls recently and while I wouldn't mind taking one of yours for my own enjoyment, I would definitely want you to still be a man.

    1. Hi I wrote the article.

      Thank you for your comment. Its nice to hear the info I produce is helping. I do accept that taking a rupture has helped me understand it better for writing. It was massively painful. I have also enjoyed reading your posts as well so thank you for your information. It also sounds like you are very active punishing men so you must have done a lot of good. Us men need the threat of punishment to make us behave so it is essential. Its nice to hear you wouldn't castrate me I am grateful for that But if we met I think me avoiding at least one rupture would not be possible. Part of me is scared of the idea of rupture but another part likes the idea of taking one to please you.

  4. Hi I'm a woman, 22.
    Recently a freshman at my college kept harassing me and asking to come back to his place. I finally got sick of it and kicked him in the balls. Once he fell down I kicked him as hard as I could several more times before leaving. The next day his ex-girlfriend and several other women told he that he had lost a testicle because of what I had done!!!! After that he left me alone for a while until a few days ago and he now continues to bug me. I even kicked him in the nut a couple of times yesterday and today he asked to see my boobs.
    I considered purposefully causing him to lose his remaining ball but wanted to do some research to see if that is wrong and found this blog. It seems like the people here are very experienced but I have no idea what I'm doing.
    Should I try to kick him again and hope he loses his last ball?
    Should I try to use some other method?
    Is it wrong of me to do this?
    Please help. Any advice would be appreciated.

    1. If he hasnt learned his lesson then more punishment is needed. Get him to lay on his back with legs parted and slowly crush the testicle until it ruptures. Then flatten it right out. That will teach him.

    2. Is that even possible? I've never heard of someone doing that.
      I don't even know if I could. He's a pervert but I already feel bad for causing him to lose a nut. He's already lost half of his sperm and a lot of testosterone. I'll think about it though as he is still harassing me.
      How would I go about it? I have no clue.

    3. Maybe talk to him and explain how he will be punished if he continues. Tell him that if he does not stop you will crush and rupture his last testicle and expect him to cooperate with you. Then if he does it rupture his last ball. It can take a while to rupture a testicle but he will be in huge pain as you squeeze it. Just crush it as hard as you can and push your thumb into it. you shoud get it to pop.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. A girl in my hometown did it to a guy with steel toed shoes. She finished him off with squeezes to ensure it fully popped

    1. So did he lose one ball or both? Did he only have one ball? Did she pop his last nut?

  7. As a male, I find this very scary. More and more girls know how our balls are weak. It hurts as hell, but hopefully I still have my 2 balls.

  8. My ballsand my wife ---> https://fetlife.com/users/3069829/pictures/59419580

  9. The college girl who busted the balls of her annoying harassing male is a true heroine! I salute you, Miss!


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