Guide to testicle kicking by a man

My new friend emailed me a great guide from a mans point of view on how testicle kicking sessions should be done. Its different to the ones written by women.

Guide to testicle kicking.

There are a few guides on how testicle kicking should be done to a man written by women. These are good guides that can help women wanting to use testicle kicking but I thought I as a man could write one. I hope to help women understand more about what a man feels to help them with their technique.

Why testicle kicking?

Testicle kicking is probably the most common way for women to cause pain to the testicles. It is very popular and used widely as almost a default method of punishment. It’s very easy for a woman to do so even on a first attempt it is effective then over time experience can lead to a woman being more effective at it. It also requires no special equipment. Assuming they are in a private area a woman can ask a man to quickly remove his pants and underwear then stand with his legs apart and arms behind his back. This only takes a minute then he is ready to have his testicles kicked. This means a man can be quickly and easily punished for an indiscretion.

The level of pain and testicle damage the male experiences can be scaled to suit the woman’s needs by changing the number of kicks as well as the intensity of each kick. Women can also try using different footwear to change the level of pain as well. Kicking can be used for a quick punishment where the man feel as maybe a dozen or so kicks to cause a little pain all the way to full castration.

Kicking also allows the testicle to suffer massive amounts of pain without them ever been touched with the woman’s hands. This makes it a perfect way to punish men in the workplace or male friends. Or if the woman simply does not want to touch the man’s genitals. Some women maybe not be comfortable being to close to a testicle as it ruptures or once it has ruptured so kicking allows the woman to cause a rupture without getting too close if she likes.

Women can also find kicking testicles to be very enjoyable so there are loads of reasons why it is so popular.


One of the most common ways it to ask a man to remove his clothes and stand with his legs apart with his arms behind his back. The legs should be wide enough apart so the testicles can be easily accessed and kicked but not so wide as to be an unstable standing position for the man. You want to make sure as you kick him your foot does not hit his inner thigh first and lose energy. You want to make sure all the force of the kick lands on his testicles so as to maximise pain and damage.

His arms should then be behind his back or his fingers interlocked and behind his head if you prefer. This is a submissive position and one the man should hold to take pain. The woman then should stand in front of the man and position herself to administer kicks. By doing a few slow ones she can test her aim to target the testicles and prepare. The woman should aim so the top part of her foot (as opposed to the end her toes are on) should impact the two hanging testicles without touching any other part of his body first. If she kicks with the end her toes are on her foot can flex which puts strain on the muscles in her foot and absorbs some of the force so less goes on the testicles. This can injure the woman so please be careful. It’s worth taking a few practice kicks to avoid this.

A man can also lean against something to help him keep balance, such as a wall. I find as I take the pain of a kick it help me stay on my feet. This way a man can take harder kicks than normal and last longer. Another good position if for him to be bent over a table with his legs apart so you kick the testicles from behind. He can grab the other end of the table and This position is probably the best for extreme kicking where he is not tied up. As the table support the weight he can stay in position far easier. This is a good position to put the man if after a rupture has started.

A man can also be allowed to lay on the floor but the testicles don’t hang to the kicks are not the same. For best results the man should be tied up in a standing position so he remains still and takes all the pain you want.

Once you have a good rhythm going continue kicking as desired. Keeping a rhythm helps the man as well because he will take a kick, feel pain which will cause him to move a little but he then knows when the next kick is coming so will make sure he is in position and is still to receive the kick. If the man does not return to position fast enough you can threaten to add more kicks to his punishment to help him understand the importance of this. Men including myself can fall easily into bad habits where we try and take longer than we should to return to position. We will try to wait until the pain of the kick we have just felt has faded before taking another one.  But for best results a man should take the next kick while he can still feel the pain of the first one so he is in constant, high pain.

When a kick is felt the pain will be high and stay high for a time then start to fade. Unlike the pain of a slap to skin the pain of a kick to the testicles last significantly longer. I find that if being kicked hard at first the pain will remain high for 20 seconds or a bit more so a kick every 20 seconds would be recommended. Then over time this gap is slowly increased as the testicles are damaged because the pain lasts much longer. It can easily last over a minute in a high damage session. By timing this right the pain is kept high while pain is also prolonged. This helps the woman get the most she can out of the kicking session and the man suffers as much as is possible. Once you have a good rhythm enjoy the session and take pleasure in your work.

Kicking Style

As you prepare to start a kicking session you might want to think about your kicking style. For instance you could kick the testicle harder and leave longer gaps between kicks as you cause more pain per kick and the pain will take longer to fade. Or you could kick a bit softer and have shorter gaps and perform more kicks. Both styles can have the same effect in terms of pain and damage. Even if your goal is rupture this can still be done. I think most women could cause me to have a ruptured testicle by kicking me in less than 10 minutes. It would be an extreme 10 minutes or she could still cause a rupture but make me feel two hours of pain. Either way a tear in my testicle wall would feel the same. But with softer kicks the tear would start small and can be enlarged over time. So I could feel a hard kick that causes a 20mm rupture in one shot or softer ones where the rupture starts at 5mm and is enlarged over the course of 30 minutes 1mm at a time.

Kicking harder might sound better but kicking harder will have more strain on you and can be more tiring. Whereas kicking a bit softer can mean for the same amount of damage he can feel pain for far longer. Given you give a man his next kick before the pain of the first fades you  keep him in constant pain. As a man I find prolonged constant pain harder to take so the idea of 100 kicks over the course of an hour if scarier than 25 harder ones given over 10 minutes.

Another point I would like to tell women is that if my testicles were being kicked with the same force over time each kick becomes more painful. As my testicles take damage like little tears inside them increase pain caused to the point where a seeming gentle kick causes high pain when the testicles are very swollen. So starting of with 10 – 20 hard kicks then easing off is a good way to cause high pain and prolong pain. Men respond well to pain which is why it is used so the more pain the more effective the punishment. This is why methods of increasing and prolonging pain are encouraged.

Obviously the kicks still need to be hard enough to compress a testicle and hit the nerves inside so I feel enough pain. The kicks also need to be hard enough so the woman feel satisfied giving me them. It can take a while kicking men to find what works for you. This is why men actually have to allow you to practice on them.

Trapping a testicle during kicking

As you kick testicles there are two stages to a kick. First when the testicles are initially struck by the foot which sends a shockwave of pain around the outside of the testicle. This causes a sudden sharp pain for the man. Then second as the testicles hit the body of the man. In the second case a testicle can get trapped between the body and the womans foot. The testicle is then compressed before sliding out to a side. This temporally flattens out the testicle putting stress on the internals of the testicle. As the testicle flattens is becomes wider so the insides of the testicle are crushed in one direction and stretched in another. This causes small tears to occur inside the testicle which the man feels as a sharp stabbing pain. Subsequent kicks then put pressure on these tears which enlarges them causing yet more pain. This also leads to internal bleeding and swelling of the testicles. By using trapping well the pain is much higher and so is the damage. The nerves in the core of the testicle connect with the abdomen so the pain fills the lower body and if far more extreme.

As the penis continues back into the body it widens and protrudes. When kicked the testicles will go each side of it and the tube of the penis will absorb the last of the impact. So to trap better a woman can try landing her foot on alternating sized of the penis so her foot follows one of his testicles and traps it better. So each kick traps one testicle not both but that one testicle is compressed better and less force is absorbed by the penis shaft. One idea is for trapping to be used on one testicle more than the other so a woman can cause one to rupture and leave the other one working.

Trapping causes a much higher degree of pain than the first stage of the kick and many women practice to perfect doing this. Trapping correctly helps make the punishment more effective and satisfying for the woman. It is important to women who want to cause the man high pain or wish to cause rupture. As the damage this causes is what weakens the testicle and eventually leads to the outer wall tearing.

As a man I find punishments with trapping to be far more painful which pleases the woman more. I also fear it as it increases injury and the chance of rupture.

If trapping continues the stretching and crushing causes tearing inside the testicle that the man feels as sharp stabbing pain. Then additional kicks pull on the tears and this is the stage where many men start to cry. Or men beg for the pain to stop which is wrong of them. In cases where men beg then extra kicks need to be added to the punishment. A man may also need to be tied up to take prolonged trapping of his testicles as the pain is so high. If a man has fallen down and you have increased the number of kicks a couple of times then he might not be able to remain standing so restraining him maybe your only option.

Planning the session

Normally this is triggered by a man doing something wrong and requiring punishment. You can either think about the situation and decide a punishment then tell him or you can approach him and ask to discuss a proposed session of punishment. If you want to decide before talking to him then you can contact friends for opinions or use the internet. This is perfectly ok but by talking to a man he can explain his thought processes so you can pick a punishment that fits his crime better.

If you want to talk to the man and discuss a punishment then the first thing many women are surprised by is how many men are supporting of female superiority. Many men will understand they have done something wrong and that it is your right to take action. They will accept that a kicking session is a good way to resolve the issue. In the work place especially men will not want an issue to drag out so will probably be as keen as you to talk about it and agree of a fair punishment for the offence.

Remember that men do see the benefit to these punishments so there is a lot of support for them. It’s hard to say exactly but over half in most of the USA probably do. So if you approach a man he will want to do the right thing and cooperate. He will understand that he must be punished and want it as much as you. He will understand that he has to be kicked hard and painfully.

To start I would ask to speak privately with the man. The start explaining he has done something wrong detail the crime. Talk about how it affected you and how it was wrong. The explain you want to kick his testicles as punishment. He may be surprised or shocked but should quickly accept it. You can give a proposed number of kicks and a bit of a description as to how hard they will be and ask for his opinion. If he wants to take lower ask why and if the answer is good may be consider it. He may also propose a harder punishment. But ultimately it is your choice so if you disagree you can just tell him tough.

You can either sentence him to a set number of kicks or kick him until he reaches a certain level of damage to his testicles. A set number often works better because the punishment will have a clear start and stop that you can both see. When sentencing the man please make sure you are happy with the set punishment. If you are not happy the issue will not be resolved so this is for his benefit as well as yours. But if you carried out a punishment and as he was putting his clothes back on you decided you wanted him to take another dozen kicks you can ask him and he should be happy to continue.

You both might want to talk about your experience and tune your punishment around that. One thing that would be good to know is how the man took a similar punishment in the past. He may explain the number of kicks and the hardness of them is way more than he can take standing so you many need to look at restraining him for the punishment. Restraining the man is safer for you and allows you to damage his testicles as much as you like. Or you may tell him you want to use restraint because you want to cause high internal damage to his testicles and restraint makes that easier. Or you may want to cause a rupture and I would recommend restraint for that. This also allows kicking to continue after a testicle has ruptured. Even if you want to save the testicle you’ll probably still want to give him a few, maybe softer kicks once a rupture first form. Or kicking often continues for a long time after rupture.

The man has done wrong and he is about to be punished so it is going to be painful and injury to his testicles may occur or be planned. He will understand this so don’t be scared to punish him severely. You should bring up and feel comfortable discussing testicle rupture and post rupture torture if you wish. You may even find the man agrees rupture is needed straight away. If you feel rupture is needed then tell him and then do it.

You will probably need to arrange a time and place to administer this punishment unless you are in a convenient location. Even if gagged his cries of pain will make noise so that is a factor. Also if rupture is planned or likely then medical arrangements will need to be made.
Then the woman and meet and justice is served.


  1. I have read a lot of these accounts. Some seem as though they could be real. Others seem to have more than just a little flare of fiction about them, but they are fun to read. Nothing like that happens where I live. As a husband I say my wife is welcome to pop and flatten my balls whenever she's ready. As a father I hope my daughter is this aggressive toward men behaving badly.

    1. Yeah I think some of these accounts are embellished a bit or some focus on rupture a lot. Certainly where I live I have not seen or heard of a case where a man has had his testicles ruptured but I cant say it doesn't happen. There was an occasion where a woman asked if I was ok letting her kick my testicles for knocking over her drink at a party. I agreed and she kicked me 20 times in the balls hardish but clearly not as hard as she could. It was painful but she didnt cause much damage. I could have said no and walked away but I kind of wanted to try it. I think if women are reasonable then its ok.

  2. Im Emma,

    I've been reading the blog for a while and have enjoyed it. This was another good article and I can tell it is by a man who has had his balls kicked a bit. But I was drawn to the above comments. I do enjoy ballbusting and have used kicking on a few men. I have never caused a rupture I just start kicking thier balls and build up the force until I get to a point where it is hard for them to take but they still can. Then I continue until the balls are red and starting to swell up. The men have to agree or they could just walk away so this does happen but I think rupture is not as common. I would like to rupture a testicle one day I think it would be fun but only for a serious crime.

  3. Hi.

    I have read a few guides but I really like this one. Is good to understand it from the mans pov.

  4. Hi whoever wrote this. You had a testicle ruptured as a punishment right? Its been a while how do you feel about it. What are your thoguhts on rupture now?

  5. Thank you for the guide it was a good read and very informative. I have been using ball punishments for a while and normally use squeezing. I find it is safer and try to avoide damaging the testicles too much. I do use kicking as well and its interesting to see other people comment on rupture. I support rupture for the correct crime but for most things a few dozen good kicks will do.

    1. Hi, Did you ever caused a rupture or other form of permanent damage? If so, do you think the men were deserved this?

    2. I'm not the same woman as the one above nut I'd like to give a bit of input.
      I think rupture is wrong to use unless its dire. I go to a college where rupture is fairly common and many men, including ones I care deeply about, like my friends, brother and boyfriend have lost one or both testicles for making a sexist comment while drink or staring at a girls body. Its really mean and wrong what these girls do to these men. I have caused only one rupture in my life. A man had pinned be to the ground and was raping me outside during a party in high school and a grabbed one of his testicles and squeezed as hard as I could for several minutes (and I can imagine that my fight or flight instincts increased my strength) and I ruptured the ball, resulting in him losing a testicle. Even with him a learned that a year later a girl ruptured and flattened his remaining ball for something very small which I find even that wrong. He tried to rape me and got what he deserved. (Losing his right testicle, having one ball for life, feeling always vulnerable and being half a man) there was no reason for that girl to "finish the job" by castrating him.
      I think a good kicking to the balls can be a good thing when a man is being a jerk but much being that is unnecessary. When even the sweetest men I know are being hurt in such a sensitive and important area, for almost nothing, its going too far.

    3. Im a man and I think that rupture has its place for more serious crimes. I do think it should be allowed and women should be able to do it if they feel it is right. I do think it should be for more serious cirmes and for more day to day offences a good kicking should be given. I think thats fair. As a man I know I should be punished and support it all i want is for it to be fair.

    4. Yes thank you very much for your input.
      I agree that rupture definitely has its place. If a man is trying to seriously hurt or rape a woman, that woman has the right to defend herself in any way she can. Even if that means destroying one of his testicles. (Though I will say that rupturing BOTH is very unnecessary) I think men should be able to speak up more about their opinions on punishment and rupture. They ARE the ones losing their balls after all. And it isn't fair to go around castrating men and then say that can't speak about the issue or that their thoughts don't matter. 6 months ago my 18 year old little brother lost a testicle for a small crime and now has trust issues with women. He hasn't even lost his virginity yet and only has one ball left.

    5. Hi again I commetned about you.
      I agree again and think you are talking a lot of sense. I think as a man I should be allowed an opinion and some kind of trial before facing rupture as a punishment. I do support the idea of a man facing kicks or testicle crushing with the intention of rupturing or destroying a testicle but I think there should be some kind of trial. He should be allowed to speak and evidence presented. Then if he was sentenced to be tied up so his testicles can be kicked until one ruptured then that testicle be flattened we would all know it was a fair call. As a man I am not against this and support it for real crimes that are serious.

      shorter sessions of testicle pain I think can just be caused at a womans desire but I still think they should be done for a crime. I think one problem is that there are many men who are against any kind of fair punishment and I'm not one of them. I just want it to be fair and if we get that I think it will make a happier society.

      I'm also sorry about your brother.

  6. Hey, I'm a woman, 24. Ive caused several ruptured in the last 2 years and I'm curious about something.
    In cities where this is common, how many men have had these extreme punishments used on them and what is the ratio of testicles men in these areas have? (Like how many men have no balls, how many have one and how many have both) Its about average where I am but I don't know what the statistics are here either.
    Maybe you could make an article about this? Either way though a reply would be appreciated.

    1. I didnt write the article but I'm the man who commeted above.

      I think its a tricky thing to work out because most of the time rupture is done privatley. The man is made to suffer for a long time as a testicle is first tortured then destroyed. Even kicking usually lasts over an hour so it can be done in like the middle of a mall or anything. Then after the punishment men dont like to talk about it. I have had my testicles kicked and my male friends dont know about it. It would be nice to know the information but I think it would be hard. Men dont talk but I think women are more open about it so maybe women in a certain area could talk about how many ruptures they have performed to give us an idea. How many ruptures have you caused and for what crimes?

    2. In response to the womans post I hear about rupture being used most weeks. I hear it being done slowly to cause the male pain and the testicle being destroyed. I think most of the time it is unfair becauase the man is ruptured for a small crime or one is made up to justify the punishment. I think some women enjoy causing rupture and use it just for thier fun. They dont seem to care how painful it is for the male or how it changes his life.

    3. Hi thank you both. I'm the woman above. I guess it would be hard to tell how many men had how many nuts.
      It would be really cool to know though.
      I have popped 3 balls.
      I castrated 2 men. One had both balls and the other only had one in his sack. The guy with 2 nuts tried raping me when I was at a party so I had managed to reach down and grab a ball with each hand and squeezed till they popped. The guy with one testicle was a friend of mine. One of our mutual fenale friends had kicked him the balls until je lost one once so that's how I knew. He was being very sexist to me so I kneed him in the ball hard as I could and then kicked him there 10 times as hard as I could and he ended up going to the hospital and having to have the nut removed.

    4. I agree it would be nice to know and good job on your pops! I still think rupture does need to be used more.

    5. Seems for a lot of women, popping balls is a kind of way of life. You really think that many men lost one or two balls? Quite frightening for us males. I still have my both balls, maybe I was lucky enough to never met a girl who had castrated me. But some girls were really hard to my balls before.

  7. I am here to share my testimony about how my penis enlargement from 4 inches too 10 inches. You can only get female enlargement
    All thanks too dr Ubarlo herbal medicine I was heartbroken because I have a very small penis unable to satisfy a woman and I always receive insults for any woman I come across until someone introduce me to dr Ubarlo and I contacted him and I explained too him and he told me that everything will be fine I never believe he send me his herbal medicine and inform me how to use it after 7 days off using the medicine
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  8. I find this guide very interesting. It seems it’s audience is 20-something’s because of the self-indicated ages of the posters. I’m in my early 50s and have never heard or seen such events occur. I have lots of questions. How often do these ‘kicking sessions’ occur? Are these sessions something new, as in occurring between 20-something’s or younger? Are these young men really being willingly kicked in the nuts multiple times just for making offensive comments?


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