
Here is another article or paper about shaming. I think this is a problem so I asked him to write about it.

Before I was punished I started to write a paper on shaming and how we need to combat it. It was nearly finished so I thought I would do the last bits and get it out for you all. My testicle is healing well and the swelling is going down. I can move easier now as well.

Shaming is something I think is very serious and something we all need to be looking out for.

What is “Shaming”

For this paper I’m talking about the act of trying to make a woman feel ashamed of using testicle punishment on a man. This can be called rupture shaming as it is often used against women who either want to use rupture or have in the past. The definition is very vague but essentially shaming is saying anything which may make a woman feel bad about using any type of testicle torture for whatever reason.

In most cases it is a passive aggressive technique used by men to try to stop a woman using testicular torture on them or others (it can also be done by women too but this is rare). It usually is more noticeable when a woman is going to use or men think she might use rupture. The perpetrators hope to make the woman feel bad about her place to cause a rupture and then they hope she will not use it on them when they are next punished.  

It is also often done very subliminally to try to stop a woman using rupture. Men might mention to her that they think using rupture for a certain crime to too cruel or that a previous sentence was too cruel. They may also go on about how losing a testicle can affect them and make claims the punishment is not fair with the hope she will be less likely to do it. They prey on the womans good nature to try to stop her using rupture.

Another common point is men say that rupture should not be used without clear proof. This is wrong and would prevent many men feeling fair punishment for sex related crimes.

This can have the effect of making a woman feel bad or ashamed for even wanting to discuss rupture, even in cases where it would be recommended. Then proper punishment is not used and society moves backwards. It’s especially bad when there is an environment where it is male dominated and there is maybe only one woman who uses testicular punishment.


I think some examples might help.

Let’s say a woman calls the office I work at and says a man has followed her home at night and stared at her inappropriately on a few occasions. The woman give the description of a man who looks like me and asks that I suffer the harshest possible punishment for the crime. She asks the man lose a testicle and suffer post rupture torture for as long as possible.

Now let’s assume there is a woman in charge of male discipline and she calls me to a punishment room for questioning. I am tied naked to the wall with my legs apart so my testicles can be kicked. In this position she explains the phone call and the accusations. She explains that I fit the description and I have been known to work late. In this example I am genuinely innocent and try to explain that but I cant prove definitively I did not do those things and the woman did not leave any contact details for her to give more details.  

We are both reasonable people so because we cant ask her for times I cant prove I am innocent. Also as the burden of proof is low for sex crimes the accuser need very little evidence and it is up to me as the defendant to prove I am innocent. Given the situation I cant so I am found guilty and must face the punishment that was requested.

At this point a woman reported a crime and I was brought in for questioning and a trial. It is an unfortunate situation and the woman knows I probably didn’t do it but must be punished anyway. I was interviewed fairly and sentenced to have a testicle ruptured then to undergo post rupture torture. Given the crime both rupture and post rupture torture are recommended. So the woman in this example has done everything right. Also because sex crimes are so destructive even if there is a small chance a man is guilty he should be punished fully. I should agree that the punishment should go ahead.

The shaming could start with me complaining how I am innocent and don’t deserve the punishment. Or lets say she leaves me tied up and wants to get lunch before starting the punishment. While she is away if other people find me tied up I could tell them how I’m innocent and this is cruel. I could encourage them to shame her for me.

Or when she is getting lunch she could hear two people taking about how they think it is unfair because we don’t know who this woman was or any details so I should not be punished at all. They could say its cruel and unfair and even just them talking could shame her.

Hopefully this would not affect her and the punishment would still go ahead but it could affect her. Another aspect is that people try to avoid a woman who uses rupture or exclude her. This is also un acceptable.

In this case I should not try to guilt her and instead tell her I understand I must be punished. I also should not tell anyone my treatment is unfair as that is untrue. The people talking as she get lunch should also keep their opinions to themselves. If one of them was male I would recommend punishing the man for shaming.

Example 2

Shaming can be done directly to a woman but it can come in more subtle ways. In this example I am a manager of a company and one of my employees is a woman who works closely with me and has kicked my testicles in the past for minor things. Let’s say I had my testicles kicked for being late and once for setting her a deadline she felt was unfair. Lets say I’ve been a good manager and encouraged this behaviour and accepted these punishments.

In this example our head office limits the number of kicks a man can be sentenced to to 50 kicks. In this example the woman has always used the maximum on me and finds the limit too restrictive. Now we are in my office talking and she about kicking and she raises the idea that for my next punishment she should wear hard shoes instead of doing it bare foot. She explains this would have the advantage of causing more pain as well as more damage to my testicles. She also says that with the shoes she should be able to cause a rupture.

Now at this point I have the right to think this is too much and I should not feel rupture for small things. I have that right but by voicing it I could make her feel guilty for wanting to improve a future punishment. So I should politely agree. If I were to say that I think it is an unfair idea and try to talk her out of it that would be shaming and wrong.

Now lets say I didn’t think about this. She could educate me on shaming and say how I made her feel bad and I was in the wrong. This should then, like all cases of shaming be followed by punishment. Even very small cases of shaming should result in punishment. In this case I would hope we could talk and agree of a fair punishment for me to take. In this case I just needed educating and welcomed being kicked in the testicles as punishment. In this case rupture would probably be used.


Most cases of shaming will be subtle and the man might not even know. So this is combatted by women pointing out even the smallest case and explaining it to the man. Then punishment must follow. Men should also tell women of cases where they might have shamed someone and take punishment.

Note for women
You might be surprised to find out that the man was unaware of what he did so carefully explain it to him. Most men will then feel bad and understand they must be punished. The punishment that follows should be quite harsh. Do not be afraid to damage his testicles and use rupture at your discression. You should defiantly consider rupture in all cases. If you are unsure it is better to play it safe and use rupture.

To help him learn try to make the punishment long and painful. If you are using rupture consider how post rupture torture can prolong his pain.

Note for men
What you have done, even unknowingly is a very serious crime and you need to accept that. Listen to her and understand the crime as it will help you be a better person in future. Unless your instance of shaming was very small then rupture and post rupture torture should defiantly be used on you. It maybe used anyway but that is up to her. You need to agree to this and learn from it. You should also tell her how you know rupture is the recommended method of punishment and you agree with it.

We are all different but most cases will involve the man being sentenced to testicle rupture with post rupture torture. Rupture is the “go to” punishment for this crime as rupture is ultimately what the man was shaming so feeling it is fitting. The long painful process will also highlight the severity of this crime and help the man being punished to learn from it. In cases of serious shaming full castration should be used.

This will mean a plan will need to be made for medical attention and a place where the punishment can be safely performed. This should be arranged and the matter dealt with.

The hope is that with women raising all cases of shaming and men being punished we can greatly reduce it. As a woman you will find any good man will support you raising cases or shaming and using rupture so don’t be afraid. We all want a better world.


  1. I'm a man and I think I understand shaming a lot better and i see how it was bad. I'll really try to avoid it as it hurts women. The punishment for not avoiding it sound harsh but fair.

  2. I'm a man new to all this and this blog and these pages have helped me so much. Its a complex subject but I feel in understand more now. I can see how shaming is a terrible thing and i understand why the punishment must be high. in these cases women using rupture are doing the right thing and men deserve it.

  3. I'm female and I love all these post and this one was a good read. I was wondering???? I hear people talking about poppign balls of them going pop. Does this mean rupture. I read you had suffered rupture not long ago. Did your testicle make a popping sound or go pop?


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