Punishing friends

Another post from the same guy. Similar to the last one but focusing on punishing friends. I enjoyed reading it.

Testicle punishments between friends.

I was asked for my next paper to write about testicle punishments between friends or people who are close. Normally if a man is suspected of doing wrong a woman can sentence and punish the man. She can punish the male as harshly as she wants or even extend his punishment for her own pleasure. She is free to cause testicular rupture if she desires without giving reason and the male has no choice but to cooperate.

Once finished she walks away and there is no contact again but with friends there will be. This can make such punishment awkward or difficult for both parties.  Sadly this leads to a woman avoiding punishing a man she is close with even when punishment should be done.

When men and women socialise or work closely then they spend a lot of time together. This means that this is when a woman will detect micro aggressions or bad behaviour, both of which need dealing with. Also if a man does something wrong then the unresolved issue will be a point of contention between the two people. The woman will be annoyed by the unresolved issue and I can speak from experience as a man that a male will feel guilty about it. Not only that but if a man gets away with bad behaviour he will continue it and never learn. So it is unhealthy not to deal with these issues in the correct manner. 
Note to Men
Its ok to make mistakes we all do but you must be willing to pay for them. Surely it is better to take a painful kicking session and pay for what you did. This woman is your friend and you should take the pain for your friendship. If not it can harm your relationship. Plus punishment is the only way to get rid of the guilty and show you are sorry.

Note to women
If you see something wrong, even very small from your male friend then don’t let the issue eat away at you. If you raise it with the intention of punishing his testicles then you will probably find he feels guilty and is as keen as you are to discuss punishment.  You can also help him learn through punishment so there are lots of positive points to punishing the man’s testicles. Women please remember that men want this too.

So it is very important that women carefully watch men for even small issues then punish their male friends. One good idea is for a man and a woman to have a conversation about how they will handle these issues. This gives an opportunity for the woman to set down some ground rules and for a man to show support. Both parties could agree on a way an issue can be raised and maybe a method of punishment to be used. For instance it could be agreed that a woman will watch the male’s behaviour very closely for the slightest issue. Then if she finds something then the two can talk in private to discuss the issue and agree on a number of kicks (if kicking is the method the woman prefers). Then a location to administer punishment can be agreed as well. These conversations can be informal but help the man and the woman know where they stand. This helps the woman to assert dominance over the man and the male accept it.

Note to women
One of the biggest surprises women find is when women talk about this and find the male is in full support. Women respond to words but men respond better to physical punishment so this is the best way to do things. These conversations are a good place to be honest and let the man know you are in charge and what you desire. Men often support being watched closely and being punished for even the smallest thing. Just remember this is about what you want so tell him the terms.

Note to men
Please listen to the woman and accept her rules and decisions. Do all you can to support her and make her feel comfortable punishing you. Help her emotionally to do this and let her know it is the right thing. Welcome her decisions and submit to her

Rupture discussion
Rupture may be needed so it is important to talk about it. Testicle rupture as well as post rupture torture are legitimate forms of punishment so should be talked about. Testicle rupture is a very effective method of punishment that works extremely well on a man. There is no way a woman could watch a man slowly having a testicle ruptured and flattened and not feel he was not suffering. It is also highly recommended in many cases as a “go to” punishment because it is so effective. It is perfect for helping a male learn from a mistake, pay for a crime, show he is sorry and it gives the woman a great deal of pleasure.  Rupture is also seen as being guaranteed to make sure the male suffers enough for a crime.
Rupture also gives a lot of power to a woman over a man as it a show of a woman’s power. It is helping power move towards women so it is symbolically good as well.

So given all this rupture needs to be talked about. It will probably be a hard conversation for a woman and man sat at a table to have but it is so important. This form of punishment must always be an option for the woman. At this stage planning for medical care and the male agreeing the woman can use rupture whenever she wants is enough.

Note for women
Rupture is your right and a show of your power so be firm with him. You should find he is agreeing but make sure you are clear that this is your right and you may exercise it whenever you desire. You will also not be limited to destroying one testicle you may take both and for whatever reason. A man has no right to object to this in any way but it is hard for him so be kind but firm.

Note to men
This conversation is probably going to be hard for her so be kind to her and supportive. Men often think about themselves when rupture is mentioned but the woman is involved as well. Listen to her then show her love and support. Welcome her desires and let her know you support her. Do not object to her in any way then thank her for bringing it up.

After this the woman and man should have a good foundation of a friendship. Both parties should feel positive about this.

Putting this into action
Soon the male will make a mistake and need to pay for it so this can all be put into action. The woman will need to point this out to the man and start the punishment discussion.
In the event that the man says something that could be innocent but has the possibility of being interpreted as a micro aggression then he should be punished fully as if he meant the statement maliciously. For instance, if I was told that two women that work together both got a promotion and I said

“That’s really good for them”

In this example I genuinely meant to express how this is positive for them both. But it could be interpreted as me saying is good for them because they are women which would be sexist. As I can’t prove I did not mean to be sexist it has to be assumed I was and I need to face the maximum punishment just as if I said something that was clearly sexist. This would be hard for me to accept but I would have to and me being punished is the only way I would learn from this. So the fairest way to proceed is for me to be punished and in this case the punishment would be very painful.

Other cases will be easier to spot and when they are the woman needs to raise it as discuss it with the man. The two can hopefully discuss the following.
1, kicking technique – the speed of the kicks and the position of the male and just general details of her foot striking the testicles.
2, The hardness of the kicks. This is very important as harder kicks cause more pain. They also cause more damage and deeper damage when the force is increased. Harder kicks will be needed for better pain and swelling of his testicles. Kicks should not be soft, they are meant to damage, kicks should be hard or full force. Full force kicking is recommended when wanting to cause rupture or at least very hard kicks. This is the best way to damage the testicles to get one to burst open.
3, The number of kicks. This is the primary gauge of pain as well as making kicks hard. The higher the number the more effective the punishment will be so don’t be afraid of high numbers. Or you can leave this blank and kick until the woman is happy or until a certain damage milestone is passed. For instance kick until a testicle ruptures and flattens out.
4, footwear used by the woman. Shoes with weight will add more force to the kick to help cause deeper testicle damage. Hard shoes are good at increasing pain and making rupture easier for the woman. But a woman should kick in whatever she feels more comfortable in.
5, The woman’s pleasure. This is very important and needs to be satisfied for a full punishment. It is not enough for the punishment to be what is needed to cause the man enough pain it must also satisfy the woman. A woman need to be honest about what she wants and a man must be accepting of that. A good man will care about this part very much.
This should be a calm conversation where both parties aim to find a fair punishment. Both parties are welcome to discuss ideas but the woman’s feelings are the most important.

Punishment should always be painful enough to make a difference. The harsher a punishment the more it effects a man so there needs to be enough pain to do this. Making a punishment harder is not a bad thing or a sign of cruelty, it is often the only way the punishment will do the job. It is always better that a punishment be too painful than too weak. So if presented with two options, for instance I said I should face 40 – 50 kicks as punishment 50 would be the safer and fairer option.

Note for women
Remember this is your friend but this is also a punishment so it needs to be painful. You are wanting to damage the testicles as well so remember that. Do not shy away from high numbers of kicks or full force kicking even for the smallest thing. The more pain you cause the more effective the punishment is so remember that. The man should support you and want more painful punishment. If he disagrees a lot that is a sign he is not sorry so maybe he needs more pain. Also be honest about what gives you pleasure and do not be scared to increase a punishment to get it.

Note to men
Listen to what the woman wants and understand why she wants to punish you. Then accept it and try to find a fair and very painful punishment that pleases her. Remember the only way to say sorry is by requesting harder punishment. Also be understanding about her pleasure this can be hard for her to talk about so please be understanding.

If rupture is being considered then it should be disused like anything else. If it is wanted then the extent of the rupture plus any post rupture torture needs to talked about as well. Rupture refers to causing a tear in the outer wall of a testicle but there can be small ruptures and large ruptures. So the level of rupture needs to be discussed. The woman can then touch the ruptured testicle during punishment to make sure the damage is done before stopping.

The man should let the woman drive this talk and explain the level of destruction she would like. Flattening refers to continuing the damage the testicle after rupture to cause the internals to leak out, flattening the testicle. This can be done by continued kicking or by squeezing with the hand. This is essential to guaranty destruction of the testicle and it also help to cause more pain. Women are encouraged to use flattening so they can be sure a testicle will need to be removed.

Note to women
Be honest about rupture and discus it openly. You have the right to do this and he should be welcoming. Also you are encouraged to squeeze a testicle after rupture to make sure it is destroyed. This can be very enjoyable. You can actually flatten a testicle completely so it is flat across it and only the testicle wall is left.
Note to Men
If the woman raises rupture do not say anything negative but instead support her. She is entitled to do this to you and you must accept it.

Post Rupture torture
After the testicle has ruptured the male can still feel everything that is happening to his testicle. The nerves stay intact even after much of the testicle has been squeezed out so the male continues to benefit from the pain. It is for this reason this is becoming very popular. Using the hands a testicle can be flattened very slowly taking hours to flatten it out.  Most cases of this torture being used are actually for the woman’s pleasure as women report this is by far the most pleasurable part of a castration for them. It is also the highest level of pain a man can take. There are a few very interesting ways to do this so read about them.


  1. This is such a helpful piece. Punishing friends amd family is very hard sometimes but it is needed. I have only used it on 2 of my cousins and one friend but they were both difficult. Also as a woman I can say that post rupture torture is my favorite part. It ensures that the man loses a testicle and its not a real punishment until a man has to have at least one ball removed. And the amount of extreme pain the man feels is so good. Me and my friends have even admitted to each other that we masturbate to the memories of using post rupture torture on men we really hate.

    1. Hi I wrote the paper.

      Thank you for your feedback. These situations can be difficult but I find it is the male that makes it hard. I am hoping to show men they need to be more aware of the womans feeling.

      You are not alone in your enjoyment of post rupture torture. Many women do it and in most cases where a man takes it it is done for the womans pleasure. It is also perfectly acceptable and I am trying to get rid of some of the sigma around it. I hope you continue to enjoy it

    2. Hi I'm the woman above. Thank you for replying and being so honest. I will continue to enjoy it. I actually have another friend who has been being sexist and am thinking about using rupture on him. Since he is a good friend I want to be somewhat nice about it and have a calm open discussion about why I want to punish him and what he has done wrong and also inform him that I want him to lose a testicle during this process.
      Also, I know you support it but have you considered asking a woman to rupture and flatten one your testicles? You are a very good man but it seems as though you have had several kicking sessions used on you and you have committed many small offenses against women, so because of that I heavily suggest going to a female and asking them to take a testicle.

    3. Hi, I have thought about having a testicle ruptured as it is a defiant possibility for me as I may make a mistake. I would happily accept testicle rupture and full flattening as a punishment if required but I hope you dont mind me saying I dont want to ask for it. It will me massively painful and permeant. I would deserve that as punishment but I dont want to wish it on myself.

      I do support what you do and your enjoyment of the rupture process. Can I ask why you enjoy it and what parts please you the most? It will help my writing. Thank you

    4. I enjoy rupture because it is extremely painful amd permanent. When I use rupture I always make sure to flatten the testicle as it is a good practice. Knowing that the man will be castrated is very exciting and to me and makes me feel powerful amd in charge. Or if I only pop one ball its amazing to know that he will live the rest of his life with only one nut and be much more vulnerable and more likely to be castrated if he is punished again.
      And my favorite part is when the ball actually ruptures. Feeling it pop in my hands and knowing that putting even a little pressure on it will increase the chances of the testicle being removed is gratifying.

      I understand it would be painful and permanent if you had a ball popped and flattened but I think it would be for the better. You have made a lot of mistakes and you deserve it. Plus it would make a woman in your life really happy. It would also be good for your writing as you could make a paper about the experience and have had first hand knowledge of what its like.

    5. I know its hard to take but I'd like to hear your thoughts

    6. Thank you for sharing what you enjoy about rupture. I can understand why you enjoy it so much,

      It is hard as the man who might face rupture. I'm not sure if I deserve it but I respect you saying I do. If we knew each other it would be your right to do with my testicles as you wished and you could remove one if you wanted. I would support you as you destroyed it and you could use post rupture torture for as long as you desired and I would support that. That is your right.

      I have honestly respected women and been honest about any crime and none of them have wanted to destroy a testicle but I accept it could happen any time. I will share your ideas with a woman I know and I'll she what she says.

      Could I as what you would do with my testicles and why you would if thats ok please?

    7. Hi. Sorry for the late response. To answer your question, I would pop a ball and flatten it out. I would be nice and do the flattening part quickly but I want you to lose a testicle. You said you have taken kicking sessions from women and I believe that if you commit more than one crime even if they are small, you would lose a testicle and then the last one with the next offense. Have you spoken to a woman about this yet?

    8. Hi I will mention it to a woman I know when we next meet up. So its not just rupture but flattening as well? do you mean total flattening or just enough to ruin the testicle? Its a scary thought for me talking about this. I should probably ask how would you rupture the testicle and would that part be quick as well? Thank you

  2. I am very interested in this and have never seen it. Can you describe what it is like, what happens and what it feels like as you perform a post rupture squeezing of the testicles? Can you use your fingers to find the rupture? I heard of one woman who said she even used her fingernails and from the outside not breaking the outer skin was able to cause more tearing in the testicles. It was mesmerizing to her and she said she enjoyed it. How does the man act during this?

  3. Hello I have a question for this group, and especially for the women reading this. I am male and am trying to imagine how to have a conversation with a woman about rupturing one or both of my testicles. I want to be the one to open the conversation but cannot envision productive ways to do it. Not everyday people talk this and I would need a way to start the conversation. One reason is that I would feel it is appropriate seeing ways I have treated women in the past. I could explain to the woman some of the things I have done that probably would, in her view, agree that it is the proper thing to do. It would give a woman a good experience she can re-live and remember in an enjoyable satisfying way. i can see why women enjoy doing this and why they want to draw the process out as long as they can. Some comments from women here state it is very pleasurable for them to perform ruptures and they intentionally take as much time as possible to flatten out the testicles. Somehow, it makes sense, is a natural thing and should be made more socially acceptable.

  4. Hi all. I'm a 17 year old male. My mom recently used the testicle twist on me for trying to have sex with her and she crushed my left testicle so hard that it had to be removed. I love my mom and support her decision but what do you all of you think about this.


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