Ballbusting in the work place.


Another great article to read. Please enjoy it and comment at the end. I'll work on something soon, just been super busy.

Lucy. x

Ballbusting in the work place.

I want to write a paper on ballbusting in the work place because it is a place where men and women work side by side. Given this close working environment it is a common place where men can act inappropriately so punishments will be needed. But given it’s a work environment some may not be comfortable bringing it up or be unsure how to go about it. I hope to help clear some of this up.

In an ideal world a work place will have a good ballbusting policy that is promoted and an area where these punishment can be carried out such as the kicking room as mentioned in a different article. But many don’t so what can people do? Well both men and women need to know what to do and how to act but if people behave correctly then this can work very well.

I’m sure many women would love to be able to do testicles punishments in the work place and are keen to see this but men maybe more reluctant. But these punishments can benefit men as well. For instance if a man has annoyed a woman rather than her bearing a grudge against him and being angry for a long time they can just work out a punishment and settle the matter quickly. Then both people can go back to working well together. This is also better for the company as any grievances can be solved easily between men and women.

If a company does not have a policy for it or if you live in a place where ballbusting has not fully taken off then it can seem difficult to arrange but there is one way to look at it. You can simply treat it as a consensual act between the man and the woman. This does need men to accept a woman has a right to do this and be reasonable but I have found a surprising number of men want to live in the new feminist world as much as women and are happy to play along. I’m a man and I am writing this and trying to help this happen and I’m not alone.

SO the idea is the woman and man discuss the situation and independent of work the male agrees to allow his testicles to be kicked by the woman. The woman and man then do this in their own time, usually off work property. This is done privately and secretly so no one knows about it. The after the punishment both people can continue working together.

Planning the conversation
So to start this off a woman can ask to speak privately to a man she has the grievance with. When the two are alone she can bring up what she is not happy about. Now men please understand this can be hard for a woman so please be understanding and maybe jump in to say that you support these kind of punishments and there for her desire to punish you. Also mention that you are accepting of testicle rupture as well. Most cases wont require rupture but a woman should know it’s an option.

At this point its hoped that woman the and the man can discuss the grievance and agree on a fair punishment. By fair punishment I hope the male will listen to the woman and agree with her decision. If you are a man then you need to know women are encouraged to use the most painful punishment they can justify for a crime and you need to support this.

A man also needs to be willing to discuss the use of testicle rupture and be willing to take it if desired. Also the details of the rupture need discussing.  Such as, does the woman just want to cause a tear in the testicle wall that might well not cause the loss of the testicle or would she prefer the testicle was flattened and destroyed. As a man being open during this conversation may result in the first option (this is covered more later).

A good outcome is to decide on a punishment that the woman is pleased with and the man is scared to take. The sentence may take the form of a number of kicks or a level of damage the woman wants to achive. You will also agree on the force of the kicks and any footwear the enhance pain and damage caused.

Note for men
Never disagree with the use of rupture or object. Many women are nervous about bringing it up due to a number of reasons so not being negative will make her feel more comfortable discussing it. It is a good idea to state the truth that testicle rupture is a perfectly acceptable method of punishment that she has a right to use. You can even request rupture to show you are sorry to her.

Note to women
Rupture is a difficult conversation for men to have. It helps if you ease into it and remind the man how many other men have taken it. It is also nothing to be ashamed of if you want to use testicle rupture then it is your right and you should. It is reported negatively by men in the press but it is actually a very effective method of punishment and the testicles will naturally rupture if damaged enough so its not un natural. Given the pain it causes the man and the usual loss of a testicle it is a the ideal punishment for a number of situations so it should defiantly be considered. Most of the time it will not be needed to don’t be scared to pop a ball.

Woman’s pleasure
When deciding a man’s punishment the man will pay for a crime but the woman has a right to enjoy herself. This may lead to a punishment being extended so the woman can have more fun. This is also a leading reason for men being sentenced to suffer testicle rupture for minor crimes. This is a common and welcomed practice by both genders.

During punishment much effort is put into making sure he suffers correctly but women have rights to so both parties need to be cared for. A man’s needs correct punishment and a woman has the right to enjoy the process.
Note to Women
Please feel free to discuss what parts of testicle torture you enjoy and increase the man’s punishment to allow for it. You will probably find the man is happy for this to happen even if you sentence him to suffer rupture.
Note to men
                Women have the right to enjoy themselves so it is selfish not to welcome this.
As well as the severity of punishment a time and location needs to be arranged and the preference should go to where the woman is most comfortable. The work place may work after business hours or a hotel room is sometimes a good idea. Any expenses should be covered by the male if any are incurred.

While testicle kicking does not take up much space it does create noise. A man taking kicks will often cry out from the pain especially if the woman is wearing hard shoes to increase testicle damage or using full force kicking. Both these techniques are encouraged as they cause the male more pain and more damage to his testicles. Given even a small offence will require a lot of pain and a high number of kicks a place where the man can scream is needed. Even if gagged he will still make noise from the pain. Also even if rupture is not planned as you are striking the testicles very hard rupture is always a possibility. Getting a man to a hospital during work hours is not idea hence why after hours works best.

Medical care
If the women is planning on causing testicle rupture then medical care will be needed. A plan should be made such as how can the male get to a hospital once the punishment is complete. This is an important part of the whole thing and needs to be done. Even if rupture is not planned the testicles will be kicked very hard so rupture is always possible so a medical plan should always be done as even the smallest punishment will put the testicles at risk.

Rupture discussion (planned rupture)
If rupture is planned then it will obviously occur but the man will be told what to do. He needs to know what to do when he feels the testicle tear open. He will be overcome with pain and unable to stand so restraints will be possibly needed if kicking is to continue. Or a man can lay on his back to take more kicks. A woman can cause many ruptures but a man can only feel two so discuss this with him.

Also the extent of the rupture will need to be discussed. The required damage could just be enough for a small tear in the testicle wall or much more. More kicks will enlarge the rupture and start to tear away the contents of the testicle. One or more testicles can even be squeezed until totally flat so only the torn outer wall remains. Continuing to kick or squeeze a testicle after it ruptures causes extreme pain and as a testicle is being destroyed the nerves stay intact so the male will benefit from fully feeling the destruction of his testicle. It is for this reason there a several post rupture torture techniques designed to maximise pain and duration of punishment.

Sadly some of these tortures are reported on badly which is not true. They help to extend the pain a man feel by at least an hour and are often very enjoyable for the woman to carry out. The truth is women use these techniques often and they are very popular and successful.

Slow destruction helps to make the punishment more effective and make rupture a more effective deterrent.  A male having this done to a testicle can also learn from the pain so he will not reoffend which can help improve the man. Also flattening a testicle will guaranty it is destroyed if the woman desires that.

The decision on how far to go is the womans and the male should continue to not object but instead accept his fate. Remember a good man will fully support the use of rupture and testicle destruction.

Note to men
Discussing the nature of how one or both testicles will be ruptured is a hard one but you need to have it. It will be terrifying but you must do it. Continue not objecting and accept what must happen. You also need to understand that she may want you to lose a testicle and flattening a testicle is the only way to guaranty that. Also women often greatly enjoy using their hands to flatten out testicles slowly. It is very satisfying for them so it is selfish to object to them doing this. Also requesting post rupture torture is a great way to show the woman you are sorry. The best thing a man can do is stay positive about slow destruction.
Note to women
This conversation will be very hard for the man so try to be kind especially if you are going to very slowly flatten a testicle or two. But also please do not be afraid of using post rupture torture if you would like to. If you want to ensure destruction then you need to flatten the testicle which can be done quickly or slowly. Do it slowly will help to make the punishment more effective and help the male learn from the mistake so this can be done to help him. Or you can just kick until the testicle wall tears open or pops if you just want that. Remember men support these punishments and generally want to be fairly punished so don’t be afraid to use post rupture torture on him.

Rupture discussion (accidental rupture)
As discussed the testicles will be kicked hard to cause pain so a rupture is always a possibility. The man will need to be told what to do. Its standard practice to continue the punishment in the event of a rupture. So as an example, if I was sentenced to take 60 kicks but suffered a rupture at after my 55th kick I would be expected to cooperate as the remaining 5 kicks were given. If I was unable to stand I could be asked to lay down on my back or tied up to take the kicks but a plan does help.

One thing I will cover in another paper is increasing a punishment if the male is not behaving during this process. So a male could have his punishment increased so now he must take rupture. Planning for that ahead of time means in the event of an unplanned rupture everything is ok.

Note to Women
 If you are not risking the testicles then the punishment is probably not hard enough. To be effective men need hard kicks to cause them pain.
Note to men
You must accept the risks of what you are about to do so you should have no problem with this at all.

Position of the man
The position the male is to face punishment in is very important. Simply asking him to stand with his legs apart is ok for shorter punishments but allowing him to lean on a table or wall will allow him to take more kicks.

Restraining the male will make longer punishments easier and is the best way to go if rupture is being used. If a man is tied up with his legs apart he can remain still while rupture and post rupture torture is applied. Both men and women should bring ropes or other equipment to help with this.

Once all this is done the male can suffer fair punishment that both parties can agree is right.


  1. Oh my god! I love this article. Its all so true. I've done several kicking sessions that resulted in rupture and as a woman I can say that not being being cooperative really does ensure an increased punishment. One time I was kicking this guy and wanted to cause a rupture but only a small one so the nut could be saved. after I popped the testicle I was to call an ambulance so it could be saved but then he called me a bitch so I walked over to him (he was laying on his back) and stomped on the popped ball as hard as I could. And obviously after that he had to have his left testicle removed.

    1. Hi I wrote the paper.

      Thank you for your feedback. I wanted it to be fair for both men and women. I also wanted to help men and women see what this process was like from the other persons perspective. I mainly wanted to help men understand a womans point of view as men are more likely to not understand where as women are more likely to handle this correctly.

      I also wanted to help men understand a little more about why rupture is used and needed and how to accept it. I know that punishments requiring rupture like you mention can be difficult for a woman as well. SO I want to help make it easier for women.

      I might write more on how men should behave during punishment as that man should not have called you a bitch but you handled it correctly. The truth was that you were being very kind to that man by only causing a small rupture. I would have been very grateful if I was him and thanked you for being so kind. Its sad that your mercy to him was thrown back at you. I hope you dont feel bad about it and I see how you were trying to be nice to him.

    2. Thank you for the kind words. I really was trying to be nice to him. I liked him as a person and didn't want him to lost a testicle but clearly that kind of permanent loss was the only way for him to learn....he's been very kind and hasn't done anything rude to me since.
      Also, since you're writing articles could you make ones about using rupture on a man with only one testicle and punishing close friends and family? I feel as though those are common situations that many woman have to deal with and there isn't really much info on it. Thanks again for the paper!

    3. I'm glad you liked what I wrote and its nice a woman who uses rupture agrees with it. I was worried I had made mistakes. Its good that man seems to have learned from the punishment. That is yet more proof that rupture is a very effective punishment. You really were kind to him It sounds like you feel let down he did not see that? I personally would have been grateful for you using a small rupture like that.

      Punishing friends can be hard. I have a female friend who has given me a few kicking sessions now and I can see it is hard for her to bring it up and it can be awkward. So I think that is something I must cover.

      Can I ask? DO you use rupture a lot and what does it mean to you as a woman? How does it feel to do it and why do you like it? Just trying to understand better for my writing. thank you.

    4. Thank you for the quick response.
      I would say I use rupture semi-often. (1-2 times a month) I only use it when I feel it is the only way they will learn or I have used just plain kicking on them a few times and their bad behavior continues. I usually use it on adults but I've preformed rupture on boys a handful of times.
      I mostly use it as punishment but on rare occasions I'll castrate a man for fun.

      I do enjoy rupture when its not someone I'm close to. I've popped the balls of people I really love and it usually isn't as fun....but on strangers, co-workers, etc its a blast! I get this gigantic rush amd power and even get a bit turned on knowing that I have the power to end a guys manhood with my bare hands or feet.

      As for what it means to me? It depends on the reason for doing it. I see it as both a symbol of female dominance and power and also as just a tool for punishing men who need or deserve it.

      And thanks for considering my ideas.
      Using rupture on family and friends is difficult and using rupture on a man with only one ball can also be tough so I'm looking foward to those articles if you choose to make them.

  2. Thank you for responding. Its so nice of you to help me gather information like this.

    I must say I feel you have a very healthy, fair attitude to the use of rupture. I feel if you have punished a man a couple of times for something, even something small then that obviously was not enough so rupture is a good point of escalation. Its also good to hear you enjoy rupture so you are getting something from the punishment too.

    You mentioned you enjoy rupturing a strangers testicles but not a friend. Can I ask about that for my paper?

    1, If you were wanting to use rupture on a male friend would it help if he was accepting of it?
    2, would it make it easier if he promised it would not affect your friendship?
    3, would you prefer someone else perform the rupture/castration?

    I have been punished my female friends, not to the point of rupture but still very painfully and agreed it was needed. If I make a mistake I should pay for it and take the required punishment.

    1. Hi again. Yeah, I LOVE popping balls on strangers and guy I'm not very close to but with men I care about its much harder for me. I know they deserve it and I even kind of want it but its still more hard than using rupture on someone else. I like the surge on confidence and dominance it gives me even its family or a friend but its tougher.

      But to answer your questions:

      1: it would help more if he's accepting of it definately. Making them lose one ball isn't too bad but when I rupture both testicles it nice to hear that they know they've done wrong and are okay with it.

      2: same as my first answer essentially.
      Them telling me it won't affect their feeling towards me is a big help and ive actually had this happen. When I was 22 my brother did something pretty bad so I decided to castrate him. I caught him by surprise and began the punishment. About halfway through I started feeling weird about it and asked him if he'd ever speak to me again afterward and he told me that I'm his sister and he will always love me and continue to talk to me. And after that I ruptured both testicles with zero guilt.

      3: I would NOT want someone else to do the rupture. While it can be hard to use rupture on someone close to me, I don't feel bad about it at all. They deserve it and because they have wronged me I'm the one who should preform the popping.

      Thank you for being so sweet. You're so receptive to rupture and just really kind and understanding about all of this. xoxo

  3. Thank you so much for the info. Its great for me to be able to discuss this with a woman who is very experienced and fair when it comes to testicle punishment. You're very nice to say good things about me for supporting rupture but many men want rupture just as much as women do. I see the problems men cause and the solution is testicle punishment and the use of rupture. I'm just trying to be a good guy and support fair punishment. That is why I admire your fairness.

    It sounds like punishing someone you know is much harder but they can do things to make it easier for you. As for strangers it sounds like you get a lot of pleasure from using rupture on them. Can I ask

    1,do you use rupture on strangers just for fun or do they have to commit some kind of offense first? (Also there is no problem at all with you enjoying rupture. No reason you cant enjoy your work)

    2, When you are going to use rupture on a stranger do you discuss it or just tell them?

    3, what is the mans response to rupture? Are they accepting or try to get out of it then how do they handle the pain as you are doing it?

    I am very grateful for your time. I admire you and what you do very much so it means a lot to talk with you. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for all the kindness lol. Id like to think I'm fair for the most part.
      As for your questions:

      1: I mostly only use rupture on strangers for some sort of offense even its its kind of small.
      (Examples: using rupture during a one night stand to stop sex, harassing, extremely hurtful insults etc)
      Like I said, I sometimes use rupture on an innocent man just for fun but I only do that about once a year. If I did it anymore I'd feel like I'm being cruel, so yes most of the time its as a punishment.
      I also never use rupture on boys unless they deserve it. Id never pop a boys ball unless it was absolutely needed.

      2: id say its a 50-50 mix. I sometimes tell them if we are in a crowded area so I can take him somewhere quiet to preform the punishment. but if we're alone or in a place where I can get him somewhere private without him knowing what I'm about to do, I give no warning at all. I used rupture on a man once who was aggressively hitting on me by kicking him in the balls without warning, then undoing his pants, taking his nuts out and stomping on the A dozen or so times until one burst and the other was swollen as hell.

      3: strangers will try get out of being punished unless they are really good men like you. And thankfully these days good men are really common. Only 1/4 of men resist and the rest just spread their legs and are so obedient.
      Even my own dad didn't mind when I used it on him.

    2. Again thank you. Its very reasonable of you how you handle rupture with strangers. Stopping sex with the testicle twist is just a good practice and I would understand if I was the man in that position (not meaning to be creepy).

      Its very nice of you to say I'm a good man but if we met and punishment was needed I would of course cooperate and support your decision. For me testicle punishment is something that needs doing to men to keep them in line including rupture. Its natural for a woman to use pain to control a man in this way and it works very well. What you are doing is a good thing and more men should support you for it.

      If I can share my feelings? I fear rupture, it would be extremely painful and I would lose a testicle. But the extreme nature is what makes it an effective punishment. If the penalty for a crime was a few kicks it would not be a deterrent but rupture would be a deterrent. Also rupture satisfy a woman and that is an essential part of punishment. I fear rupture because I should and I support it because I should.

      Its great also that most men are obedient. that must make things easier for you.

      As for you finding it difficult to punish male friends one thing I think is a good idea is to have testicle kicking sessions to set boundaries. For instance if we were friends you could kick my testicles as a reminder you have that power and you are in charge. It would also help you to feel powerful and in control and for me to submit to you by taking the pain. it would also be a reminder for me to behave which could save me from harsher punishments. This is a practice that I think is very good and leads to a stronger friendship between a man and a woman. What are your thoughts?

    3. Looks like you two are having a great conversation. I have to go out of I would add to it. Great work guys and please do write more and I'll post. just email me


    4. I really like that idea! I kick men in the balls dozens of times a day nearly everyday. It wouldn't be new for me to kick a friend in the balls just to remind them who's in charge since ive done it before. Also you have no need to fear rupture. With how sweet and subservient you are, you'll.probably never have a ball popped. I certainly know I would never do it to you.
      Well....unless we were having sex and got uncomfortable. Id day besides the rare instances where ive done it for fun, id say the only times I have unjustly used rupture in when I was having sex with a guy a really liked and he did something that made me uncomforable so I used the twist to stop him and continued to squeeze until a nut was completely crushed. I've only done this a few times though.

    5. Also hey Lucy. I wish you could join in. I'd love to exchange stories sometime.

  4. Its nice of you to say you would probably not use rupture on me. I try to behave but would accept it if it was needed, I'm a man and can make mistakes. I am not perfect so if we were friends I think we would need to discuss punishments as kicking sessions would probably be needed for small things. I think we can agree that we would discuss any issues and agree on a fair punishment for them. I accept punishment would need to be painful and you would probably like testicle swelling. Or whatever punishment pleased you. I would happily have a punishment increased for your pleasure.

    Then we go back to being friends afterwards. I would not recent you at all for wanting to punish me even if I was innocent.

    Can I ask given how you use rupture a lot (In a very good way) Have you ever been rupture shamed? I know men and some women try to make a woman feel bad for using rupture especially for small crimes or for fun. Its a terrible practice and I was wondering if you have encountered it?

    Thanks again for your time, your support and you are very kind. which just shows testicle punishment is about making things better

    1. I have been rupture shamed by men but not women. Typically when it occurs I just give them a bunch of hard kicks to the balls. But if I think they can learn I'll teach them why rupture is good and they will accept why I use it. Almost every man I have ever explained it to ends up getting it. And the ones who don't end up with swollen nuts lol.
      I even had one man who rupture shamed me, ask me to pop one of his balls after I explained why its good. I was hesitant but ended up doing it and he's another one of my many friends with less than 2 balls.

    2. Its a shame you have experienced that kind of shaming but good you were able to persuade the men to accept rupture. That just shows how it is a good thing and you should feel good about using it.

      May I ask what method of punishing the testicles do you enjoy the most. Kicking, squeezing, crushing in a press? I just wonder which you enjoy and why you like to use that method. Also feel free to ask me questions if you like.

    3. I prefer kicking and kneeing mostly but I use the testicle twist in certain situations. I use kick as both a normal punishment (like if a man is rude ill give him a hard kick in the nuts) and for rupture.
      But I only use the testicle twist when I intend to pop a ball or both. I like kicking because its guaranteed to take a while to do damage and is very painful. And I like squeezing (usually by crushing the ball with one hand and gouging a thumb into it as hard as I can with the other hand) as a means of achieving a quick rupture.

    4. Thank you for your reply sorry it has been a while. I have found that kicking is commonly used and it is how I am punished. Kicking can be drawn out and it causes high pain. I find for me kicking is very painful plus spaces can be left between kicks so you can easily make a punishment last a hour without causing a rupture. I find I am punished for 30 min to 60 min depending more on what the woman wants to do but I find women enjoy kicking.

  5. I do have to go out very quick but should be back in an hour. sorry. I will check your reply and answer as soon as I can

  6. I have been following and am amazed by this conversation. I have not known any woman who has actually ruptured a man's testicles. So it sounds incredible that the woman above has done so much! I fully support it, but somehow society has discouraged it where I live. I am a woman and have always imagined how it would feel as both a males testicles gave way from me squeezing them. I especially wonder how much pressure will be needed when I do this, because I certainly will. Please write narratives of your experiences!

    1. Hi, Im the man who wrote the paper and was talking to the woman. I defiantly do admire her and the work she does. Causing a rupture is often harder than many people think. It can take 50KG or more to rupture a testicle if the weight is applied across the testicle. This is why many women like to kick the testicles to tenderize them so it is easier to rupture them with your hands. Or by concentrating force on a testicles it can be ruptured with hands alone.

      But it is great to hear you are interested in causing rupture but so sad it is discouraged. Can I ask why it is discouraged? It is a very effective punishment and should be used when needed. Rupture shaming is terrible but sadly its a real thing.

      I hope you do get to cause a rupture soon. Most women do enjoy it so maybe you will as well. It is your right to cause rupture if you want to and a man should accept that.

  7. Hello All. I have been reading this blog with keen interest. I am male and one big reason I follow this blog is because I often have to ask myself if I should be in the category of males who would actually benefit from testicle rupture. I have uncontrollable desires that affect me so much that I sometimes fear I could possibly be in danger myself if I ever act on them. To me, my desires to be seem natural, but I know many women vehemently dis-approve of me being the way I am.
    My life is simply frustration and fear, but I also know I probably will act on my feelings someday. I often wonder if my loosing testicles would be something society and women would approve of and even if I would benefit and more in control of my life. Perhaps there should be a list or place I could go to meet with women in a safe place for them to do what they feel is best in cases like mine.
    I am just throwing this out there, hoping this blog is in most respects real and well intended. I would be amenable to cooperating with a woman who would do what she thought best.

    1. depends on the desires you have. Maybe a kicking session would do it. Or maybe losing just one testicle would work and then if it continues the other could also be ruptured.

    2. Thank you for your kind reply. Yes it is a problem for me. I know there could be terrible consequences worse than losing a testicle. I wish I could contact women, especially, to discuss this and see what they think. I feel only a woman or group of women could properly judge me. After hearing how I honestly feel, they might even ask me to cooperate with them to experience a rupture. I would accept that. I want women to view me as a good man.

  8. Following up on my post, I am suggesting a sisterhood of women be formed, like a panel who would decide on what should happen to males who come to them with problems like mine. That way the male could be dealt with in the best way possible by women who could decide on the best course of action. If the male came willingly out of his own concern, it is proof he is sincere. Then, the women would know better how to evaluate the situation and the proper course of action. It would prove the male really wanted to be a benefit to women and would be a way to give a group of women complete consensual approval to do what they feel best.
    In my case, I think most women would want to see both my testicles ruptured beyond repair. Perhaps, because I am open to them and their feelings, ideas and values, it might not be a prolonged or overly painful process. However, I think the women should be in control, in any case. I do hope for some sincere replies and suggestions by women reading this blog.

    1. There already are women out there using rupture. Maybe you explain yourself and offer your self to a woman that would like to try rupture for training? You could help a woman build confidence by doing this.

    2. Thank you for your reply. This blog is very amazing. I have never heard much about this except random stories very far apart. I would like to avail myself to a woman for training. I do not know where to look, exactly or how to start that conversation. If you know anyone interested please post a reply to this message.

  9. Hello Lucy Tash
    This sounds like a good plan. It would he great to do this to give a woman practice, Even better it it could be used to make a training video of too. I am open to the idea think it best and want to make it happen. I do not currently know a woman who I think would would be interested. If you do or if there is one reading this, reply and I will send my e-mail address.

  10. Thinking this over, I would be proud to do this and know in my case it is right. Thank you for writing this blog and helping so many people out. You are a very good woman and are doing a good thing. ~Jeff


  11. Hi I'm a male, 22. I have been reading this blog for a while, being interested in the topic and support it, but I never thought it would ever happen to me. But just 2 nights ago a co-worker of mine used the testicle twist on me without warning after work because of something I said, and I lost a testicle. I just out of the hospital this morning after having my left ball removed and now I'm very scared of something happening to my remaining testicle. I talked to the woman on the phone and the told me she doesn't feel any guilt for what she did which I understand but I am worried about losing my last ball. What should I do?

    1. I would really like to know what other people think

  12. Hi. I'm a 14 year old who has used rupture 8 times in the last year. My first rupture was when I was 13 and someone tried to molest me and I have been using it since. I really love this blog and especially the men in here who support castration as punishment. Thank you so much for writing this.

  13. Hello to the girl above who has already performed testicle ruptures. I greatly admire you're courage in doing this and than you for sharing. It is very important that using testicle rupture as a deterrent or even a first choice in female/male relationships becomes more and more an accepted and common thing. You have done the right thing.
    Please share your experiences. I am very interested in the circumstances and just how exactly you performed the ruptures, how you felt doing it, how the male acted during it and how you felt afterward. I am especially interested in if the male was incapacitated during the experience and if they tried to fight back.
    If not all the experiences were done during times of obvious threat to you, was there any involvement with legal authorities after? And if there was, how did you handle it?
    It is very important to share these stories because they are not all that commonly reported and written about.

    1. Hi. im the girl. like i said my first ruptures were a year ago. i was alone in my house with just a friend of my moms who was there to fix some things. i was wearing a tank top and shorts and must have aroused him because he got on top of me and was grabbing my breasts and crotch. He then pulls his junk out and saw his balls. i grabbed and yanked on them as hard as i could and he collapsed. he rolled onto his back and i grabbed a testicle and crushed it with both hands, gouging my thumbs into it, until my thumb punctured the ball completely and i squeezed it flat. i then grabbed his last testicle. at this point he was still awake and was begging me to let him go but i was still in shock and was very angry so i repeated the process on his remaining ball. i called 911 and the man was taken to the hospital where both testicles were removed.

      since then i have done 7 punishments. 6 of them were for smaller stuff. a popped one of a boys nuts with my teeth during a blowjob because he called me a bitch and he lost the testicle. another one was at school when i kicked a guy in the balls so hard that one popped and when he was down i got on my knees and ruptured the other with my hands.

      besides those 6 though there was another serious punishment. after i castrated that first guy i decided to do it to my uncle. he had been abusive to me for years so i went to his house, and did a kicking session without warning for about an hour until both balls were swollen. then I stomped on his crotch as hard as i could. his left testicle was ruined and it had to be removed but the right one was fine.

      I love popping balls. i dont do it regularly but when i do it makes me feel so powerful. knowing that i can use my bare hands to end a man. to make sure he never cums or gets hard ever again. it turns me on a lot to think about if im being honest.

      Also i have never had legal trouble when it comes to rupture. The female police here understand it and have my back.

  14. What a story! Thank you for sharing you're experiences. It sounds like you did these mainly out of self defense, do you imagine yourself doing it only for fun or practice? It is a very good thing you are doing and I hope you continue.
    I am amazed that during the first one, you actually penetrated his testicle with your thumb. Was it by using your fingernails?
    When you did a kicking session with your uncle, did you make him strip naked then kick his testicles or did you inspect the damage you did later? Did he agree to it or did you surprise him and just start doing it? You have some wonderful stories and should feel proud of what you have done. It is good that you feel good about it and enjoy it. Could I ask approximately what part of the country you live in?

  15. Hi, I'm the man who commented on the previous article asking for help for my testicle kicking punishment and I want to thank everyone for the responses. I'm going to respond here since this article is actually about workplace ballbusting and the woman in question is my boss.

    To update everyone on my punishment, my boss sentenced me to feel 60 kicks to my testicles as punishment. When I brought up rupture like I was adviced to on the previous post, my boss said she would think about it. She gave me the kicks which left my balls badly swollen but thankfully didn't cause a rupture.

    After I thanked her for the punishment she said that she was impressed with my testicles and would like to stand on them. I agreed to it even though I felt a little unsure. Since then she's taken to inspecting my testicles pretty frequently at the workplace to see when they have healed enough for her to stand on them. I didn't know if this is usual practice or not so I did not object. She usually spends some time squeezing my balls and she's pretty rough with them so it's taken pretty long for them to heal.

    Now I have healed and my boss is planning on having the session in the near future.
    What kind of risk do you think her standing on my testicles will put them in?
    I know I should only think of what the woman wants and I don't want to appear selfish, but I'm still scared of losing my manhood to her. Any advice?

    1. Standing on the testicles is risky and if one pops then the other one has to take all the weight and pops straight away castrating you. It is very painful and damaging even if they dotn rupture. I suppose it depends on how much she weighs and how strong your balls are.

      If she slowly applies the weight evenly across both testicles then they have the best chance of not popping.

    2. Hi I'm a woman who has read these comments. I love your writings and ballbusting in general. I hope your boss takes one of your testicles. I think its needed for a man who talks so much a out rupture to have lost a nut before so he has a reference.

    3. I'm the man who wrote this paper. I feel rupture should be used when a crime justified it but that is up to the woman. No woman has wanted to cause a rupture to me yet but I do make it known I support the practice. I have been close a few times and I do expect to suffer a rupture one day.

    4. Wow, sounds like there's a serious chance of her rupturing both of my balls even if castrating me is not her intention. Now I'm really scared of what's going to happen. I guess it's too late to back out now, I did agree to it and she is my boss after all. I just hope my testicles will be able to take it.

      Thank you for the replies. While I want to agree with women rupturing testicles it's just so different when I'm possibly facing rupture myself. It's just such a big and permanent loss, but I also understand it isn't my decision to make.

      If I could ask any women reading this comment, if you were going to torture a male employee would you be more or less likely to let him keep his balls if you knew he had large testicles? I don't want to sound like I don't support ballbusting, but I'm only 25 and it would seem like a shame to lose my balls at my age.

  16. Hello Lucy
    I have been very interested in and have followed this blog and posts. I get a variety of feelings reading these descriptions of testicle tortures. i do wonder what the women feel and how they view it when they are doing these things. I often feel women have a natural understanding, not spoken of overtly in society, that these things are their right and causing pain in this way can be a good thing, for her and the man. Because it might help and because most women would probably agree I deserve it, I would cooperate with a woman who wanted to make a training video demonstrating the different techniques and options available for women doing this, and showing what it is like for both her and the man.

    1. Thanks for your interest. I enjoy testicle torture and like using it to make a man suffer. his pain pleases me and i know he has been punished.

    2. Thank you Lucy for your reply. If you are interested, perhaps we could find a way. I would be very happy to cooperate with you in making something that would help you to educate other women about their right to do these things, the benefits to them and all the things you could teach. It would be incredible! It is good and helpful to bring us this blog.


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