disconnect between men and women regarding the use of testicle rupture.

Another great email for you all!!!

After writing the paper in the post before this one I thought I would continue to write about issues with testicle punishments. In these paper I want to discuss the disconnect between men and women regarding the use of testicle rupture.

As before I will use kicking in the example as the way rupture can be administered to help explain my point. If anyone disagrees with my reasoning please add a comment. I think the reason I use kicking as an example is that I have taken a good number of testicle kicking sessions myself. I have two female friends who use testicle kicking regularly and as a feminist I encourage them to use it. I have found having my testicle kicked as scary and painful and it seems it work very well for the woman. Both women seem pleased with my pain as I take the kicks and seem satisfied once the session has ended.  

Firstly I think many women should be applauded for how they have welcomed testicle based punishments into their lives and started using them. It has greatly improved life in areas where it is common. It has made places safer, reduced crimes and controlled male behaviour. More and more women are using the punishments that vary from a dozen or so hard kicks to the balls for a quick warning all the way up to the use of rupture.

While most punishments are about causing pain and damage while leaving the testicles intact sometimes rupture is needed. Most punishments are like this but we do focus our conversation on rupture as it is a much bigger deal. There is also a disconnect between men and women regarding rupture, when to use it and castration. Typically in situation where a woman is deciding a mans punishment she expresses a desire to use rupture and the man expresses how he feels in is unfair. She feels it’s fair and he doesn’t, so there is a disconnect.
Women also typically support the use of rupture for a wide range of crimes where as men want it more limited. Additionally most of the people who don’t want rupture used are male. Another point is that in a case where both sexes support rupture when it comes time to do it many men try to avoid it whereas nearly all women want to go ahead with it. Men also pressure women to try to limit the use of rupture which is totally wrong. SO why the disconnect? First lets describe what each person experiences in a punishment featuring rupture.

Rupture refers to breaking the outer wall of a testicle causing a rip in the protective outer lay of the testicle. This is very damaging and if the rupture is a good size then this can mean the testicle cant heal and will need to be removed from the man. If a man receives medical attention quickly a testicle with a smaller rupture can heal. But usually a woman will make sure the testicle is damaged enough so it needs to be removed. So a man facing rupture is punished with the loss of that testicle plus extreme pain. Then in the event both testicles are to be destroyed the male is castrated.

Rupture can be caused in a number of ways and can be done quickly or very slowly over hours. This is usually decided by the woman depending on the crime. There are a number of different techniques that are designed to maximise the pain a man feels and the length of the punishment. A man about to take rupture will feel sheer terror then the most extreme pain as the testicles are tortured and ruptured then flattened out. Then he faces life with one testicle or castration.

But it’s not all bad a man can benefit from rupture. Taking rupture allows a man to show how sorry he is for a crime, by asking for rupture a man can really show this. He can also learn from the mistake and it can act as a warning to others. A man can also know he has been fully punished and take pride in how he has suffered correctly. It is for these benefits that many men promote rupture.

But like in my previous paper I want to repeat that it is not all about the male. So why would a woman do this?

Women are drawn to rupture as a punishment because they often feel great satisfaction in the amount of pain a man feels. They see that pain and see it last hours and feel that the man has suffered for his crime. They also feel that it is an effective punishment because men fear it and suffer so much as it is done to them. Men will scream and cry as they are punished showing pain. They will show great upset as the testicle is ruptured and the suffering continues as it is flattened out. Only rupture can cause this pain so only rupture can be done if this level of pain is needed. And this level of pain is often desired by the woman so rupture must be used.

Women want to make sure the punishment is severe enough and causing a rupture is a good way a woman can be sure a man will be punished enough. This makes rupture perfect for a range of crimes and even for minor offenses as well.

Women often quite rightly feel that short kicking sessions don’t get a message across or simply don’t do the job. They worry that a man only facing a kicking session will not learn from it and will reoffend. Whereas rupture is proven to be very effective so it’s no wonder so many women resort quickly to it.

Also removing a testicle from him gives a woman power and she can enjoy knowing he is one ball down because of her. A woman can feel satisfied in how she has done something permeant to the man. A woman can also feel great pleasure from destroying testicles and have fun doing it. Women are encouraged to enjoy testicle punishment and many women really enjoy doing it.
So from this we can see that there are many good reasons why women favour rupture and use it. So why is there a problem?

I think the problem is mainly with men and their lack of understanding. Men do not think about what a woman wants and selfishly focus on themselves and how they feel. Whereas if they thought about the list of reasons above they would be more likely to agree with rupture. Men also don’t look at the positive reasons of rupture either. This part if totally the fault of men.

Men also worry more about their pain then the womans pleasure which is totally wrong. Men should try to understand how women think and the reasons women like to use rupture then cooperate.

Men also need to accept that the decision to use rupture is totally the womans not the mans. He really has no say in the matter. Also rupture is a perfectly acceptable practice so a man is wrong to object to it. A woman should never be made to feel bad about wanting to use rupture even for the smallest crime.

Ok, so it is mens fault but what can we all do? I think that when it comes to punishment a woman could explain why she wants to use rupture and explain her feelings to help a man understand. He should then be more accepting. But mainly men need to be more reasonable about it and accept it.

Please feel free to comment below.


  1. Hi I'm a woman and I must say I enjoy rupturing balls. I used to keep it a secret but now I talk about it with all of my female friends and now all them kick balls too. And many have also ruptures a testicle or both on a man. I myself have caused 2 men to lose a testicle and castrated one.

    1. I wrote the article. Thats great to hear. Do you find men often struggle to accept rupture? Or are they instantly supportive of the decision. Its nice to hear you can openly discuss your enjoyment of causing rupture. You do have a right to cause rupture if you like and there is no reason you cant enjoy it. Did you use rupture as a punishment or just for your fun?

    2. hi yes. its very good that women can be so open about and spread the joy of rupture.
      i do only use rupture as a punishment but the crime can be very small. every man i know is afraid to disrespect me so i dont have to use rupture often. i only cause ruptures as punishment but i kick, knee and squeeze balls for fun all of the time.

    3. Hi Again.

      Thats similar to what I have experienced. I have had my testicles kicked and squeezed in hands many times and a lot of those times were just for the womans fun. My testicles have been sometimes badly damaged but not ruptured yet. Knowing rupture can be used does add fear to a man and I feel this myself. But when a crime is committed women should never be scared to cause rupture.

      It is great you feel confident to share how you enjoy damaging the testicles and causing rupture. I hope you continue to have pleasure doing it.

    4. Hi me again.

      I was wondering when you do kicking sessions for fun how do you do them? I have a female friend who lives close to me and she likes to kick my testicles for fun. When she wants to do a session she comes over and she likes it when I stand leaning against a table with my legs parted. I grip the table with my hands and must stay still. She likes to wear boots and then at a steady pace she kicks my testicles. Her kicks are painful and she is honest about using hard kicks to cause damage to my testicles. She says she kicks hard to cause pain inside the testicle as the more sensitive nerve endings are in there so I feel more pain and my testicles swell up as capillaries are broken.

      I can see she takes great pleasure in kicking me and smiles when she lands a good kick. She loves seeing me in pain and causing damage to my balls. She really loves it.

      We are normally great friends but she likes to cause me pain for her pleasure. She tells me when a session is to happen and I get no say in it and she told me what level of damage she is comfortable with. She is ok with causing lasting damage and affecting my fertility but she says she wants to stop short of a rupture for now but would not mind if that happened. She is happy to risk rupture but I hope it doesn’t happen.

      She normally doesn’t punish men and only likes to do this to male friends she is comfortable with. I dont mind her doing it to me as it is her right to do so. How do you do kicking sessions when you do them for fun?

  2. Hi I'm a 20 year old woman. I have a friend who lost a testicle when he was a kid. I didn't know this and recently he said something to me that was worthy of me rupturing a testicle so I ordered him to take his pants off and was surprised to see he only had one nut. Iaughed at it if I'm being honest. But I decided to go ahead with the punishment anyway. So I locked my index finger and thumb around the top of his ball and crushed it on and off for 45 minutes so it wouldn't pop too easily. Finally it gave completely and ruptured. I then took him to the hospital. But the doctors sadly managed to save his testicle. What should I do?

    1. Hi, I'm the man who wrote the article. Firstly you handled the situation very well and should be commended on carrying out the punishment. The man should be lucky to have a friend like you and I hope he thanked you for you decision. As for what to do next that is up to you. If you want him to lose the testicle once he has recovered simply tell him and arrange to rupture it again. You have a right to do this or maybe leave him if you want him to keep the ball. It is up to you.

  3. Hi, I'm a man and there's a woman who wants to punish me with a session of testicle kicking and after reading this post I've decided to agree to it. My only worry is that because my balls are quite big I think they are easy to target individually. I'm afraid she's going to focus her kicks on only one of my balls to get it to rupture. She didn't say she was going to rupture one but she's joked about castration before so I'm just worried. How likely do you think she'll want to pop one of my balls? I'm young and I don't want to lose a ball but I also don't want her to think I'm being unreasonable. Any advice?

    1. hi im a woman, age 29 and honestly my answer is to ASK HER to take your ball. i know it might seem crazy but strong women love a submissive man who is willing to give them half of what makes them a man. i assure that unless you mess up with her again you will most likely get to keep your last little nut. if you resist though....lets just say that you wont be having kids. ever. and im pretty sure you would rather be called one-nut than eunuch. also, i would highly recommend having some sperm frozen incase a different woman squishes your last grape.

    2. I would be honest and just ask her what her intentions are to you. Ask her nicely what she plans to do and you might find it is not too bad or you may have to face rupture. You have a right to know because if she wants to cause a rupture then you will probably need to arrange time of work to recover and arrange a trip to hospital. If she does say rupture then dont object to it that will probably annoy her. Thank her for decideding to use rupture because she will respect that more and might just cause a small rupture and you might still keep the ball.

    3. Yes. This. Just like the other two, I totally agree. Let her take a testicle. She will love you for it and you will still have the remaining ball. Don't be brave and try to refuse if her intention is to use rupture. It will only make things worse.... I hope everything goes well for you and that you and her are happy with the results of the punishment.

    4. Thank you for the replies, they have been very helpful. Im going to post a longer response to the newer article about workplace ballbusting because the woman in question is actually my boss. Please respond there if you feel you can help me out again.

  4. Hi I'm 15 and I have squeezed my dads balls alot since I was 12 but recently he got a boner around me and was staring at my tits so I finally popped one of his balls. This was a few weeks ago and since then he had the nut removed and now I play with his last ball all the time.

    1. Wow nicely done! He definitely deserved that. How did you do it? Do you have any plans on popping his last testicle?

    2. I kicked him in the balls until one of them burst. Then I continued until it was mush. The other one (the one that didn't pop) was like over twice as big as normal and all squishy and soft, like I could have popped it easily with my hands. But I let him keep one so I can continue to kick him in his nut everyday.

  5. Hey just read the articel and it makes a lot of sense. Thank you for writing it. its great to see more info sources for this kind of thing.

  6. Does anyone have any suggestions for the penis? I’ve been reading this blog and think a lot of men also deserve their penises punished so they learn their lesson.

    A co-worker recently touched me innapropriately at a work event. I’m not sure how or what I should do. Any suggestions?

    1. If you restrain him standing up his penis should droop down and be away from the body. One punishment I like for the penis is to burn it. You can hold a candle under the tip for a maybe 5 seconds at a time. Allow the flame to touch him flesh and burn the area. The tip is sensitive so all of it should burn. You can start at the tip them move the candle lower burning his skin. This will also make the penis un usable is done heavily.

    2. That sounds like a wonderful thing to do to a penis. Would love to watch this being done to a man.

  7. I’m the girl who wanted to punish his penis. I agreed to play around with my coworker. When he removed his pants I started playing with his penis and then grabbed his testicles and squeezed. I then kept pulling his foreskin back as hard as I could. I kept a grip on his testicles and flattened them both out. Then kept pulling his foreskin until it detached from the penis head. He hasn’t been at work since. Hope his penis never works again. Do you have any tips for rupturing a testicle with one hand?

    1. So you pulled his foreskin back until it tore away from under the tip of his penis? Wow I bet that was messy. There is a punishment called penis skining where the skin is torn away from under the tip then cut around much lower down the penis. The skin is like a tube that is then removed. It is messy and many women dont like that. Afterwards the shaft is exposed and skin regrows on it but the penis never works or looks normal again.

      As for popping with one hard try pushing in with your thumb nail.


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