worrying report

Another but more worrying email from a man.

I came across something troubling the other day that I wanted to share with you. I am 25 and try to be a reasonable person. Part of that is supporting the fair use of male punishment in constructive ways. So I do support the use of rupture as a punishment.

I was talking with a few female friends and testicle kicking came up. Talking about testicle torture scares me so I let the women talk. I heard them comment about how they did not like how they could not kick a man in the balls as hard as they could during a kicking session. This sounded wrong but I let them continue.

One woman commented about the difficulty of using testicle rupture for sexual harassment cases because the man can ask sexual harassment be proven before his has rupture used on him. I knew that was not right.

I was polite and asked why they thought that and where they heard it as it was not correct. I explained the rules as best I could and as I understand when it comes to anything classed as sexual harassment it is taken very seriously. Because sexual harassment often leads to rape which is unacceptable there is a low burden of proof. Because rape is so bad if there is even a 20% chance a man could have done it castration should be used on him. So the accusation is enough for him to be fairly and safely sentenced to a long and painful castration. There is still some burden of proof so this is fair for the male as well as the woman.

So if for instance I was accused but could give evidence I was innocent there would still be a chance so castration would be recommended. Even if I could prove I was not guilty I would still be found guilty and have no choice but to suffer castration in a way that my accuser requested. This would be hard for me but it would be the best thing to do.

I explained this to the women and it was the first they herd of it. I also told them when kicking testicles hard kicks are encouraged. Also rupture can be used if they feel it is best. Rupture is perfectly ok to use for simple sexism or bad attitude. Also testicle flattening is recommended as well.

I tried to share what I knew and be honest with them. I found out they had talked to a woman who told them this as they were first trying out testicle punishments.  So I met her one day to talk to her.

She told me that she believed what she had told them was right and that a man told her about men’s rights and how testicle punishment should be done. I also passed on what I knew about testicle punishment to her but she still seamed to have sympathy for this other man. It sounds like some men are claiming men have rights that they don’t and are tring to limit fair punishment. This is wrong and should be stopped. I would like to know your thoughs please.


  1. Thank you for posting my email. I would happily address any questions on this or go into more detail about the mis information told to these women.

    1. Hi! I'm a man who has lost a testicle to punishment.
      Its a shame to here that these women are being misinformed and think they can't use the twist on a man for harassment or sexism. If I knew them, I would let them rupture my testicle so they could gain experience from it.

      Do you know any women there who have castrated a man? It is so common where I am from that it sounds scary being a woman where you live. I can't imagine a woman not being able to rupture a mans testicles sexual harassment or even rape.

  2. When do you view castration as justified? What would someone have to do deserve that?

  3. Hi Annie,

    Im the man who wrong the origonal email.

    Castration I feel is justified obviously for rape or sexual harassment both phyical and verbal as well as stakerish behavior. I think most men would agree a slow castration would be fair. The woman would feel justice was done and the man would be able to show how sorry he was by cooperating and the pain would help him learn. So both benefit.

    Then there are lesser cases of bad behavour towards women. Castration or the rupture of a testicle is a very good idea because it can stop a man from developing predator trats. The pain will make he learn and the loss will be a reminder. So even if the crime it is small rupture is used as a prevention on the man.

    I feel if used fairly rupture is an excellent tool. It benefits both the male and the female. Does this answer your question?

    1. Hi, thank you for your response. I have been very interested in the man's opinion in castration ever since I did my first rupture, so your insight has been very valuable, thanks.

    2. Hi Annie. Sorry for the late response. I'm the other man. Its humbling to talk to a woman on here who has ruptured testicles.

      My thoughts on what deserves castration is about the same as the man above me though I would like to add that practice and for her own pleasure are also good reasons. If a woman wants to castrate a man even for something as small as because she doesn't like him or they are together and she wants to lower is sexual drive then those are also valid.
      I myself lost a testicle because I was looking at a woman with an erection which is very inappropriate. She took me somewhere private and did a kicking session which resulted in me losing a testicle and being infertile in my remaining one.
      In my opinion a woman should be able to castrate a man for literally any reason she desires.

      If I may ask, can you share your experiences with rupture?

    3. Hi Lucy.
      I like these emails from fans that you post a lot but are there any from women you have? The lack of female respresentation here is sort of of weird considering its women who are doing the ruptures.

    4. Hi, Women are free to write me if they want. I just post what I am emailed if it fits with theme of the site.

  4. Hi Lucy. How do I email you?

    1. Ill just make a comment about it.

      Dear Lucy, in about 1 week I am going to be castrated. I was wondering if you could tell me and other men what to to expect after becoming a eunuch.

      How low does the testosterone get, how small does the penis shrink, should I go on hormone replacements etc.

      I would love for you to make a Q&A post about this. I think it is very helpful for a man to know what comes after castration and there seems to be limited knowledge about it.

    2. Why are you being castrated and how will it be done?

  5. Would be nice if you could film it for us.

  6. yes I can make a post so please do share more details

    1. Well, a month ago I was at a womans house. She is a friend of mine that I was visting, we were sitting on the couch talking and I told her about something sexist I had done. Being a good friend she seemed shocked that I would be sexist so she asked me if I had said or done anything else and even though I was embarrassed I admitted to the misogynistic things I had done over the years. She was mad at me and told me that even though we are friends and I had not been sexist for a while that the best thing for both of us is to set up a castration session.
      She told me that she wants to use squeezing and kicking to torture my testicles for hours before eventually rupturing and flattening both of them. She also said that will be extremely painful but safe for me because she is very skilled.
      Its been a little bit since my comment so I will now be castrated in 3 days.

    2. The reason I came here about this is that I don't know what comes next. I am understanding of and have come to peace with being castrated by one of my closest friends but I wish there was more information about what castration does to a man.

    3. Its me again.
      I was castrated a few days ago and got out of the hospital yesterday. The doctor who removed my testicles asked if I wanted hormone therapy and I told her no. I talked to the woman who did the punishment earlier today and she said she is very happy with the results.

    4. Its good you are taking it so well. How were you castrated? what method and how painful was it?

    5. Thank you for the response.

      She used a harsh kicking session to get my testicles very swollen. After the kicking session my testicles were over 3 times their normal size.
      After that she knelt down and grabbed one of my balls and started to use the twist on it. After about 5 minutes she popped it and spent another 15 flattening it as slowly as she could.
      She then repeated the process with my last testicle as well.
      After that she actually removed my testicles herself with a scalpel which was mostly painless. After she sewed me up she let recover at her house for a few hours and I was sent home.

      It was the most pain ive ever felt in my life. I was screaming so loud that I lost my voice. The pain was so high that even though I lost both testicles I will be sexist again.

      If you have any more questions I would be glad to answer them.

      When will you be making the post?


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