A plea for help

It will be interesting to see what you guys think of this one.

Hi Lucy,

I was wondering if you could post this or if you had any ideas for me?

My name is Aaron and I am at a college in the USA. Not long ago I was talking with two men in my class in a hallway about class times. I asked my questions, got my answers then walked away. I heard that shortly afterwards they were telling sexist jokes that were overheard by a woman who informed another woman who is skilled at testicle destruction.

She woman is known for firm but fair acts of male punishment usually resulting in rupture. I have never met her before but respect what she does.

She decided the men should be punished for their crimes which sounded fair. She sentenced them to be tied up with their legs parted and in a slow drawn out session kicked in the testicles repeatedly. There are to be gaps between the kicks to prolong the pain as much as possible. The men were to be kicked until one of their testicles ruptures and the rupture is detectable through the scrotum. This is to make sure rupture has occurred and the male is not lying about it or thinking rupture has occurred due to internal tearing. She considers this a fair practice.

Then once rupture has occurred the male is to feel another 10 kicks at full force to continue the damage.  Then the ruptured testicle is to be fully flattened by hand before the punishment is over.

I am sure many of you will agree this is a fair punishment and credit to the men, when they were confronted they confessed and accepted this punishment. The problem is because I was seen with them and they don’t know when the jokes started I have been sentenced to take this punishment as well! I was told today and there is apparently no option to appeal or to plead my case.
I did not commit the crime but I am not sure what to say. Do you guys have any ideas. I am to face the punishment soon but I was wondering if any of the women out there knew how I could bring this up with them.
Thank you for your help


  1. HI.

    I can understand your worry. Have you thought about simply explaining this to the woman who is planning on punishing you? You could say to her that you understand if you she still wants to carry out the punishment but you want her to hear your story?

    1. Hi. Thank you for your response.

      I have thought about talking to her about the punishment but I am worried that it is common practice to increase the punishment of a male who objects or tries to avoid punishment. So I am worried that my sentence will be increased if I talk to her.

      The kicking punishment I am to take is very destructive and if one testicle is kicked to rupture then the other one will be close to it so if more kicks are added then I may feel my final ball rupture. Then both will be flattened out. Even with 10 additional kicks a second rupture is possible so if more are added then my balls are finished.

  2. Aaron can I ask if you support rupture as a punishment? I'm concerned you are not fully in favor of it.

    I'm also wondering if you should just take the punishment then tell her afterwards.

  3. Hi its Aaron,

    I do support the use of rupture as a punishment the same way I support a murderer gettign life in jail but only if they are guilty. The punishment is fair for the crime but I did not commit the crime.

    I could just take the punishment but I really do not what to lose a testicle. I have also found out that many men who take this form of punishment lose both testicles. Often when the first testicle starts to rupture it can be felt so kicking continues. It is only when the rupture is quite sizable that the 10 kicks are started so in a lot of cases both testicles rupture then are flattened.

    Its not the womans fault and I'm not blaming her for this as a small rupture can be difficult to detect and she would probably only want to check every few kicks as well. I understand a woman needs to be sure rupture has started so the male feels the full effect of the punishment.

  4. Its Aaron again. I thought I would update.

    Out of the other two men one of them has already received the punishment. it took nearly 2 hours and a small group watched it take place. The punishment was seen as a big success and the other guy is being prepared for it. Once he has taken the punishment I am next. I'm not sure what to do.

  5. How is he being prepared?

    1. Hi its aaron

      I meant to say they are arranging a time and planning the punishment. The preparation as will be the case with me is he will be tied up with his legs apart. The the destructive and painful process will begin.

    2. Hi its aaron again.

      I have been reading about this form of punishment and it sounds very cruel. The kicks are spaced out so the punishment lasts a long time and it does more then damage one testicle. Because both testicles are kicked equally when one ruptures the other one is very close to it and especially with the 10 full force kicks it normally sustains serious permeant internal injury. That is if it does not rupture as well. Aparently one guide recommends women focus on the one good testicle at the end to rupture both balls.

      So even if I still have one testicle at the end it will produce little sperm and barely work at all. I agree with punishment but this sounds very cruel. I want to get out of it

  6. Hi Aaron, it is funny, butI think most of the people here (maybe some secretly) want you to undergo the punishment and that you lose at least one testicle... If it happens I personnaly hope you can stay conscious through the whole process and explain us her reactions, yours, and maybe the ones of the audience if there is any. I wish you to make the best choice anyway and that you don't regret it. Courage.

  7. Hi Aaron did you get to witness the 1st punishment if so can you describe how it went.

  8. Hi its Aaron. I did not witness the punishment but I am familiar with how it goes. The victim it tied to a wall with his legs apart so he cant move. The audience watches as his testicles are kicked. A kick is given and the victims pain is watched as the pain fades another kick is given to keep him in high pain. The pain increases as the testicles swell and take damage. Apparently at first men scream from the pain but later on are paralyzed by it so they make little sound. The slow application of damage helps to keep the male conscious during the punishment and if he does pass out kicking is paused until he comes back.

    Apparently some women prefer not to watch the rupture or the flattening of the testicle but some do. Many have watch the type of punishment before so know what to expect. I do support these punishments and maybe I have done things in the past that warrent this. I think I should have this done to my testicles.

    I will admit these conversations to the woman who will be punishing me so she can increase my punishment if she desires. So I dont mind if you want me to be punished even if it is just for your pleasure. I will comment on it though and tell you how it went. I think this is best.

  9. Aaron have the set a date and time for your procedure?

  10. Hi its Aaron. I spoke with her today and I said I agreed with the punishment and it was the right thing to do. She explained a few things like how we will get to the hospital and she described the proceedure to me. She was very formal about it. She told me the time will be 11AM this Sunday. I am to be there a bit earlier to be tied up so the kicking can start at 11. I have also been told not to eat for 24 hours but I can drink energy drinks. It was a surreal conversation. Do you have any other questions i'll be at my computer for a while.

  11. Is she planing on destroying both testicles or just 1?

  12. Aaron has the second man been punished yet and how is the 1st man doing?

  13. My punishment is to have my testicles kicked until one ruptures then 10 more kicks given. At least one testicle will rupture but the second could rupture as well. After the 10 kicks the any testicle that rupture is completely flattened. So there is a chance I could lose both. I'm not sure what you think but I hope I still have a testicle left.

    The first man came out of hospital and is grateful for the punishment like he should be. He lost one testicle and the other is healing. The second man is to be punished tomorrow I think. Im nervous but does that answer your questions?

  14. its aaron again. Can I ask how do you feel about what is to be done to me do you think it is fair?

  15. If you have had sexist thoughts or conversations in the past then I believe you deserve it and should be fully supportive do everything to assist her in maximizing the pain for as long as possible.

  16. I have which is why I deserve this punishment. I deserve it fully and the pain I feel should be prolonged for as long as possible. I deserve this and you are right. I think we both want whats fair for me. Could I ask would you watch my punishment if you could? and is there anything you would say to the woman who applies my punishment?

  17. I would love to watch and assist and I would ask the woman to be kind to you reassuring you throughout the destruction that everything will be fine.

  18. Its kind of you to ask her to be reassuring. I like how she is being supportive about it instead of cruel. But obviously every effort is being made to cause as much pain as possible for as long as possible. Its nice how you seem to want to be fair with me. I commited a crime and deserve the punishment so I think we both want this.

    Its also nice of you to offer to assist. May I ask have you punished men before and have you ever used kicking like this? I would like to know about the pain I will feel. I just want to know what I will face if you can help. thank you.

  19. I have punished men in a similar way before and it was very effective although I have never been able to rupture a testicle by kicking alone I much prefer to use crushing devices as it is a lot easier on me. I’m not a young girl anymore and a long session of kicking would leave me bruised and in pain.
    You can assist the lady to maximize the pain by ejaculating as many times as you can manage before you depart for your punishment session. I have done this to males in the past and they tell me it is a lot more painful after they have climaxed.

  20. Thank you for your reply. I take it when you say you have found kicking effective you mean the quality of the pain?

    I think it is hard to get a rupture from kicking alone so it take a lot of kicks over hours to do the job which is why I think some women like it. But then again I have heard a skilled woman can use crushing devices to apply pressure to testicles one at a time very carefully and make a castration last 5 hours plus. May I ask what devices you use?

    I will mention to her that I will masturbate several times prior the my punishment to make it more painful for me. Thank you for your help. Its good there are women like you out there doign this sort of thing.

  21. Can I ask what time zone you are in, so I can set an alarm on the commencement of your punishment? I will be nice to think about what you are going through.

  22. I have collected several crushing devices over the years as I have asked the men to supply their own. If and when I finally rupture both testicles, they have no use for the device anymore and gift it to me. I do prefer the clear acrylic type it is nice to see the ball when it finally ruptures.

  23. yes I'm GMT-7. Is should be tied up about 10:30Am and then anyone watching will be able to come in. I'll be tied up with my legs parted and my sentance read out. I'll then explain I'm sorry and deserve the punishment as well as request it be as painful and slow as possible. The at 11:00 I will feel the first kick to my testicles. If it helps if I'm like the first guy a testicle should rupture about 1pm then take at least 30 min to flatten it out.

    I might be able to update on the day. Hey thanks for talking to me about this. Its hard to think about but it is the right thing to do.

  24. It is a pleasure to talk to you about this try not to be nervous about this remember that this woman is a professional and will get you through this.

  25. As a man I have an idea that might help you could select the testicle that you want to loose and pre weeken it that way there is a better chance of only losing one. Perhaps you could drop something heavy on it or crush it in a vice.

  26. Hi Aaron did you find out how the second man went with his punishment?

  27. Hi its aaron. It was a pleasure talking to you as well. I have a lot of respect for women like yourself and the punishments you give out. It would be nice to hear more about how you like to do it if you want to share but maybe after I have taken my punishment. I will think about you as I am taking my punishment. Its nice to know you will be thinking about me as I take the pain. I wish you could watch and even be part of it.

    In response to the man I think it would not be fair to do that. I understand your point but that would lessen my punishment which would not be fair to the woman. Part of the reasoning behind the punishment is that both testicles are severly damaged then when one ruptures the next 10 kicks gives the other testicle a fair chance to be ruptured as well.

  28. its aaron. the second man took his punishment. He took it well they told me. It took over 2 hours to rupture the first testicle and his second one ruptured during the 10 kicks. He apparently begged for his last testicle to be spared as pressure was put on it to flatten it out. That part took about an hour. He is recovering from his castration. Its a scary thought that that could happen to me.

    1. How dare he beg to be spared! He should've had a steel or aluminium nail shoved up his cock and hit with a lighter to destroy his penis as well

  29. Thank you, Aaron it is nice of you to say you will be thinking of me as you take your penalty. I have placed an alarm in my calendar and will be spending this time with my Hitachi personal massager thinking of you as you are punished.

    1. Hi its Aaron. I hope you enjoy the thought of me undergoing the procedure. I spoke with the woman who will be doing it today and she wanted to talk about how she will flatten my testicle after it ruptures. Aparently she can control the speed of the flattening so a quick flattening will take 30min but she can make it last over an hour. I have heard this is the most painful part of the punishment and I will actually feel the testicle being torn apart. You have done this before so should I request a long or quick flattening. I feel it should be made to last as long as possible but I fear the pain. Plus if two testicles rupture that would mean I feel the pain of flattening for over 2 hours.

      What are your thoughts and how do you normally handle flattening? I can see from this site it is a big deal and gives much pleasure to women.

    2. I actually like the idea of your feeling pleasure as I feel pain. I am being punished for what I did and you are rewarded. Plus I dont see why you cant enjoy testicle destruction and why cant be open about it. I think I have described how I will be punished so you can visualize it. But do you want to know anything else to help? I will aslo try to update here just before I am restrained.

    3. I don’t Know if I can call it flattening but I have used my nails to dig deep into a ruptured testicle this was after it had been repeatedly crushed and released inside a ball press. I recall I had to stop a few times to allow him to breath as the pain was that intense. All his muscles we locked solid towards the end to the point he wasn’t even making much noise, I found it extremely arousing. He was a very brave man and I miss seeing him.

    4. Hi its Aaron. May I ask was this man being punished like me or was this done for your pleasure? Either way you sound like an amazing woman so he must have been a very lucky man to have experienced that. especially if the pain pleased you.

      I have read about ruptures caused by the ball press device and it sounds like this are very painful. Apparently because of how accuratly the woman can adjust the pressure the testicles can be crushed and released for hours before rupturing. I think the pain cause to the man is important so I can understand your choice.

      I found out that once my testicle ruptures first she will kind of massage it rolling it around to put pressure on the rupture hole to slowly widen it out. Then she will push her finger into the rupture to damage the stuff inside so it can be squeezed out. So I will feel a similar pain. Thank you for sharing that.

  30. This wasn't a punishment as such he used to visit me and request it he new how much pleasure it gave me. As I recall I stopped using the press when it was obvious that one of his testicle had ruptured then I used my thumb nails to slowly peel the inner flesh apart.

    1. I think you are quite amazing so when I was reading your other comment I thought that I would feel very lucky if given the chance to please you in that way. It would actually be party reward for me in that respect. I would want my testicle destroyed in a way that pleased you the most and feeling it tear as you peeled away must have been an honor for him.

      It sounds like it was a slow destruction and I hope he thanked you. May I ask how you would punish me for my crime?

  31. Aaron I won't go into detail now about how I would carry out the punishment as I am on a mobile device but if you presented to me for punishment it would be a long intense procedure that would cause massive amounts of pain and damage although I would be fair and compasionate and couch you through it. I will give you details about how when I get home.

    1. Hi its aaron. Thank you for replying. I understand small keyboards are a pain for long replies. I think all I would ask is that the punishment please you. At first I was scared but now I am feeling accepting of punishment. I think talking to strong women has made me naturally submit and wish to please.

  32. If you did want me to carry out the punishment I would need to meet with you and we would both come up with a n appropriate level damage. If you agreed with it a contract would be written up and you would be asked to sign it. The a two week cool of period would apply if after this you still believed you deserved it I would schedule a date and time for the event.

  33. When you arrived for the punishment I would ask you to confirm this one last time from then on there would be no backing out if full destruction was what you had agreed to that is what you would be given over many hours I would only stop if it was a medical emergency. This is how I have gone about it in the past.

    1. Hi its Aaron. You sound very profession with how yuo handle things. I can understand the need for a contract and time to think about the punishment. I would be greatful for the opportunity to discuss with you the nature of my sexism in the past and we could, im sure agree on a fair punishment. I think the loss of a testicle is fair and it been done slowly over hours is the correct thing to do. But you may desire castration and I would need to be prepared to entertain that. I am young and in good health so prolonged torture would be achievable. I'm sure others would be greatful for your services.

      I have my punishment planned and it should now go ahead. I hope the thought of my pain brings you pleasure. I will think of you as my testicle is being flattened. It is a shame I would not get the chance to please you in person.

  34. Do you have a partner Aaron or are you married if so how do they feel about this?

  35. Hi its aaron.
    I'm single at the moment but in my early twenties. I would like to have children and continue to have a sex life but this is part of the punishment. I hope I just lose one testicle when I am punished but I could lose more. I am willing to face my punishment. I do deserve it. May I ask if you were to punish me would you castrate me fully or leave me with one testicle?

  36. Its aaron. Not sure if i mentioned but I have had testicle punishment before. I have had a few sessions of kicking where the damage was quite high and I have felt needles pushed right through each testicle. I think I took 12 in that session. I have also had a ball press used on me during a session lasting about an hour where the damage was also high. I suffered internal bleeding in both testicles.

  37. Arron as you are young and wanting a family I would start on both then before to much damage was done I would isolate one and slowly destroy it.

  38. Aaron can you please ask the woman that is to punish you how she would go about punishing a man she had already castrated?

  39. I would be grateful if I could be punished painfully but still have a working testicle afterwards. If I had a choice I would like both testicles tortured then one isolated for destruction so one would be safe but thats not possible with kicking. But if I lose both I can accept that as i deserve it. I asked her and she says that she once used a candle to burn the sensitive tip of the penis as a punishment. Apparently he screamed a lot.

  40. Reading this as a man I find the woman here is quite amazing. I reckon the whole contract thing will help keep her safe while allowing her to fully punish a man. Most men deserve to lose a testicle so its amazing to here your guys stories. I want oneday for me to be made to feel justice like this.

  41. (Women only)
    I'm a guy with one testicle.
    I lost the other by being punished by a woman, but since then I have said other sexist things. Do you think I should have my last testicle popped?

    1. My females friends call me one-ball. So if you are a woman call me that.

  42. Burning is not an option for me I find the smell disgusting and even the look of Burt flesh turns me off. I was once ask by a man to brand his buttocks with my initials and I agreed without fully thinking it through.it was not very pleasant with me nearly vomiting from the stench although I have thought about using hot water to burn a penis.

  43. Aaron have you had a chance to talk to the other men about there punishment?

  44. He must be getting very nervous , it's getting close to the punishment. Good luck Aaron I hope she manages to take both testicles. Remember be polite and thankful and if the hospital offers you painkillers refuse them.

  45. Hi its aaron. I am getting nervous now.

    Burning would be unplesent and your enjoyment is important. Hot water would be a good option as it would still cause the desired pain to the man. The exposed penis tip could be put into a cup of hot water for a few seconds at a time allowing the man to feel pain. This could be repeated as much as was desired by you.

    I havent had a chance to talk with them as they are still recoverign but I will know about the punishment aftger I take it i suppose.

  46. Aaron Have you been masturbating?

  47. hi. Yes I have. The woman agreed with you and asked me too. It should extend the length of the punishment as emty testicles will be stronger and the pain should be higher. Thank you for the advice.

  48. And how do you feel about refusing pain killers at the hospital? You could tell them it goes against your religious beliefs. Aaron i really think you should do this it will make me and others happy to know you are extending the punishment yourself.

  49. Aaron is it just one lady who does the kicking or do they take turns, if it is just one you need to be very grateful for her effort this must be very painful to her foot. My heart goes out to this woman.

  50. Hi, At hospital I am only allowed painfillers for the surgery to remove the remains of the testicle then after that I am not allowed to take them. I think this is fair and I agree with it.

    There are two women doing this kicking but one woman is in charge. Both are pretty fit and both enjoy kicking testicles so while it is hard work they do enjoy it. I will thank both women for thier hard work.

  51. Hi I'm a woman relatively new to this. To the woman talking to aaron you mention peeling the flesh of a testicle. Can you peel off the outer wall or can you please explain this? It sounds like an amazing way to destroy a testicle and cause extreme pain. Thank you

  52. What have you been doing today to prepare?

  53. Hi I'm the woman that has been talking to Arron for future reference my name is Margaret. A testicle has a tough outer lining covering a softer cluster of many fine tubes that produce sperm. Rupturing the outer wall can be quite difficult a first but once you get a tear started it gets a bit easier if you have long thumb nails you can work them into the tear the slowly pull them apart. When you have the tsticle torn open you can rest it in the palm of one hand then use your nail to scrape away the softer internals. All of this can be done through the tough skin of the scrotum. CAN I ask what is your name?

  54. Hi my name is Laura. Thank you for your answer. So once ruptured you can slowly scrape away small bits on the internals of the testicle. Can I ask how long this can last and I assume this is painful for the male. Can you just hollow out a testicle using this method? Thank you

  55. Margaret hear again, one thing to try and do is to start the tear on the wall furthered from the cords that attach to the testicle. The cords contain the nerves and should be left until last to prolong the pain.

  56. Laura here. Thank you Margaret that makes sense. It sounds like a very fun way to take a testicle apart a slowly as possible so it would be important to make sure the male maintains full feeling. I bet it would hurt a guy so much as every so slowly the insides of his testicles were scraped. away. Once you have emptied the testicle what do you do with the outer wall?

  57. Hi Laura in my experience the scrotum eventually swells and fills with fluids making it difficult to work on the ball if you could drain the fluids you would be able to keep it going for severel hours I would think

    Cheers Margaret

  58. Hi Margaret thanks again. Blood filling the scrotum seems to be the biggest issue with torture after a testicle has ruptured. I have heard of people clamping the blood vessels going to the ruptured testicle to help reduce this but not sure how effective that it. The man feels the best pain after rupture so I want to try and make this part last for hours if I can.

    I also wonder if you could tear a testicle right open so the outer wall is fully unwrapped? Then bits can be torn of it slowly eventually reducing the testicle to nothing.

  59. With practice I'm sure you would be able to do this but I have never gone that far.


  60. Laura you say you are just starting out can you tell us what you have done so far?

  61. Im Laura. Yes I have not been doing this long. I am really fit and have strong leg muscles. I enjoy testicle kicking and have been doing it as a hobby. My firs couple of sessions were not that destructive but I find I can usually get a testicle to rupture from repeated kicking. I have found that with normal kicking the testicles swell up then as they get trapped and compress against the mans bones. Like between my foot and his pelvis the testicle will eventually rupture. I have been able to get a tear in the outer wall to form that is maybe 2 centimeters long.

    I then normally give him a few more kicks then check to see what damage I have caused. Then I continue kicking and check again. I do this for a while and normally the testicle tears right open and I squish it nearly flat. The scrotum then fills with blood forcing me to stop kicking.

    I do really enjoy rupture but want to get better at longer more painful sessions.

  62. Hi Laura

    It would be nice to be Your age again to be fit enough to apply many kicks without getting sore and bruised i do from time to time get requests for this but have to refuse as the toll on me is to high. But there are many other ways you can cause extreme pain and damage to a testicle or a penis if that is your want. I suggest you get creative and try new things even without tools with just your hands you can have a lot of fun and it is a lot more intimate you can really feel what is going on.


  63. Hi Laura and Margaret. It is a pleasure to read your comments, as you really seem to enjoy destroying testicles for your pleasure! Do you think you could take the time to explain us one good castration session you have had with the details?
    Talking about castration, where is Aaron...?

  64. Hi Catsaregrey its Margaret give me a day or two and I will recount one of my heaver sessions it happened quite a few years back will take me time to remember the details, full destruction's were few and far between for me and now that I have retired I haven't done one for a long time.

    Can I ask what your experience has been?

    1. Hi Margaret. I am looking forward to reading your story. I have absolutely no experience. My first session with a pro domme is actually scheduled on Friday, but I have asked for something not too hard. Castration is a huge fantasy of mine since years but I mean to keep it on a fantasy level.

  65. Hi its Laura,

    I once heard a guy had been sexist a few times so i decided to punish him. I tied him up with his legs apart so he could not move at all. I used thick ropes that held him to a post very tightly on a farm out side the city. This was in a old barn in a place I know. He was reluctant but accepted he deserved punishment so it was easy for me. I admit I do it for the pleasure of ruining a man.

    With his legs tied apart he could take a kick, feel the pain. and be still as it hurt him. his testicles are also kept still for aiming and he cant move. I left gaps between the kicks and made them pretty hard so I would damage the testicles. He screamed each time he was kicked then as the punishment progressed his body tightened up and he was quieter but in high pain. His testicles swelled right up and I loved the look of them.

    It took about 70 minutes for the first one to rupture. I tear formed down the side of a very good kick and the testicle looked dented in. I had squeezed some of the stuff out and popped it rather well. I kept on kicking and ruined that testicle and managed to get the other one to pop. Then his scrotum filled up and I had to stop. I took him to the hospital and dropped him off. It was a lotl of fun and I think the punishment was fair.

    1. Hi Margaret. Thanks a lot for your answer. I would love to know the details of the few castrations you have pereformed. To answer your question, I have told the Mistress I have contacted about my deep femdom castration fantasies, but that I did not want any real damage to my balls... Of course the session would involve testicle torture, castration play, but everything with safewords and so on... Well, to be honest I do not know her, though, an I must admit your remark made me so anxious that I have cancelled the session (postponed it)... The Mistress seems an intelligent person, she reasures me, telling me the session will be a pleasure for both of us, that she understands I am a complete newbie, etc... But of course I know, deep inside, that there is always a risk that things would go bad for me... After all I do not know her at all! What if she really enjoys castrating men, as Laura, and that she decides to destroy my balls after she has tied me up to her mercy. The zero-risk does not exist... It is very arousing in a way but completly terrorising when you cool down. I do not know what to do anymore. Would you, Margaret, or another member of this blog, have an advice?

    2. Hi Laura, sorry I have answered a message from Margaret under your last post, it was a mistake... An amusing mistake for you maybe, as it means that your comments fascinate me (especially the fact that you seem to really love destroying men!), as much as they frighten me... Please keep posting your castration experiences and thanks a lot!

  66. Catsaregrey thanks for your reply please pick your pro domme very carefully check reviews and if you have a club scene around ask them about her. When it come to BB sessions you really need an expert it is very easy for things to go completely wrong. With me It wasn't unusual throughout my career to have castration requests over the phone but very few ever showed up and out off them hardly any were prepared to go through with it. But I can say there were a few genuine ones that for various reasons convinced me to grant there wish. Can I ask what you have requested in your 1st session?

    1. Hi Margaret. Thanks a lot for your answer. I would love to know the details of the few castrations you have pereformed. To answer your question, I have told the Mistress I have contacted about my deep femdom castration fantasies, but that I did not want any real damage to my balls... Of course the session would involve testicle torture, castration play, but everything with safewords and so on... Well, to be honest I do not know her, though, an I must admit your remark made me so anxious that I have cancelled the session (postponed it)... The Mistress seems an intelligent person, she reasures me, telling me the session will be a pleasure for both of us, that she understands I am a complete newbie, etc... But of course I know, deep inside, that there is always a risk that things would go bad for me... After all I do not know her at all! What if she really enjoys castrating men, as Laura, and that she decides to destroy my balls after she has tied me up to her mercy. The zero-risk does not exist... It is very arousing in a way but completly terrorising when you cool down. I do not know what to do anymore. Would you, Margaret, or another member of this blog, have an advice?

    2. Hi its Margaret. all I can suggest is do your Research and pick something safer than ball-busting for your 1st session a lot of pro dommes offer an introductory session. Perhaps ask for a caning and see if she respects your limits.


  67. I was wondering about Aaron to maybe he was not brave enough to go through with it.

  68. maybe he is still recovering. he may just need a few days.

  69. Hi Its Aaron. Sorry for been down for a few day. Just so you know the punishment went well and I now only have one testicle. I am recovering and will give more detail soon. Please feel free to ask questions ill answer when i can.

    1. Hi Aaron. It is good to read from you. I think we all would like to know the details of your ball execution. How many kicks did she take to pop it? How long did it take? What were the girl's reactions? Was she laughing? Was she aroused? Was she a bit sad not having been able to fully castrate you? Would you let her finish you off? What about the audience? Were there women in it? Were they enthusiastic, encouraging the castratrix? How do you feel now? Thanks for sharing your experience! Regards.

    2. Hey Aaron I'm the woman below and I have a few questions.
      Do you have less testosterone with only one ball?
      Now that you only have one ball do you feel more vulnerable knowing that you are one rupture away from castration?
      Do you feel self conscious about you crotch?
      Even though you have one ball would you volunteer to have your ball kicked by me 30 times?

    3. Hi its Aaron.
      Sorry it has been a while I have been recovering. On the day I was taken to a room where there were the two women who would carry out the kicks and 5 other women who wanted to watch. I was surprised by how respectful they were during the whole thing. I took off my clothes and was tied up with my legs apart. The two women wore active wear/ yoga pants and took it in turns kicking my balls. The kicks were firm and painful but not full force. They wanted the torture to last.
      The women swapped regularly so they did not tire out and kept me in constant pain. I was amazed at how painful the punishment was and it just kept getting more painful. My testicles swelled up to double there size and I could feel ripping pain inside them. I screamed at first but after a while I was still with pain. It took about 2 hours for a rupture to form in my left testicle. Once they felt the ball and could feel the rupture I was given 5 kicks from each woman. One of them would stand before me and kick as hard as she could before the other one did the same. These kicks were hard and designed to cause damage. I felt one kick hit the ruptured ball square on and I felt stuff being forced out as it ripped open. After the 10 kicks my right testicle was still whole. They squeezed it for a minute to make sure it was not about to rupture but it held together.
      They then tortured and flattened my left testicle. They pushed fingers into the rupture and flattened it totally out. At the end my sac was filled with blood and it was the most intense of pain. I could not move as I was tortured.
      I was then taken to the hospital.
      I am recovering ok. My right ball is healing but is still damaged.
      To answer the question about the kicks if you felt I deserved 30 kicks then I would respect your choice and cooperate as any man should. I do feel more vunerable and I’m scared about losing that ball. Please ask if you have more questions

    4. What an amazing story Aaron. Now it has been done do you feel it was a fair punishment?

    5. Hi Aaron how is your recovery going are you still in pain?

      Do you think you deserve more punishment.

  70. Hi! I'm a woman and I'm SO glad to see so many women on here talk openly about using rupture. Me and my female friends also use it all the time and it is quite enjoyable! Most of the time I do it for my own enjoyment but sometimes its to actually punish. Ive castrated every man in my life including my current boyfriend and my male family members. I just dislike how men behave when they have balls so much, that I decided that they shouldn't have them anymore. A lot of them let to castrate them but some I have to do it by force.

    1. Hi, As a man I can respect your enthusiamum for causing testicular rupture. It is a very effective punishment and it is definalty needed in this day and age. Do you find many men cooperate after you tell them you are going to rupture thier testicles?

    2. Yes, a lot of the guys I castrate are accepting of their punishment even if I am only doing it for my own pleasure. Even friends of mine who only had one ball were okay with it.
      Though when I do have to do the castration by force it isn't very difficult.

    3. Its interesting to see how many men are accepting of it but I suppose that does make it easier for you. May I ask which method of destruction you prefer? I myself felt the twist for about an hour but we were interupted as i was being punished. My testicles were very swollen and would probably have started to rupture soon but we had to stop and I have not seen her since. The pain I did feel was very high but I tried to lay there as still as I could.

    4. Hi. It is so nice to read a woman actually enjoys castration and performs it for her own pleasure. I guess you would feel an immense feeling of power if the man agrees to be castrated by you, or even begs you... Does this happen sometimes?

    5. I usually use 50% testicle twist and 50% kicking. I prefer to use the twist though because its easier to know when ive popped a ball. And also rupturing both testicles with kicking is a lot of hard work, especially for how often I do it.
      Have you ever considered letting a woman take your testicles? How would you feel about it? I know everything that happens to man after castration and its honestly not that bad.
      Men are so much less aggressive and angry with no testosterone.

    6. As a man reading this it is pretty scary espcecially how there are women around me who do use rupture as a punishment. So one day I will probably have to face testicle punishment myself. It sounds so painful and it is permeant but I suppose we need strong punishments these days.

      I was wondering how do you know a testicle is ruptured? Do you just let a tear form in the outer wall of the testicle or do you can to push into the ball deeply. If youre kicking it must be hard to tell so how do you know as a woman who does kicking. Also when do you stop working a testicle and how do you know you have damaged it enough? thanks

    7. Would someone be interested in popping one of my balls if I let them

  71. Hey all! I'm Stacy! I've made a blog about rupture and punishments. I've made a post on it that I think you'll all like. Just to let you know, the blog is inspired by this one since Lucy has been a big inspiration to me. but i hope it being similar doesn't turn anyone off.

    here is the blog: https://womenandgirlsdefense.blogspot.com/
    I hope you all enjoy it!

  72. Hi Stacy I really like your idea and would like to reply on your web site but it wont let me post anonymously.

    1. Hey, I made it so you can comment Anonymously now!

    2. Aaron can you please give us an update on your recovery.

  73. Hi it Aaron. I am still recoveign. There is still pain from where my testicle was removed and stitches. I am doing ok. To answer I dont feel at this stage I deserve extra punishment but that may happen. I will obviously wait ans see.

  74. Aaron can you tell me the cord that was connected to your testicle is it still there if so is it sensitive could i cause you pain by crushing it

    1. Hi its aaron. It was very sensitive following surgery after my punishment but this has lessened. It is now where near as sensitive as my testicle was and as that is a direct blood vessel It would probably be best not to crush it too much. If I requred future punishment then you would have to torture my other testicle which still has feeling. As that is my last ball the idea of it being crushed would be terrifying.

    2. Hi Aaron.
      I'm a woman experienced in using the testicle twist and I would enjoy crushing your last testicle.
      I hope you don't mind me saying, but I would like to see you having you ball tortured until it almost ruptures.

    3. Hi ita aaron. I dont mind you saying that. I have done wrong and you can think that. Actually one of the women that watched my punishment has told me that she wants to see how many needles she can fit into my testicle. I cant so no so that will happen soon. Neddles will be damaging and painful but I dont think it will cause a rupture I. Well I hope not anyway.

    4. Thanks for being so cool about all of this. It must have been tough to lose a ball.
      I love your attitude toward women castrating men and all and even though I am happy you lost a testicle, you are such a good guy that I hope you keep the last one.
      But I do hope that you feel as much pain in it as possible.

      Also if you don't mind me asking, has your penis shrunk since you now have less testosterone?

    5. Hi I'm a 24 year old woman.
      I have a question that might put some people off but I am curious.
      I have punished family members of mine to varying degrees and was wondering what people think?

      I wanted to know from the men and women here if they are okay with me and others punishing their own family, their thoughts on it and if they have done it themselves.

      A response would be appreciated.
      Thank you!

    6. Hi. Im a man who does support this and its good you are using these punishments but I think it would be a be weird having a family member say kick me x number of times in the balls or apply hand crushing. Maybe It sould be easier to have a friend apply the punishment?

    7. Hi. Thanks for the reply.
      I'm glad that you agree with this.
      But I must say, punishing a family member yourself is not at all weird for me at all. I have used the twist on my brother and my own father and I it did not feel much different from punishing most other people.
      It was a little weird punishing my father because his testicles are the reason that I exist but that's it.
      I don't think any woman should be afraid of rupturing the testicles of a blood relative.

      I would like to your further thoughts if you don't mind.

  75. Hi,

    I maybe just feel strange about it but talking as a man who knows these style of punishments are needed I think the important thing is that correct punishment is being given out. Rupture is an extremely painful and effective method of punishment and we do need to encourage it more. Just knowing how slow and painful the twist can be does make me thinking more about how I act.

    Do you use the twist or rupture quite often? It sounds like you are very experienced at it.

    1. I would say I use it often, yes. Ive caused my father to lose a testicle and castrated one of my brothers and ruptured one testicle on the other. Plus I've done it to some friends and boyfriends.
      I've ruptured about 14 testicle since I was 17. And on top of that I have done many sessions where I don't rupture.
      I have lots of stories if any women here would find then useful.

  76. It sounds like you have done lots of sessions. Its good to hear of women out there doing this sort of thing. I just know the thought of rupture scares me so it helps me behave. I know lots of women like to always use rupture so its good to hear you some times dont. Do you just cause lots of damage for smaller offenses or to help tech a man? I think regular sessions could help a man learn to be better.

    1. Yes, I do a lot of more harsh punishments to men. But I'm not the the only one in fact most women I know tend to use rupture on men. About a year ago I went to a nude beach with some female friends and nearly 90% of the men there had only one or no testicles. I popped 2 balls while I was there and each one was a castration since they only had one testicle.

      The reason I did the poppings at the nude beach since everyone there was naked they were staring at my body and I could see that they had erections. And since there were no clothes between me and his ball I used the twist on them.

    2. Wow. Its amazing to hear where you are that these punishments are so common. It must be totally different beign a male in your location. Where I am I'm not sure how many women use rupture but I have not heard of any being done. Its a shame because there are a lot of issues with men that could be solved. I know it would mean I would be punished too but I am willing to pay for any mistake I make.

      You said you carried out two ruptures at the beach can I ask if these were punishments or just for your pleasure? How did they respond to being castrated?

    3. Yeah its great how common it is here.
      When I went to that beach me and my friends collectively popped 8 balls.

      The two ruptures/two castrations I did were punishments. The first man was staring at my body with an erection and since he was already naked, I grabbed his ball and started squeezing and tugging it. He fell to the ground and begged me to let go but after a few minutes his ball ruptured and I crushed it flat.

      The other man was hitting on me and being very vulgar so I kicked his in his testicle. Once he was on the ground I started gouging both of my thumbs into his ball and just like the other man once his only ball had popped he was castrated.

      Both men were obviously upset about losing their one testicle and no longer being a man, but they clearly deserved it.

      Thanks for the feedback. And since we are talking, I have been thinking about taking my fathers last testicle. It would be great if you told me what you think of that and could give me some advice.

  77. It sounds like you and your friend had an amazing day and realy did some good. The punishments were needed definatly! I would have loved to have been there and seen you two work. Its a shame the men were upset about it I would have thought they would have been quite understanding. I reckon you all being nude made it easier to administer the ruptures. I crossed my legs thinking about you using the twsit on them.

    As for advice I still have both testicles and am yet to face real punishment. I would say order him to lay face down with his legs apart and put his arms behind his back that way he is submitting and cooperatign with his castration. Then slowly work the ball like a hard massage to cause pain by applying pressure all over. Make it slow the rupture it and massage it flat. That could work but im now expert

    1. Thanks for the reply!
      Talking about this with you is so pleasant and im honestly surprised how accepting you are of me soon castrating my father.
      I wish more men were like you. I just hope that if I wanted to slowly pop your balls that you would be okay with it.

    2. Thanks. Strangly I am ok with the idea of you doing that to me. I do deserve it as a man and you are very skilled. How would you like to castrate me? I am curious how you would do it if we met?

    3. Its good that you're okay with castration.
      I would start with a kicking session that makes your testicles swell up to their biggest size.
      Then I would grab a ball and begin squeezing. You would feel a amount of pain of the organ is crushed in my hands. I would then rupture the testicle and squeeze it completely flat. I would would then stand up and give your last ball 30 more kicks. Finally I would pop the other testicle, but I would not flatten it so that way you would still have one of your balls. I thought that since you are so kind and subservient that I would let you still be a man if we ever met. But if you made a big mistake I would take your last ball as well.

      I hope that is fair to you. I know another guy who is very nice and when I was 18 I did the same thing for him.

    4. I would be proud to give myslf over to this punishment, but you don't know me at all so I can all but guarantee you wouldn't consider me a special one. Honestly if you did I and you told me before it happened I would offer you my penis to destroy as a consolation prize, since not flattening thet other wuold leave me not fully castrated and that's not entirely fair to you

  78. Hi what you have said sounds extremely painful and slow but fair. Its very kind of you to try to spare my last testicle. Can you rupture a testicle in a way that causes pain but does not destroy it so it can be saved? I did not think that was possible.

    I have made mistakes in the past so I deserve that. If I met you I would agree to this straight away.

    1. Yeah its defiantly possible. Like I said ive done it before. But only really special guys who are genuinely deserving of it get it.
      That being said though, I'm sure that you've committed crimes in the past so you deserve to feel both testicles be ruptured.

      Also I popped my fathers last ball last night. Once I grabbed his last testicle and he realized what I was about to do, he tried to struggle and get away but kept a firm hold of his manhood and squeezed as hard as possible. Eventually the testicle have and I flattened it. Me and my mom took him to the hospital and we spoke to the doctor and she told us they she would have to remove the testicle. Hes now in the hospital recovering. It may sound cruel of me, but a sexist pervert like him deserved to be castrated even its my father.

      What are your thoughts?

    2. You castrated your father? Do you often give your family testicular punishment?

  79. Rupture is very painful and castration is a huge thing but it is important men are suitably punished for crimes. If you feel your father deserved that punishment then you did the right thing. It seems many men are supporting even if it is them who is punished.

    I can just imagine laying down with my legs apart as the squeezing starts and the pain builds. The time ticking by as my balls are destroyed. It sounds so scary so painful but it is fair.

  80. Can anyone recommend a good crushing device that I can use on my boyfriend?

    1. Honestly, your hands are the best crushing device. But a plastic ball crushed is also a great way to punish men. Id know.

    2. Hi Im a man and have been punished with crushing before. I found that the plastic crushers with the screws were easy for the woman to use and allowed her to apply high pressure to my testicles for a long time. It was not hard for her to cause internal tearing in my testicles which lead to huge swelling and lots of pain. You can apply pressure then release for a bit to allow blood flow so feelign is maintained and this can last for well over an hour, more if damage is desired.

      Also these crusher would be able to perform a rupture if you wanted to do that.

    3. I'm a man who has lost a testicle to rupture and I can say that a plastic ball crusher is the best tool for torturing testicles

    4. I have a female friend who like to damage or destroy men for pleasure and recreation. She uses mainly a plastic crusher for a long slow crush and finds it is easy to cause rupture and never leaves a man with anything usable when she is finished.

    5. As a male there is nothing that terrifies me more that the testicle press I much prefer a kicking to the press. With a kicking the pain rises and falls after each kick and my partner usually has to stop before she has done much damage. With the crushing device the pain is constant and far more intense and she can keep this up for hours. In the past she has used the press to start a rupture then backed it off so that no more damage occurs but the pain continues there is nothing more painful than this.

    6. Did you loose the ball that she ruptured ?

    7. No I still have both it takes several weeks to fully recover and you can feel the scares on my balls. She is very skilled and knows just how far to go and gets a lot of enjoyment watching me suffer. She reads this blog and asked me to post here and said she will answer any questions.

    8. What is her name?

    9. Her name is Naomi.

    10. Naomi, can I ask when do you plan on using the device to punish your partner next and will you describe to us how you go about it.

    11. Hi its Naomi sorry about the slow reply. I don't have any plans at all to punish him he has been such a little angel since his last session in the ball press and that was more than 3 months back. Perhaps I could put him in it for a shorter session just for my enjoyment and I can describe that to you I will talk to him tonight.

    12. Hi its Naomi again I talked to Paul last night and he has agreed to let me play press. As this is not a punishment I told him it would be a lot shorter session and that I would put most of my effort into one testicle. I still plan to cause damage but have told him I will get it over quickly.
      He is very nervous about this but will do anything to make me happy and has agreed to let me partially rupture 1 testicle. Now we just need to figure out how to use the press so that it puts more pressure on 1 ball. Any ideas?

  81. Hi I'm a man with a good friend who performs rupture punishments quite regular. I was accused of a sexist comment so she correctly sentenced me to have both testicles beaten until they were close to rupture then one of the testicles ruptured then totally flattened out. I was innocent but coult not prove it so had no choice but to accept this.

    On the day I was to be punished she found out I was wrongfully accused but still wished to punish me to set a good example. She first spent time kicking my testicles then using her hands to crush them. She then careful applied pressure to one testicle causing a small rupture then eased off the pressure as the tear formed. This was still extremely painful as I felt rupture but she stopped there and the hospital were able to save the testicle. I thought it would help to share this. But the testicle still suffered permeant injury and will never work the same way again.

  82. Hi Naomi. Could you tell us what you enjoy in torturing / rupturing balls? Could you describe the feelings you have during a session, from the start until the fatal end? I find it fascinating and very erotic as a man. Thank you.

  83. Hi Catsaregrey its Naomi I'm a sadist so I get very aroused watching or issuing pain. with me it is important that the person receiving the pain be into it too. It's not just testicles that I play with but I get the best results with very little effort on my part. My partner has said to me that nothing else has even come close to the pain he has felt from testicle torture especially when I get a ball to start to split open.

    To answer your question about what I feel well its starts as soon as we decide that we are going to do something even the planning of it gets me highly aroused. As soon as I fit the device to Paul's testicles I will start masturbating and my most intense orgasms happen when he is in the most pain.

    1. Hi its Naomi again we had a bit of a trial run last night just to see if we could come up with a way to put most of the pressure on one ball plus even this sort of play gets me off. We started off by putting spacers on one side but this required us to put a spacer in the center to keep the balls apart and that spacer looked like it would damage the cords.

      Next I had Paul cut a 10mm thick piece of acrylic sheet to half the size of the press, this is the same acrylic that Paul used to make the press originally. We tried that on him and it looks like it will work good, so one ball will be crushed 10mm more than the other. It's still a bit tricky to get everything in place so Paul will have to help me out, I need the ball that I'm going to rupture to be close enough to the edge of the press that i can feel it start to split then back off before too much damage is done.

      Now it just a matter of finding enough time and we will go through with it.

    2. Hi Naomi, I'm a man who recently lost a testicle. I was hitting on a female friend of mine and I started getting a little aggressive. I would never hurt her but she felt she was in danger so she grabbed one of my balls and applied the testicle twist on me. She squeezed until the testicle ruptured and then did the same to the other as well. One of my testicles was saved.
      The reason I am telling you this, is I was wondering what to do. It was 3 weeks ago and we haven't spoken since. Should I give her her space or reach out to her and tell her that I support her?
      And what if she wants to take my last ball?
      Should I tell her she can pop it before she even asks, or should I wait until she brings it up and then say yes?

    3. Give her space have until you have fully healed. Do yo still feel pain in your remaining ball?

    4. Yes I do. My ball hurts very badly. I hope she does not want to take it. Do you have anymore thoughts?
      Do you think I deserved what happened? Should I have lost the other one?

    5. Hi its Naomi again I talked to Paul last night and told him that he had full control of when his rupture will take place, all he had to do was to ask me to crush one of his testicles and I would take over from there.

      I told him that I was in no hurry as I was enjoying the run up to it almost as much as performing the crush. We are both very aroused knowing what is going to happen and Paul off course knows for him this will stop as soon as I start the procedure.

  84. What do you guys think on the morals of rupturing a younger boy’s testicles? I want to rupture my brother’s and his friend’s but they’re both way younger than me and I am afraid maybe it could be taken as a sexual thing.

    1. Testicle and even penis torture are completely NONsexual. In fact I was planning on going through a big description of why but I think I can shorten it to one brief but clear thing.

      If you wanted to make love to me I could say no. If you wanted to torture me I would HAVE to cooperate.

      The only other sexual act that doesn't require mutual consent is rape, and I don't think anybody here would ever consider rupture rape.

      Clearly, punishment of males genitals isn't sexual


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