Commentator story 3

Form Richard.

I had an introduction to the testicle twist a few weeks ago. I had always supported the method of punishment but had never felt it until then. I was on top of a woman having sex and near the end she tried to grab my testicles. I stopped thrusting and tried again pinching one testicle but not gripping them. She looked disappointed that she had not grabbed them so I offered to lay on my back. I lay on my back with my legs apart and she was able to lock her hand around both testicles.

I asked if I could know what I had done before she applied pressure and she seemed nervous. She said it was her first time but she wanted to use the twist as a safe way of ending sex. I knew she had every right to do that and would always support a woman having a right to do that. I said I understood and she obviously still can. I said I was sorry for making her nervous and accepted punishment was needed. What about rupture she asked. I was honest and said that rupture should be used.

She seemed happier and started to apply pressure. I kept my hands near my head and twisted around a bit from the pain. At first I gritted my teeth but soon cried out from the pain. I groaned loudly through gritted teeth as the crushing pain got to me.

It was nearly half an hour until I felt an explosion of pain as one ripped open. She continued the pressure so it tore fully open and squeezing it against the other testicle the contents slowly leaked out as she deflated the testicle. The pain was like nothing I ever felt it was so high. I suffered as she flattened the testicle and then she let go. She drove me to the hospital and picked me up from it the next day. She was happy with how the punishment went and wanted to do more. I deserved to lose a testicle so it was a fair outcome for me. We still talk about it as well so that’s good.


  1. Hi Richard, you were a good man for helping here through her 1st crush, as it has been a few weeks since your rupture can you please answer a few questions?

    Are you still in a sexual relationship with the girl?

    Will you support her if she wants to use the twist on you next time you have sex?

    Is there anything left of the testicle that she ruptured?

  2. Hi I'm Richard.

    It was a while since I sent that but im glad it was posted. I would be happy to answer your questions.

    I have not had sex with her since but we have kissed. We have discussed the punishment and why she decided to do what she did. We may do again soon though

    Hi, yes I will support her. We have discussed that and if she thinks it is needed she had told me I will feel the twist again. But she has said she would like to tie me down so she can do it more slowly and professionally.

    She flattened out the testicle pretty good so it had to be fully removed. There was no chance of it being saved as all the inner testicle had been destroyed. Hope that answers it.

    1. Hi. The first rupture can be a bit hard for a woman but you did the right thing. You sound nice but I hope you are ok with me being glad you had a testicle destroyed. And good on her for flattening it out.

      Its good you support her and we need more men like you who have the good attitude.

  3. Richard, I think you should ask her to reconsider you must feel guilty for being let off so lightly.

    Was she to tired from crushing one testicle to continue? Perhaps you could assist her more next time.

    1. Hi Its Richard.

      We have discussed it and she was happy with destroying one of my testicles. I personally think that was a fair punishment. I understand if you feel castration would have been better.

      I really feel I worked with her and once the testicle had been flattened out she stopped. She spent a while pushing into the ruptured testicle to cause me more pain and properly flatten it. She was confident and I did not resist at all. She stopped at that point or I would have stayed still if she had chosen to start destroying the other testicle.

      If I could please say I dont think you are being fair to me.

  4. Heya, I'm a man who has started college and I have found there is a woman in one of my classes who is doing testicle punishments. I think all of these are ruptures on men she thinks deserves. Them. Now I obviously support her in doing this but I am a bit worried. I was wondering if any of the women here could advise on how to behave around her. Do I tell her I support her? Or just ignore her? I dont want to be rude or anything. and I dont want to say the wrong thing and be sentenced to rupture.

    1. You should tell her you support her. As a man it would be wrong to ignore the great things she is doing. I also rupture testicles as punishment and I love to hear that men support it as well. Next time you see her walk up to her and tell her you support her and tell her that you would feel no shame in having your testicles ruptured by her. Trust me, it will make her day.

      And if you are sentenced to rupture and lose a ball because of her you most likely deserve it.
      As long as you behave she won't punish you. But if she does its probably because you did something wrong and if youve done something wrong you deserve what you get.

    2. Heya. Thank you. It si amazing to hear from a woman like yourself who applies ruptures. I do support you and her is your usage of that type of punishment. While it is extrememly painful it is the best way to punish a man. I just didnt want to bother her or annoy her. I wanted to be respectful.

      I am grateful for the steps you women are taking to make the world a better place. Thank you. I think I will tell her how i feel next time I see her. I will be sure to add how I would accept it if she ever decided to rupture my testicles.

      I try to be a good man so I will cooperate if she or any woman wants to use rupture as a punishment on me. I'm not perfect so may well need to be punished in this way myself one day. I accept that and would rather be open with a woman like her so I can be punished if needed. May I ask how long have you been using rupture? How would you respond if you were this woman and I can up to you to tell you I support you? Just wondering is all. Thank you for the info.

    3. Ive been using rupture for 8 years. I'm 22, do the first time I popped a ball I was 14. Ive punished about 35 men and have ruptured about 50 testicles. So some were castrations and some I took one ball.

      But they all deserved it. Ususally when I punish a guy its for being sexist, rude, staring at my body or making on unwanted advance on me. Though sometimes its because of something unique like using the twist during sex. But either way ive been doing for a while and have a lot of stories.

      As for your second question, if you came up to me and told me you support me using rupture I would be pretty happy about. But I would tell you that if you want to be friends with me you must be well behaved or ill have to pop a ball. Ive punished friends for my own enjoyment before and they usually excepted it, which is a good thing.
      If you want to be friends with or date a woman who ruptures testicles don't be surprised if she used the twist on you even if you're innocent.

      I think when you talk to this girl you should offer her one of your testicles to show her that you are a good man.

      Id love to hear your thoughts and answer more questions

    4. Wow that is fascinating 50 testicles you are very experienced.

      Do you always use the same method?

      Can you please describe how you go about a rupture?

  5. Heya. Thank you for your reply. 35 punishments is very impressive and it just shows how much good one woman can do. I hope you continue your work and continue to receive support. Its actually quite sad how women like you are doing great work but many men are not supportive of what you do. I think I will have to go talk to this woman and see what happens.

    I just wanted to know what to say and not annoy her and be punished for inadvertently upsetting her. My goal is not to avoid punishment if I deserve it. If I met you or talk to this woman and I was told I needed to behave then that is fair. I should behave regardless. I would have no probelm with dating or being friends with a woman who uses rupture at all. If there was a need for punishment then I could be professional about it and understand that punishment is needed then we could still be friends afterwards. I would even be happy being held to a higher standard then other men because of my freindship with a woman like that. So a slight error would mean castration.

    Or what do you think about men being punished for being men? The whole idea that I would have done something wrong in the past so rupturing one of my testicles if we met would be fair? I am interested by the idea and wonder how many women do this? Thank you

  6. Self rupture? Has anyone out there ever managed to rupture one of there own testicles, is this even possible?
    If ordered to do this by a woman could you do it.

    1. It would be possible I suppose but there are loads of women out there who love to pop balls. It would be better to let one of them pop the ball so they can enjoy it.

    2. Hi Lucy. As man who has been castrated, I love your view on rupture as punishment. Considering how many men support it its sad that not all women use it. Though it is very common at this point. at least where I live.
      Rupture is a positive thing and I hope that you and the other women on here do it more soon.

    3. Hi. Its good your speaking out the more people that do this the better. Its great so many men support this and are encouraging women. Thank you.

      May I ask what crime you committed to be castrated and what method was used?

    4. Hi and thank you for the response!
      The crime I committed to be castrated was letting my masculinity be toxic. A couple of years ago I had a girlfriend and we had dating for about 10 months. Well, behind her back I was hitting on, flirting with and staring at the bodies of other women.
      She found out about it and one night after a shower I walked out to the bedroom naked and she used a combination and hard strikes and the twist to rupture both of my testicles.

    5. Sounds like you were castrated for a good reason. Nice how she mixed it up with strikes and crushing to get your testicle to burst. Was that kicking or punching? Also were your testicles flattened?

    6. yes, the strikes were kicking, kneeing and punching. she switched between hard hits and squeezing to pop my testicles. after they were both ruptured she flattened them out to make sure that i would lose both testicles. soon after she flattened them she called 911 and i was taken to the hospital to have my testicles removed. afterward i realized that i had deserved what happened to me, and me and her continued to talk. she broke up with me since i am no longer able to have sex but we are still friends. The most interesting part of being castrated was the effects it had though.

      since being castrated my voice has gotten higher pitched, ive become much less masculine, im less aggressive and more emotional and my penis has shrunk to 1/3 of an inch.
      the thing though is that i dont mind any of these changes. now that i am more feminine im a much better person and less threatening to women. about a month ago i was talking to a woman and she told me that for being a man she wanted to use the twist on me, and i told her that i dont have any testicles. since then that woman has never been angry or upset at me because she knows that a man with no testosterone wont harm her.

    7. Wow. SOunds amazing. I would have loved to have watched you be punished. It sounds like you took it well which is good. May I ask how long your punishment lasted?

    8. After doing these things, do women remember and cherish the memories?

    9. Now I understand she may have turned this down however when you told her of your prior castration (and proved it?) you should have offered your penis for punishment instead.


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