commentor story 2

I got this emailed to me from another man. He raises a fair point.

Im a man a college and I think many other men have very wrong ideas about women who use testicle rupture. I have a female friend who had a reputation for looking for men who had been sexist in one way and rupturing a testicle of castrating them. I was told to stay away from her but I found her to be a nice person. I have been her friend for over 6 months and still have both testicles because I behave. Simple as that.

During that 6 months she has punished 8 men. 6 lost one testicle and the other 2 were castrated. In one case she found 2 men who received a sexist joke via email. She found them and decided to punish the men by tying them up with their legs apart, kicking their testicles until one ruptured then adding 10 more kicks for good measure. The man is kicked until the woman, not he agrees a testicle has ruptured then 10 more are given. This makes sure the testicle had defiantly ruptured so the next 10 kicks are effective. Or this number can be increased if the man has not behaved well during the punishment. Swearing too much, begging her to stop are all not allowed.  Between 2-5 kicks are added for each instance of bad behaviour so the man faces a fair consequence for his actions. As a man I think this is fair and helps to make the punishment more profession and stops a man screaming all sorts as he experiences pain. Apparently after hearing of extra kicks been added most men apologies and in no way object to the addition. She told me she thinks hearing extra kicks will be added triggers the man to see what he has done and regret it. The punishment then continues.
Another way she regulates behaviour during the punishment is to hold a lit candle so the flame is touching the tip of the penis for 30 seconds to a minute. This causes instant pain to the man and is apparently more effective.

Adding 10 kicks I was told ensures the ruptured testicle is destroyed and adds to the man’s pain.  She told me adding 10 kicks after rupture was a standard thing to do to ensure correct and fair punishment. The number is high enough for the woman to do more damage but not too high it is unfair on the man.

In this case the first man agreed without question but the second showed her he had replied to the email straight away saying he did not like the joke. He argued he should not be punished. Because he argued he was made to feel another 20 kicks after rupture. He agreed this was fair as he was being tied up she told me but because of the 20 kicks he lost both testicles and was castrated. Some men fear her for this but I thought she handled the situation fairly. Both men were fairly punished and the second man should not have argued with her. I would have no trouble being held to that standard if I were a third man. I just wanted to give an example of what she does.

Another man was accused of sexism so was sentenced to the same kicking punishment. He tried to negotiate was he was being restrained so 5 kicks were added at the end and he was made to take 45 seconds of the candle before kicking started. So at this point he was to take an extra 15 kicks at the end. He swore several times after a kick landed and complained again it was not fair. He then took the flame for a second time for 60 seconds and a total of 21 kicks were added. 21 extra kicks ruptured both balls and castrated him. He could have cooperated and still had a ball but he didn’t. She was firm but fair with him. Again I still see no issue with her actions

A few days ago she talked to me about what if I needed punishment. She was worried she would lose me as a friend and offered to go easier on me. I said I should not be given special treatment and should be punished fully if needed. I told her we would still be friends. I think that was the right thing to do. What these women do help society and is a good thing. I support it, I support her.


  1. Hi! I'm the girl from the last comments section and I must say, this story is even better than the last one. I like how this man is okay with knowing a woman who castrates men on a regular basis and even told her not to go easy on him.

    And of course the woman sounds amazing. I sounds like when she punishes a man she never lets him get away with both balls which is great. I always try to make sure a man I am punishing loses at least one testicle. I think its a good practice. I would love for you to keep posting these commentator stories it very inspiring to hear about about other women who use mens balls as a weapon against them.

    Also, this may seem mean but I really hope the woman in that story ends up popping one of that guys balls. He seems nice and apparently hasn't done anything to deserve such a punishment, but I think if he is ever rude, mean or sexist to her that she slowly ruptures and flattens one of his balls.

    1. I'm a young man at college and this sounds similar to a woman I know. I think he has a point in saying that if you behave the chance of being punished and having a testicle ruptured slowly is greatly reduced.

      The woman he describes sounds very skilled it was pretty scary as a man reading about her method of kicking the testicles. I actually crossed my legs at one point. But the method of rupture plus 10 sounds very effective and it is fair. It is enough to do more damage but not too much. Then her way of adding more kicks sounds like a good way to control a man during punishment or the candle sounds like a terrifying way to be controlled.

      I agree with the woman above that any time a man is punished it is good practice to rupture at least one testicle. That way other men fear punishment and a man taking punishment feels enough pain and permeant loss. I as a man respect but fear this practice but I know it is the right way to do things.

      One problem with sentencing a man to kicks when picking a number is the desired amount of damage is not always given. But with her rupture plus 10 kicks then the best result is definalty to happen. Then if the man swears or is not polite he takes even more kicks after rupture and may lose the second testicle.

      Her way means any man beign punished will experience rupture so that way the man is correctly and fairly punished.

    2. Hi! You sound like a nice guy. Its good to hear that you agree with rupturing a ball every time. Most men deserve do lose a ball or two for their actions.
      You sound very open to women punishing mens balls. I just hope you are as cooperative as you seem to be if a girl ever wants to pop your balls.
      From what have said here I would enjoy being around you, but if you were ever sexist I'd have to punish you with the twist.

      By the way, I'm the 18 year old from the comments in the previous post.
      What do you think of my stories.
      I want feedback from someone so lots of detail on your thoughts would be great.

    3. Hi. Thank you you sound like a very intelligent young woman who is not much younger than me but it sounds like you have developed some good skills in male punishment. It sounds scary what you have done to other men as I naturally imagine I am taking that punishment. But such messures are needed. SO I support you and it sounds like we would get along well.

      I would like to meet you as you sound live a very interesting person. I read how you asked a man to let you kick his testicles for practice. I have always believed that a man should allow a woman to practice kicking or squeezing as long as she tires not to rupture the testicles but she is welcome to cause internal bleeding and serious damage. So I would be open to allowing you to try out your new heels on my balls if you ever wanted to.

      I would fear losing a testicle but the truth is rupture is very very painful way to punish a man and it works very well. I need to be honest and accept that. You are right to want to do it and if I did something wrong then you would be right to punish me and if it was the testicle twist you chose then that is what would happen. I would apologies for my actions, lay back with my legs apart and take the punishment. I assume when you say the twist you mean using your hands to squeeze me testicles until they rupture. Then flattening them out?

      I would probably scream a lot as I felt the pain. But I would respect your wishes. Can I ask what is the longest amount of time you have taken to totally destroy a testicle?

    4. The longest its ever taken me pop a ball was 20 minutes. I was 15 and I had learned my boyfriend was cheating on me. I decided to surprise him with the twist as punishment. Later that day I was giving him a blowjob and halfway through a grabbed his left ball and began squeezing. He begged not to do it but after 20 minutes the testicle gave and I crushed it flat. After that I took his last ball as well but that one only took 10 minutes.
      But on average it only takes me 3-5 minutes to rupture and flatten as testicle.
      It come in handy being able to rupture balls fast because a lot of the time ive done it the man didn't know I was going to do it. So I would usually just a ball, pop it, and the other one well half of the time, in a few minutes and leave.

    5. I'm sorry your boyfriend cheated on you and you did the right thing in rupturing both testicles. Even though the idea scares me I support you doing that. It sounds like you really have a good method of rupturing testicles.

      I have to be honest the reason I asked about the length of a rupture was wondering what would happen if I said something wrong in your company and was punished. Or if you felt I had done wrong in the past and punished me for it. I have not been perfect and probably need to pay for that. Obviously if you punished me we could still be friends.

  2. Hi guys im a 20 year old woman and i saw the two people above mention a man letting a woman kick his balls for practice. I havnt done much ball kicking so i would like to start practicing. The kicking punishment in the story above sounds very effective and fun to do. It also sounds like a fair punishment for a male as well.

    I was wondering how to go about getting men to let me practice on them. How do you ask them? Then what limits are fair? Like can I kick at full force and how much damage can I cause? Do men have to let me practice or can they say no? Thanks

    1. Hi. If you are able to sexually submit your victim, he will let you do whatever you want with his balls, in the honour of your superior feminity. With practice, you might even make the man beg you to castrate him, which I think must be very exciting for a girl. Don't you think?


    This woman is a real castratrix, gelding men for her pleasure. The description she makes are wonderful. Enjoy.

    1. Hi, Im the man commenting above. If was going to help answer your questions about practice testicle kicking.

      So basically yes you can do it and a man really should agree. I have had this done to me quite a few times now and each time I agreed without question.

      As for how hard you can kick the testicles that is up to you. You can kick at full force if you like that is up to you not the man but if you were kicking my testicles I would ask the full force kicks be done early is the session so I feel full force before my testicles have become weakened so as to reduce the chance of rupture.

      As for limits there really arnt any. I think it would be unfair if you ruptured one of my testicles during a practice but high damage if encouraged. For you to get the most out of a session there should be full force kicking and damaged caused. You can still cause swelling and bruising as well as high pain. But there is always a chance of rupture which I accept.

      As for asking a man you really can just ask. I find my female friends often just call me or talk to me and ask if they can use my balls for practice. Then just be honest about what you want to do and the level of damage you wish to cause. If the pain is high then the man will need restraining so you can work his balls. I am normally tied up for these sessions so high pain and damage can be caused.

      I would say give it a try and have fun with it.

    2. Thank you for answering that sounds like fun. I hope I can find more men like you so I can try this. I would like to tie a guy up I think then take a few pairs of shoes and some heels and kick him while wearing them. I'll then get him to tell me which shoes cause the most pain. I would really like to see how big I can get the testicles to swell up.

      Would that sort of thing be ok. Is that something you would let me do to you?

  4. Also what do women normally wear clothing wise to do the kicks?

    1. Hi. To answer your questions yes trying out new shoes is a common reason for kicking practice. I find women are keen to find out which shoes cause the most pain to the male. I have had this done to me before myself. I was kicked with three different pairs of shoes and asked to comment on how they hurt me. I was just honest with my feed back but taking full force kicks from three sets left my balls very badly damaged.

      Again yes if you asked me then I would be wrong to say no to you trying out your shoes on my balls. Clothes... Women normally wear yoga pants as they allow good kicking movment. I hope this helps.

  5. Thank you so much. Hey how far could I take it with your balls for a practice? I mean could I try and rupture one? If I popped one would I need to stop or could I keep going. I would love to try a rupture and you or a guy like you would be a good place to try it.

    1. Hi I'm a male and I would let you rupture my testicle for practice. I would wrong to say no to you.

    2. My balls are yours.

  6. Hi I'm a 20 year old woman.
    In the fast few year I have become very interested in ball kicking and testicle rupture. I have ruptured a few testicles and plan on doing more.
    But what I was wondering is if any of you have seen this video?

    It was very inspiring to me and made me wants to pop balls in the first place.
    It basically about a 14 year girl who was attacked so she grabbed a guys testicles and ruptured them both. He lost both of his balls and was sent to prison. I love this story and what happens to the guy and I'm also glad that she got to castrate him.

    I hope to castrate a man myself but sadly I'm too afraid to ask any men I know if they would let me pop both of their balls. I'm sure some of them would say yes but I'm to nervous. so I'm probably going to do it by finding a random stranger at a club, seducing him, and then slip my hand down his pants and crush both of his testicles.

    1. Hi I'm a man who has commented earlier.

      I have seen that video and think all women should hear the story. It was great how she could hold off her attacker and she did the right thing in rupturing his testicles. As a man I am terrified by the idea of my testicles being slowly squeezed and ruptured but I agree it is a fair punishment in many cases. It scares me but I encourage it if a woman thinks it is needed.

      It is good to here you have already caused a few ruptures and plan more. It would be amazing to here how you did them. I have had my testicles kicked harshly a few times but luckily they have not popped yet. I find kicking harder to take and the damage can be pretty high if kicked hard.

      If you ask a man about castration there are many who would agree and let you. the worst they can do is say no. Or you could ask them to confess any sexist things they have done in the past. Every man is guilty of something sexist which is why you dont need a reason to rupture a mans testicles it is because he would have done something to deserve it. Then you can plan a slow sqeeze and take your time enjoying the castration.

    2. Hi! Thanks for the reply!
      I'll ask a man I know if he'll let me castrate him with the twist. You're right they probably do deserve it.
      And yes it was completely right of her to pop both balls. I love how at one point she said ahe coild have brushed him aside but decided to keep squeezing. He was a rapist and even if she could have let him go at that point he deserved to lose his testicles.

      Also you asked for some of my stories?
      Well, one of them was:
      One day I was at college and I guy was with his friends pointing at me and talking about "how good that ass is"
      So I decided to follow him to his dorm room.
      When we were alone I rammed my knee into his crotch, then I put my hand down his pants, grabbed a testicle and began squeezing as hard as possible. Within 5 minutes the ball popped and I flattened it. Then since he only has one testicle left I pulled his pants down and kicked his exposed ball as hard as I could. I kicked it about 20 times and I thought I had ruptured it. Sadly though it turned out that I had just severely damaged it to the point that it almost ruptured. Sometimes I still see him around campus and think about popping his last ball.

    3. Hi I do hope you get to do your castration soon I can only imagine the pain I would feel if it were me. Especially if you were making it slow it would be extremely painful. But it is your right.

      It sounds like you did the right thing with that guy and I have been told the importance of flattening a testicle after rupturing it. Not just to destroy the ball but the testicle still feels pain as it is totally flattened out down its length.

      But its great to here what you are doing.

    4. i agree that i did the right thing with that man. sexual harassment is never okay.
      the other balls ive crushed are for similar toxic masculinity seasons.
      i know women who have also ruptured mens testicles both for their own safety, for punishment and even just for fun. and all of those things are okay reasons. im glad that many men except this but some still dont and i feel as though they will never be convinced and should all be castrated.

      earlier you said i hope i get to castrate a man soon? if i knew you would let me take both of your balls? you seem like a nice guy but you have probably been sexist at some point so i would not feel guilty popping both of your balls.

    5. Hi, I have on occasion before been sexist. I'm not proud of it but I have. So you would be right to want to rupture both my testicles as a punishment. You could even do it slowly and totally flatten out both balls as a fair punishment.

      I am a feminist now but I have said some things in the past I must pay for. I deserve to suffer for hours as my testicles are tortured and destroyed. I am scared of it and I normally dont tell women that because im scared they will punish me. I want to keep my balls but you would be right to take them. I want to be honest but i fear having my balls ruptured.

  7. I think we need more awareness about ballbustign as a punishment. I’m a 27 year old man and recently was introduced to it and support it very strongly.
    I recently made a pass at a woman I know. I respectfully asked her out on a date. She said no but expressed a desire to punish me. She said she would feel more comfortable if I was punished to bring a conclusion to the situation. I of course agreed.
    As punishment my arms were tied above my head and my legs apart. I was then kicked hard in the balls repeatedly. She told me the kicks would be hard and while she wore heavy walking shoes. She told me this would damage my testicles more to make it easier for her but the problem was she would not be able to feel it if a testicle ruptured so she would continue. I would not be able to speak from the pain either so the damage would be extreme. I told her to do what she thought was fair. I was terrified at the idea of a rupture but knew I should not object. She said even though this was the lightest punishment the chance of a rupture was still there. I accepted that.
    From the moment the punishment started I screamed out and the pain was extreme. The kicks were hard and I could feel explosions of pain inside my testicles. They soon swelled up from the damage and my scrotum became bruised. She was very good at getting her foot to land on my two balls so they took all of the force. I felt shooting pain from the kicks towards the end and the pain all-round was massive.
    When she finally stopped I was shacking and I dropped to the ground as soon as she untied me. It took half an hour for me to be able to stand up but luckily neither testicle ruptured. The internal damage was high but neither popped. She was happy with the punishment and I feel it was fair. I think she did the right thing.
    I think more people should have this in their lives.

  8. Hi. I'm a male and I love this article. The way the kicking Was administered and the fact that the man lost a testicle is very good. I think the man deserved it and I think these punishments should be used on almost all men. Female supremacy is needed in our society and these punishments are a good weapon for that cause. I hope that all girls and young women are taught that testicle rupture is a good thing and also how to rupture a testicle.

    1. HI,

      Great to hear another man supporting this. All we want are fair punishments to be administered. Thanks for commenting and supporting

    2. I'm a woman but I also think this is fair. I like the rupture plus 10 kicks method as I think that is fair. I am a woman so rupture is easier for me to take but it is great for men to be so supportive.

    3. No problem Lucy!
      I used to not support these punishments until a woman used them on me. After I realized my mistake I became a supporter if rupture.

  9. Hi, I'm male and I saw the woman who commented 2 up. The rupture plus 10 method is a fair method and I think it is a good way to work. It makes sure the womans needs are met and the male is damaged enough. Rupture is painful and harder to accept for men but it does not mean we should not accept it or use that as a excuse.

  10. Hey all I'm a guy and I was wonderign about the rupture plus 10 kicks method of punishment. If I was taking that punishment for whatever reason the intention would be for me to to kicked until a testicle ruptures and then 10 more added. But how would a woman know a rupture had started? If she was wearing heavy boots it might be hard for her. I think this is a fair question to ask as the hope is if a male were to take this punishment he would still have 1 working testicle at the end. So if more then 10 are given then castration becomes more possible.

    I ask because I do support this kind of punishment and I know it can be used for very minor offenses and allegations of micro aggression ect. Could I tell her i think a rupture has started or should I say nothing as my second testicle ruptures as well?

  11. Hi, I'm a man who does not think that kicking is the best method for testicle punishment or rupture.

    In the past I have had my testicles kicked and found the pain is inconsistent it would vary from kick to kick and took a lot of work on behalf of my wife to get the results she was after.

    I have also had my testicles placed in a press that was designed for the task, the pain from this I found far superior to that of kicking as there was no let up.

    The press was far easier for my wife to use and the results more consistent. I was still in pain eight days after the last incident and hope I never have to go through it again although I realize that it is inevitable.

    She has told me to expect severe testicle punishment when I get home from work on Friday as I will have 3 days to recover before returning to work this lets her really go to town on them.

    My wife has told me she is not interested in causing a rupture, but she gets so much pleasure seeing me in pain that she knows permanent damage is probable eventually.

    One of her favorite activities is to inject Tabasco sauce into my urethra and then have me service her orally. The pain from this can last up to 2 hours but generally tapers off after 1 hour. She can have many orgasms as I writhe in pain.

    My wife has asked me to post this here and has requested any innovative ways she can punish my balls this Friday without destroying them.

    PS my name is Oscar for future reference.

    1. hi im a woman and i agree. squeezing the balls until they pop is much better. ive grabbed guys by the balls and castration in minutes with this method. though i prefer to do it with my hands rather than with a press, i do understand why she would that instead.
      while you seem like a good man i hope your wife popped and flattens one of your balls soon. you probably deserve to lose a testicle.

    2. As a man I agree with you. Kicking is painful but with the twist the male can be asked to lay back with his legs spread and the twist can be used. Pressure can build to cause pain and then the testicles can be squeezed until rupture. Squeezing also allows for effective testicle flattening as well. I suppose it is up to the woman which method to use.

  12. a thought on the kicking squeezing. I think it depends on the situation. Kicking is a very easy way for a woman to cause a man some pain with little preparation. A man can simply be asked to expose his testicles and can take a number of kicks. It also does not require the woman to handle the mans testicles if she does not wish too. But the focus of most punishments is to rupture the testicles. Kicking can be a difficult way to do this as it may take a woman many kicks to cause a rupture and depends on how fit and strong she is. Also the male needs to be tied up in a position to facilitate testicle kicking. Flattening out the testicles by kicking them is also quite hard to do. Flattening is much easier with the hands and could still be done by hand after a kicking session. but once a rupture happens continued kicking can destroy a testicle very quickly but squeezing allows the testicle to be flattened very slowly. As this is the most painful part prolonging it is important. I think flattening should always been done to ensure destruction and cause more pain. But I have noticed many women enjoy kickign and do it for fun.

    Squeezing allows the careful application of pressure so pain can be controlled and the torture can be prolonged for hours. The testicles can also be ruptured and flattened individually and at a time desired by the woman. once ruptured the testicle can be squeezed very carefully so the rupture widens very slowly and the testicle is drained slowly. This causes a man extreme pain for a long time. The testicle can also be totally flattened out before being let go so it is just the outer wall of the testicle left. The structures inside the testicle are connected to the inside of the testicle wall so need to be torn away to achieve this. A good technique is to firmly move the thumb is circular motions while pushing down. This is repeated at different points along the testicle until it is flat. I could write more on this if you guys like?

    I hope this adds to the discussion. Like many men I support the use of rupture as a fair punishment and want more women empowered by knowledge so they can use rupture whenever it is needed.

    1. I find your squeezing technique very interesting and would love for you to write more on this the more detailed the better.

      I hopefully in the future will have the opportunity to rupture a friend’s testicle and the more info on how to make the pain last longer the better.

      Can you actually feel the contents of the testicle when it ruptures or is it more of a liquid?

  13. Hi. I emailed Lucy a reply that I have seen she has published. I hope it goes well with your rupture.

  14. This site should be set up as a forum it can get quite confusing.


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