Lies of the Patriarchy

I want to talk about a big lie that is told to women.

In the USA we are told we can defend ourselves, we are told that shooting an intruder is ok. Even lethal force is recommended in some cases by police. We are told we can use any weakness to our advantage or play to our strengths to defend ourselves. This is all ok for men to do every day but not women. Or at least not for a woman wishing to defend against a male.

A man would tell another man he was fine to shoot an intruder but if a woman tells a woman to kick a mans testicles that is somehow morally wrong. We are told a mans testicle should not be struck or attacked. This is repeated to a woman as she grows up and many women as reluctant to strike a mans testicles as a result. How is this right?

The truth is that if a woman is willing to attack the testicles then she can level the playing field against a male. But we are told not to do this and that is the lie. Men know of this and simply want to keep an advantage over men.

The truth is striking the testicles is a perfect way to cause pain for defense or as punishment. We have heard stories in comments about how women have used the testicle twist to totally over power a male and hurt him. I myself was in a position where a male did not threaten me but I was uncomfortable. I grabbed his testicles and began to squeeze. He fell to the floor and was unable to fight back. I quickly self safe and confident to continue squeezing. It took a few minutes to get one of his testicles to rupture and another minute to flatten it out. Once I was sure the testicle was flat I left him and he was not able to walk. If you read that and other accounts you will see how effective testicle pain can be for a woman to defend herself. It should not be ignored but instead should be a woman's first line of attack.

Also testicle pain is great to use as a punishment for men or to control them. If a man was being rude to a woman I bet he would soon stop if every time he said something rude she kicked him in the balls as hard as she could. The testicle twist can be used to punish a man in the same way it would be used in defense and the woman can decide how far to take the punishment or show slowly to apply damage. The testicle twist is a popular way to punish a male for a range of offenses. This is because many women require testicle rupture as part of a punishment and squeezing the testicles is a good way to be sure a testicle or both have successfully ruptured. The woman also has the option to totally flatten the testicle as well. Anyone watching a male feel the testicle twist would agree it is very effective so why is it not promoted? Because men dont want women to have an advantage.

Also, kicking can be very effective and does not require you to touch a man. If a male is stood with his legs spread and arms behind his back he can be kicked easily. His testicles should also be exposed for maximum effect and for long sessions he can be restrained. The male can then be subjected to a number if kicks to cause him pain as well as damage to the testicles.

During longer sessions of kicking ruptures are common which serves to make the punishment more effective. Choosing to cause a rupture has a number of benefits. Firstly the pain caused is extremely high and secondly the loss of a testicle will affect him for life. In fact, it is common for a woman performing a kicking punishment to not want to stop until at least one rupture as occurred. Using many kicks most women are surprised by how easy and enjoyable causing a rupture in this way is.

Then when a ruptured testicle is kicked it can be violently torn apart damaging it yet more. Again anyone watching a male having his testicles kicked until rupture would agree it is a very effective punishment. So why is it not promoted? Because men dont want women to have an advantage.

So the idea testicles are off limits to all but sucking is wrong and they can be put to better use. For defense or punishment they are very useful and at any point a woman should consider attacking them if it advantages her.



  1. *First to comment* Awesome!

    Great article but could I ask about kicking punishments? What would be a good number of kicks to use?

    1. Hi.

      That is a good question. Assuming he is naked and restrained then you should start at at lest 10 for the smallest crime. Line up each kick and try to land as much force on his testicles as possible. Then try to keep the force applying as his testicles move up into his body to maximize damage.

      But ultimately the number depends on how hard you can kick him. For more serious offenses the rupturing of a testicle will be needed so you need to pick a number to guaranty that. Or you could just not say a number and kick away.

      For most offenses at least 30 should really be used so he has a good chance of a testicle rupturing but they might survive. Also the punishment is over when all the kicks are dealt, not when rupture happens. Ideally you want a rupture to happen when you still have at least 5 kicks remaining so you can kick the ruptured testicle causing it to rip open and ruin it.

      A good idea it to simply kick until a testicle ruptures then add a few more on afterwards. Any fair minded man will understand that rupture is needed and should accept that as your goal. So you'll probably find the man will not object to you doing what you need to do to cause a rupture.

      Hope this helps but any other men or women are free to add more.

  2. I'm male and I have to say I agree with lucy.

    I think she is trying to encourage fair punishments and as a man all you can ask is to be punished fairly if you do wrong. Yes testicle rupture is very painful and I dont want to have a ball popped but a punishment is not supposed to be wanted. it is needed.

    I accept that in many cases kicking to cause a rupture would be needed and if I am ever tied up I hope I can accept that. So a number of kicks would be needed to rupture a testicle with a few left over to finish it off. You could always bind the testicles with string to make rupture easier if you like or just take your time and kick as much as you need to get a ball to pop. You can always stop and inspect the testicles for damage to make sure it has ruptured and squeeze it to damage it more to make sure it is dead.

    Hope a mans perspective helps

  3. Hi thanks to you both for commenting.

    I liked the response from the male and thought it was very honest. If you dont mind me asking if you were tied up to have your testicles kicked for the crime of saying something a bit rude. And instead of just giving you about 15 kicks I wanted to cause a rupture would you be ok with that?

    Would such a high punishment be ok. would you think it fair. How would you act as the punishment was carried out how would you act as it popped?

  4. I dont mind you asking and I will try to be honest.

    I would think your decision was unfair. Rupture for a small crime is too much and I would try to change your mind. But if I was not able to I would have no choice but to accept the punishment as you desire. I understand trying to change your mind could be considered rude and result in my punishment being extended but I would ask you to add what you thought was fair.

    I would then cooperate as I was restrained so rupture could take place. I would try to respect your decision and behave well as you punish me. I would have no choice but to agree and I hope in time I can accept fully your choice.

    As the punishment was carried out I would feel pain form each kick. The pain would build as the damage to my testicles increased. I would soon be in constant high pain. I would probably scream and shout out from the pain as I suffered. Tearing pain happens long before rupture as the testicle swell. My testicles will probably swell to around double their size.

    By extending the time between the kicks it could be an hour before rupture. Then when the ball pops I will be consumed with pain and probably not able to make noise. I will suffer so much and then the next kicks will tear the testicle apart and I will feel all of that. You dont need to stop and can start working on rupturing my second testicle so I go through the same pain twice.

    Does that help?

    1. I cannot understand how if the woman goal is to rupture one testicle that as she kicks his scrotum, both testicles get kicked simultaneously, since both testicles are so close together, I can only assume that both testicles would be destroy when the goal was only for one. In other words how can you concentrate on one testicle when the woman adrenaline is pumping that she can direct her foot to one testicle. Now the man walks away with two ruptures. Has any woman experience the fact that the punish which was for one testicle, has turned out to be both as the kicking will not guarantee the kicking only strikes one testicles.

  5. Hi! I love your articles and was just wondering what other ones you have planned, if you don't mind sharing?

    1. Hi I'm glad you like them. I was probably going to do more on ways to punish the testicles and detail other methods of causing rupture. Do you have any requests?

    2. Or actually one idea I did have is to do a guide for men. I have made plenty of articles aimed at women but I would like to do a guide for men on how to take kicks or behave during the twist. If any men wish to add info that would be great.

    3. I think you should demonstrate the testicle twist. Not on a real man of course but how about putting two eggs in a sock or bag and showing how to rupture them?

    4. the one about men behaving during punishment is a great idea!
      ive punished a couple of guys and neither of them behaved so i had to pop both of their balls....

    5. Doing a demo of the twist is an option but I am quite camera shy and I'm worried about letting people know who I am but if you have links to one please share.

      To the second one. I think I will have to do the guide for men. You say you had to pop the balls of men you punished? care to elaborate? The more info we get the better on testicle rupture. If you punished the men that means there was no threat to you but you decided to punish them?

      Also how did you pop them and what did it feel like?

    6. So more info on unique ways to torture the testicles like needles would be fun. Also more first hand rupture stories please/

    7. Replying to Lucy's questions

      One was my boyfriend at the time and the other was my brother.

      In both instances they said something rude or threatening and I came to them later and told them I wanted to punish them. And in both instances they started swearing and trying to get out of it and even hit me so I ruptured both of their balls.
      Neither of them were happy to wake up in the hospital with no balls.

      As for me? I felt very empowered and it was fun getting to punish a guy who deserved it. Also I used the twist on my boyfriend and it was very satisfying and fun feeling them pop in my hand.

    8. Oh wow thanks for sharing your experiences! So you've popped your brothers balls as well as your boyfriends? How old were they when you did this? And you squeezed and crushed their testicles with your bare hands? What did a ruptured ball feel like?

    9. Yes I did. It felt like mush in my hand it was really weird and they were in their late teen early 20s.

    10. Yes Lucy, please create a new forum where you can detail additional way to damage and destroy a men's testicles. Especially if a man knows he has done wrong and want his well deserve punishment but has no one he can ask to do it. He may then damage, rupture and pop his own testicles.

    11. hi, there are others out there. I may start up again but for now im resting

  6. Hi did you say earlier that if I was having sex and wnted to withdraw consent if I wanted I did not need to tell the man I could just start the twist? That way he could be surprised.

    1. Yes that is correct. If you were say having sex with a man and wanted to withdraw consent then you have that right. But if you are concerned that when you take away consent he many not stop then you can use the twist without warning. Your safety comes first so if you think there is a chance he wont stop then you can prepare by getting into position. Preparing will make rupturing his testicles easier and safer for you.

      Then once you are in position you can just start the twist without explanation. Once a few minutes has passed you can tell him why you are about to rupture his testicles if you wish. You can also prolong the torture and punish him by making him feel this for a long time if you wish. Then you are free to castrate him at the speed you are comfortable with. This is perfectly ok and is a good practice. It is safer for the woman as you are not waiting to be attacked before defending yourself and it makes rupturing testicles easier.

    2. Thank you for replying. I hear several people mentioning they rupture the testicles slowly to make the punishment more effective. So could I ask the men and women here how long they think I should aim for? Is there a good amount of time to firstly rupture the testicle then a good amount of time to take to flatten it?

      Also should I only rupture both if the male has defiantly threatened me or is it acceptable to castrate for smaller things like being sexist? To any men what do you think is fair? I am hoping to learn how to do this and start using the twist to cause my first rupture soon.

    3. Im a man and when it comes to prolonging the testicle twist the time really is up to you. Do whatever you feel is right and always make sure you are safe as you are punishing the man. I would say if you are in a safe place then aim for at least 30 minutes. The idea of feeling testicle crushing for half an hour then more pain as they rupture is terrifying for me to think about but I want to be honest for you.

      Also weather you rupture both testicles or not is really up to you. You can castrate for something small or just pop one ball. Even if it were to be my testicles I would tell you to do what you thought was right. If you are planning on causing ruptures on a regular basis then just see how you go the first time then learn from it. Maybe just say to yourself that your first few ruptures are practice ones then work on perfecting your technique.

      if you are wanting to perform ruptures for yourself then you can just surprise a man and pop both to please yourself.

      Its nice to hear from you and good luck with your first rupture. I hope you enjoy it.

    4. Hi that is a good question but the man above me answered it well. The time really is up to you but please make sure you're safe when going for a long rupture. The male has no say in the matter so take it slow and try to enjoy it.

      You can take over an hour especially if you are rupturing both testicles individually. Then try to prolong the flattening of the testicle once it has ruptured. That is the most painful part for the male so that is the part you should really take your time with. Even if he has not threatened you you will still want to maximize his pain so make the flattening part last. I have not tried it yet but you can push a finger into the point where the testicle ruptures. I hear that is a interesting feeling and it really hurts him.

      Hope this helps and good luck with your first rupture

  7. Thank you for the info guys!!!

    Very helpful.

    I'll take that and plan carfully. All I'll do now is try to find an oppertunity to grab a pair of balls and crush them. I'll try to do it somewhere privateish so I can make the torture last longer but close enough to people so I can call out if something goes wrong for me. That way I can torture him safely.

    I'll probably focus on popping one ball at a time and flattening the testicle before moving onto the other one so I at least get one good rupture. I want to get a testicle totally flat. Plus even if the man has done nothing to me he probably has done soemthing at some point so taking both testicles is ok.

    I think I will aim to at least totally flatten one testicle and make that last 30 minutes. Then I might do the other testicle if there is time. thanks

    1. I agree with this. Castration is ok even if the man hasn't done anything to you. Because he's probably wronged another woman in his time so flattening both is acceptable and I think every woman should do it.

      The next time you have a safe opportunity start the twist and slowly pop and flatten both testicles even if you've never talked to him.

    2. Yes surprise can be good. That way you can get ready and he wont know whats happened until the pressure on his testicles disables him.

      Also while its great the person in the comment above tries to rationalize why you could castrate a man you have never met the truth is you dont need to. You can do this to any man because the more castrated males there are the safer the world is.

    3. Hi! I'm a woman 22 and I am really loving this blog. I love the detail of how to pop balls it so good. Other places just talk about rupturing the ball but don't give a woman all the info she needs to make sure that testicle is destroyed.

      It is also great how you talk about making it more painful and make the rupture last longer. Thank you Lucy and thanks to all the commenters especially the men how have shown their support.

      I was wondering if you guys could tell me more about the moment of rupture. How soft does a testicle become? I have heard that as the testicle wall rips the ball loses all strength so you can just flatten it easily. I would like to do this slowly so any tips for not flattening the testicle too fast. I'll be honest this isn't for defence but I want to surprise a man and do this to him. So the male will be innocent but I want to flatten his testicles as slowly as I can.

      I wanted to be honest about my intentions. I hope you are ok with that. If not I understand . Thank you.

  8. Thanks for allowing anonymous posting.

    I'm a 27 year old man and a woman of a similar age asked me something the other day. She said that because I was rude to her and as she said "A bit of a pig" she would like me to let her squeeze my testicles with her hands as hard as she can.

    I have know this woman a few years and I was rude to her but I am sorry. I understand she wishes to squeeze my testicles as a punishment for my actions. Which I can sort of agree with and I kind of want to agree to it because we are friends and as she said "it would be a fair way for me to pay a price" for my actions. I want to stay friends with her and probably should agree to the punishment but I was wondering.

    What will happen to my testicles as they are squeezed? I know it will be painful but what can I expect? She has not given a time of how long she wants to squeeze but I assume it will be quite long. Also can she really rupture my testicles like this? I know in this blog rupture is mentioned but can she really pop my balls?

    If she can is it ok for me to ask her not to rupture them? Or ask that if one ruptures that we stop so I can go to a hospital to try and save the ruptured ball? Or will she need to rupture them as part of my punishment?

    I also hear you guys talking about flattening a testicle. Does that happen a lot and can I ask her not to do it to me? Or do I have to let her flatten them as well.

    Lastly what do you guys believe is fair punishment for me? Thank you in advance

  9. Hi there.

    I happened to be online so I hope I can answer your questions. Firstly its good you are coming to a place like this to gather info on your punishment. But I really think you should agree to it no matter what the punishment is. You clearly are guilty and should be punished but punished fairly.

    If she is squeezing your testicles hard then you will feel extreme pain from the start. You probably wont be able to move much and will just lay there and suffer. You'll feel sharp shooting pain starting in your testicles but moving up into your abdomen as she hit the nerves inside your testicles.

    Testicle rupture is a common concern but if she wanted to squeeze as hard as she can then I would say she has already decided to rupture at least one testicle but to find out could I recommend asking her?

    If she wants to rupture a testicle then I know thats hard for you but there is nothing you can do. You just have to accept it ant let her do it. Rupture it very intense pain but you cant ask her to stop once rupture starts. You must let her push into your ball once it has popped to complete your punishment.

    You asked about flattening and she does not have to do this but it is encouraged and I would recommend it for you. To flatten your testicle once it ruptures she squeezes all the stuff inside out until it is just the testicle wall remaining. This can take over half an hour to do on one testicle so you will need both doing which makes it an hour and is the most painful part. A good test to know if the testicle is flat enough is for her to hold the testicle with her index finger, ring finger and her thumb. If she pushed down with her thumb she should be able to feel it on her fingers. If she cant then she should continue flattening the ball.

    I hope your punishment goes well and I hope you dont mind me saying but you should have at least one testicle ruptured and flattened.

  10. Hi thank you for answering so soon and being so descriptive. I think you are right and I have to let her punish me as she sees fit. Rupture terrifies me and I have been reading up about it as well. But that being said from what I have read here that is what she will do. Flattening sounds even worse but I think she will do that too.

    What do other men think I deserve? any lesser punishments to recommend/

  11. im glad this stuff is becoming more common.

    im a woman from L A which is a very liberal city and i know over 20 guys who only have 1 ball and even a few who have none from being punished by women in their lives!

    I love the conversation above about women castrating innocent men with the twist and and hopefully in a few years itll be used as a daily practice by women.

    1. It is defiantly good this is happening more. Rupturing a testicle is such an effective form of punishment it just makes sense.

      Its amazing to hear you know over 20 men who have lost a testicle from punishment. Were they all from the twist or other methods? Care to share any stories?

      Thanks for joining the discussion

    2. Hi. Thanks for replying. All of the guys I know who've lost a testicle from punishment are very understanding about rupture and get why it is done, just like many of the men in your comments so they are about it to me and aren't embarrassed at all so I have plenty of stories.

      And yes many of the ruptures were from the twist and the rest were kicking. Was woman was brave enough that they were in a crowded bar and the man something sexist so she kicked him as hard as she could right then and there. His testicle got trapped and basically exploded in his pants from one kick.

      In another instance one of the guys I know who lost both was rude to a friend of mine and she asked to punish him.
      He was tied and and she used he fist to pound them against the groud which I haven't heard of too many women doing. She popped the first one but he didn't cooperate too well so she popped the other a minute later.

    3. By the way if you don't mind sharing yourself, do you know guys whove been punished as well?

    4. youve really known that many guys who have lost a testicle?
      im glad that there are places where it is that common.
      sadly we cant get any real statistics on it since most men dont report these things.
      For all we know where you live 1 in 10 men dont have both of their testicles.

    5. It is sad we dont know about the true statistics but I do think that testicle rupture as a punishment is becoming more commonly practiced and more acceptable. I'm a male and I do know a woman who used to testicle twist to castrate a male. She flattened out both testicles over quite a long time. She talks about it alot and enjoyed it very much. A few other of her female friends know about it and they like the idea as well. so it is becoming more acceptable.

      As a man I support this and believe that these kinds of punishments are for the best. They are fair and effective. Women might be driving this but many men support it too. I think it would be better if more were reported as it would give women more confidence and detailed account would help with training. It is important to prolong the destruction of a testicle for as long as possible which does require skill. Also it is important to damage the testicle enough so that it is defiantly ruined to complete the punishment.

    6. Hi I'm the girl who knows a lot of men who have had the twist used on them

      Im glad that you and many other men support rupture especially for smaller things. And yes more statistics would be great. I think if that happened men losing their testicles would double or even triple.

      If you don't mind me asking if I had a female who had never popped a man's testicles and wanted to know how would you let her rupture and flatten one or even both? I think this is very important. Men should make this sacrifice for young women to learn how to properly destroy testicles in my opinion.

      Thoughts? I'd love to hear what a man thinks about this.

    7. Also once again if you don't mind me asking, do you think men deserve these kinds of punishments for verbal things like insults or sexism?

      And if so what do you think should be done?
      Do you think they should just be kicked or severely damaged or the loss of one testicle or both?

    8. Hi. I'm the man who commented 3 comments ago.

      More stats would be good especially if you think it would result in an increased use of testicular rupture as a punishment. But I think we are making progress. It was actually very pleasant to hear how common it was in LA.

      As for the practice question. If we were friends you would not need my permission to do this. It would be kind of you to ask but I would not be able to say no. If you had a friend that wanted to practice any form of testicular torture from kicking to the testicles rupture methods then of course I would want to help. I would like to keep my balls but if she wanted to practice rupturing and flattening a testicle then my balls could be used. I could be tied down so she could take her time and feel safe performing a rupture.

      In the next question yes men deserve serious punishment for verbal things. For small mistakes I feel a hard kicking session or some needles in testicles would be fair. But for direct insults or sexism the loss of a testicle would be fair. To answer this question I feel the punishment should be fair which is why rupture is needed. I just hope that if it were me we were talking about then I could stand by this statement as you held my testicles ready to punish them.

      And for how it should be done? the man should be tied down and the testicles should be crushed very slowly for at least a hour or two before they are ruptured then they should be flattened out. Total destruction is a must.

      Please feel free to ask more of me.

    9. Just read this..... Great answer but would you mind going into detail about the types of kicking and needle punishments you feel are fair? Like how many kicks and how hard, what level of testicle damage ect.

      Its good you would give you testicles for training.

    10. Thank you for answering! I wish more guys would give up a testicle for the greater good.
      I hope you aren't offended but If I were in that scenario I would let my friend rupture and flatten one of your testicles slowly.
      It would be great practice and even though you seem like a good guy you probably deserve it anyway.

    11. Hi, I'm not offended at all, like most men I have done something to deserve it so its more of a delayed punishment for me. I would accept whatever punishment you desired. May I ask, would you destroy one or both of my testicles?

      Its kind of you to say I seem like a nice a guy and you seem like a nice woman who just wants to do the right thing. Its actually very kind of you to want to help your friend and instruct her in testicle torture. If I were tied down she could practice and listen to your advice as she tortures my testicles. Then she could practice rupture and flattening is a safe space before trying it "in the wild" so to speak. Did you have the opportunity to practice rupture before doing it properly?

      Obviously this would be done how you like but I thought I could be tied to a bench like the ones often found in changing rooms. My legs would fall to the sides leaving my testicles accessible and I could easily be bound to the bench so I could not move. That way your friend could feel safe and you are free to do as you please.

      As for the slow crush part the speed of my punishment is up to you. I would think you would show her how to prolong it as well as cause high pain. Then flattening the testicle after rupturing it is always recommended. As this was done to me I would try to be quiet and let you two work only answering questions if asked. I would simply lay still until you had finished doing what you wanted. Not sure what you would leave me with.

      Would that be acceptable for you and your friend? Also if you dont mind me asking how do you torture the testicles? Do you squeeze as a whole or push fingers into the testicles. I'm just curious. Thank you

  12. I did type up an answer for lucy but it was lost as I tried to post. I'll do another one when I can get to a PC

  13. As for kicking the number for kicks depends on what the woman thinks is fair. I think 10 hard kick to exposed testicles is the lowest punishment then there really is no limit. But for harder kicking sessions a man needs to be tied up with his legs apart.
    One problem with kicking punishments is the male will move and this makes causing high pain difficult. Many kicking sessions require testicular rupture as well which is very difficult to do unless the man is tied up. Once he is tied up kicking it is easier for the woman. It is easier for her to aim and takes her less effort. She will be able to land more force on the testicles making rupture easier for her to do. Also speaking as a man I would want to be tied up to face a set number of kicks. If I am still the pain will be higher so I am punished better and I don’t need to worry about standing so it is better for both of us. Another thing is that if the set number of kicks is high if I am held still I am more likely to suffer a rupture.
    When kicking a woman can also perfect a technique designed to trap a testicle between her foot and my body. This makes for a more painful and more damaging kick as well as help to initiate ruptures. Harder foot ware can also be used. String can also be tied around the testicles to hold them together and make them very vulnerable. This makes getting a rupture very easy for a woman.
    Kicking can also be done softer to prolong the torture but having read this blog I know women desire rupture for most punishments. Rupture is popular and a woman will not want to use kicking unless she can get balls to pop. Another misconception spread by men is that a kicking session needs to stop after a testicle ruptures. This is not true as kicking can keep going to cause more damage to the ruptured ball and maybe pop the other one. In fact many kicking sessions I am hearing about go on for a while after the first rupture.

    Hope this helps explain my thoughts on kicking a bit more

    1. Thanks you for your reply.

      And no I did not practice before my first rupture but I wish I had which is why I believe young girls should be trained so they will have it easier than I did.
      Also I probably wouldn't pop both because I don't know the crimes you've committed in the past and you seem nice so with the knowledge I currently have you should still be a man. But if you misbehaved or said something ignorant about me or my friend I'd pop both.
      There is a misconception in society that most women don't want to castrate a man and that simply isn't true. Me and every woman ive ever known has fantasized about popping a mans testicles (which most of them have done at least once now) and find it to be very empowering and even funny sometimes.
      Its great being able to destroy the very thing that men hold over and abuse women with which is their masculinity.
      What do you think?

    2. HI, Its very kind of you to only want to destroy one of my testicles at this stage but I do understand that could change if it was deserved. I know one wrong comment would mean my last testicle being crushed slowly as well. But I would be happy being in that situation, after all you are only going to pop the last ball for a fair reason.
      It is a shame you could not practice rupture first but I agree it is something a woman should get the chance to do which is why I liked the idea of you and your friend doing that. Its important knowledge. I Also think a woman should practice kicking the testicles as well so she can deliver quick discipline to a man for minor things. Or so she can enjoy testicle kicking as a hobby.
      What do you think about the bench idea as a way to do it? Would that be a good way for you two to work on me or how would you like me prepared for the procedure?
      You sound like a very fair minded person which I can respect. It sounds like we are both aware of the wrong in society and wish to start correcting it. I know that rupturing testicles is something many women want to do for punishment of for pleasure. It’s good to hear that many of your friends have been so productive in punishing men already. It is good that finally women are talking about this openly so fair punishments can begin.
      The testicles are important to a man so destroying them affects that man a lot. That is part of why it should be done to him. I would feel hours of pain, if your friend chose as my testicle was destroyed then I would only have one ball for life. Or less if you chose. That is a huge thing.
      I also have no problem and it would be wrong of me if I did to a woman enjoying torturing testicles and rupturing them. She can take pleasure in that if she wishes and a man should be understanding about that. Part of why I think me being tied to a bench like that is a good idea is so you two can feel relaxed and enjoy the lesson. Thank you for discussing this with me I hope I am being helpful and would happily answer any other questions. I have had testicle squeezing used on me by a woman for fun so I might be able to help you understand it more so please feel free to ask.

    3. Hi I'm the woman who commented a week ago wanting advice on squeezing a mans testicles until they rupture. But I am wanting to do this for fun. I want to be on the lookout for a good opportunity to grab, twist and pop. I love hurting testicles. its the best!!!!

      You seem like a good guy so what do you think about me wanting to cause ruptures as a hobby? Or what would you think if it were your juicy balls that I was to prey on?

    4. Hi there. I did ready your comments before.

      I think its maybe a little mean to rupture and then destroy a mans testicles for no reason at all if I can be honest. Especially when there are many men who have made a mistake who deserve it.

      But you do have a right to do this to men and I would be in the wrong for not only agreeing with you but not supporting you in this. So I support you in your hobby and would be happy to help you with any questions. We do need more awareness out there so you are actually doing a good thing by causing these ruptures. You may even find a lot of men are understanding if you tell them your plan.

      If you wanted to rupture my testicles I would be scared as any man would but I would try to be reasonable and we could discuss it. I would want to see how you would like me for it. You could have me restrained so you could do it very slowly or you could try for a quick pop it is up to you. I would recommend the bench idea i mentioned above so you could destroy them slowly. i really wouldnt have a choice.

    5. Thanks for answering super fast. I respect your honesty about my hobby but you are wrong it is not mean at all. Every man has done something so he automatically deserves a rupture. You should know this.

      I do like the bench idea that you mentioned for the other womans training session. That training session sounds like fun. Would you mind if I joined? Her friend could rupture one ball and I'll pop the other. I would love to learn from a experienced woman how to do it real slow. Would you let me join?

    6. Hi, Its not actually up to me the training session is run by the woman commenting above. It would be up to her is she invited you and I would have no say. If you wanted to rupture my other testicle then that would be up to her. I would recommend asking her and if she agrees then you can. I would have no say at all. I dont mean to be rude at all but I would hate to give you the wrong answer.

      She might have plans for my other testicle im really not sure.

      I should not have said it was mean of you to pop balls for no reason. I made a mistake there. Maybe if you ask her and tell her that she will let you destroy one of my testicles as punishment. If my comment offended you then you torturing, rupturing and flattening one of my testicles would be fair.

    7. To answer the question about that girl joining the training: yes she absolutely could.
      I love her attitude towards rupture and having fun doing it. All men deserve rupture so its ok.
      And the man in the comment above does deserve punishment for saying its mean to pop men's balls for no reason. So maybe if you are ever used to train a woman to rupture testicles one could be destroyed for training and the other could be popped for what you said.
      Do the both of you think this is fair?

    8. Hi I'm the man who was talking to you.

      Its scary to imagine losing both testicles. With losing one I could still be a man but both would change my life. Also given you experience the pain would probably last many hours. If ruptured one at a time 4 hours maybe depending on how long you find you can make a ball last. Could I ask you to elaborate about how you would administer my punishment?

      But I am forced to accept that your decision is fair. You said if I said anything wrong you would not hesitate to destroy my last testicle and I agreed at the time that was more than fair. My comment was wrong so I must accept the consequences of that. I do like the idea that the training would help the two women. Thank you for your fair treatment of me.

      Could I ask you to elaborate about how you would administer my punishment? Would the women be given a ball each and follow your instructions. Or would that take it in turns torturing both? Would you prefer me be quiet apart from cries of pain or whould you ask me questions during the several hours I am being punished?

  14. The above conversation is very constructive and its good to hear this kind of discussion happening. I think it is a great idea for both his testicles to be destroyed and I'm sure he is grateful as well. Letting him be used for training is very kind of you and it would help the two girls a lot. I would request effort be made to make it as slow and painful as possible for him. If that's not the plan already.

    I too would love to hear what you plan to do to him. The more input from experienced people we get the better.

  15. Hi I'm the girl who wanted to join the training session. Thank you so much for letting me join had had a testicle to pop. I promise to try to make it as slow and painful I can with the ball I get to play with. I'm especially looking forward to flattening a testicle out!

    If you dont mind me asking I think we should allow him to talk in the session he can give feedback about pain. It sounds like he accepts he deserves this so he could be useful. He said he would like some details about how his testicle will die. I too would like to hear a lesson plan please?

  16. Hi Lucy are you still planning on doing a guide for men it sounds like a very good subject. Perhaps ways that they can assist and help increase the pain.

    1. Hi, Yeah I might need too. People on other entries are commenting on this but other women are free to comment and add their thoughts.

    2. As a male I think the man should do everything he can to assist the woman in maximizing the pain he is receiving during the punishment.

      I also believe he should make her feel as comfortable as he can and encourage her to do her best.


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