Communication During the twist

A few have asked about communication during the application of the testicle twist. It can take several minutes to initiate a rupture in a single testicle and even longer if both are to be ruptured so that does leave a lot of time.

Firstly, you dont have to say anything. You can ignore his cries or objections and focus on applying force to the testicles. You can squeeze until rupture without saying anything. But you may want to explain why you are doing this.

One good reason is to make it easier for you. You can explain why you are doing this and explain it is your right to defend yourself. You can say how you felt threatened by him and how he has made this happen. You can tell him the testicle twist is a perfectly legitimate procedure designed to rupture the testicles.

He may accept this and struggle less making it easier for you to get the much needed rupture. It will be rare but the guilt of his actions may make him more accepting of his fate.

If you were consenting to a sexual activity and decided to remove consent he may be shocked by your actions. Explaining that you felt this was needed may help him understand. He may not have heard you saying "no" but that is all you need to say. Even if he did not hear you you are within your rights to begin the testicle twist and he has no right to object. You may even rupture both testicles and this is fair. 

Or you may have decided it was safest to start the testicle twist before removing consent. If this case when you feel you have a good grip and he is struggling to move you can then tell him that you have removed consent and this is for your safety.

Telling him after the crushing has started is acceptable if you feel this is the safest way. Some sources even recommend doing it this way. Telling him might also help you feel better about doing it as well. By telling him you have been honest and you have treated him fairly so you an continue knowing you're in the right. Remember even when using the twist before removing consent rupturing a testicle is still the recommended course of action.

Telling him after the twist has started might help you accept it to and make the process easier for you. Also you can say to yourself that you have been fair to him and informed him of what is happening. This way he should accept that you have the right to do this and he is wrong if he objects. I'm not a lawyer and cant give you legal advice in any way. But remember the testicle twist is used regularly and the women who do it are rarely charged afterwards. You probably will not be charged but he will be and he can be charged for injuring you even if you are performing the testicle twist. So he is wrong to resist.

If may also pay to tell him that it should not take long for you to get the result you desire. Tell him that the less he struggles the quicker it will be. Unless after starting a rupture you wish to prolong the pain to punish him. You can inform him of your intentions once a testicle has ruptured and he is pretty much disabled. Then lightly maintain the pressure on the ruptured testicle and flatten it slowly.

Or simply, you just might want him to know why he will soon feel his testicles burst open. Hope this helps.


  1. I agree with this article 100%. Ive lost both balls from misbehavior in the past so I know a lot about having the testicle twist used on me.


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