Q&A 8

In response to

Hello. You have talked about rupturing the testicles which we have all heard about but you have also mentioned flattening them. Whats the difference and are their benefits to flattening the testicle instead of just rupturing it? Would a benefit be more pain for the man and more chance he would lose the testicle? So if I wanted to destroy them would you recommend I flatten both testicles instead of just rupturing them?

Firstly some clarification. 
Testicle rupture - This is when the outer-wall or tunica albuginea of the testicle is ripped or torn open. The tunica albuginea is a fibrous covering of the testicles. It acts a a protective barrier and gives the testicles their strength. This is normally the result of a large, sudden impact, or multiple impacts. 
This is hugely painful for the male and a very effective defense technique. One performed successfully a male should be unable to move or chase you so it is recommend you do this to a testicle if you can.
Testicle flattening - Once rupture has occurred a woman can chose to flatten the testicle. Flattening the testicle involves continuing to apply pressure to the testicle. This enlarges the tear in the testicle wall, adds more pain and can cause the testicle contents to leak out. If enough leaks out then the testicle will have deflated or flattened.
If conscious the male will feel even more pain than if pressure was stopped at the point of initial rupture. Also the damage will be much higher so the chance of the testicle being saved by a doctor reduces massively. It does also increase the risk of shock to the male and increases the risk to his life. 
Also as the paralysis effect of testicle crushing we discussed earlier is even stronger it is normally safe for a woman to continue past the point of rupture. So for this reason many women continue applying pressure after they feel the testicle rupture. 
To do this all you need to do is continue to push into the testicle at a steady rate after it ruptures. You should feel the contents leak out as you do this.
Is it needed. In short, no, not really. Simply rupturing a testicle is enough to keep a man down but I do recommend continuing to squeeze a little after rupture to be sure the testicle has ruptured successfully. But many women have continued to crush testicles after initial rupture so the choice is up to you and depends on your situation. 


  1. Hi, Thank you for writing this and as others are asking questions I might to. Given a woman can agree to sex then take away consent halfway through. What are your thoughts on a situation where a woman agreed to sex then changed her mind. Could she use the testicle twist then or how can she use that in that situation? Thank you...

  2. I'll be honest, as a man I was not happy about this site when I heard it mentioned by a girl at my univercity. But now I understand that women need to know this to stay safe so I kind of agree with it now. I can tel you that what you discuss here will work and be very painful for a man. Rapist deserve all they get.


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