Kicking a kneeing

I have had request to talk about kicking an kneeing the testicles so I thought I would write something on the subject. There are lots of good resources on this subject that are worth trying as well.

I have focused on causing injury to the testicles by squeezing them. While this may be the most effective way to achieve a rupture it might not always be possible. The man maybe clothed in tight fitting clothes so grabbing the testicles may be hard or it may not suit the situation.

There may also be a situation where you are uncomfortable and grabbing the testicles might not be appropriate. You may feel unsafe or a male may have said something inappropriate to you. It may not be a situation where you feel you are going to be raped but instead feel a male has behaved wrongly or made a bad comment. In these situations kicking or kneeing the testicles works really well.

There is often a good, positive perception in the public that if a woman kicks a man in the balls there is a good reason for it. This is to the point where a man is made to feel bad for objecting to it or trying to make a fuss after receiving a kick. I cant give legal advice here and you should not take this as legal advice but often a woman's decision to strike a mans testicles is often supported.

Then in addition if you kick a man in the balls he maybe sorry he made you feel uncomfortable and understand why you did it. This is not how all men act but many do if they acted inappropriately.

So its important women learn how to effectively kick and knee a man in the balls.

When to kick or when to knee.

Basically you decided weather to kick or knee is usually based on distance from the male. If he is closer you knee or if he is further away you kick. A exception to this is when you want to surprise him a knee is quicker so it may be better to go for that. So if you can plan your attack.


When kneeing a man you want the hard part of your knee to connect with his testicles. If you connect with your thigh it is not as hard and you will cause less damage.

When you strike you can grab his arms or shoulders to pull yourself into the knee more to create more force. You want to hit the testicles and keep the momentum going . When the testicles are struck the initial impact does hurt but the testicles bounce upwards. The best way to cause damage is to trap them between your knee and his body. A testicle is then compressed which causes much more damage.

When kneeing, as your knee is the size of his groin there is no need to aim for a specific side. Just strike hard and both testicles should be compressed by the impact hopefully causing some high pain.

Then after a successful strike be ready to knee again if the male is slow to react. If possible always go for a second strike. But one good knee can put a man down and usually achieves the desired result.


If a man is further away then kicking is another option. It takes longer to land a kick but you can usually get more force from it. Unlike kneeing you can actually aim your kick to maximize pain and damage. When hit the testicles move up and to the sides of the penis shaft. One goes to the left and one to the right. This is a protection mechanism for them. If possible if you aim to one side then as the testicles part your foot should follow one testicle and trap it. Then all the force will go into compressing the testicle causing a great deal more damage then if you kicked up the center and the penis shaft absorbed the impact.

Trapping a testicle this way is the best way to maximize damage and your best chance of causing a testicle rupture with a kick. Even if it does not rupture then it should be damaged enough so the man cant chase you. This is actually how some women who have kicked men in the balls for a bet have accidentally caused a rupture. Also because this is a good way to cause rupture it is probably not advised if a man is just inappropriate and should probably only be used if you fear for your safety.

You should kick with your shin as that is harder and will do more damage if you want to try as cause as much as possible. But if you are wearing heels with a hard toe then aiming that point at the testicles would probably do more damage.


Whichever you chose you should aim well, you want all the force on the testicles for maximum effect. You should try to visualize where the testicle are before you strike and you will get a better result. Practice and training are also well advised.

The damage

With a knee the force is spread across both testicles so while both are hurt there is less chance of one ball being seriously injured. This makes kneeing great for none life threatening situations and some would say a fair way. You can also use less force in these situations especially if you know you can hit hard.

But hard kneeing and a well placed kick will compress the testicles which can have serious effects on them.

As a testicle is compressed bruising can be caused by damaging the internal tissue in a testicle. It is even possible to cause small tears inside a testicle which cause the male a large degree of pain. This can also lead to swelling which causes a increase in pressure on the effective testicle. Which causes a pain as if the testicle was being squeezed. Tears in the internal flesh also cause bleeding which may need medical attention.

It is worth noting that in this state any impact to the testicles or the area around will cause a lot of pain. Even if you hit the testicles while covered with his hands. One method, if you would like to cause more damage, is to kick the hands so he removes them before kicking the exposed testicles. This is an excellent way to increase any injury to the testicles. Or rather than kicking the testicles placing a foot over them and pressing it down will crush them and be extremely painful. If you trap a testicle well enough you might be able to rupture it in this way. The man should panic and grab your leg but push down hard and he should not be able to stop you doing this. Even if a testicle does not rupture it is a good way to damage the testicle more so your escape if safer.

If you are using this method continue to check your surroundings and watch him so you know it is safe to continue pushing down on his testicles. You may want to do this for several minutes and a lot can change in that time so make sure it is safe for you to keep pushing down.

This kind of damage should render an attacker unable to harm you, he may even pass out. If he passed out you should run but if you are trapped that would be a good opportunity to perform the testicle twist to cause a rupture.

Or, if you kick a testicle hard enough you can cause a rupture with a single, well placed kick. These are rare but can happen.

This is what damage can be caused with full force kicks designed to do damage but if you just want to hurt a man then softer kicks do less damage. Just chose the right kick for the right situation.

Kicking for none life threatening situations.

Opinion is divided but I feel if a man is being sexist to a woman or his behavior in not appropriate then a knee to the balls may be called for. I feel the impact should not be full force but it can still be hard. I saw an event not long ago where a man said something sexist to female friend of mine. She kicking his hard in the balls and later admitted to making the kick hard.

He ended up apologizing for what he said but she did not apologies for the kick and was not expected to. I think it was fair. It would be nice to hear your thoughts on kicking in these situations.


  1. Thank you for another amazing piece and talking about a subject all women should know about but few talk about. You're guides are so valuable and go into the much needed detail. I'm especially in favor of the part where you discuss kicking a man in the balls if he has said sexist stuff. I Think that's fair. It's nice how you talked about using a bit less force on the man in that case but still enough to hurt him.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for your hardwork putting this together. If a women thinks its needed she should be able to kick a man in the balls and it not be assault.

  3. I was wondering if you could do a guide for rupturing both testicles please? I imagine popping both would be harder so a guide would help a lot. Maybe you could talk about different situation like if you were to play along what would the best position be to have a man in?

  4. HI! Thank you for all this information. This is very valuable and every woman should read this. Just like the comment on the 4th I would also like a guide for rupturing both testicles. Any hints or tips would be great and plenty of detail like you always do. I know you write mainly about self defence and doing all you need to do to get away but popping both balls will stop him attacking again so its a good thing.

  5. Great article but if a guy is being a jerk dont hold back. Kick him hard cases of rupture from one kick are very rare so just go for it. If you kick him hard and cause bleeding in the testicle the man will learn not to be a jerk.

  6. What a lovely, concise article, Lucy! You certainly have plenty of knowledge about attacking our balls! It's wonderful to see this type of information out there for the young women to access. I agree with your comment entirely, if we are out of line, or offend a female in any way, we should expect to have our testicles struck in such a way so as to modify and correct our behavior. It's exceptionally effective. Having been on the receiving end of both, I'd say I prefer a kneeing, only because the 'dull' thud of the strike is a little more easier to overcome than the sharp-shock of being kicked really hard. That's both embarrassing and powerfully effective. I was once kicked in the balls by a girl in school as a young boy, although I had actually not done anything to this girl, she was much older and stronger than I ever would be, (and still is) regardless, it's more just that she was a 'bully' of boys. Her kick struck me with such force that it lifted me from the ground and being taken completely unaware that I was about to have my balls kicked squarely by a heavy foot, I stood open-legged and absorbed the full force of her mighty kick. It caused me horrible shock and humiliation, there were other boys - and girls - in the room who witnessed me being kicked in the balls , up into the air and crashing down to my knees, clenching my battered testicles, and the uncontrollable flowing of tears as an involuntary reaction! It was terrifying, completely altered my behavior though, and I sat back down (when I was able...) and avoided eye contact! No way would I cross Caroline McConville EVER again! lol.
    The second time was a surprise knee, I had inadvertently offended a group of young ladies one evening, admittedly I was drunk and probably deserved this, the one girl asked me, "What can we do to make you go away"? In my stupor I believe I said, "You could kick my balls". Idiot. She came close to me, the next thing I felt was that dull thud then, I knew she'd got me right in both balls. Hard, too. She also punched me on the side of the face. Yep! I felt my stomach pull up, I didn't want to touch them because there was like 4 or 5 girls, I would've looked like a clown. Although I already did, I just got kneed in the balls in-front of all of them. It occurred to me how brave that girl was, what an amazing girl. Good for her. She made fun of me by calling me a 'wanker' until I was so humiliated all I could think of doing was getting away from them and going home to check on my smashed balls. I was lucky. But yeah, a knee is great for a warning, a kick for when you want to dominate us!!!

  7. Hi!...Does anyone know of any 'active' forums like these??? ...Seems I usually find these too late. :(
    **Thanks for you help!


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