Q&A 5

In response to

"You mentioned it may take several minutes of squeezing to actually rupture the testicle. Are all men's testicles the same in terms of toughness? I assume that smaller ones are easier to pop than large testicles because of surface area? Also I'm wondering if loose pants would make it more difficult to grab the balls and reaching into the pants would be better."

Firstly the clothing the man is wearing will have a impact. If he has tight jeans on then unless he removes them grabbing the testicles will be impossible. If grabbing is not possible then maybe kicking the testicles would be a good idea. Or you try to wait for them to be exposed.

If you are able to put your hands down the pants and directly hold the testicles that will make causing a rupture much easier for you. You will be able to apply the pressure better and focus pressure on one part of a testicle maximizing your chance of success. Also when successful you will be able to feel the testicle fail as it ruptures. You will feel it give way and break as you continue squeezing, flattening out the testicle. This way you will know you have achieved your goal.

As for the strength of different men's testicles that would be a very hard thing to test but I would assume they would all be similar (unless anyone knows different). Either way you cant pick what kind of testicles an attacker may have so you will have to work with what you have got.

Regarding the time to rupture I think the biggest factor is how hard the woman can squeeze. If you are squeezing hard then the mans hands will reach down between his legs but he wont be able to pry away your hand. Also he wont be able to move so it does not matter if it takes a few minutes to achieve rupture. I would say that if you are squeezing both testicles and after a few minutes they are still in tact then maybe let one testicle slip away if you can. Then focus on that testicle and that should help you cause a rupture.

If possible you could try wrapping your other hand around the one you are squeezing with to add more force. If he has passed out you could try resting your hand for a few seconds then getting the best grip you can on one testicle. Pushing the tip of your thumb into the testicle could also help to initiate a rupture and if you have long nails that could help as well.

The main thing is to keep constant pressure and you can get one to rupture. Then once there is a tear in the testicle wall it is much easier to keep pushing to widen the tear and flatten the testicle. Just remember the grip I mentioned in the beginning and you should be able to get the result.


  1. Causing a testicle rupture would be pretty difficult to accomplish I think. Unless the rapist had a pretty soft testicle a woman would really have to squeeze to burst it. Would it be better to twist the testicle around repeatedly to cause testicular torsion? I've heard thats equally painful and effective in killing testicles. I wonder if a twisted testicle is easier to burst. Is pulling the balls until the cords snap possible too?


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