Q&A 4

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Hi. Thank you for writing this. It would make a great youtube blog. I'm a small woman and I was wondering what exact hand grip would be best. I am worried smaller women like me might struggle so how could we increase our chances of causing a testicle to rupture? Thank You

When you first grab the testicles you do so quickly and need to squeeze hard straight away. So holding them in the perfect way can be hard to begin with but if he has passed out or if you think its safe you can try to change your grip on his testicles.

Try to isolate one testicle in your hand then the best way is to try to put as much force as you can on a small area. A good way to do this could be with the tip of your thumb and if you have a protruding nail then that could help as well. you'll feel the testicle has a distinctive shape as you hold it, try to put pressure in the middle of it with your thumb. You should feel your thumb push into the testicle and the testicle bulge out at the sides.

If you can try wrapping your other hand around your first one to add more force but be patient. It can take a few minutes to cause the testicle to rupture. But the man should be unable to move much so you should be ok continuing the crush his testicle. Also if you are able to grab them from behind that is the best way as it is harder for him to resist. But either way he should not be able to do much to stop you so take your time and continue to apply pressure to the testicle. Continue focusing that pressure on your thumb and soon you should get the result.

The testicle will not pop or explode as some may say instead a rip with form in the outer wall. You'll maybe feel the testicle weaken as this happens. Once the rupture starts the hard part is over and you can just keep applying force to continue the process. The rupture may start small but you can widen it by continuing to push.

As you keep pushing the rupture will widen and you may feel stuff oozing out of the testicle as you flatten it. Rather than popping the testicle will squish as this happens. It is possible to squeeze most of the mass out of a testicle and some women report pretty much squeezing it flat. At this point there will just be the outer testicle wall remaining.

Once rupture starts how far to go is the woman's choice. But try to remember that your priority should be to get out of that situation. He may have friends or anything could happen. The longer you are in a dangerous situation the more chance there is of you coming to harm.


  1. You mentioned it may take several minutes of squeezing to actually rupture the testicle. Are all men's testicles the same in terms of toughness? I assume that smaller ones are easier to pop than large testicles because of surface area? Also I'm wondering if loose pants would make it more difficult to grab the balls and reaching into the pants would be better.

  2. Good knowledge for women especially for the small one.. they need a better knowledge to locate epididymis, the most sensitive point at rear of the testicle, from there they can start the squeeze and pinch until rapist pass out.. and if can they have to proceed to rupture the organ to stop the rapist attack another women in future.


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