Q&A 3

In response to.

"Thank you so much for writing this. This is very informative and more women should read it. I was wondering about how you take about the testicle giving way when it ruptures. How much do you think a woman should push into the testicle after that? Can she stop straight away or does she have to keep pushing to make sure he can no longer hurt her. I was thinking of a situation where a woman was locked in a room with a man and might need to be near him for a while. Thank you again."

Basically once your grip on the testicles is in place and you are squeezing them as hard as you can he should not really be able to move or resist. So now you have the power in the situation but the worry is that if you release him before you have done enough damage he will attack you. I'm sure many women would not want to cost a man one or both testicles but she has to think of her own safety.

So in the situation you describe where escape will not be easy rupture is probably needed. But it can be hard to tell if one has ruptured or not but you do need to be sure. When a testicle first ruptures there is a small tear in the outer wall. Often if the man gets medical attention soon the testicle can be saved. But the more you squeeze and open up the rupture the less chance there is that the testicle can be saved. That is a sad fact but the woman's safety is the main concern not the mans sex life.

So if you are squeezing and you think you felt a testicle rupture then continue to push into it until you are sure it had ruptured successfully. You will feel the testicle dent inwards and not push back once it has lost its strength. You may also feel the structures inside the testicle ouze out of it. There is no right answer here and some women report literally squeezing a testicle flat. Once source said she pushed in do far with her thumb that she could feel her fingers through the flattened testicle. Ultimately you should should squeeze as much as you feel is needed.

At this point the man will most likely be passed out making this easier but if he is not then you should not be put off by continuing to squeeze. He will be in a massive amount of pain but you did not ask to be here so think of your safety.

As I have said before you only need to rupture one testicle but some women report continuing to squeeze and rupturing the second one as well. But you really should at this point look at escaping.


  1. Have you ever personally crushed a testicle? Or known someone who did it? What happened if so?

    1. I haven't myself but I do know someone who has but as you might imagine I cant reveal any personal info about them. I'm glad I have not ever needed to but I'm also glad I know how should I need to.

      In their case she squeezed until the man passed out. His testicles were still intact but very badly hurt.

      I did meet another woman who squeezed beyond that and actually ruptured one testicles and then the second one about a minute later. She was not overly proud of it but felt no guilt.

  2. Thank you very much for writing this. The information is very useful. Surely it would be best for the woman to keep squeezing the testicles after one ruptures to do maximum damage to them. It would be safer for her to squeeze at lest one testicle flat even if he is conscious. It will take more time to flatten out a testicle but if he cant move then it should be safe for the woman. Thoughts?

  3. El autor de este artículo es un hombre no?..lo digo xq sabe muy bien la técnica y para eso hay que conocer los testículos.

    1. I am not male and you dont need to be to know what I have written.


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