Why men question the fairness of rupture for small crimes.
I want to talk about how men often consider rupture punishments to extreme in some cases. I’m sure we have all heard men who accept the use of testicular rupture to punish is needed but object to it being used on crimes that aren’t considered severe. This is not to be confused with men who object to testicular punishments outright and just want to be able to disrespect women and get away with it. These are people, both men and women who agree that testicular punishments are a good think and are happy they are used. They, including the men, support the use of rupture and post rupture torture. They are quick to show support for it but believe it is sometimes used incorrectly and in a way that is not always fair. They often have good sounding arguments as well. They describe how a man experiencing rupture will go through at least an hour of extreme pain, usually more. Then they talk about the fact that the man has lost a testicle for the rest of his life. They s...