
Some Good Statistics – Follow up.

  Some Good Statistics – Follow up. As you will have seen in the comment of the last article and maybe in other places news of the increased use of testicle rupture has been mixed feelings. It’s good to see how most people including some men saw it as good news and were pleased to hear it. But there were some concerns that I wish to address here. The news really featured 3 components which I will now break down. Firstly the number of men being punished by having a testicle ruptured has doubled. This means more men are facing the punishment than before. -         The act of rupturing a testicle causes extreme levels of pain and is widely considered as a very effective punishment. Studies have shown a man feeling rupture will be more likely to regret his mistake and learn from the experience. It’s also used is promoted to help make sessions of punishment fairer to both sexes and more equitable. So this means more punishments will meet the woman’s needs as well as the mans. Seco

Some good statistics

  Some good statistics. Due to some successful advertising campaigns and efforts to normalize the practice we are seeing an increase in the usage of testicular rupture to punish men. It is becoming far more popular with some places reporting usage doubling in the last 2 years. Much of the increase comes from men being punished by rupture for what is sometimes called minor crimes or crimes where a man never touched a woman (Such as staring or for verbal crimes). Also, in the vast majority of these cases the male is also sentenced to PRT for 30 minutes or more. Another reason for this is increased accessibility to methods of restraining a man. This makes it much easier and safer to torture the testicles and maximize pain. With restraint rupture can be more easily administered to a man so more women are taking advantage of that. It also allows a woman to use post rupture torture to extend the punishment and prolong how long the man feels the intense pain of rupture for. We are seein

kicking etiquette - restraint

  I wanted to finish off kicking etiquette by talking about kicking a man who is restrained. Restrained kicking is by far the best way to do it for a number of reasons so I thought I should write a section on it. One of the best ways to tie a man is with his wrists over his head to some kind of bar or hook. This keeps him upright even if his legs fail. Then His legs need to be tied apart so they cant be closed. They should be tied by the ankles and ideally by his thighs as well. This will limit how much he can twist his body so his testicles should always be accessible. Advantages to restraint for the woman In a position like this it does not matter how much pain is caused the male cant move and is held in place. This allows more painful and destructive punishments to be applied much easier. In this position it is also a lot easier to administer a rupture injury. This is also far safer for the woman and should help her to feel more comfortable during the session. The safety a

Kicking etiquette continued.

 When it comes to carrying out a session of testicle kicking there are a few things that need to be thought about. Such as the footwear used. When a woman wear shoes she can add weight to her foot meaning there is more energy in each kick to the testicles. Shoes can also mean the testicles encounter a harder surface when struck. Shoes that have a hard covering over the toes with little to no give or flexibility in them are good for increasing damage. When hard shoes strike the testicles they don’t dent inwards to absorb energy so they are better at transferring that on to the testicles. This produces a more sudden burst of pain in the man and helps to promote testicle injury. The first improvement is that the hard shoe will be better at causing the testicle wall to be pushed inwards. This will stretch it and will eventually cause tears in the flesh leading to more instense pain. Repeating this will break the testicle wall leading to rupture. Hard shoes also transfer energy deeper

Kicking etiquette Restrains and rules

  Regarding etiquette I now want to move on and talk about actually administering the kicks. Lets assume the man has arrived at the location and a brief discussion has taken place. Then man now knows his sentence and its ready to be administered. Restrains Depending on the severity of the punishment depends on whether restraint is needed. Some women may prefer using it anyway as it makes things easier and helps them to feel safe. For less serious punishments the man can be left untied but if more extreme pain is to be given then restraint may be essential. Each man has a different tolerance for pain so it can be hard to decide if restraint is needed. One way of thinking is to start off without restraint then use it later on if needed. A good way to look at it is to think about rupture. If rupture is planned or likely to happen then restraint is essential. If rupture is unlikely then you may not need it. As a man feels rupture he experiences a high degree of pain. This is intentio

kicking etiquette Part 2

  Last time we discussed kicking etiquette we talked about the buildup or before the session. Now we are going to talk about the application of the kicks to the testicles. In this part we will cover the pre-session discussion. Before the meet Let’s assume a man was given a time to report to have his testicles kicked and is planning on being there. One thing he should do is prepare himself mentally and physically. He should try come to terms with the fact he is going to be punished and accept that fact. He needs to accept his fate. He also needs to make sure he is washed and his genitals are presentable. Shaving can help with this as will having a shower just before. The man should also make sure he is not late and inform the woman if he is for some reason. He can then arrive at the location. Once the man arrives the man should be respectful and accepting of his punishment. He should not be unnecessarily negative or miserable but instead a willing recipient. The pair can then

Holding back on kicking

  There was a subject I wanted to discuss before the second part on kicking etiquette and that is men requesting a woman hold back on kicking. This is where a man is to have his testicle kicked as part of a routine punishment for something minor. He is prepared for the punishment and asked that the woman not be too hash on him or that efforts be made to prevent the risk of rupture. To many this may seem innocent enough. In this case a man is tied with his legs apart and to receive 50 kicks to his balls for making a small mistake at work. The error was small so the man hopes his testicles will be intact at the end of the session so he asked for some mercy. While it is true that we don’t want a man to face rupture for every routine punishment, mainly because there will very quickly be no men with any balls left. There also does need to be a risk of rupture as part of the punishment. For instance lets say for the 50 kick punishment stated earlier 1 in 12 men suffer a rupture. This w