Some Good Statistics – Follow up.


Some Good Statistics – Follow up.

As you will have seen in the comment of the last article and maybe in other places news of the increased use of testicle rupture has been mixed feelings. It’s good to see how most people including some men saw it as good news and were pleased to hear it. But there were some concerns that I wish to address here.

The news really featured 3 components which I will now break down.

Firstly the number of men being punished by having a testicle ruptured has doubled. This means more men are facing the punishment than before.

-        The act of rupturing a testicle causes extreme levels of pain and is widely considered as a very effective punishment. Studies have shown a man feeling rupture will be more likely to regret his mistake and learn from the experience. It’s also used is promoted to help make sessions of punishment fairer to both sexes and more equitable. So this means more punishments will meet the woman’s needs as well as the mans.

Secondly PRT is being used more frequently and for longer amounts of time. The numbers were not clear on this but there were reports of more sessions of PRT reaching the hour mark.

-        PRT provides an ethical way to prolong a session of punishment and keep a male in a high degree of pain. This allows a session to be extended to make sure the man is fully punished and has properly learned from his mistake. It also allows for the women to make sure she is satisfied before the session is over. PRT is designed to be done slowly and an hour is often considered a fair amount of time for this to be done to a man.

Thirdly the increase comes not from men committing more serious crimes but as a result or rupture being used for less serious crimes.

-        This means that there is no increase in the number of women being victims or harmed. This is the result of men undergoing rupture for lesser crimes. Women are feeling more confident in using rupture and are seeing its benefits.


At first glance all of these points look positive. Rupture is proven to be a very versatile and effective method of punishment. Also there is more education out there promoting rupture and explaining how it can be used in a range of cases with good results.  


In a way this was to be expected given women feel safer talking about it and doing it. There are more and more businesses and places where rooms dedicated to male punishment are setup making it easier to plan and administer rupture. Then with places to restrain a man applying PRT is much easier so longer sessions are possible in more cases. A woman can then continue a session until she feels satisfied so it is fairer for both parties.


This all sounds very positive but there are some concerns which are fair.


The main one that was raised was that even though rupture and PRT are legitimate tools the pain is very high and the man does lose a testicle. Which is fair in many cases but not for simple mistakes. I can accept this to a point but what is often left out is the number of times a man has committed that crime. For instance a man is accused of staring at a women but it is the third time in a month. The first time he was punished, the second time he was punished harder but now he has committed the crime a third time.


In this case it is clear that the lesser punishment used the first and second time was not harsh enough. A more effective punishment is needed so in this case a discussion around the potential use of testicular rupture is reasonable. Testicle rupture would provide the man with a good level of pain to help him learn and act as a deterrent for future offenses. PRT can then be incorporated to extend the session and increase the effectiveness of the punishment in a fair and ethical way. This would also leave the woman feeling satisfied.


In cases like this it is not reasonable for a man to object to rupture. By doing so they are asking to essentially be let off. Then this raises the question, how many times does a man think he can commit a crime before he is given a full punishment? Some men don’t want to be held accountable and just want to be let off and this is the problem, not the fair use of rupture.


I have seen too many cases where a man has repeatedly offended and wants to escape rupture. This then is not fair on the woman and leaves her feeling betrayed. Men do need to be more open to rupture and more accepting of it. Then in time maybe we can is its usage increase even more.




  1. I submit that three strikes and you're out, right? Let's say a man stares down a women's breasts. That's not okay, of course, but we men are wired to admire the female form, so often we don't know we are doing it. Consider this a minor offense worthy of a hard ball beating, in public, at the hands of the woman in question, and any other woman who would like to take their shot and correcting the male. This is where we need a national registry of male offenders.

    Now consider that the male does it again, or commits another different offense, like a cat call or an ass grab. This is strike two. This now warrants a most severe ballbusting and cock torture right up to the point of rupture. The male in this scenario would likely need a ride to the hospital and could lose one or both testicles, but that was not the main goal of the correction. If it happens, though, it happens.

    Now the worst offenders, the ones that even with two strikes on record, still cannot behave and commit another offense, those males must surrender to rupture of the remaining testicles, including lengthy PRT. The goal of this correction is the destruction both testicles (if there are two) without quarter given. No male should be released from this punishment without upwards of one hour of continuous ball torture and PRT. It's advisable to rupture both, because even with one testicle already destroyed, males have been known to commit a fourth offense, after which the penis shall also be destroyed or removed.

    I think this plan is what males needs to learn how to behave. (

  2. Thank you for this great updated article on male punishment statistics Lucy. You are one of the if not the best at providing us updated and accurate information about the sensitive but highly important subject of male punishment.
    I guess the only issue I have as a male is a woman adding PRT to a punishment unfairly. Let’s just say a man has his balls kicked 50 times for a repeated mistake he made at work. Now, if the man behaves and takes his 50 kicks without causing any problems for the woman then I think he should not have to face PRT even if he made this same mistake once before. Obviously, his testicles at this point would be extremely swollen, bruised, and possibly damaged to the point the man is left with lasting damage to his testicles. Lucy, do you think a man who properly takes his kicking session should then have go through PRT? I don’t think he should but the debate continues. Thank you Lucy.


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