Some good statistics


Some good statistics.

Due to some successful advertising campaigns and efforts to normalize the practice we are seeing an increase in the usage of testicular rupture to punish men. It is becoming far more popular with some places reporting usage doubling in the last 2 years.

Much of the increase comes from men being punished by rupture for what is sometimes called minor crimes or crimes where a man never touched a woman (Such as staring or for verbal crimes). Also, in the vast majority of these cases the male is also sentenced to PRT for 30 minutes or more.

Another reason for this is increased accessibility to methods of restraining a man. This makes it much easier and safer to torture the testicles and maximize pain. With restraint rupture can be more easily administered to a man so more women are taking advantage of that. It also allows a woman to use post rupture torture to extend the punishment and prolong how long the man feels the intense pain of rupture for. We are seeing men regularly made to take PRT for over an hour and even multi hour sessions. Which is excellent news.

This means we are seeing an increase in the number of men who are sentenced to rupture for non-violent or for non-serious crimes. Also these men are not just losing a testicle and feeling that pain but are then facing long sessions of post rupture torture as well. This is excellent news, and it shows we are on the right path. This is something we should all be happy about and see it as a big win.

It shows that women are becoming not just more aware of testicular rupture but more comfortable using it. Women are exploring and experimenting with how rupture and PRT can be used to make a punishment more effective so a better result is achieved by it. This also helps to make any punishment fairer and more equitable for both parties.

We have talked before about how rupturing a testicle causes a man extreme pain and is considered a very effective form of punishment. There have been studies that show it to be one of the better ways to make a man regret wrong doing and provide closure to the victim.

The level of pain a man feels as a testicle ruptures is much higher than the pain before the testicle wall tears open. This extra pain really helps a man to learn from a mistake and it also gives satisfaction to the woman. Also the fact that the pain is higher makes this more desirable for women wanting the punishment to be fairer and more equitable. The fairness and level of equity can be increased by using PRT in an ethical way.

For men who are curious this is why we like to promote rupture as a punishment. It works really well and the extra pain is often more for the womans benefit than the man suffering the torture. Its about putting the womans needs first.

We consider rupture and post rupture torture ethical because by allowing long sessions of it the punishment does not just serve to give the man a consequence for him to learn from.  It also serves to please the woman and give her satisfaction. This means we are caring for the woman and putting her needs first. So it is good to see that as well as an increase in the use of rupture we are seeing long sessions of PRT was well.

Overall this is great news and men as well as women should be happy. For this this is often difficult but men are asked to be understanding and accepting.


  1. As a male, I am also pleased to hear that rupture and PRT are being normalized. As someone who has received extensive testicle torture to correct my bad behaviors, I know that the fear of rupture and PRT would probably be a more effective means of punishment. I have been the recipient of many hours of ballkicking and suffered extreme amounts of testicle pain over the years, but not all of those sessions have been the result of bad behavior on my part. Many of those ballbusting sessions have been for the enjoyment of Women. I have offered my testicles up for them to practice their kicking and torture techniques, to burn of the stresses of the day, for entertainment, and just because balls need to be kicked on a frequent basis. More men should lay down their masculine tendencies and offer their balls to any woman who wants to kick and torture them. It is certain that at some point, all men have done something to deserve the testicle pain, so they might as well own it and give their balls to the Superiors. /LoganFive

  2. Good blog post Lucy and thank you for sharing these positive statistics with us. As a proud male I must say I disagree with women increasing the level of pain and damage to the testicles for something minor like possibly staring or a verbal offense to a woman. I agree some dirtbag men do need to have their balls damaged but there are good men out there who do make dumb mistakes at times.
    Lucy, wouldn’t a hard testicle kicking be fair for both genders as rupture could still be possible depending on the woman’s skill at kicking. It might be fair to the woman to prolong the man’s punishment but if it’s a small crime it isn’t fair to the man for PRT. I think women should still respect our testicles and not always have to damage them to the point of not functioning properly. I think a good man would get the message with a hard ball kicking. Any thoughts Lucy or anyone else for that matter?

    1. The problem is when lesser punishments are used where the damage to the testicles is limited we see the man undergo the punishment, say he is sorry but then re offend again. But when more destructive punishment is used like where the male feels the pain of rupture he does not re offend and other men behave too because they know they will lose a testicle plus face a long PRT session if they dont. PRT works really well as a way to cause pain and as a deterrent. I can see you fear it from your comment.

    2. Hey Lucy, thank you for your response. There is no reason why a man and woman cannot discuss often difficult topics regardless if they agree or not on every single topic. Now I can agree that there is probably a benefit of rupturing testicles and even PRT in some cases. I would disagree that if a man commits a minor first offense that his balls definitely be damaged. I think a hard testicle kicking punishment is enough. Rupture probably and hopefully won’t occur if the male can tolerate her kicks but the balls will still be very sore swollen and bruised and the man learns a lesson.

      Now, if the man commits a 2nd offense of a similar nature or something worse than I can see where it might be more fair for the woman to discuss with the male that testicle injury is likely since he’s a repeat offender.

      Now Lucy, I respect your confidence and I will only say I don’t want to go thru PRT but I don’t fear most punishments from a woman. In fact I would accept a kicking punishment from you and maybe teach you to respect the male testicles if and when I’m able to take your kicks at a pace you are happy with. I will admit that the male must comply and follow instructions and always be polite and respectful to the woman but I hate when women just assume that the man can’t take her kicks. That’s all. I have no doubt you would break my balls using PRT..realistically there’s no chance of a testicle surviving PRT I admit that. I think that’s easy for a woman but let’s see what happens in a kicking session. Do you fear not being able to break a man with just kicks? Our testicles should be respected as they are a very real symbol of male strength in every way and not always a weakness as women think. Remember Lucy, our balls have been there since day 1 and men have still thrived as the dominant gender in business and sports. That’s not to disrespect women at all but I think you fear a man who can take a kicking so PRT is used as a backup for the woman to often when not deserved. Please feel free to agree or disagree the ball is in your court Lucy.

    3. I think I missed it out but in most cases where rupture for a small crime it is used it is for the second or third time the offense has been commited. If a man has commited a crime of a similar nature twice then I think a punishment where injury to the testicles is likely is fair. Perhaps internal bleeding or heavily swelling. But defiantly on the third time then I feel rupture is to be considered.

      Testicle rupture can then be performed on the man as part of a fair punishment then when the testicle ruptures post rupture torture can be used to continue his suffering.

    4. Hi Lucy, I don’t see my original reply but no biggie. As a male I can agree with a lot of what you’re saying Lucy. The only part of your response I kinda have issue with is the testicles definitely being kicked to the point of injury or possibly irreversible damage to the testicles for a 2nd offense if it’s a minor issue or crime. Some good men find themselves in these situations because of a dumb mistake or comment and don’t deserve to lose functionality in their testicles. I just don’t think women need to try breaking our balls every time they kick them Lucy.

      For example Lucy, my female friend who I’ve mentioned before recently punished me with an intense ball kicking. We were hanging out with a few other people and one of the guys made a joke about women’s sports and I laughed and instantly regretted it and with the look she gave me I knew she was pissed. She does not play when it comes to “stupid guys” being cocky and sexist. I didn’t make the joke I just laughed. We were having drinks and I didn’t mean anything by it. Well, I then get a text from her and I didn’t wanna open it. Her text simply said I’m going to kick the shit out of your balls in my heels later on. Let’s see how funny you think that is. Lucy, she really hurt my balls and kicked me from behind so many times. My legs were literally shaking I couldn’t control them as I tried to stand. Anyways, my ball bag was in bad shape. The balls were bruised and heavily swollen. Lucy, I really don’t think my balls deserved that punishment, all I did was frickin laugh. Anyway, 3-4 days later I was with her at the mall and she bought some new shoes. She asks me if my nuts can handle a practice session of kicking so she can try out her new shoes. I knew I couldn’t say no to her and risk the consequences so I delicately tried to avoid it but it didn’t work out so well for me. She loves kicking big swollen testicles and my balls were still a bit bruised and swollen. This was unfair Lucy. She coulda waited until they healed completely. I admit she was happy with my effort and didn’t bust them to bad which is rare but nice. I still think it was unfair to have a practice session Lucy, she knew my balls weren’t healed yet but women cheat like that and being uncooperative leads to the balls being in even greater risk so it’s a tough situation for us men. Lucy, do you agree with me at all or am I off base here? I’d appreciate your professional opinion Lucy. Take care.

  3. As a woman I find this really exciting. I am seeing more evidence of men being punished and to hear rupture is on the increase is great. More men need to be subjected to rupture as it is the only way they will learn.

    1. It is good news it will help keep women safe and mean more men face the consequences of their actions.

  4. I'm male and this is a bit scary to hear. I agree that men need to be punished but I think men are sentenced to rupture far to easily. rupture is very, very painful and then when the torture is continued through PRT the pain is extreme. a solid hour of PRT is a lot to take so I think it sould only be used in extreme cases. Then there is the fact that the man has lost a ball. I think women should be careful when using rupture and there should be more checks in place before it is used.

    1. As a man I would have to agree for the most part. I think women are better and more confident than ever with punishing men and our testicles are always on the line when receiving a punishment session no matter if rupture is desired by the woman or not. Women are becoming a bit to comfortable in causing injury to the balls. I understand the need for male punishment but maybe us men need to start checking women if rupture is not warranted but wanted by the woman.
      The only problem with that is the risk of angering the woman or being seen as disrespectful or uncooperative which can lead to some serious damage to the testicles. Men are in a tough spot but need to stay strong if in this situation. Some checks and balances to use of rupture is probably a good idea.
      If any women or men have a thought, please comment.

  5. As a woman this is nice to hear. It will make men think twice before offending and ensures women feel a sense of justice. Rupturing a testicle is a great way to cause a man pain and puts on a good show. I have always thought it was effective and worked well to create a deterrent. This is great news.

    1. As a male, I think women should be able to have rupture parties where a group of women come together to rupture a man's testicles as punishment. Let everyone watch and enjoy, and partake of the ball busting if they like. Other nude males could then serve the ladies drinks and snacks, while only walking on their knees. This would be a great time for all. /

  6. Hi Lucy, I really have enjoyed reading your articles they are excellent. As a female I for one appreciated the articles on proper kicking etiquette. My name is Nina and my male friend who told me about your blog told me that you set him straight on the topic of warmup kicks a while back. Thank you Lucy. That should be entirely up to the woman if his testicles receive a proper warmup or not. He seemed to think he should automatically get one. Typical male attitude.
    I have been meaning to leave a comment and since I just recently punished my male friend I figured this was a good a time as any. I decided to punish him because I told him to just take 5 kicks for me like a man..he knows how he is expected to act. After he received his 2nd kick he screamed out a “Ouch..oh shit..fuck that hurt” or something to that effect. I don’t want to hear whining just a proper thank you. I told him the last 3 kicks would be from behind and I better not hear a peep from him. Well, he couldn’t manage that and even fell after 4 kicks. He knew he was in trouble and immediately tried standing up and apologizing. I told him his punishment would be 30 hard testicle kicks. We had plans so the punishment was not as long as usual but yeah, anyway I really kicked his nuts and really was enjoying myself and caused his testicles some heavy pain and damage. Lol.
    I love watching him struggle to take each kick as his balls get more and more swollen. Then his erect penis goes soft. So funny. I will admit he redeemed himself a bit as I was pretty happy at how he handled it although not perfect which is what women should expect and demand of men when punishing them. Needless to say his balls were very sore after that and let’s just say he was moving much slower and gingerly because of his aching testicles. If he didn’t want to be punished he should have taken the 5 simple kicks and it would’ve been over but all the loud unnecessary yelling and swearing needs to be addressed or he won’t ever learn to follow the simple rules a woman gives him. Lucy, why do men act so tough and arrogant when they have not an ounce of ball endurance? I tell him I’m helping build his endurance so he should appreciate my help. Plus, I love kicking and hurting those dangly balls they are just asking for it hanging there. Hehe 😉 I just wanted to comment and show support for the excellent and much needed work you do Lucy!! Please keep it up!! It’s a much needed message men and women need to hear. Women need more confidence to sentence a man to a kicking session if she feels it is appropriate and men need to be respectful and handle the session “like a man.” It’s for his own good don’t you think Lucy.

    1. As a fellow supporter of the blog and Lucy, I always enjoy hearing the experiences and perspectives of women like you Nina. Thanks for commenting and sharing as we need more women (and also men) to support ballbusting and PRT punishments and to share their experiences/perspectives. Men are very slow learners, which is why such harsh testicle punishments are often necessary in the first place. Women definitely need the confidence to assert themselves and to train men to behave properly and follow their fair rules. Never compromise your standards and have fun, most men will eventually learn after experiencing enough pain!


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