Getting the most out of testicle kicking.
Getting the most out of testicle kicking. Testicle kicking is probably the most common form of testicle punishment. It’s easy to do and allows both the man and the woman to remain separate. This means a woman can preserve her personal space and not be too close to the man. So from a safe distance can woman can inflict pain to the testicles which makes things easier for the woman. The separation also makes it a very good work place punishment. It helps keep things professional between the two parties and more formal than other methods. So kicking is usually what is done in the work place. It’s also easy to scale from a quick session where the male experiences light pain and swelling. All the way to harder sessions where testicle rupture is experienced. Which means it can be used in a range of cases and get the desired result. So its easy to see why it is so common. It is also the most common way women use to administer testicular rupture on a m...