Basic guide to PRT
Following on from the last article I now want to go into some detail about PRT. Let’s assume a woman has tied a man to a table face up with his legs apart and after an hour of testicle torture she is squeezing a testicle and feels it rupture. She feels the testicle weaken as the outer wall tears open so she eases off so the rupture won’t be too big. The man with renewed energy screams and struggles from the increased pain. The first step would be to find the rupture so she moved the testicle around and finds a bulge where the testicle wall has torn. This bulge feels very soft to the touch and even the slightest pressure causes the male great pain. She then takes a breath and is ready to start PRT. General tips PRT is supposed to be very painful for the man as well as prolonged. Even if his crime is very minor the session should still be at least 30 minutes. An hour or more is recommended so by aiming for an hour you are giving the male a medium pu...