correcting misinformation - kicking
Hey here is another email sent from our mens right guy. Been busy so I can write much so here you go. I have been doing a bit more thinking about the effects of trolls as a result of the feedback from my other letters. It is clear that male trolls are out there and having a serious effect. What’s worse is they market themselves as pro women’s rights and pro ballbusting but are working against those things. They offer information to women that is faulty and limits them while shaming women who wish to learn more about testicle rupture or post rupture torture. Or even women wanting to learn more about high damage testicle torture. Kicking Myths I have seen pages trying give women bad information about sessions of testicle kicking. Some even deter the idea of practicing kicking and shame women who try to improve their technique. They give very bad advice to I want to correct some of that now. There are a lot of discussion about how hard a woman should kick and exposed ...