letter from mens right groups
Hi all, Got a letter from David from a mens rights group. Its an interesting read and not what I expected. Please have a look and see what you think. I am leaning towards supporting the guy. Hi Lucy, I am a member of a men’s rights group and I have been reading your blog and similar sources regarding the subject of testicle punishments on men. I, like many other of your followers have seen testicle punishments increase in popularity, become more acceptable and become far more common. As a man it is a reality for me that this is a real thing and it is here to stay. This movement has formed because men need controlling and their behaviour needs to be improved. It has come about due to an increase in sexual harassment and the rape culture we now see. In places where testicle punishment is used on men the improvement in these areas is huge. There is no denying that it has had a positive effect and sadly some men will not behave correctly because it is the right thing, they n...