
Showing posts from May, 2019

Dealing with sexual harassment

I would like to write a bit on how to handle cases of sexual harassment and similar behaviour. By sexual harassment I mean any behaviour that could be seen as sexual in nature that is undesirable to the target. This can include stalking/following, unwanted advances, unwanted message from a man to a woman, or general weird or strange behaviour. I have heard about people being unsure of how to deal with this for a number of reasons and have several points of confusion. Women and a growing number of men want to make sure they deal with this correctly and that the appropriate punishment is given to the male. 1, Proving guilt of the male 2, how harsh should the punishment be 3, how serious is the offense 4, finding a fair outcome for both the male and female Let me start with explaining how serious sexually harassing behaviour is.   It is extremely serious because while the instance the male is accused of does not sound like much it is always a stepping stone t...

James's punishment

Below is his response to you all. Thank you for helping him do the right thing. After reading the comments I contacted the woman who initially punished me. We met up at my place and over a coffee we discussed how to procced. I admitted to her that I had not behaved correctly when initially sentenced to take 25 kicks to my testicles. I told her I should have given a much higher number when asked and that I tried to avoid taking a fair punishment. It was hard for me to talk about this with her but she hugged me and was very kind. I told her I should have requested a harsh punishment at the time and given a much higher number of kicks and I failed to even mention the use of testicle rupture. I should have mentioned that testicle rupture was an option that I would accept so she would consider it but didn’t. I admitted that I was scared of serious injury and that I was a coward. She told me how after the punishment she felt it was not enough and wanted to say something. She wa...