
Showing posts from August, 2024

Some good statistics

  Some good statistics. Due to some successful advertising campaigns and efforts to normalize the practice we are seeing an increase in the usage of testicular rupture to punish men. It is becoming far more popular with some places reporting usage doubling in the last 2 years. Much of the increase comes from men being punished by rupture for what is sometimes called minor crimes or crimes where a man never touched a woman (Such as staring or for verbal crimes). Also, in the vast majority of these cases the male is also sentenced to PRT for 30 minutes or more. Another reason for this is increased accessibility to methods of restraining a man. This makes it much easier and safer to torture the testicles and maximize pain. With restraint rupture can be more easily administered to a man so more women are taking advantage of that. It also allows a woman to use post rupture torture to extend the punishment and prolong how long the man feels the intense pain of rupture for. We are seein