kicking etiquette - restraint


I wanted to finish off kicking etiquette by talking about kicking a man who is restrained. Restrained kicking is by far the best way to do it for a number of reasons so I thought I should write a section on it.

One of the best ways to tie a man is with his wrists over his head to some kind of bar or hook. This keeps him upright even if his legs fail. Then His legs need to be tied apart so they cant be closed. They should be tied by the ankles and ideally by his thighs as well. This will limit how much he can twist his body so his testicles should always be accessible.

Advantages to restraint for the woman

In a position like this it does not matter how much pain is caused the male cant move and is held in place. This allows more painful and destructive punishments to be applied much easier. In this position it is also a lot easier to administer a rupture injury.

This is also far safer for the woman and should help her to feel more comfortable during the session.

The safety and comfort of the woman is the most important factor to consider during sessions of punishment and is sadly sometimes overlooked. But with the man restrained a woman will feel much more confident and safe. A woman has the right to punish a man and has the right to feel safe as she does it.

This means she will feel free to administer punishment in whatever way she desires. She can kick full force if she likes or chose shoes designed to increase testicle damage. She can explore more cruel and extreme punishments if she desires with ease. So this helps to make the punishment fairer and more equitable.

Additionally, if a woman wants to extend a punishment or change it then she is able to do so and the man is powerless to stop that. He has no choice but to take the pain and let it happen.

Then there is the simple fact that even if a man is fully cooperative then he will reach a level of pain where he can’t hold himself up. This happens to all men but restraint takes away this issue.

Benefits for the man

Restraining a man for a kicking punishment is sometimes described as cruel but this is not true. A good man will understand he needs to be punished and will want to cooperate. He will like how he is kept in position so the punishment is not interrupted and how he does not have to worry about fighting to stay in place.

If restraint is not used and a man falls to the ground then this can lead to his punishment being extended and the use of ethical penis burning. But when he is tied up he does not have to worry about these things.

Another benefit is men suffer such extreme pain around rupture that it is impossible for them to maintain a position. Also being restrained helps a man to accept his fate in cases where rupture is needed so it is actually better for him.


Testicular rupture

Discussing testicular rupture can be difficult but it is important that we do. Both men and women should learn about it and the various methods of rupture. Also both genders should familiarize themselves with and focus on the benefits.

Studies have shown that rupturing a testicle is an extremely efficient way to cause a man who has done wrong pain. The pain he feels is very high and provides a very meaningful and effective punishment. Additionally the pain of the testicle tearing can help a man to learn to be a better person so serves to educate him. These effects can then be enhanced by using PRT or continuing to kick the testicles after rupture.

The procedure has been proven to work very well in a range of cases from more serious crimes to rather minor offenses. Then as a woman watches a man feel the pain of rupture she will be more satisfied with the result. This helps to improve the fairness and the equality of the punishment. This is why it is often recommended and is why it is so popular.

A common misconception is that a punishment featuring rupture is bad for the man or not in his interest. This is not true at all and men actually can experience benefits from having a testicle ruptured. The pain helps a man to see the error of his ways and helps teach him to be a better person. Then the loss of the testicle acts as a permanent reminder of his mistake.

Then for women rupture is very satisfying and can be a very enjoyable act. Women often feel a good degree of pleasure from rupture which is enough justification for it in its self. Rupture is a way a woman can express herself in a helpful way and a man can take it to show he wants to be a better man.

So being restrained is good because it makes applying rupture much easier and also kicking can continue easily past the point where the testicle ruptures. Continuing kicking or PRT greatly increases the effect of rupture and there for the benefits. 


In summary restraining a man properly removes any problems that arise from a man not being able to handle the pain. Then in cases of rupture the man is held still as the testicles weaken, then as they give way and even long after rupture. So the man is powerless and held still so rupture become much easier and can be prolonged as well. I hope this helps.


  1. I always prefer to be restrained when I am subject to testicle punishment. Without it, I am able to curl up or otherwise protect myself and my balls from the punishment they deserve. Restraints at the knees works great for keeping the legs apart and as was said above keeping the arms tied above keeps me from falling to the ground. Ball kicking should go on as long as the Woman finds it appealing, not when the man can no longer stand.

    As for rupture, while I do see the benefits above, once you destroy the testicles they are no longer available for future punishments. I think it's better to get close to rupture, but then back off so the balls can heal and be ready for a lifetime of pain and suffering at the hands (and feet) of the Woman.

    1. In most punishments rupture is not used but instead the testicles are tortured until they are close to that point. I like to mention rupture to try and help normalize conversations around it but in truth it is used mainly for more serious offenses. Its good that you can see the benefits of rupture because there are many.

  2. When kicking men I do find restraint is the easiest way. The man cant move and must take the kicks no matter what. This then does allow me to kick harder and longer so the damage to his testicles is greater. If possible I do think that a man should always be tied up to be kicked as it does encourage longer more painful sessions. Then I have only caused a testicle to rupture once as that's normally done for more serious crimes but then restraint would be essential. There is no way a man can take PRT without being tied up.

  3. I agree with the need for restraint. I work for a company and was in charge of the risk assessment for introducing testicle based punishment. The muscles in a mans lower body are quite strong so serious restraints are the way to go We found that the man also needs his thighs holding apart and we used 3in straps to do that. Then when held in place punishment can be applied safely and the man has no choice but to take it. We also do allow punishments to include rupture and bounding a man in place was deemed the best way to do that. We are a big company so I have witnessed 8 men bound and face rupture and this system has worked really well for that.

    1. Very nice and a good idea by your company. May I ask if you carried out any testicle kicking punishments to any male employees or does a big company have a male punishment department? I’m only guessing that if they did then this department would consist of only women? Maybe a few women are hired for these positions or is it only one woman in charge of everything? Are male employees made to expose their testicles for a kicking session? Thank you for any feedback you can provide.

  4. I understand men need deterrents and punishing from time to time but these methods of restraint are a bit much. The problem is that when a man is tied like this then it encourages the use of harsher punishments to the testicles. That leads to men facing extremey painful sessions of punishment that go on for hours where the testicles are destroyed for often little crimes. Rupture is used for often small offenses yet it is very painful for the man and then he loses that testicle forever. Its not fair and these devices enable unfair use of punishment.

    1. Do you have any documented cases of what you consider unfair punishment or just here say? Then basically as a man the responsibility is yours to learn what crimes carry the punishment of rupture and not to do them. That is how you avoid being the next man to have a ball popped. But punishments do need to be painful to be effective so you should fear them. It sounds like you are just scared of being held accountable for a crime and facing what you know is the standard punishment.

    2. Lucy, please tell me what punishment awaits me for being late for work? if I'm 30-60 minutes late, what's waiting for me?

      I would like to receive an article from you with the classification and breakdown of punishments for certain crimes

  5. Thank you for your reply Lucy. There was one case a month ago where a man was accused of making an inappropriate comment to a woman a my place of work. During a trial he admitted it saying he was trying to be funny and meant no harm. It really was just a silly comment. He was sentenced to have his left testicle tortured, ruptured then slowly flattened out. I read the notes afterwards and the punishment lasted over 2 hours and the woman who carried it out tried to make it as slow and painful as she could. The PRT component lasted a little over an hour. This seems very excessive as this would have been hell for the man.

    1. Well for starts what comment did he make and then was it his first offense. It sounds like he did behave inappropriately so he needed to be punished for that. You said he had a trial so he was given a chance to explain before being sentenced. Then depending on the comment and how it effected the women rupture probably was the best course of action. Are you just against the use of rupture or do you really feel this was unfair?

  6. Hey Lucy, excellent way to finish up your Kicking Etiquette articles. I’m actually kinda sad they are done but always look forward to the next topic. Everything written here is on point as usual Lucy. I’ve been the recipient of many kicking sessions and most women prefer restraint. At least in my experiences. I actually prefer it for the exact reasons Lucy talked about. The worry and fear of falling is heavy on the male’s mind during the kicks to his testicles. This always leads to additional kicks for me or full weight ball standing, those are 2 of my most common punishments if even a knee touches the floor after a ball kick.
    When I’m fully restrained I have no worry of falling, not getting back into proper position fast enough, closing or lifting my legs, and protecting my balls with my hands. I can just solely focus on handling the testicle kicks and pain from the woman. That alone is enough to think about in those situations.
    I do find I hate when my hands are tied above my head. I think the kicks are even more painful. If ever given a choice I prefer my hands tied behind my back. How about you Lucy? Do you prefer a male’s hands tied behind his back or above his head when you are going to kick his testicles? Do you or any other women or men have an opinion on which method they prefer? Would love to hear your opinions Lucy and those of anyone else!!

  7. While we are advocating for testicle torture and rupture for correcting male behavior, I would also like to advocate that all men be kept in chastity cages from puberty on up. Mothers or older sisters can control when/if they are let out for cleaning and maintenance, at least until they have a female partner to control their key. Keeping a males' penis restricted in a well-fitted chastity cage will eliminate nearly all of the temptation that drives us to misbehave. Of course, when violations occur, the cage should be removed and proper testicle torture should commence.

    Lucy, how do you feel about this ?

    1. All women should have men "by the balls" and the best way is to keep them in a tight chastity cage and torture their balls on a regular basis, especially when they misbehave. This is the best combination to keep men under control and teach them proper respect for women and I encourage all women to experience this for themselves. My boyfriend's is so much better behaved and more devoted to me than he was before I and I love the feeling of power I get from making his balls ache from denial and pain.

  8. All women should have men "by the balls" and the best way is to keep them in a tight chastity cage and torture their balls on a regular basis, especially when they misbehave. This is the best combination to keep men under control and teach them proper respect for women and I encourage all women to experience this for themselves. My boyfriend's is so much better behaved and more devoted to me than he was before I and I love the feeling of power I get from making his balls ache from denial and pain.

    1. Evelyn, I wrote the post above about being kept in chastity. I am locked in chastity 24/7 except for periodic cleaning, teasing and denial, and ball kicking. I admit it keeps me docile, well behaved and subservient. The only erections I am allowed to have are kept in check by the cage, painfully so, and when I do get released for stroking or sucking, I am denied any release and locked up before an accident can happen. My place is well defined and I am kept in a constant state of arousal and pain. The way it should be for all men. I also encourage all women to partake in chastity for their will be thrilled by the results. Men, you should volunteer for chastity out of respect for Women, Your cocks belong to them, and so do your balls. Keeping your genitals confined in a cage is the minimum you should do out of respect. Let the Ladies decide if/when/how your cock and balls get treated to any pleasures...just don't expect any.

    2. You sound like a well trained and respectful male, which is always great to see, and your advocacy for men volunteering for chastity without any expectation of pleasure reflects that. More men should pay this wisdom and the benefits of their training from women forward. I imagine it took allot of training and effort to educate and train you. I hope you regularly express your gratitude to the woman/women who taught you these valuable lessons. Everyone should know that without chastity and ball kicking, a man will never properly behave and respect women. Even after years of training, so this should be permanent.

    3. Hi Evelyn, I have read your very interesting comments on male discipline and punishment. I am also a male and though I can’t speak from any experience with chastity, I have had my testicles kicked for punishment and just so my friend could practice her testicle kicks. She very much enjoys ball kicking and likes to practice her technique using various heels/boots/barefoot and likes seeing how heavy and swollen my testicles become from her kicks.
      Evelyn, when you kick a man’s balls do you prefer to restrain him first or do you like just having the male in proper testicle kicking position unrestrained? Have you ever damaged a man’s testicles? Thanks Evelyn, hope to hear your thoughts.

  9. last resort self defense for women


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