Kicking etiquette continued.

 When it comes to carrying out a session of testicle kicking there are a few things that need to be thought about. Such as the footwear used.

When a woman wear shoes she can add weight to her foot meaning there is more energy in each kick to the testicles. Shoes can also mean the testicles encounter a harder surface when struck. Shoes that have a hard covering over the toes with little to no give or flexibility in them are good for increasing damage. When hard shoes strike the testicles they don’t dent inwards to absorb energy so they are better at transferring that on to the testicles.

This produces a more sudden burst of pain in the man and helps to promote testicle injury. The first improvement is that the hard shoe will be better at causing the testicle wall to be pushed inwards. This will stretch it and will eventually cause tears in the flesh leading to more instense pain. Repeating this will break the testicle wall leading to rupture.

Hard shoes also transfer energy deeper into the testicle which can help break the delicate tubes within each ball. This causes internal bleeding and can help reduce testicle functionality. This is an important consideration if the desired effect is for the man to sustain permanent damage or even rupture.

The added weight of the shoes means each kick does require more energy from the woman but it does improve the effect of each kick. Harder kicks are more likely to break something so are always best. This makes it worth it when punishing a man.

Hard shoes are recommended as the increased pain and damage will improve the quality of the punishment. This will mean more pain and damage to the testicles as well as more satisfaction for the woman. Also with the increased popularity of testicular rupture more women will be considering it so shoes do help. Rupture is very painful for the man and its effects on him are well documented. It really can improve and add value to a punishment in a fair and ethical way. So increasing the odds of it happening is a good thing.

So it is recommended a woman wears closed to shoes or boots to get the best result.

Force of kicks.

The force a woman uses in each kick is up to her. The man gets no input regarding this to the woman has a fair amount of creative freedom. So a woman can hold back and go easy on the man or make steps to improve her kicks and cause some satisfying damage.

In general harder kicks are preferred as they cause the man more pain and damage. Breaking the tubes within the testicles is advised as it does cause deep, intense pain and effects the testicles long after the session has ended. Then harder kicks are the best way to increase the odds of a rupture happening. Given how rupture is recommended in a range of cases adding it to a session is a great way to improve it.

If a man complains about the force of kicks then he should be subject to additional kicks or penis burning as the woman prefers.

Unrestrained kicking.

Un restrained kicking should only be done if restraint is not possible or practical or if the session is short. But in these cases ask the male to stand with his legs apart and his arms behind his back. Tell him this is the position he is to try and keep.

The woman can then take aim and deliver kicks. Each kick will cause the man pain and he will react to that. The man is then expected to return to the position to feel the next kick. This then continues until the punishment is over. The man should be expected to remain still as the woman takes aim and launches the kick. Only when her foot has hit the testicles can he move.

The man will need to move as this is painful. The whole point of this is to punish the man so the goal should be to cause pain and damage the testicles. So just as the man should expect testicle injury the woman should expect the man to move as he feels pain.

To help the man take more kicks he can be allowed to lean against a wall or against something he can grab with his hands to hold himself in place. Doing this will help to prolong the session so it is worthwhile.

One thing a man can do is bend over a table and grab the other end. He is then bent at a 90 degree angle but if he keeps his legs apart the testicles should be accessible. In this position the man can take more pain than normal and he is told to just hold on to the other end of the table. This can allow for more serious injury to be caused to the testicles.

It can be hard to judge what a fair level of pain is before the man collapses but over time most women learn a sort of base line. If she feels a man is not doing his best to remain in position then he should be given additional punishment such as penis burning. Often a man will fall down claiming he cant possible take any more kicks then after he has penis burning applied he changes his mind. So it is a good tool to use.

Obviously is a man has collapsed and more pain is wanted then he can be tied up to continue the session. It is very hard to perform ruptures on a man who is not tied up so keep this in mind


  1. I love your work. Any chance you could discuss needles in more detail. I've always wanted to fill up a pair of balls.

  2. Great work. I was wondering what crimes do you think deserve rupture? We cant do it for every little thing or the men would have no balls left but we have to have a line. Is there a list of crimes or recommendations? I have done some ballbusting and I'm looking to progress.

  3. Excellent article Lucy 👏🏽 👏🏽 I have really enjoyed all the articles on kicking etiquette. I hope you have another part for us coming soon!! Every word you wrote is dead on. One of my friends had a pair of Timberland Boots that she liked to use to cause my testicles more extreme pain and damage. She would often put them on due to “my behavior” during the kicking. If I wasn’t restrained and I flinched or blocked a kick I was punished with hard kicks with her boots. Basically, any tiny infraction I made while unrestrained would cause her to get angry. So, I know how effective certain shoes/heels can be for testicle kicks.

    Another great point was having the male bent over a table. I have been in situations similar but it is kinda strange how us males can usually take more kicks from this angle? Lucy, any idea why that is? I’m always fearful of testicle injury when being kicked in that vulnerable position.

    Thanks again Lucy, I’m looking forward for the next part as always!!

  4. Nice Work Lucy, another very well and knowledgeable piece. Can’t wait for the next one!
    Lucy, if you’re giving a hard testicle kicking session to a male and trying to injure or damage the balls, what is your preferred choice of foot wear? Is it high heels? Boots? Other option? Lucy, do you prefer to kick a man’s balls from the front or from behind? Either way is brutal for the man to handle especially if the woman is strict during the punishment, it’s hard for a man to follow the rules laid out by the woman as his testicles are being kicked and injured. That is not of any concern to the woman though. Appreciate any feedback you can offer Lucy. Keep up the amazing work!

  5. I’m curious if Val was relieved of her position at work? She provided great updates but it’s been awhile. Maybe this is just another example of a woman being to confident that she can break a man and she wasn’t getting the job done. I’m just sayin. There’s a reason the male has stayed atop the pecking order for so long and continue to do so. Go practice your testicle kicking skills ladies!! Tighten up!!

    1. There could be a whole number of reasons for her not updating us. She might just not want to talk to us any more or there maybe some issues. It sounded like her sessions were going well and she was capable of breaking testicles when she wanted to so was clearly getting the job done. Who knows? but hopefully we hear from her soon.

    2. Hey Lucy, I Absolutely agree that it could be any number of reasons. I hope she is doing well. I don’t think it’s that she stopped wanting to talk to us because she was a loyal member and always seemed excited for your next article. Just like I always am. I think she was pretty well skilled at injuring a man’s testicles I admit that. As I said before us men are not all dropping from a few kicks from a woman. A lot will break but I know some guys including myself who take pride in remaining in proper position to take her next kick. There are a lot of women who really need to improve on their skills in testicle kicking. I’m sure you can agree Lucy? There should be self defense classes for women where testicle kicking is taught over numerous classes and the women should have men to practice on. The men should not wear cups for protection. Men could use these classes to improve testicle endurance. Just my opinion. Thoughts Lucy? Or anyone else? Thanks!!

  6. Hey Lucy, awesome article you wrote again. Thank you. You covered some crucial details for both women and men. I’m hoping you can answer a question that arose recently and I need your expert opinion if you don’t mind Please. Recently, a female friend of mine who loves testicle kicking and I were hanging out and like most times she said that she was really in the mood to do some kicking as she had a stressful few weeks at work and wanted to relieve her stress with kicking my balls. I also enjoy a good ball kicking session against her or any female for that matter. So, she always starts with warmups which is lite kicks that get gradually harder over the course of a few minutes. This time though her “warmup” kicks certainly didn’t feel like warmup kicks. She kicked harder to start than normal. I for sure couldn’t say or complain to much at the time cause I know the rules she expects me to follow at all times and not complaining is a big deal to her. She says she doesn’t care or want to hear it. Be a man and take it. I hear it all the time. Lucy, my question is shouldn’t the woman always warmup the male’s testicles gradually? Shouldn’t that be a part of kicking etiquette for the woman? I think that is fair for both the male and the woman. I get she was stressed but it’s just bothered me and since I can’t say to much to her cause I know she’d use it against me so I wanted another female perspective and who better to ask than you. Or if any other females have an opinion please share. I feel like sometimes women don’t do warmup kicks for the male and just start full force. My opinion is proper etiquette calls for the woman to start with warmup kicks for the male always. Thanks and have a nice weekend Lucy!! Appreciate your opinion!!

    1. Thats an interesting question. While I feel it is nice to start off a bit softer and build up. This makes it less likely a woman could pull a muscle and helps the male to adjust to the pain. Then over the course of a few minutes the pain can be increased. This does help the man to take harder kicks but it is not the rule. A warm up can be seen as a privilege and one you cant expect all the time. She does not have to give you a warm up unless she actually wants to.

      But as this is just a bit of stress relief and not a proper punishment maybe have a talk to her when a session isnt happening. Next time you're alone start off by saying how you are happy for the sessions to continue and have no problem with her using full force kicks. But mention how the lack of a warm up makes it a lot harder for you and ask if she would consider it. But make it clear she is welcome to refuse and see what she says. Also make it clear that if she feels this is not a question you should ask then you welcome punishment.

    2. Lucy, I have to thank you for your excellent advice. I truly do appreciate your response. I believe that a warm up should be part of the etiquette of a woman for the exact reasons that you stated, the woman gets to stretch her legs to prevent her from a possible injury or pulled muscle and the male gets to feel the kicks landing on his testicles before she starts trying to damage them when the true kicks begin.

      You did have a point that this was just one of her stress relief sessions and not a punishment and that is why I kept quiet about it so that she did not turn it into a punishment. Your point is valid as I had not looked at it in that way so I do agree. We are supposed to grab lunch today so I will do as you said and I truly hope it goes smoothly and she can understand my point as a male. She’s a very cool caring girl but she is very strict with me when she does kicking sessions. I think to strict to be honest but males need rules to follow she will tell me.

      Thanks for your thoughts Lucy, I knew you were the rite woman to ask and I had not thought about it like that before so I appreciate it and my understanding as a male is a bit better now. Warm up kicks can be a privilege the male earns or has taken away.

      Lucy, how about you? Do you prefer to give warm up kicks to the male before you start the hard kicks? Obviously, warm up kicks never count and are kind of free kicks for the woman.

    3. Happy to help. As for me I usually do at least a quick warm up as its better for use both when kicking. Then I normally start off easy and build up no matter what kind of testicle torture I use. I could be crushing the balls or pushing needles through them and find a starting off a bit easier is nice but it is down that each woman.

      I do tend to like harder sessions where the testicles are damaged so I like a warm up so the man can get used to the pain before the full force kicks come and the damage starts. It is hard for a man to take damage to the point of swelling and internal damage so a warm up can help.

      Or you could be tied up prior to the session starting. Then you will take it no matter what and she can explore more destructive sessions?

    4. Hey Lucy, thanks for your reply and help. I really do appreciate the feedback. I think for reasons you mentioned warm up kicks are a good thing because it does help the male to start feeling the kicks which will help with his endurance and ability to handle more of her kicks. Plus, it’s during this time a woman gets a feel for where his testicles are hanging and can perfect her aim for the session.

      My friend also prefers my testicles be swollen and bruised as she truly loves hard testicle kicking sessions just as you do Lucy. Basically, when she kicks them she isn’t the least bit nervous or worried about damaging my balls. She will even tell me at times that she’s purposely trying to cause injury to my testicles. She also enjoys full weight ball/penis standing or crushing.

      In fact besides me being in “proper ball kicking position” to receive kicks from the front one of her favorites is one position you covered in this piece. I’m told to bend over this certain chair that has a high backing and I’m told to grip the top two corner pieces and keep my legs spread at all times. She then delivers punishing kicks to my balls from behind Lucy. I start sweating so bad and sometimes my legs shake as the kicks are finding their mark and I’m waiting on the next one. My balls are usually very sore and swollen. She enjoys when the balls begin to get heavy and double in size to become even more vulnerable targets.

      Lucy, I forgot to ask you a question I also could use your perspective on and that is being strict with the male while kicking him. Are you strict with the male? I think she is to strict and expects to much at times but she has told me if I would just be a man she wouldn’t have to be strict. Kinda unfair I think. I’m obviously trying my best. Women expect a lot from men and may not fully grasp the difficulty of what she expects from the male.

      I didn’t see her today as it’s her niece’s birthday but I’m sure I will this week. To answer your question Lucy, she has restrained me with arms behind my back and legs spread apart. My hands have also been tied above my head which I really hate. The pain just seems worse and I think she does it to be cruel. She knows what she’s doing.
      She really enjoys unrestrained kicking to be honest Lucy. She loves to give me rules to follow at all times while I’m kicked and I’m told to remain standing and to take it like a man. The pressure to stay standing and in position is ridiculous. Sorry for taking up too much space Lucy, you’re like an outlet for us males with our testicle kicking concerns. Haha!! Interested in your thoughts and perspectives as always!! Hope you have a good week Lucy!!

  7. Hey Lucy, what’s up? Just wanted to let you know I talked to my friend about warmups. We went for ice cream and I got an opportunity to mention the warmup kicks when she actually brought up my balls by playfully asking me if they were ready to be kicked again soon. I mentioned how her lack of a warmup for my testicles last time really had me struggling earlier on than usual and I think reduced my testicle endurance for that session. She laughed at me and asked why I would even annoy her with things that I know she isn’t concerned with in the least. She said I was just making excuses again but she did say she’d meet me halfway and next time she kicks them she’ll “most definitely” give my testicles a good strong warmup. Kinda makes me nervous if I’m being honest Lucy. I quickly tried to change the subject.

    She ignored me and stated that she better be see a considerable improvement if she gives me a warmup in my ability to handle the kicks she gives me and stay standing or I may not leave with a functioning pair of testicles. Definitely makes me nervous Lucy. I’m not sure if I made things worse. She likes to play kicking games with strict rules to follow which always puts my balls at risk of injury which is very scary for a male. As a male Lucy, I don’t ever want to lose a kicking session to a woman. Never. My ego won’t allow it Lucy plus her constant ridicule and yapping really get under my skin but I certainly can do better I admit that.

    I just really hope she can see my point of view and gives my testicles a fair warmup and doesn’t start with hard damaging kicks rite away. Lucy, certainly a woman can see that is a fair request from a man? It also can help the testicles to not swell as fast if she starts to kick harder. She openly admits to purposefully trying to cause testicle damage and injury. If that’s the case maybe the man should have the rite to a proper warmup from the woman? I think men and women can agree on that. Would love to hear your professional perspective Lucy or that of any woman who has an opinion. Hope you have yourself a good weekend Lucy!! Got any balls lined up for a kicking this weekend? Take care.

    1. Well you asked her about a warm up and she gave you an answer. Looks like she might give you one but she expects you to be able to take more kicks as a result which is fair. If you want her to give you something you must be willing to do something for her. So you should expect a far harsher session and a session where testicle injury is likely.

      I want you to tell her that if she wants to you are willing to be pushed as far as she likes and that she can intentionally rupture a testicle. Give her the choice and let her make a decision. Even if she does not want to rupture a ball she will like that you offered.

      Also tell her about this blog so she can read about testicle torture.

    2. Lucy, thanks much for your reply, it’s always appreciated. I can’t really argue against your first point, I can see why she’d expect me to stay in proper male position and handle her kicks better if she gives me a warmup. Once again, my male brain didn’t look at it from that perspective. So thank you Lucy.

      For your 2nd point I will offer her to push my limits which makes me very nervous to be honest. I know she will almost see that as a challenge which isn’t good for me so I’m gonna be sure to tell her it’s not a challenge..just an offer and I’ll say it ultra respectfully. I want to thank you for mentioning she’ll appreciate the rupture offer even if she doesn’t use it. With me being a male I do appreciate that kind of female insight, especially coming from a pro like yourself Lucy. She really loves kicking balls or standing on them full weight. She likes that they stay intact and haven’t broken or ruptured so she can keep punishing and hurting them.

      Funny you mention this blog as I almost showed it to her because she shares many of the same views on kicking etiquette as you do Lucy. I haven’t done it yet I wussed out. She doesn’t need the extra help or motivation and I need to keep my low hanging testicles healthy and functional. Haha!! Ok, no doubt Lucy, I will man up and show her one of these days although this is a terrifying thought for me as a man.

      Quick question Lucy, do you allow the male whose testicles you’re kicking to talk or be verbal in any way? As a man, I don’t like how she says whatever she wants to me, often times mocking my pain but I can’t say anything without her permission. I want to go back at her but have found out quickly that ain’t a good idea. During a session I’m only to talk if she asks me a question. Before she begins kicking my testicles she will say “I’m only telling you this once, take each kick like a big strong man and be quiet about it as well.” That’s obviously if I’m not gagged at the time. Just curious on how other women feel about this. I just think sometimes women forget how painful a kick to the testicles is and are often too strict with the male. Thanks as always Lucy!! Hope you’re having a good summer!!


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