Martial arts training for women
Martial arts training for women With the increase of testicle based punishments being used and even made part of employment agreements being good at testicle kicking is a good skill to have as a woman. Testicle kicking is by far the most common way in which pain is delivered to the testicles so its especially important. So as many of us do women in positions where punishing men is part of their job seek to improve. Most companies have a drive to see things improve from customer satisfaction to profit margins to male punishment is simply another area that needs improving. One of the ways in which women are doing this is through leaning a martial art. This can help a woman to deliver more force with a kick so as to cause more damage to the testicles. This also causes more pain for the man which improves the session. It also helps a woman to kick in a way that is better for her so she is less likely to injure herself. A session of kicking can involve...