Restraining a man before Rupture
Recently we went into detail about how to use testicle rupture to good effect. We talked about how to slowly torture and weaken a testicle, how to cause a controlled rupture. Then how to use PRT to carefully dismantle to testicle in a way the prolongs and maximizes pain. The guide was well received and helped women to get better results from sessions of punishment. I believe it was understood and provided a good knowledge base for a woman planning on using rupture now or in the future. I also wanted to help normalize the practice of rupture and PRT and encourage discussion around how they can be used as part of fair discipline. So I think it was a good technical guide but one thing I have seen discussed is how to talk to a man about this. How do you tell a man you plan to rupture one of his testicles? How do you prepare to do it? And how to do it safely (I’m talking the woman’s safety here). This is a complex subject and one that will take a few a...