More Shaming
More shaming I have recently seen more instances of rupture shaming online. Sadly the men doing this are doing it anonymously online. There is a reoccurring message that women should not use rupture as a punishment or that it is only to be used in extreme cases. It looks like even the shamers know rupture has its place or know they will lose the argument about it being banned. Which in a way is a good thing because at least we all seem to be able to agree that testicle rupture as a punishment should be allowed. The more common forms of shaming are where a woman has shared a story about a rupture she has performed then is criticised for being too harsh on the man. The shamers are often taking polite tones and are quick to state they support rupture just not in this case. They talk about how the loss of the testicle will affect the man’s life and talk about the pain he would have felt. They focus on the man’s feelings during the punishment and not the women’s feelings. Which is...