Dealing with sexual harassment

I would like to write a bit on how to handle cases of sexual harassment and similar behaviour. By sexual harassment I mean any behaviour that could be seen as sexual in nature that is undesirable to the target. This can include stalking/following, unwanted advances, unwanted message from a man to a woman, or general weird or strange behaviour.

I have heard about people being unsure of how to deal with this for a number of reasons and have several points of confusion. Women and a growing number of men want to make sure they deal with this correctly and that the appropriate punishment is given to the male.

1, Proving guilt of the male

2, how harsh should the punishment be

3, how serious is the offense

4, finding a fair outcome for both the male and female

Let me start with explaining how serious sexually harassing behaviour is.  It is extremely serious because while the instance the male is accused of does not sound like much it is always a stepping stone to more dangerous behaviour. No man just rapes a woman they start off acting creepy or strange to women then committing acts of sexual harassment that lead to the desire to rape so it is very serious. So serious that even the smallest case should be reported and dealt with.

The next point is the question of how should the male be punished. This is where there is some confusion even among women. Some women think that if the male was just being a bit strange then a short kicking session should be enough but that is wrong. Given how serious the crime is the punishment must match that. Even if he is accused of something small you are seeing a male on the path to rape and that will one day rape so he must be punished for that.

The recommended punishment therefor is in cases where the male has maybe accidently appeared creepy or where he confesses quickly showing remorse and a desire to be punished very harshly is to slowly torture both testicles and rupture then flatten out one testicle. In other cases the recommended punishment is a very slow and torturous castration. In most cases castration will be the only option. Once a man stands accused of sexual harassment the rupturing of a testicle is unavoidable.

Proving guilt is often important as women want to be fair to males. But rape is very serious and a terrible thing for a woman to go through so even if the chances are small a male will commit rape then castrating him is by far the better option. A good man would prefer to have a testicle ruptured than to know a woman was raped.

Given how serious this is the burden of proof is very low so a statement from a woman about a male is enough to find him guilty. No other evidence is needed. Also if a woman is unsure of the identity of the male she is accusing she can guess and that male can be questioned and unless he can prove he were not at that location or did not do the act definitively then the male can be found guilty and punished. If the male has proof then the woman must be given time to revise her statement if she wants to change the details or add more. This helps to achieve a decision of guilty so punishment can occur. These sessions of questioning can help to find the truth and allow both male and female to speak so as to add fairness. Also by questioning the male more evidence can come to light so his punishment can be increased from one rupture to a castration

We all want men to be treated fairly and this many sound extreme but a man should understand why he must be castrated. Most men will understand how bad rape is and know it must be stopped so they will understand why castration is needed. But given how low the burden of proof is there will be cases where a male is innocent but found guilty. These cases are hard for a male but castration must be done. Women did not ask for men to be rapists so he should not complain at the steps needed to stop it. Even if he is innocent it is hoped he will support a painful castration as punishment. It would be selfish of him to want to put more importance on his testicles than a woman’s safety. So a good man will support the punishment and a selfish one will not. 

Even if he is innocent it is hoped both man and woman can agree punishment is needed and carry it out. A good man will support this. The punishment then should be done slowly.  A woman should study ways to prolong the pain and prefect her torture technique. She should also learn how to flatten out a testicle so the man suffers a fair punishment. The man should be restrained and the pain should last at least an hour. The testicles can be crushed individually in a crusher very slowly as a method.

Or there is a technique where a metal pole about 8mm in diameter with a rounded end is used. This is pushed into a testicle at different points deep enough to cause pain and internal damage. The point is slowly pushed harder and softer on the point then moved and this is repeated. This method requires practice but a testicle can last over 2 hours before rupturing while keeping the man in high pain. This is perfect for use on a man weather he is innocent or not.

Once punished the task is complete and the world is a little safer. Please share your thoughts.


  1. Hi Lucy! Great article! I agree with you that for every testicle that is ruptured/removed the world become a safer and better place. Women should always feel comfortable and not threatened and if a man losing a ball or both is what it takes than it needs to be done. I even did this to my best friend if you read the article he made about that.

    1. Hi thank you Stacy. where would I find this article?

  2. As a woman who's dealt with sexual harassment before, I'm glad that women like you are speaking out about this and using testicular rupture as a way of fixing the problem. I've popped about 5 balls/done 4 castrations and each time I felt so empowered and in control. It was amazing feeling a mans ball explode in my hands, knowing that he'd never sexually harass a woman again. Men who are even slightly creepy or are sexual to women who don't want it deserve to lose the very little things that make them that way.

    1. It is a great feeling isnt it? So much fun

    2. Yeah feeling a ball burst and knowing that hes lost his manhood is so fantastic. Literally feeling his masculinity being destroyed lol. They totally deserve it

    3. Also in the same girl but I know what blog she's talking about. Its a friend of hers.

  3. Hi Lucy. I'm a 15 year old girl. A male friend of mine, who I love, lost a ball to cancer about a year ago....and for the last 2 weeks he's been sexually harassing me. I want to teach him a lesson by popping a ball, but he only has one....should I pop it?

    1. I would say go for it. Only having one left, he should know better. He knows the consequences and may even be asking for it. How do you plan on doing it?

    2. I would reach in his pants (he doesn't wear underwear) and grab it. Locking my forefinger and thumb around the top. The I would start crushing it as hard as I can until it split like a grape. That's what I did to the one boy I used rupture on. I really like my friend and I don't want to castrate him....but he's kinda asking for it. Like, he's been really sexual with me lately and its weird. I'm hoping to wait it out amd hope he changes but it not I'll have to take his ONLY ball....

    3. Just make sure he doesn't try to fight back. But I probably don't have to tell you that since you say you've done it before. How many testicles have you ruptured?

    4. Just one. I was 14 amd he was 13. He was staring at my chest so I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could, undid his pants, and made his little right ball burst. Then I kicked him a bunch more times. His remaining ball was like 4 times the size it originally was. Looks like he's never having kids XD

    5. It's good that you want to castrate males who are inappropriate. And impressive that you managed to pop a ball at 14. What did it feel like in your hand? And did he lose both testicles?

    6. He only lost righty but the other is so broken that it can barely make testosterone and it definately isn't making sperm. I basucally turned him into a girl lol. It felt amazing as it popped in my hands. It was enthralling and empowering knowing that a boys very manhood was at my mercy. I even got a but turned on when it exploded. I didn't care about that guy though. I'm just worried about what I might have to do to my friend. Are you a woman?

    7. I'm a man and I say crush your friends testicle. He'll be better off without it and so will all women

    8. Have you been punished? You sound like a eunuch. I hope you are. I bet the girl enjoyed it :)

    9. I had my balls ruptured a few years ago when I was 17. I harassed a girl I knew and she used the grab, twist, pull on me.

  4. Hi Lucy great article! I wish women didn't have to deal with this. I'd give my balls if I could.

  5. Hello LUCY TASH, I am a sex worker of Chinese nationality living in Europe.There have been several experiences of violence during work,Even some people do not use condoms to force sexual relations.I considered testicle twist and testicle rupture to punish these people.But does the law allow this to happen, will it cause me trouble?Do you know how other sex workers are dealing with this situation?

    1. Hello. I want to use the method using a 8mm metal pole with rounded end to cause rupture, or near rupture to a pair of testicles. My plan is to draw out the pain over the longest period. Have any girls actually experienced it? What is 8mm in fractions of an inch? If I keep probing, would the skin puncture first ? If I put a thin piece of rubber between the metal rod and the testicles, would this help prolonging it so there is no breaking of skin?


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