Commentor flattening instructions

I got an email from a guy who asked me to post this. It is a good read.

HI Can you make this a whole post please?

To answer you bottom question the insides of the testicles are fibrous structures. This is where sperm and testosterone are made. This is very soft but essentially a testicle in a solid structure with a tough outer wall and a soft delicate centre. So it is not a liquid that can just leak out the internals need to be torn from the testicle wall before they can be forced out of the testicle. Also there are nerves all the way through a testicle so a male will feel this tearing as you are doing it. So it should be done slowly.
This is also why when using needles to torture the testicles you should use long ones that are pushed all the way through the testicle. This will cause extreme pain inside the testicle and touch nerves that kicking of squeezing wont. It is also a good way to damage a testicle if you do not plan on rupturing it or it can be done before you administer rupture. Several needles can be pushed through each testicle very slowly there is no real limit on the number. Also a good thing to do it the scratch the sides of a needle with a metal file so there are sharp bits. These will cut the inside of the testicle as they are pushed through and twisted. This adds greatly to the pain.

But when it comes to flattening a testicle if you have been working it slowly with your hands then you will have damaged the internals. Tears often form before rupture and these are what causes the sharp stabbing pains a man experiences in the run up to rupture. When you are ready push into the testicle with a thumb and allow the testicle to rupture naturally. As you feel it go ease off on the pressure but keep some on there. A good method I was told by a woman who does this a lot is to move the thumb in a circular motion while slowly adding more pressure. Push down until you can feel your fingers through the testicle. When you can feel you fingers on the other side you will know there is just testicle wall remaining in the point. Once you are happy move your thumb to a slightly different point and repeat. It is important to not just do the centre but do many different points on the testicle. The male will feel extreme pain from this so it should be done slowly and you should make sure that the testicle is flat in all parts. As you have to tear away flesh you will need to use a fair amount of force to do this. You are only starting light to make this last longer. 

When you are finished no point of the testicle should be more than about 8mm deep. I am a male but I have spoken with a few women how do this quite often so I wanted to share this. Testicle flattening is very important and should be used whenever rupture is done. This kind of punishment should be done for even small crimes and accusations of sexism. Any more questions let me know.


  1. Hi I'm a woman and I know the importance of testicle flattening. When I first starting punishing boys with rupture when I was 13 I didn't know about flattening. I flattened them sometimes by accident but didnt do it besides that. So a lot of the time I did not get the desired result. I remember one boy who was also 13 called me sexist terms so I grabbed his crotch and started to squeeze. He fell to the ground in pain but I was no where near done. i couldnt get a very good grip through his jeans so I undid his pants and grabbed his balls (he wasn't wearing underwear. Yuck.) once I grabbed his balls I clenched My hands around his balls as hard as could. I continued to squeeze both of his testicles has hard as I could until one of his balls gave. At this point he was writhing in agony, but I still wasn't satisfied. So I kept crushing his other ball in my hand until it also popped. Once I had ruptured both of his testicles I called 911 and he was taken to a hospital. He thankfully lost a ball but they managed to repair the other one, so he still had one nut. And I sadly never got to pop it again.

    My very feminist mom (who taught me to rupture testicles and told me that It was a good thing) did teach me how to flatten balls when i was 17 though.

    Would love to hear peoples thoughts btw!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. He didn't learn his lesson. Hes still a sexist pig

    3. It sounds like you tried to apply a fair punishment to him. Its a shame one of his testicles was left but it can be hard to flatten out both balls especially if he was struggling. At least he felt the pain of rupture. You did well.

    4. As a man offering advice to the females here don't bother with needles they just aren't that painful, and they are used on me as light punishment, even large diameter ones are bearable.

      The only time I have felt extreme pain from needles is when they had electricity passed through them.

      If you still want to use them may I suggest trying blunt knitting needles or large wood nails.

    5. interestign I was going to try needles on a man at some point. Any other tortures you would recommend?

    6. I'm Male and I agree with the mans statment. I was recently ordered by a woman I know to allow her to push needles through my testicles. First my testicles were kicked to cause swelling then 10 needles were pushed through my balls, some through both testicles. The pain was very intense as the needles ripped through my balls and I could feel them deep inside but a few minutes after each needle was pushed through the pain lessened enough for me to talk.

      The woman did this to me for her pleasure and it was painful but it was not enough for punishment. for punishment rupture should be used. If I were to be sexist or masoginistic then I should feel a testicle slowly tortured until rupture then be flattened as punishment. She enjoyed needles so I would recommend it to women to do to men they know for fun as it does hurt them but it is not enough for punishment.

    7. What type off needle was used what diameter how sharp smooth or rough surface? All these things will influence the level of pain. Try and use large diameter needles that are blunt, push them through the testicle very slowly judging the speed on the man’s reaction. Try to take at least 10 min per needle if you can. You can also try wiggling them as you push them through. The needles I have used are Leather Lacing needles about 2mm in diameter, you can purchase the from a leather supply store or online. If you keep inserting in different spots you will eventually destroy the testicle although I prefer to save them, so I can do it again at a latter date.

    8. Hi, The needles used on my balls were maybe 2mm in diameter. They were just long sewing needles and probably thinner than the leather ones you are talking about. They also were smooth but I have heard many women like to use tools to make the needle surface more coarse or so sharp bits poke out. I have found many women enjoy causing injury or damage to the testicles so I would have to accept this. I have no problem with women enjoying this that is thier right.

      I can see how using wider needles with a blunt end as well as with sharp bits on the sides would cause me more pain and internal testicle damage. Both are important parts of a punishment.

      I suppose the idea of controlling the speed of the needles, wiggling it or turning it is a technique a woman would learn with practice to maximize pain. I'm not sure but I think she wants to use needles on me again soon so I will find out.

      Its nice that you dont always destroy the testicles but I wonder if you were using needles on a man you were not going to see again would you be more inclined to destroy the testicles? Or if a man did something bad would you? Just curious, many women promote testicle destruction so I would like to know you thoughts if I may. Thank you.

  2. I just asked hubby to get some long hypodermic needles and sterile wipes on the way home from work. I will try them on him when he gets home and report back.

    1. So, we tried the needles last night and I have to say I was quite disappointed.
      When hubby arrived home from work he handed me the parcel and inquired what I wanted needles for. I explained that I had volunteered to test how effective they are at causing testicle pain.
      He wanted to know what it was he was being punished for I reassured him he had been good, and this was not a punishment simply a trial to help other woman find out how to get the most pain and he would be assisting me with this.
      I told him it would all be fine and to think of how much pleasure it would give me. I gave him a hug and told him to have a nice hot bath for half an hour to help the scrotum relax and let his balls hang lower. When he was finished we moved to the bedroom I had him lay on his back with his legs spread
      We started by separating each ball with several wraps of cord, then I cleaned his scrotum with a couple of Steri-Wipes. After removing a needle from its protective pack, I placed it towards the centre of one of his testicles. I then slowly started to insert the needle looking forward to the rush that comes over me when he reacts to the pain but to my surprise he did not respond at all.
      I asked him how it felt, he said he could feel the needle piece the skin but not much else then he suggested I try flicking the needle.
      I tried flicking and he flinched a little but nothing like the response I was looking for.
      The best result I could get was if I inserted a needle through the scrotum until it just touched the outer wall of a testicle the dragged the point across the surface of the testicle. I actually had to restrain him for this although later he said it wasn’t that bad.
      I examined him this morning and his scrotum is swollen but he is not in any pain, so I don’t think we will bother with needles anymore.

    2. Its a shame you did not get the response you were looking for. I'm not disagreeing with you but I found needles in my testicles was very painful. I could feel the needle rip through the testicle right thought the middle. As the needle moved the pain was high and when it was turned the pain was high. I found flicking the needle cause good pain when the point was inside my testicle so it would cut me internally more.

      Thicker needles with corse sides and a blunt tip will also make the pain better for the male. Or I can think of two other methods to enhanse the pain but they do cause damage.

      1, while a needle is inside a testicle hold a flame to it so it heats up. This can burn the male inside his testicle and is very painful. Hold the flame and wait few seconds for him to react to the heat then keep the flame on the needle for a few more seconds so he feels a good burn. This can cause very high pain and is good for damaging the internals of the testicle. If you do not know the male then you can do very long burns over many needles.

      2, Push two needles though a testicle parallel to each other about a cm apart. Then either push them closer to each other or pull them apart. Pushing a wedge on each end between the needles is a good way to do this slowly. This will stretch out and cause tearing inside the testicle which will cause high pain. This is also another good way to cause damage to the internals of a testicle. Doing this over time will widen the holes made by the needles and you should feel them become lose.

    3. Thanks for the reply I showed your post to hubby and we have decided to try larger needles. Thinking about it hypodermic needles are extremely sharp and designed to minimise pain.
      As for the burning I think this would be to destructive, this is my real-life husband that I love very much and want to keep it that way. I’m very sadistic and he is very much a masochist so some of our sessions can be extremely brutal and it can take him weeks to fully recover, so we usually play on Friday night, so he is able to attend work on Mondays.

      I think we will head to the shops tomorrow to find something in a larger diameter.

      I welcome any ideas you have for me to try I don’t mind causing a lot of damage he just needs to be able to recover intact.

      Regards Anita B

  3. Hi, I can understand you wish to minimize damage if that is your husband. I was thinking of a situation where you did not know or care much for the male so you could be destructive. The two methods I listed I have felt myself but were done to me by a woman who wanted to cause damage as well as high pain. That was her decision and I respect it. So I would only recommend those tortures be used on a male you did not care about.

    Another woman I know is married but likes to practice on my testicles. She likes to punish her husband very painfully so damage is a risk. She likes to try her ideas on me to see if they are safe first. This might be a good idea for you.

    So I think if you get thicker needles you can try to make them blunter so they cause more pain being pushed though. Then you could used a steal file to rub the sides of the needle to make it coarse. Then this will cause extra pain when they are twisted inside the testicle. You can push a needle right through so a few cm sticks out the other end then pull it back and forth while turning it to hurt him. Of strike the testicle when it has a few needles in it or push it down so it flattens a bit. This will move flesh over the rough needles to cause high pain.

    Another good method is to push the needle into the testicle enough so it can stand up then use a vibrator on it . Push down with the vibrator and use that to slowly push the needle though.

    1. I don’t mind causing damage I just don’t want to castrate him. I really like your idea with the vibrator and think the two needle through the testicle sounds like fun, I was thinking I could place elastic bands over the exposed ends of the needles to crush them internally. It wont work with the thin hypodermics so I cant try it tonight plus his sack is still to swollen from last night to be able position the needle properly, maybe next Friday.

      Regards Anita B

    2. Sounds like a good plan you have and I hope you get the pain you want. The idea of using and elastic band over the two needles will is very clever. I would fear that been done to my testicles and would probably be in massive pain from it. I found it was most painful when the needles were pushed together for a few minutes then pushed apart for a few. This put strain on different areas inside my testicle which I could clearly feel. I did struggle and needed to be tied down for that part.

      Yeah you right you would need to use thicker needles for that and maybe you could flick the testicle receiving this torture as the needles are pushed together? nice talking to you

    3. Hi Anita. I'm a woman who likes doing testicle punishmemts.
      Just a quick question. While talking about using needles on your husband you mentioned that you didn't want to cause serious damage and castrate him. I understand not wanting to castrate your husband because then he wouldn't be a man anymore and you love him very much. But would you consider completely destroying ONE of his balls? That way you could get the satisfaction of him losing a ball without making him a eunuch because you'd be leaving him with a ball.

    4. After reading your question together my husband said to me he is up for having one of his testicles destroyed if that would please me, but it is not something that I want. It is true that given the opportunity to crush another mans testicles I would jump at it. We play very hard and it is possible that one day I could accidentally go too far and destroy one. I want one in reserve just in case.
      So, I suppose I’m a bit of topic for this blog, but it has given me lots of inspiration and I hope Lucy doesn’t mind me posting here.
      If any women have ideas that they would like tested I can do this for you if it is something that turns me on and we must allow enough time for hubby to recover.

      Regards Anita B

    5. sorry. the comment at the bottom was meant to be a reply to yours.

  4. Hi Anita,

    I dont mind you posting at all it was very interesting to read your discussion and the ideas were really good. You are right to keep your husbands balls intact because even if you popped one then you would not be able to play harshly with him incase you ruined his last ball. I would be much better to find another man you do not know and rupture one of his testicles. Maybe try that to see if you enjoy rupture. I found it felt amazing to do. But lets see what the others think.

  5. Hello Anita. I'm a woman and I would also reccomend you try rupture on a different man. You should do it by squeezing the testicle with your hands and raise the pressure very slowly until you feel it burst open. Then work the testicle until it is flattened out. The pain the man feel as you rupture then flatten his ball is amazing and the rush is out of this world. You should try it for your own pleasure but it does make an amazing punishment.

    1. I'm the girl who suggested popping one of your husbands balls.
      I agree with Lucy and the other person. If you don't want to do it to him ask another guy you know. I've done it a ton of times and they've almost all said yes. One time I asked a man who already only had one testicle if I could pop it and he agreed.

    2. I talked to hubby about destroying another mans testicle and he has agreed but said he must be present at the time. Will be weird for us as we have never played with anyone else before. Finding someone will be difficult and I’m not sure about the legality’s off this. Anyway, it is not something we are going to rush into.

      I checked hubby’s scrotum this morning and most of the swelling has gone down, so it looks like I get to play again on Friday evening. Think I will try the two needles with rubber bands all I need to do is find some suitable needles.

      Regards Anita B

  6. As a man, could I dare to tell that the content of your discussions is very, very exciting...?

  7. I had to go to the city today, so I took the opportunity to visit a leather craft store that an anonymous user suggested. I wish I had known about this hobby before there were some truly nasty looking tools in this store it was very exciting.

    I ended up purchasing several needles of different diameters up to 2mm and a tool called a stitching awl. I’ve never seen anything like this before and can’t wait to try it.

    Some of the needles in the store had flat sides on them not sure what they are for but inserted into a testicle and twisted would be incredibly painful I imagine. I think it would probable do a lot of damage too. I think i will try these at a latter date, maybe just try one and see how well he mends.

    Cant wait for hubby to get home now to show him.

    Regards Anita B

    1. So hubby just arrived home and I showed him the new toys and believe it or not he was excited, this mans brain is wired different but I love it.

  8. Hi I'm a man. I must say these are very good instructions. I know many women who have punished men by rupturing and flattening their testicles and are very effective at causing men to lose their testicles. Ive heard some stories from these women and this is pretty much how they describe doing it.
    Plus I have experienced first hand what it is like to have my testicles flattened and it is a very painful and effective method. I suggest any woman who wants to punish a man with losing one or both of his testicles to follow this guide.

    1. Hi im a 23 year old woman. its great to hear that you support rupture! ive used it a few times myself and it is very effective to punish men with. not only is it extremely painful for them but it also causes the man a great loss to him. I wish more men could have a testicle ruptured and flattened and also that more women did this to men.

      You said that you have experienced testicle flattening? would you mind telling more about that?

    2. Hello 23 year old.

      I'm a different male call James and I have been reading this blog and thought I might help answer. About 6 months ago as punishment for a sexist joke I told I had my testicles both squeezed for over an hour then extra pressure was put on my left testicle to cause it to rupture. The pain of the squeezing was very extreme and I could feel ripping and sharp pin inside my balls. I needed to be tied down. I screamed and screamed from the pain and was overwhelmed as my testicle ruptured.

      I then felt her push into the testicle as it tear right open as it was flattened out. It was a sharp fire like pain as the bit of stuff inside the ball were forced out of the rupture hole. I could feel it all it was so painful. She made sure the whole ball was flat before stopping which took over half an hour. It took a fair bit of force to get the stuff inside to be ripped off the inside of my testicle wall and the last bits are what took the most to remove.

      It was painful but I deserved it and still agree with it. I am glad women like that are around and women need to know they are not alone in suppoartign fair punishment.

    3. Hi im the 23 year old woman. i hope you dont mind me saying this, but im glad you lost a ball for that sexism. it sounds like you took it well and that the woman was very skilled. ive punished a few men myself for being sexist or perverts and its a good thing to do. they usually learn there lesson afterward.

      what is it like having only one ball? are you less masculine or have less testosterone now? do you feel more vulnerable with only one testicle? If i knew you and you told me this story and i told you i wanted to take your last ball for it would you agree to that?

    4. Hi, I'm James.

      I dont mind you being glad I was punished. It is good that more women are gettign into this and performing ruptures. She was right to do it and I cooperated. I met her at her place and took off my clothes. I was then tied to a dining table to take the punishment. I understood it and apologized just before she started to apply pressure to my testicles. I did cry and scream from the pain but I did deserve it. It should be encouraged.

      Now I have one ball I still feel like I did before because I still have testosterone. Apartently when you lose a ball the other can start making more of that. My sperm count is much less as you would imagine. My genitals look different but I can still have sex. I have explained to a woman once that I was punished and she was ok with it.

      I do feel more vunerable as having one testicle does not stop me being punished. I ave since had the testicle pressed in a plastic vice by a friend when I was late picking her up and that was scary as the testicle was close to rupture but i recovered.

      It is your right as a woman to punish men so if you felt I deserved to lose my last testicle then that would be your choice. It would feel terrible feeling my last testicle rupture but that should not put you off doing it to me or other men.

    5. Hi it James. I would happily answer any other questions you have on my punishment if you like?

    6. Hi James. I'm a different woman called Emma. Could you explain a bit more about how you were tied down and give any advice on this punishment. I am thinking of doing this to a friend later on. Thank you James

    7. Hi Emma. I'm the other guy in this thread. the one that has experienced flattening. I wasn't tied up but if you're interested I can tell you what happened to me so you know what happens during an unplanned punishment and my experience could inform other women on here.

    8. Hi yeah that would be great please tell all.

    9. Well to give a little backstory about a year ago I had this amazing girlfriend who I had been with for about 8 months. But when we first started dating, I cheated on her. I regretted doing it so I never did it again and and never told her. One day she found out about it though and thats where the story comes in.

      One night me and her were hanging out. She was sitting right next to me and everything seems normal.

      But then all of a sudden she slammed her fist into my testicles. I was in pain so I sort of curled up. She then forcefully opened my legs and undid my pants. She then grabbed both of my testicles, one ball in each hand, and started to to crush them in her hands.
      I tried to get her to stop but I was in too much pain to talk or move. To squeezed for another few minutes until one of my testicles ruptured. She then squeezed it completely flat.
      Then she grabbed my
      Last testicle with both hands and started gouging her thumbs into it as hard as she could. With that it didn't take long for the other one to pop and she flattened that one out too. She then called 911 and I was sent to the hospital where I had both testicles removed.
      Thankfully my doctor was very nice and she told me that she had removed many testicle before so everything would be fine.

      Shortly after my girlfriend castrated me she dumped me because she said she didn't want to be with a eunuch.
      I was upset about the whole thing at first but eventually realized that I deserved it.

      I don't know if you have had any other castrated men comment here before but I would be happy to answer questions about what happens when a man loses both testicles.

    10. Hi its James again. Sorry for the late reply.
      The woman who punished me was someone I knew and I think the decision was a fair one. I am a feminist so supporting this punishment was the only correct action.
      I was tied to a table with my arms over my head and my legs apart so my testicles could be accessed. I was bound tight so I could move little. I would later feel the pain was so great that this was needed. The restraint also allows the punishment to be done slowly and the woman can take her time and go for high pain.
      Once restrained she explained my punishment once more then gripped my testicles and squeezed. Pressure was applied all over then she spent time pushing her thumb into my testicles at various points. This cased bruising and pin inside the testicles leading to intense swelling. I screamed from the pain.
      When both testicles were hevily swollen she selected one and built pressure on it. She allowed the side of the testicle to split open then slowly pushed deeper so I felt the tear slowly grow. She then pushed into the testicle at different points with her thumb pushing deeper until the testicle was flat at that point. This was the most painful part. I just shook and could not move my mouth to scream. The pain was extreme so this part should be prolonged when punishing a man.
      She kept pushing until the ball was flat and ruined. I then went to the hospital to have it removed.

  9. Hi I'm a 16 year old girl and I
    I very much like the post from the guy above mine. Its good to see a man agree so much with these kinds of severe punishments. Especially a man you has faced one of these punishemnts himself!

    1. Hi, I'm male and I too support testicle rupture as a form of punishment. I think a good number of men know this kind of punishment is needed and while I fear it I want to support it. As a man I would be scared to be tied down and feel a testicle slowly ruptured and flattened but it is a womans right.

      I am yet to face this kind of punishment but I have been sexist in the past and admit that. It was wrong and i know that i should be made to pay for it. it scares me to think about it but I know how I should pay.

    2. hi. im the 16 year old. im glad you are facing up to the fact that you have been sexist in the past. its good that even though you know you could be punished for it you are admitting your mistakes. but as a female i will admit that if i knew you a wouldnt hesitate you pop your balls if you had told me that. you seem like a nice guy but you deserve punishment.

    3. Hi, you are correct and you would be right to want to rupture one of my testicles and flatten it. Or both if you felt that was needed. I would still like to keep one testicle after I have been punished but that might not be possible.

      It is just so scary and i know it will be extremely painful and could take hours. I read about how a guys was kicked for over an hour and that sounded very painful or the twist could be done slowly as well. But you are right to want that done to me.

    4. If we met i would probably only pop one of them but i would make it as slow and painful as possible. im so sick of men thinking they can get away with talking down to women and being sexist. i have never let the kind of stuff youve said pass. a couple of years ago a oy i went to school with said something sexist to me and definately ended up regretting it.
      He was only wearing thin short and no underwear and we were alone so i grabbed his crotch through his shorts and i felt his junk and he only had one ball. i guess he had already been punished by another girl. so then i wrapped my hand around his ball and squeezed as hard as possible. he fell to ground and started begging me to let go. But i didnt. i continued making my grip tighter and tighter until i felt his testicle burst open in my hand. i then flattened it out to make sure it was destroyed. After i castrated him he never said another bad thing to a girl

  10. It sounds harsh but fair what you did to that guy. I can undstand your actions.

    I thought about your comment about me having one ball ruptured and flattened out slowly. I think that is fair. pain gets worse over time so prolonging it would make the punishment more effective. But you also need to be satisfied but my pain. I imagine as I felt the pressure and the pain I would think back to what I said. I could even repeat it and be sorry for it. Then the pain would build and I would suffer truely. Would you ever wish to comminicate as I suffered the punishment so I learned from it?

    I did wrong but rather than tryign to get away with it I want to be honest about it and punished fairly. If you would be happy with just one rupture then that would be good as I would still be a man but if both needed to be ruptured I would also understand. I want to be honest and take whatever is needed.

    1. im happy that you agree with this. and yes id communicate with you during punishment to humiliate you tell you and get the point across that what you said was wrong. also i may have said id only pop one but there is a good chance id pop the last one at a later time as well. just like that other guy i punished who had one ball, i think it would be fun to castrate a one balled guy again. plus you seem okay with these punishments so you would still talk to me. which is good because ive always wanted a eunuch man as a friend. they are just so much for kind and feminine than men with balls.

    2. Its good that there are becoming more women out there like you doing this. Do your friends do this as well? If so do you just do this to punish men or do you sometimes just do it for fun?

      As for wheather to rupture one testicle or two I really would leave it up to you. I would still take with you after a punishment anyway so a second punishment could be arranged.

      Just out of interest do you prefer kicking or squeezing to destroy bals.

  11. If I understood well Anita's husband was pierced with her new wicked needles last Friday? How did it go, Anita ?

    1. Unfortunately, I have nothing to report, our son decided to return to the roost for the weekend so it sort of ruined our plans although we had some light play after he departed on Sunday evening.

      I can give you a description of what we did on Sunday if you like but it was mild as he had to work the next day but was enough to please me.

      Regards Anita B

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Well we had to wait for our son to depart and of course he stayed for dinner, so it didn’t give us long to play
    One of the things I like to do when we are short on time is to work one of his testicles over with my thumb nail while he tries to masturbate to orgasm. This is something we do quite often, and he never knows if I’m going to let him have an enjoyable orgasm or a painful ruined one.
    So, we headed off to bed at about 8pm, I had him lie on his back and started to give him a hand job. After a few minutes of playing with his penis I moved on to his testicles just gently playing with them, enough to cause pain but not enough that he would lose his erection. I then instructed him to play with his penis and bring himself to the edge and when he told me he was getting close I increased the pressure on his balls to the point where he had to stop wanking and shrieked in pain. After about a minute of crushing I eased off and ordered him to start again. This time when I judged he was getting close I told him that I was going to ruin his orgasm for him and that I wanted is full cooperation in doing this. He does this by masturbating to the point of no return then removing his hand just before the 1st squirt of semen comes out.
    I had selected one off his testicles and as soon as I saw the 1st squirt of seamen I forced my thumb nail as hard as I could into the center of it I kept this up for thirty seconds or so all the time twisting my thumb to maximise the pain. His immediate reaction was to curl up into the fetal position and scream in pain. It took him a good 10 minutes to recover but as soon as he was able I put him to work orally servicing me.

    Regards Anita B


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