Q&A 7

In response to

Hi there! Firstly thank you for writing this. The posts are very helpful in discussing this important matter. I was would like to ask. If I squeeze a testicle until it ruptures should I continue squeezing? I mean should I stop as soon as I think it has "popped" or do I need to squeeze more to make sure it has been ruptured correctly? Thank you again!
Technically all you need to do is cause the testicle wall to split open and even a small rupture will render a man unable to hurt you under normal circumstances. But if you think he is on drugs then that may be different. In this situation a womans safety is more important so continuing to push into a testicle after it initially ruptures might be a good idea.
By continuing to push into the testicle you will enlarge the tear in the testicle wall and damage the structures inside the testicle. This will cause even more pain and the more you push the more pain you cause. As causing the rupture is your method of defense continuing to squeeze will make your defense more effective. If you push in enough you may force the insides of the testicle to leak out and you can even squeeze it flat if you choose. 
But the more damage you cause the more risk to the male receiving this. You may only want to push in a little more after rupture to get a good balance between effectiveness, pain caused and risk to his health. This would be the fairest option for both parties.
But I would say you need to be sure you have ruptured the testicle if you feel that is needed. If you are locked in a room then you will really need to disable him so rupture is an appropriate action to take. When the testicle ruptures you probably should continue a bit and feel the testicle deflate and change shape as you destroy it. Then when you feel it has been ruptured you can release the testicle. Its better to be safe so if you end up squeezing it flat then that is what you may have to do. There are many accounts of women who have ruptured testicles continuing to crush them and they report once the testicle ruptures then flattening it is much easier. So the option will be available to all women.
In summery continuing squeezing until you feel you have achieved your goal. Its probably safer for you to over do it then not squeeze enough.


  1. Hello. You have talked about rupturing the testicles which we have all heard about but you have also mentioned flattening them. Whats the difference and are their benefits to flattening the testicle instead of just rupturing it? Would a benefit be more pain for the man and more chance he would lose the testicle? So if I wanted to destroy them would you recommend I flatten both testicles instead of just rupturing them?

  2. Hey! Thank you so much for all this info. I want to ask please. If I wanted to rupture both testicles how would be easiest? Would I grab both and squeeze or do one at a time.


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