Restraining a man before Rupture


Recently we went into detail about how to use testicle rupture to good effect. We talked about how to slowly torture and weaken a testicle, how to cause a controlled rupture. Then how to use PRT to carefully dismantle to testicle in a way the prolongs and maximizes pain.


The guide was well received and helped women to get better results from sessions of punishment. I believe it was understood and provided a good knowledge base for a woman planning on using rupture now or in the future. I also wanted to help normalize the practice of rupture and PRT and encourage discussion around how they can be used as part of fair discipline.


So I think it was a good technical guide but one thing I have seen discussed is how to talk to a man about this. How do you tell a man you plan to rupture one of his testicles? How do you prepare to do it? And how to do it safely (I’m talking the woman’s safety here).


This is a complex subject and one that will take a few articles to cover but I would today like to cover one way of dealing with this. Rupture is an extremely painful punishment, it is because of this pain that we use it. There is also the realization for the man that he will lose a testicle, so bringing it up is a big deal.


One way to deal with this is rather than just telling the man your plan you restrain him first. Lets say you want to kick a mans testicles until rupture. Just tell him you want to discuss an offense and that you want him to be restrained first. You can even down play the situation by saying its only a small issue. Or lie if you want and say his testicle wont be damaged.


Then Tie him with his legs apart so he is prepared for kicking. This should be normal as men are usually restrained even for smaller punishments so this should not be new for him. Then once he is restrained you then have him at your mercy. The power is with the woman in this situation so the woman can debate from a position of power. This should allow for a more fair and equitable discussion about the case and discussion about punishment.


With the male restrained a woman should feel safer and more confident to bring up what the man did wrong and talk to him about it. Then she should find bringing up the topic of rupture and post rupture torture much easier as well. Rupture can be difficult for a woman to raise and this can put some off doing so but in this position it should be easier for her. Torturing a ruptured testicle is extremely painful so men get consumed with fear when it is mentioned. But it is a legitimate punishment method and women should feel safe discussing it.


Another thing is that in this position if a man is not cooperating of behaving with respect then penis burning can easily be applied. If the male is begging excessively or complaining about rights ect. Then its good practice to have a session of penis burning to encourage him to behave from now on. Also as he is tied it will be easier to hold the candle to his penis and make sure he takes good burns. Then the session can last as long as is required and the end result will be better.


Also as the male is tied in a position to receive punishment he will be expecting it so should be more accepting of your decision. This means your decision to rupture a testicle will be easier for him to take. This will make for a better conversation much easier for both parties. This should also make women feel more comfortable about talking about PRT to the man’s face and coming up with more complex, longer and more painful ways to destroy a testicle.


Then there are times when a man wants to resist but as he is tied he will not be able to do anything to stop the punishment happening. So he can be slowly destroyed as she protests.




If when tied you bring up rupture and a man says it was not fair to tie him or objects to the way you have done things then this shows you were right to tie him. The man has shown that he would be difficult so tying him first was needed. But if the man is reasonable then he will understand why the woman did this and be prepared to enter a conversation about a testicle punishment including rupture. Then the punishment can be applied easily and in a way that is safe for the woman. Women have a right to feel safe as they discuss or carry out these punishments so tying a man first is a good way to help that.




  1. Having actually castrated two men and ruptured one testicle of a third I can agree restraining men before discussing their punishments with them is often a good idea. Some men, especially ones not familiar with ideas of female supremacy and male punishment, can be quite argumentative and having them tied up can help steer the course of the discussion.

    1. I'm male and I have to admit that testicle rupture is very scary and a man who is facing it is a bit of a flight risk or would probably try anything to get you to change your mind. So this would help in those situaitions and make it much easier for the woman to then rupture the mans testicle and punish him.

    2. What kinds of positions would be best for restraining a male. Would it be best to restrain a male to a chair? Are there special chair types best for this so the testicles are very available for torture and the man's legs are secured and spread far apart? I imagine the man would need to be secured around the arms and chest too. Possibly a type of gag would be best too to limit annoying comments while it is happening.

    3. I find that having the man tied standing with his hands above his head or behind him and legs widely spread leaves his testicles most accessible. A chair could be useful if the man is to have his testicles crushed or stomped on.

    4. There are many different positions and methods of restraining a man for harsh punishments, which may be a good blog idea. Ultimately, the method and position should be based on whatever the woman prefers and how she plans on punishing the man. Personally, I really enjoy restraining a man in an elevated kneeling type position (sort of a chair that has a back but no seat and forces legs spread in a kneeling position) with his legs, arms and back secured so as to minimize any meaningful movement. This places his torso and testicles at a lower height than a standing position, which enhances the impact of kicks and knees depending on relative heights. At the same time, it leaves his testicles completely open to punches, squeezing, and most punishment tools (testicle crushers, needles, etc). The only thing that it isn't good for is stomping/crushing (with feet). I definitely support gags to limit any loud screaming or annoying begging/noises.

    5. i prefer the guy restraining in a standing position with his legs spread wide. it’s a good position to knee him in the balls, kick him and when i sit in front of him on a chair his balls are easily accessible.

  2. How should a male with a very long scrotum be restrained? If he was tied up in  a standing position and his testicles were very low hanging, they would be difficult to trap against his body with kicks.

    1. My advice for heavy low hanging testicles would be to tightly bind his testicles at the bottom of his sack and heat them up as much as possible so his sack retracts into his pelvis. Tying them up prevents the testicles from moving around the sack when kicked, kneed, punched, etc. Heating them up with whatever available method (hot water, heating creams, heating the ambient air, etc) keeps his sack closer to his pelvic floor, which makes trapping them against his pelvic floor during kicks, knees, etc easier. These methods work very well. I hope this helps.

    2. The scrotum could be tied up so all of its contents are forced to the bottom of the sac. The testicles could then be caned or whipped.

    3. If I need punished, a friend of mine loves to put my balls tight in my sack by tying a shoelace around them. She also wants me to wear small spandex shorts, so my balls become a visible target. I can tell you she can kick them hard if I deserve it.

  3. I'm a man and I accept that men do often resist or try to object to testicle punishment even when its not too destructive. then when that punishment is testicular rupture then this is worse. I think restraining the man first is a good way to go. Then the woman can feel safer and more free to bring up the subject of rupture and a discussion can happen around it. Women should feel safe in these situations and if men dont want to have a ball ruptured then they should behave.

  4. What is to be done with the penis to get it out of the way? My idea is to restrain the man lying on a slight incline but don't like to be bothered by the penis getting in the way.

    1. If a man's penis gets in the way during his punishment, by being particularly long for example, it could be taped up to his stomach. Then it would be out of the way of his testicles and they could be properly punished without distraction. Or he could be kicked from behind so his testicles would be exposed no matter how large his penis was.

    2. I find my boyfriend's penis offers no real protection to his balls, even though it is a good size. While it usually doesn't get in the way, sometimes when I want my kicks to be especially on target I kick him from behind. I have him leaning forward against a wall which leaves his testicles hanging well exposed for my kicks. As an added benefit he can't see when the next kick is coming so each blow is a surprise.

  5. I completely agree with you Lucy and am happy to see you are still writing these blogs, which are very entertaining and helpful. It can't be overemphasized that the safety of women should be the paramount concern and I'm glad that you have also emphasized that a woman's comfort is enhanced by restraining a man during rupture punishments.

    All of your blog posts show that women's safety and comfort in society is the paramount concern and I have always appreciated how you frame issues from a female perspective and provide punishment methods that prioritize the safety, comfort and happiness of women. At the same time, you equitably address the concerns of men, which ensures that punishments are fair. Most of the time, we only hear about these punishments from a limited and selfish male perspective.

    Great advice to encourage women to think tactically and employ deception against a man so they can place themselves in a safe and comfortable position of power while they discuss, determine and carry out their chosen punishment. No woman should feel unsafe or uncomfortable during the process and men should support and comply with the woman's decision. Men should be further punished with penis burning or any other punishment necessary to discourage this bad behavior.

    1. hi Amy I'm a man who recently discoverd this blog. After reading your comment one thing I agree on is the equitability part. The punishment's you discuss are very intense but they are also fair. you seem to want men punished for crimes in a way that is harsh but fair and I am forced to accept you have a point. Men to behave badly but rupture is a good deterent then it is a good way to make a man accountable.

      Then if you are being fair to men then women deserve to feel safe as they punish men. Rupture and prolonged torture of a ruptured testicle is extremely painful so a man will need to be restrained for this. I think its good to promote harsh but fair punishments to men and safety of women that way both parties are respected.

    2. Thanks for sharing with us Amy and I am glad to hear from you again. As a man I value women's safely and comfort and fully support women using whatever means possible to ensure that men are punished as women see fit. Men should be restrained so women are in the position of power to decide how they should be punished.

    3. Thanks for commenting Amy. I agree that a woman's safety is the most important thing and restraining men is the best so women are in complete control.Women should feel comfortable and safe enough to sentence a man to PRT to his face and discuss painful ways of destroying his balls. Men are selfish and should not object to their punishments and women should feel more empowered to use PRT and penis burning so that punishments are fair.

  6. I'm a man and a woman I know is coming to my town. She has mentioned that I am to face penis burning. She didnt mention my testicles just that penis burning will be used on me. I would like to ask how is it normally done? I heard a candle is used but does the flame touch my skin or how long is it done for? I'm a bit scared so was wondering what I am about to face. Thank you.

  7. I am interested in having the man on the floor on hands and knees. Then attaching elastic cords to a collar above the testicles pulling them downward to anchor spots (separated) on each side on the floor. This way the testicles will be pulled, stretched down and perfect to be kicked or slapped and each time they would return to the same position This way they would continuously return to the same position for then next kick!

    1. Thanks for sharing this creative punishment position, which has inspired me and hopefully others as well. This should hasten a man's testicles returning to position after each kick/knee/punch and having each testicle individually anchored and bound would minimize the dissipation of force on each kick/knee/punch, since the testicles would not be able to slip/roll away. Additionally, the man would feel the constant pain of having his testicles bound and stretched during the course of the punishment as well as the jarring/tearing force of each kick/knee/punch driving the testicles away from their respective anchor points. I feel like I might have seen this somewhere before but I can't remember where. Feel free to post any other creative positions/punishments.

    2. I hope you women dont mind a man adding some thoughts? As a man having the testicles bound so the scrotum is pulled tight and them pulled away from the body is very disturbing. Then doing this with them isolated so each testicle is bound separatly makes this worse. You see everything is smooth inside the scrotum so when a testicle is struck they move around to avoid damage but what you a re proposing stops that and causes all the force of an impact to be absorbed by a testicle this hugely increaes pain and damage.

      This especially causes more of the force to travel into the testicle meaning more internal damage, internal bleeding. Also extra stress is causes on the testicle wall meaning it will be much easier to cause a rupture.

      Also a man would know that if he were to face this rupture would be very likey so it would be a good deterrent and it would help a woman to more easily punish a man. Especially as rupture is often desired by women during punishent sessions

    3. I think you can infer our intent pretty well based on your description, right? ;) When a woman decides that a man should be punished that is that. He needs to fully comply with the terms of his punishment and has no right to defend himself. The punishment should focus on maximizing pain and/or damage (especially for ruptures/castration). This involves avoiding any way for a man to intentionally or unintentionally avoid damage to his balls even if it is a natural anatomical defense mechanism. We definitely don't want your balls to escape or minimize any damage during a punishment. This would be very unfair and disrespectful to the woman administering the punishment. Not only that but it is very annoying and frustrating to not be able to properly administer a punishment because a man moves/flinches/ or his balls slip away. It takes so much time and energy to properly train a man to maintain a mostly constant state of vulnerability during a standard non destructive punishment, let alone rupture and castration. Men just aren't capable of maintaining full vulnerability throughout a harsh punishment so the use of restraints is completely essential. Men should welcome being restrained during harsh punishments as it makes it easier on the woman and ensures the most pain and damage can be inflicted. Don't you agree?

    4. HI Mia I do agree about restraint. I'm a man and not long ago I was sentenced to 40 kicks to my testicles. The woman wore hard shoes designed to add to my pain. I was terrified as I was tied up with my legs apart and my balls exposed. Then as the kicks started my body failed me after litterlly 3 kicks so the ropes held me in place. There is no way I would have been able to take that kind of pain without restraint so the ropes were essential. Looking back it ws good I was restrained as there is now way I could have stood for 40 kicks plus it made things easier for the woman.

  8. Hey Lucy, thanks for the good post but I was wondering if you could weigh in on the best methods of restraining a man. What do you think? Are you going to be posting a new story soon on your subscribestar page? It has been a while since the last post on Sept 18th 2022.

  9. How do I find Lucy's? Subscribestar

    1. There is not sure if its the same person or not. They do stories featuring ballbusting and rupture.

    2. Yes that definitely Lucy's subscribestar. She used to have a patreon. Good stories just wish there were more.

  10. Excellent advice as always Lucy and thanks for all the great advice and instruction that you provide to women. I love all the engaging comments especially the thoughts and suggestions of women who follow your advice. It is a great thing to see and I hope to see more engagement and posts. Even though I fully support your advice and think all women should follow it I find it very unfortunate at the same time. Please let me explain. As a man, I was raised to have the highest respect and appreciation for women. I was taught to listen to women's feelings and trust their judgement so I find it very unfortunate that a woman would need to look out for her own safety in 2022 when it comes to something so common and simple as punishing a man. I personally believe that all women should be able to feel safe and secure enough to discuss any form of punishment, even the most painful PRT, with a man who is unrestrained. Women should feel no fear or shame in looking a man in the eye and telling him how he will be punished, if she wishes to be direct with him. To be clear, I fully support a woman's desire to lie to a man about his punishment if she wants to but she shouldn't need to do that to protect herself. As a man it is extremely painful and terrifying to be sentenced to harsh ballbusting punishments but as men we should trust a woman's judgement and resist our selfish desire to escape pain. Men should desire to be restrained during harsh punishments so they do not unfairly interfere with the punishment or accidentally cause the woman to hurt herself. Men cannot help but resist the pain and restraints helps us to obey. One time I accidentally injured a woman who was kicking me in the balls repeatedly as a punishment when I instinctively closed my leg and raised my right knee to protect my balls. The woman ended up hurting her right foot. Fortunately she didn't break any bones or get hurt too badly but this should never happen so I wanted to confess this and make everyone aware so that other women do not suffer unnecessarily.

    1. You make a good point KJ but we have to remember to be realistic and safe. The experience you shared highlights the importance of safety and I feel bad for that woman. Hopefully you were punished harshly for hurting her like that. Aside from the added safety, it is so fun restraining a man and then letting him know his punishment when he can no longer escape it. Most men would try to escape it so it is best to not take any chances.

    2. Glad to hear your thoughts Mia. The woman was very upset with me, especially when she injured her foot/toes so she extended my punishment to 30 additional kicks. Before hurting her foot, she was kicking me barefoot but then switched to sneakers for the remainder of the kicks. She also tied my legs apart and my hands behind my back for the remainder of the punishment. She is a football player with very powerful kicks that became even more devastating with her sneakers and her angered state. The punishment was extremely painful and my balls were very swollen for several days afterward. I massaged her feet after the punishment and have apologized to her many times. She seemed satisfied with my punishment and I think I learned a lesson.

    3. I don't blame her for being pissed off at you for hurting her like that but I am a bit surprised you weren't punished more harshly than just 30 more kicks. Personally I think you got off too easy and should have received AT LEAST 60 more kicks. I definitely would not have went so easy on you. You do seem remorseful so that's good.

  11. Lucy posted a new story on her subscribestar today! Thanks Lucy!

  12. For Amy Above
    Another kind slightly different way of doing things would be to:
    Get the male on all fours, tie a stiff thread to a soft rubber or plastic collar above the testicles and attach the stiff thread to a nail on the floor. That way they would be stretched and held in the exact position for the woman.
    As the woman delivers the kick, the testicles would be momentarily held in the exact position to absorb the most from her kick until the thread holding them in place for her breaks.!
    I suppose the male would need to be bent over a kind of bar or something to hold him in place or he would fall after every kick.

    1. This sounds nearly identical to the restraint method I commented on above but I appreciate the exchange of suggestions and ideas. After giving the testicle stretch and anchor restraint method some thought and trying it out on my boyfriend, I definitely recommend it as a punishment but would caution everyone that if the testicles are anchored too firmly and kicked/kneed too hard you might tear his cords. That is not really my preferred method of destroying testicles but the constant stretching/tearing sensation during the punishment made it fun for me between kicks and knees. Seems like a good idea to confuse the nerves with different pain sensations if you want to maximize pain during a harsh punishment. Either way it is fun to observe the different pain reactions/responses and just mix things up. I still love the challenge and satisfaction of trapping testicles against a guy's pelvic floor, especially when his torso is restrained so little to no force is dispersed. This has a special place in my heart! Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions.

    2. Hi Amy,
      I'm so pleased you were able to try out this new type of restraint on your boyfriend. I must say I'm intrigued by the damage a woman could inflict to a man's testicles with this method. At the same time I would want to be careful with his cords, because if they got snipped by accident would be far too quick and easy for him.

    3. It's great to hear back from you Val! In the spirit of enjoying the holiday season and de-stressing myself, I have actually tried a number of new punishments and restraint methods on my boyfriend as of late. You can say he has been my stress relief and test dummy allot as of late. As I have stated before, I love to mix things up and try new things. This creates excitement and suspense. Otherwise punishments can get too boring and predictable. To me, the most effective and exciting punishments are not only very physically painful and damaging but they are also psychologically stimulating and damaging.

      Trying the testicle stretch and anchor restraint method was definitely a fun and unique experience, which has impressed on me how easily you can damage a guy's testicle cords with powerful kicks and knees. This is definitely the quick and easy way out for a man getting castrated, which isn't nearly painful enough. It has also opened my eyes to testicle stretching as a component of punishments, which is more uncomfortable/painful than I thought. This is far from my favorite punishment but it seems to get a pretty decent pain response when you really yank the testicles hard and twist or anchor them down tightly. The pain is pretty constant, which is helpful in between kicks/punches/knees/squeezes/etc and when you are taking a break.

      Wrapping things up for now, I am pleased to report that I was finally able to do some testicle skewering for the first time. I was a little nervous but I had fun and everything went well for me. I will definitely be doing it again and can confidently recommend it as a great punishment method. My boyfriend's fears were not misplaced. Haha

    4. It the testicles were restrained only with weak thread or with elastic bands that could stretch and move position, wouldn't that keep the cords from being pulled too hard? I would love to hear of your test results!

    5. It's good to hear you've been busy trying out new things with your boyfriend. De-stressing before holidays is so important. Speaking of new things, you've sold me on testicle stretching. I'll have to give it a try some time. Hanging my boyfriend by his balls does intrigue me as an idea.

      I'm glad your testicle skewering experience went well. I'm sure you had a lot of fun sticking the needles in and I'm sure your boyfriend's testicles looked great with needles embedded in them, however many there were. It is both very painful and damaging for the man so it does make for a great punishment.

  13. For Amy. I cannot explain why I wanted to do this, but, I could elaborate a little about sticking things into the testicles. I once was the object of interest in an online group of women doing sexually sadistic things to men. I mentioned that it is possible to inject the testicles with sterile saline without hurting them permanently. They seemed interested.
    So I did it for them.
    I cannot explain completely the strange compulsion I feel to do these things for a woman or at a woman's suggestion, but know it somehow is a very powerful thing. And it is somehow right. It is a woman's right to do sexually sadistic things to a male if she chooses.
    After making sure everything was clean and sterile using iodine and alcohol pads, I
    used diabetic needles and syringes to inject a total of 3 ml into each testicle, making sure the girls could watch. The effect did make them increase in size a lot. I hurt and ached. It took about an hour for the saline to dissipate. It was like having my testicles squeezed, from the inside!
    It made it worthwhile that some said they did sexual things and came looking at the pictures I sent them!

    I cannot really recommend this for anyone, but the experience for me was good because they liked it and I didn't suffer any lasting damage.


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